"Knockout"... Tell me why these aren't Hate Crimes?...

I still can't seem to find videos of packs of Whites Randomly Assaulting Blacks on the Street...

Has anyone?...



Probably because they are too frightened to do that and not angry enough. Anger is being expressed by Black youth in a very stupid and dangerous way.

It's not anger. They aren't angry. They are having fun. They are desentized by drugs just having fun. Unfortunately there is a culture who says they have some sort of right to do this and that right can be justified by being angry.

Jesus Christ make up your mind!

Thug culture sucks. It is everywhere. From Trayvon to the white punk loser next door.

Focusing on black youth alone is silly. They may do it in a higher percentage of cases, but we know why...so what?
New Jersey Teens come up with a new game called "Knockout" - YouTube

I am Certain the Liberal Media tried REALLY hard to find Video of Packs of White Youth doing this to Blacks...

But those Videos just don't seem to be Surfacing.

This is probably the most Disturbing News Report I've seen on this issue.

Maybe it's going to start being taken Seriously now.

This shit was going on Regularly in Denver a few years back and it's been going on from Coast to Coast in almost every Urban area.

I Garundamntee you that if the Races were Reversed we'd have a "National Epidemic" on our hands of "Racism".

I'd be really Careful White Liberals about what you want to Hide about what's going in this Country. I Applaud this News Outlet for covering it, but the Liberals in the National Media aren't going to say a Damned thing.

There may start to be a Backlash against this crap and that's not going to end well for anyone.



Liberal Media? There is no liberal media.
The usual suspects certainly are happy. After all, they found a video that allows them to proclaim themselves the ultimate victims. That's all they want out of life, for everyone to acknowledge what poor little victims they are.

Trouble is you can only cry wolf so many times before everyone just ignores you. They passed that limit long ago. So now they're limited to these crying jags in little victimhood cliques on message boards.
While I agree with most of what you say you miss the first step in troubleshooting a problem. Why is this happening? No one should ever say "someone else is keeping me from succeeding". However, you would be a big fool not to acknowledge how the situation came about. The fact is that slavery and Jim Crow decimated the Black family. Ingrained societal norms still effect how people perceive you and cause more roadblocks. When whites understand to simple be quiet and stop denying it then that would probably get rid of a lot of anger.

Ancient history.
Let me allow to illuminate - today, perceived racism is causing more damage to black people than REAL racism did in the last century. And liberal social programs of the 1960's and 70's virtually shutdown any chance of advancement. It created a generation of dependence and excuse makers.
There is no argument, none, that racism held back black people until civil rights laws were passed. After that, things began to dramatically improve. If you know any history of your race, then you know the tremendous strides that were taking place in the 60's. It was far from where it should be, you bet - but change was happening - and fast. Then enter blindly stupid social engineering of the late 60'-70's and the race stagnated. And remains there still today.
However, as I also tell my children - YOU are the most responsible for your success - and YOU are the most responsible for your failure. Blame only solves the problem in your mind...but only in your mind.
The race MUST reverse the amoral behavior and most importantly - address the collapse of the family.

You just admitted you perceive Black people differently or is that somehow different? Racism didn't go away because of Civil Rights. You can't legislate how people feel and think due to ingrained norms. Those views have to change and its pretty much going to be a gradual process. Anything that reaffirms your previous racist beliefs will just snap you back to square one. its human nature.

I don't perceive black people differently, don't know where you get that.
But I do see that you continue to skirt the real issue and try to make this about me. You make my case for me. You simply cannot acknowledge a problem without making it someone else's fault.
Ancient history.
Let me allow to illuminate - today, perceived racism is causing more damage to black people than REAL racism did in the last century. And liberal social programs of the 1960's and 70's virtually shutdown any chance of advancement. It created a generation of dependence and excuse makers.
There is no argument, none, that racism held back black people until civil rights laws were passed. After that, things began to dramatically improve. If you know any history of your race, then you know the tremendous strides that were taking place in the 60's. It was far from where it should be, you bet - but change was happening - and fast. Then enter blindly stupid social engineering of the late 60'-70's and the race stagnated. And remains there still today.
However, as I also tell my children - YOU are the most responsible for your success - and YOU are the most responsible for your failure. Blame only solves the problem in your mind...but only in your mind.
The race MUST reverse the amoral behavior and most importantly - address the collapse of the family.

