KKKris KKKobach


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Trump supported Kris Kobach is from my state. Our high schools competed in the same league. His daddy owned a car dealership in Topeka and Kris Kobach is a white supremacist.

This guy was our state AG during a republican adminstration and he was breaking laws.

But trump don't care about no steenkin laws. And he just loves his white supremacist brethren.

IM2STUPIDTOINSULT posts another asinine thread accusing someone of racism as if anyone gives a shit what a jabbering retarded black bigot says.
IM2STUPIDTOINSULT posts another asinine thread accusing someone of racism as if anyone gives a shit what a jabbering retarded black bigot says.
Prove the OP incorrect. "His daddy owned a car dealership in Topeka and Kris Kobach is a white supremacist." Namely the latter.
Prove the OP incorrect. "His daddy owned a car dealership in Topeka and Kris Kobach is a white supremacist." Namely the latter.
You bed wetting pieces of shit need to prove he's guilty.

You cock suckers consistently prove my assertions that you're jabbering retards correct with every post.

IM2STUPIDTOINSULT posts another asinine thread accusing someone of racism as if anyone gives a shit what a jabbering retarded black bigot says.
Prove the OP incorrect. "His daddy owned a car dealership in Topeka and Kris Kobach is a white supremacist." Namely the latter.
When someone asserts that Kobach is a white supremacist, it's on the skeptical to accept it or disprove it? LMFAO! All accusations are treated as true until disproven?

The fact of the matter is that the article cited doesn't even prove that whoever was vetting Kobach on trump's behalf believed him to be a white supremacist. Here is the actual quote:

" Axios got the vetting docs and wrote, “One heading in the document about Kris Kobach, in the running for Homeland Security Secretary, listed “white supremacy” as a vulnerability. It cited accusations from past political opponents that he had ties to white supremacist groups.” "

This could mean that whoever was doing the vetting considered Kobach to be a white supremacist, or it could mean that those vetting Kobach considered the fact that the Democrats had been at work creating the perception that he is one, as something that presented a clear and significant political vulnerability. However, one has to wonder why, if the point of that portion of the document was to say that Kobach WAS, in fact, a white supremacist, wouldn't there be a more explicitly worded quote in the article? Given the headline and the overall thrust of the writing, painting Kobach as a white supremacist and Trump as someone who would knowingly back a white supremacist was the obvious purpose, so why not present the information allegedly in the document that proves this? IMO, you kids have probably been caught by some slimy journalistic framing games that give you partial quotes and cherry picked information, while omitting exculpatory context, in order to push a narrative.
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Prove the OP incorrect. "His daddy owned a car dealership in Topeka and Kris Kobach is a white supremacist." Namely the latter.
You bed wetting pieces of shit need to prove he's guilty.

You cock suckers consistently prove my assertions that you're jabbering retards correct with every post.

Take him apart based on what he says, not what you assume he is saying. When you just throw around insults, you don’t do much but prove the points he is trying to make about some folks. Take the time to read what the man posted and attack that.
I‘m not sure whether the fruit you’re going after is low-hanging or “strange”.

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