"Knockout"... Tell me why these aren't Hate Crimes?...

I don't think libs condone it, but ignoring it is just as bad . Liberals can't admit that any special status group can do any wrong or admit anything negative. Hence they ignore the domestic violence in lesbian relationships, the level oh HIV in gay men, etc
I keep remembering Obama's statement about white women locking their cars or clutching their purses when they see a young black man saying "that is so racist."

Now we have to watch out for them again.

Having to grow eyes in the back of your head means you're a racist.

Have you heard of "sliders"...These are crooks that target customers at gas stations.
Most victims are female.
Here's how it works.
The person gets out of their car to pump gas. The crooks pull in a car to the side of the victim's vehicle opposite where they are pumping gas.
One of the crooks slides out undetected, opens the victim's car door and grabs whatever they can get their hands on, then flees. Usually it's the purse of the victim.
In most of the cases on security video footage, the crooks are black males.
So police are warning motorists to lock their vehicles with windows up of course while pumping gas.
So it would make sense for any person who sees someone who is of a known type to commit such a crime, to lock their doors upon sighting these people.
If certain people want to label that reaction as racist, let them. I'd rather be labeled a racist and than lose my stuff.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjkghjJ55BU]THEFT WARNING: 'Sliders' Steal from Cars as you Pump Gas - YouTube[/ame]
The difference between now and when Roots came out, is that now the media and the culture accepts, excuses and condones the kind of violence now emanating from blacks. Part of it is a new found freedom to engage in violence that resulted from the Department of Justice policies headed by obama friend and bro, Eric Holder.

Where do you see the media and culture accepting those actions?
Not all black people are in that culture. My nephew is biracial black. He has just successfully passed his Pharmacy boards. He is not part of that culture.

The culture of violence must be ended. If we have a mass media supporting, encouraging and condoning such violence and leadership that excuses this kind of violence, we cannot change the culture of violence.

Sometimes you don't even have to be part of the culture. As I was told it was the fact that I was Black and would not be able to give his daughter the best because my opportunities were limited.

Then you must be very, very old. Certainly well before affirmative action.

No. I'm in my late 30's.
******* have to have something to when their not raping, pillaging, murdering, and flash mobbing convenience stores.

Nobody started a riot, but many people have suppressed their anger over the Zimmerman verdict. It is not a surprise that subconsciously teens have found a way to release such tensions.

OMG please tell me your kidding right. There is nothing subconscious about it. This is a conscious decision to be an asshole. By your way of thinking Jews should be out subconsciously killing Germans because of the holocaust and Native Americans should be out doing the same to every anglo they see. And of course whites should be out on a subconscious stabbing rampage of blacks because OJ got away with murder.:cuckoo:
My daughter is 23, graduating college this year.
One of her friends is dating a black guy, and I rolled my eyes.
My daughter said "Dad...you know people are more accepting these days, nobody really has a problem with it now". -- I said "Bullshit, smart parents have a problem with it, it is not racism, it is realism. It is not the color of their skin - it is their CULTURE."

I used to love showing up for dinner at the home of people like you!...

You mean people who have the gall to be realistic?
People who..wait for it...actually frown upon epidemic bad behavior and debauchery?
How dare I?
What about people like you?...you expect everyone to just accept the lifestyle of urban blacks ? You think I am a bad father because I VERY carefully chose her apartment by the neighborhood and, you bet - how many black people I saw there? Damn straight I chose one that had very few black people, even though it was $200 more per month (which I assure you is to keep out unwanted tenants) The crime in Indianapolis is very bad, damn near everyday on the news there is a robbery/rape/domestic/homicide in apartment complexes. I want to be sure my daughter is waaaaaaaaaay the fuck away from it. She has lived there for just about 3 years now...no problems. GEE what a bad father I am. Terrible person. :evil:
My daughter is 23, graduating college this year.
One of her friends is dating a black guy, and I rolled my eyes.
My daughter said "Dad...you know people are more accepting these days, nobody really has a problem with it now". -- I said "Bullshit, smart parents have a problem with it, it is not racism, it is realism. It is not the color of their skin - it is their CULTURE."

I used to love showing up for dinner at the home of people like you!...

You mean people who have the gall to be realistic?
People who..wait for it...actually frown upon epidemic bad behavior and debauchery?
How dare I?
What about people like you?...you expect everyone to just accept the lifestyle of urban blacks ? You think I am a bad father because I VERY carefully chose her apartment by the neighborhood and, you bet - how many black people I saw there? Damn straight I chose one that had very few black people, even though it was $200 more per month (which I assure you is to keep out unwanted tenants) The crime in Indianapolis is very bad, damn near everyday on the news there is a robbery/rape/domestic/homicide in apartment complexes. I want to be sure my daughter is waaaaaaaaaay the fuck away from it. She has lived there for just about 3 years now...no problems. GEE what a bad father I am. Terrible person. :evil:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with not accepting terrible behavior. Don't be an dumbass and assume everyone who is Black does the same things as the people you see plastered on your news channel. I dont expect you or anyone else to just accept what you call urban life style. I dont think your intentions are bad regarding your daughter. You wanting your daughter to be safe is normal. You thinking you can keep her far away from it is dumb. She can be just as easily be raped or killed in a white neighborhood. Sounds more and more to me like she was feeling you out to be truthful.
I used to love showing up for dinner at the home of people like you!...