You just admitted you perceive Black people differently or is that somehow different? Racism didn't go away because of Civil Rights. You can't legislate how people feel and think due to ingrained norms. Those views have to change and its pretty much going to be a gradual process. Anything that reaffirms your previous racist beliefs will just snap you back to square one. its human nature.

I don't perceive black people differently, don't know where you get that.
But I do see that you continue to skirt the real issue and try to make this about me. You make my case for me. You simply cannot acknowledge a problem without making it someone else's fault.

My bad. You never answered my question. I got that from here.

I don't assume every black male is like the 70% bad apples...but you have to understand - that only leaves 30% of you with acceptable behavior.

Did you write that? You also seem to forget I did acknowledge the problem but we cant let stuff like the truth get in the way can we?
The fact is that slavery and Jim Crow decimated the Black family. Ingrained societal norms still effect how people perceive you and cause more roadblocks. When whites understand to simple be quiet and stop denying it then that would probably get rid of a lot of anger.

No black man would make a horseshit claim like this....slavery CREATED the American black "family"....slaves bred and formed family groups....few were sold away to split up the family...more historical fiction. What destroyed the black family was the welfare Aid to Dependent Children which increased payments for single-mother households....this jettisoned the black man from the family....the kids grew up without a father figure enabling gang leaders to serve that role. This clown want whites to "be quiet" and accept the scam being run on them by race-pimps who have no intention of accomplishing real integration. The fact that blacks mature much earlier, intimidate weaker whites, and then also die earlier because of inferior genetics is ignored. Blacks might remember they're outnumbered 9-1 in this country and if they want to push things into a race war they'll be exterminated by the bushel.
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The fact is that slavery and Jim Crow decimated the Black family. Ingrained societal norms still effect how people perceive you and cause more roadblocks. When whites understand to simple be quiet and stop denying it then that would probably get rid of a lot of anger.

No black man would make a horseshit claim like this....slavery CREATED the American black "family"....slaves bred and formed family groups....few were sold away to split up the family...more historical fiction. What destroyed the black family was the welfare Aid to Dependent Children which increased payments for single-mother households....this jettisoned the black man from the family....the kids grew up without a father figure enabling gang leaders to serve that role. This clown want whites to "be quiet" and accept the scam being run on them by race-pimps who have no intention of accomplishing real integration. The fact that blacks mature much earlier, intimidate weaker whites, and then also die earlier because of inferior genetics is ignored. Blacks might remember they're outnumbered 9-1 in this country and if they want to push things into a race war they'll be exterminated by the bushel.

This has so many dumb points it makes me tired just thinking about addressing it. I didn't know that people this stupid still existed.
The fact is that slavery and Jim Crow decimated the Black family. Ingrained societal norms still effect how people perceive you and cause more roadblocks. When whites understand to simple be quiet and stop denying it then that would probably get rid of a lot of anger.

No black man would make a horseshit claim like this....slavery CREATED the American black "family"....slaves bred and formed family groups....few were sold away to split up the family...more historical fiction. What destroyed the black family was the welfare Aid to Dependent Children which increased payments for single-mother households....this jettisoned the black man from the family....the kids grew up without a father figure enabling gang leaders to serve that role. This clown want whites to "be quiet" and accept the scam being run on them by race-pimps who have no intention of accomplishing real integration. The fact that blacks mature much earlier, intimidate weaker whites, and then also die earlier because of inferior genetics is ignored. Blacks might remember they're outnumbered 9-1 in this country and if they want to push things into a race war they'll be exterminated by the bushel.

This has so many dumb points it makes me tired just thinking about addressing it. I didn't know that people this stupid still existed.

Yeah well, that's either your sickle cell anemia kickin in or the fact you just got your O-reo ass booted sonny boy. Like I said, when the white man feels no recourse but to end these gutless dogpile attacks, it will be dealt with like we used to deal with it on Woodward Ave....with pump shotguns.
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No black man would make a horseshit claim like this....slavery CREATED the American black "family"....slaves bred and formed family groups....few were sold away to split up the family...more historical fiction. What destroyed the black family was the welfare Aid to Dependent Children which increased payments for single-mother households....this jettisoned the black man from the family....the kids grew up without a father figure enabling gang leaders to serve that role. This clown want whites to "be quiet" and accept the scam being run on them by race-pimps who have no intention of accomplishing real integration. The fact that blacks mature much earlier, intimidate weaker whites, and then also die earlier because of inferior genetics is ignored. Blacks might remember they're outnumbered 9-1 in this country and if they want to push things into a race war they'll be exterminated by the bushel.

This has so many dumb points it makes me tired just thinking about addressing it. I didn't know that people this stupid still existed.

Yeah well, that's either your sickle cell anemia kickin in or the fact you just got your O-reo ass booted sonny boy. Like I said, when the white man feels no recourse but to end these gutless dogpile attacks, it will be dealt with like we used to deal with it on Woodward Ave....with pump shotguns.

Like most white racist trash you wont do anything but talk until you turn blue then red in the face. Practically everyone knows your type are cowards and inbred mommas boys..
What happened to the days when kids toilet papered a house or gave someone a wedgie?

What a dangerous game. They are dumber than a box of rocks
While I agree with most of what you say you miss the first step in troubleshooting a problem. Why is this happening? No one should ever say "someone else is keeping me from succeeding". However, you would be a big fool not to acknowledge how the situation came about. The fact is that slavery and Jim Crow decimated the Black family. Ingrained societal norms still effect how people perceive you and cause more roadblocks. When whites understand to simple be quiet and stop denying it then that would probably get rid of a lot of anger.

Ancient history.
Let me allow to illuminate - today, perceived racism is causing more damage to black people than REAL racism did in the last century. And liberal social programs of the 1960's and 70's virtually shutdown any chance of advancement. It created a generation of dependence and excuse makers.
There is no argument, none, that racism held back black people until civil rights laws were passed. After that, things began to dramatically improve. If you know any history of your race, then you know the tremendous strides that were taking place in the 60's. It was far from where it should be, you bet - but change was happening - and fast. Then enter blindly stupid social engineering of the late 60'-70's and the race stagnated. And remains there still today.
However, as I also tell my children - YOU are the most responsible for your success - and YOU are the most responsible for your failure. Blame only solves the problem in your mind...but only in your mind.
The race MUST reverse the amoral behavior and most importantly - address the collapse of the family.

You just admitted you perceive Black people differently or is that somehow different? Racism didn't go away because of Civil Rights. You can't legislate how people feel and think due to ingrained norms. Those views have to change and its pretty much going to be a gradual process. Anything that reaffirms your previous racist beliefs will just snap you back to square one. its human nature.

So you think thugs assaulting little old white men and little old white ladies is going to help change how people perceive blacks and their culture. Groovy. Don't hold your breath.
What happened to the days when kids toilet papered a house or gave someone a wedgie?

What a dangerous game. They are dumber than a box of rocks

It is a dangerous game. Someone on an anticoagulant can have a brain bleed from getting hit or hitting their head on the ground like that. And these are not young people being assaulted. Some of them are fairly old.

Where are the elder abuse laws anyway?
Ancient history.
Let me allow to illuminate - today, perceived racism is causing more damage to black people than REAL racism did in the last century. And liberal social programs of the 1960's and 70's virtually shutdown any chance of advancement. It created a generation of dependence and excuse makers.
There is no argument, none, that racism held back black people until civil rights laws were passed. After that, things began to dramatically improve. If you know any history of your race, then you know the tremendous strides that were taking place in the 60's. It was far from where it should be, you bet - but change was happening - and fast. Then enter blindly stupid social engineering of the late 60'-70's and the race stagnated. And remains there still today.
However, as I also tell my children - YOU are the most responsible for your success - and YOU are the most responsible for your failure. Blame only solves the problem in your mind...but only in your mind.
The race MUST reverse the amoral behavior and most importantly - address the collapse of the family.

You just admitted you perceive Black people differently or is that somehow different? Racism didn't go away because of Civil Rights. You can't legislate how people feel and think due to ingrained norms. Those views have to change and its pretty much going to be a gradual process. Anything that reaffirms your previous racist beliefs will just snap you back to square one. its human nature.

So you think thugs assaulting little old white men and little old white ladies is going to help change how people perceive blacks and their culture. Groovy. Don't hold your breath.

Why would I think that and how confused are you to even read that where it was not written? Do you clowns skip over stuff so you can find something to get your panties in a bunch over?
Except for the fact that your viewpoint is not a fact. The only thing endemic is that people will lash out when they feel they are constantly being screwed over. Now if you can point to this knockout behavior being done equally to all ethnicities you may have a point. My guess is a large majority of the victims are white.
You heave no idea how sick the game is, but your desperation in seeking justification is even more nauseating. I have lived overseas for some time and I am often asked why black Americans are so violent. The violence endemic in black urban culture is no secret despite political correctness.

There is a problem which is counter-productive to the international image of black Americans and blacks in general. Trying to justify it or shift the blame is increasingly thin to a better informed world.

I'm not desperate to justify anything. Where do you see me condoning the behavior? I simply stated you were wrong in your assessment. Deal with that and dont try to move the goal posts because you are probably very wrong. The behavior is not endemic to Black culture. Whites as a culture are way more violent.

I remember the first time I heard about a sport called ****** Knocking.

Whites, driving with long poles sticking out of their cars, looking for blacks walking.

The goal was not to knock down the blacks. The goal was to kill them.

"Nobody's right if everybody's wrong".

******* have to have something to when their not raping, pillaging, murdering, and flash mobbing convenience stores.

Nobody started a riot, but many people have suppressed their anger over the Zimmerman verdict. It is not a surprise that subconsciously teens have found a way to release such tensions.

This is just another excuse to act out ion a manner which these people are programmed in the first place.
They do these things because they have no fear of the consequences. They do these things because it is 'cool'.
Don't try this "pent up frustration" crap. That would presuppose the idea that these thugs were good people at heart who made bad decisions because of 'frustration'....
You heave no idea how sick the game is, but your desperation in seeking justification is even more nauseating. I have lived overseas for some time and I am often asked why black Americans are so violent. The violence endemic in black urban culture is no secret despite political correctness.

There is a problem which is counter-productive to the international image of black Americans and blacks in general. Trying to justify it or shift the blame is increasingly thin to a better informed world.

I'm not desperate to justify anything. Where do you see me condoning the behavior? I simply stated you were wrong in your assessment. Deal with that and dont try to move the goal posts because you are probably very wrong. The behavior is not endemic to Black culture. Whites as a culture are way more violent.

I remember the first time I heard about a sport called ****** Knocking.

Whites, driving with long poles sticking out of their cars, looking for blacks walking.

The goal was not to knock down the blacks. The goal was to kill them.

"Nobody's right if everybody's wrong".


Where are the YouTube videos?
My daughter is 23, graduating college this year.
One of her friends is dating a black guy, and I rolled my eyes.
My daughter said "Dad...you know people are more accepting these days, nobody really has a problem with it now". -- I said "Bullshit, smart parents have a problem with it, it is not racism, it is realism. It is not the color of their skin - it is their CULTURE."

I used to love showing up for dinner at the home of people like you! I once had a parent take me to the side and express the very same sentiment to me which I respected because he was at least honest. Problem is he eventually wrecked his daughters life. We stopped seeing each other and she found the worst POS she could find and now has 7 kids and is on welfare.
Right....And of course you are telling the truth. And of course you feel vindicated.
And of course you feel as though you are pure and free of racial bigotry.
They are definitely hate crimes. And it's not a coincidence that such incidents are escalating during the most Racially Divisive presidency ever.

You are pretty dumb if you really think the POTUS has anything to do with it. I can assure you its escalating because of anger regarding the Trayvon case. Same thing happened when Roots came out. How did you miss that?

Oh? This is the guy who the pundits claimed would bring us together as a nation. They said 'it is time for a black man to be president. They said he would be a uniter.
This country has never been more divided.
Has Obama kept out of that end of it and not used his race as a factor in his campaigning or his duties while in office, I believe the country would be far less divided. We'd be talking TO each other rather than ABOUT each other.

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