You mean people who have the gall to be realistic?
People who..wait for it...actually frown upon epidemic bad behavior and debauchery?
How dare I?
What about people like you?...you expect everyone to just accept the lifestyle of urban blacks ? You think I am a bad father because I VERY carefully chose her apartment by the neighborhood and, you bet - how many black people I saw there? Damn straight I chose one that had very few black people, even though it was $200 more per month (which I assure you is to keep out unwanted tenants) The crime in Indianapolis is very bad, damn near everyday on the news there is a robbery/rape/domestic/homicide in apartment complexes. I want to be sure my daughter is waaaaaaaaaay the fuck away from it. She has lived there for just about 3 years now...no problems. GEE what a bad father I am. Terrible person. :evil:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with not accepting terrible behavior. Don't be an dumbass and assume everyone who is Black does the same things as the people you see plastered on your news channel. I dont expect you or anyone else to just accept what you call urban life style. I dont think your intentions are bad regarding your daughter. You wanting your daughter to be safe is normal. You thinking you can keep her far away from it is dumb. She can be just as easily be raped or killed in a white neighborhood. Sounds more and more to me like she was feeling you out to be truthful.

Nope...I only saw the photo of the kid because I was sitting next to her while she was on facebook. What I call "urban black culture"?? That is a common phrase I have heard for years from a wide variety of media. I didn't coin it.
I don't assume every black male is like the 70% bad apples...but you have to understand - that only leaves 30% of you with acceptable behavior. A father has to worry about ANY young male she dates..and if from the start there is a solid 70% chance he is bad news...you expect a father to just "accept it"?
If the time ever comes that the black race decides to address the overwhelming problems within their culture - AND ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT - I would have no such thoughts. But until then - I am forced to.
I keep remembering Obama's statement about white women locking their cars or clutching their purses when they see a young black man saying "that is so racist."

Now we have to watch out for them again.

Having to grow eyes in the back of your head means you're a racist.

Have you heard of "sliders"...These are crooks that target customers at gas stations.
Most victims are female.
Here's how it works.
The person gets out of their car to pump gas. The crooks pull in a car to the side of the victim's vehicle opposite where they are pumping gas.
One of the crooks slides out undetected, opens the victim's car door and grabs whatever they can get their hands on, then flees. Usually it's the purse of the victim.
In most of the cases on security video footage, the crooks are black males.
So police are warning motorists to lock their vehicles with windows up of course while pumping gas.
So it would make sense for any person who sees someone who is of a known type to commit such a crime, to lock their doors upon sighting these people.
If certain people want to label that reaction as racist, let them. I'd rather be labeled a racist and than lose my stuff.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjkghjJ55BU]THEFT WARNING: 'Sliders' Steal from Cars as you Pump Gas - YouTube[/ame]

When you return to your parked car, especially in a shopping center parking lot, as you approach, pay attention UNDER your car. Thieves will hide under your car. When you are unlocking or putting packages in, the thief will grab your ankles and pull you down. A companion will complete the attack. Maybe you will live.

If you are leaving a store and notice a group approaching you going inside and they split, some go to your left and some to your right. Turn around and go back into the store. You are about to get boxed in.

Now the more popular method is the follow home robbery. Just follow a person home who might have bought something the thieves want, or think they can sell, added bonus, toss the house too.
New Jersey Teens come up with a new game called "Knockout" - YouTube

I am Certain the Liberal Media tried REALLY hard to find Video of Packs of White Youth doing this to Blacks...

But those Videos just don't seem to be Surfacing.

This is probably the most Disturbing News Report I've seen on this issue.

Maybe it's going to start being taken Seriously now.

This shit was going on Regularly in Denver a few years back and it's been going on from Coast to Coast in almost every Urban area.

I Garundamntee you that if the Races were Reversed we'd have a "National Epidemic" on our hands of "Racism".

I'd be really Careful White Liberals about what you want to Hide about what's going in this Country. I Applaud this News Outlet for covering it, but the Liberals in the National Media aren't going to say a Damned thing.

There may start to be a Backlash against this crap and that's not going to end well for anyone.



They are hate crimes if their deliberately targetting whites, yes.
You mean people who have the gall to be realistic?
People who..wait for it...actually frown upon epidemic bad behavior and debauchery?
How dare I?
What about people like you?...you expect everyone to just accept the lifestyle of urban blacks ? You think I am a bad father because I VERY carefully chose her apartment by the neighborhood and, you bet - how many black people I saw there? Damn straight I chose one that had very few black people, even though it was $200 more per month (which I assure you is to keep out unwanted tenants) The crime in Indianapolis is very bad, damn near everyday on the news there is a robbery/rape/domestic/homicide in apartment complexes. I want to be sure my daughter is waaaaaaaaaay the fuck away from it. She has lived there for just about 3 years now...no problems. GEE what a bad father I am. Terrible person. :evil:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with not accepting terrible behavior. Don't be an dumbass and assume everyone who is Black does the same things as the people you see plastered on your news channel. I dont expect you or anyone else to just accept what you call urban life style. I dont think your intentions are bad regarding your daughter. You wanting your daughter to be safe is normal. You thinking you can keep her far away from it is dumb. She can be just as easily be raped or killed in a white neighborhood. Sounds more and more to me like she was feeling you out to be truthful.

Nope...I only saw the photo of the kid because I was sitting next to her while she was on facebook. What I call "urban black culture"?? That is a common phrase I have heard for years from a wide variety of media. I didn't coin it.
I don't assume every black male is like the 70% bad apples...but you have to understand - that only leaves 30% of you with acceptable behavior. A father has to worry about ANY young male she dates..and if from the start there is a solid 70% chance he is bad news...you expect a father to just "accept it"?
If the time ever comes that the black race decides to address the overwhelming problems within their culture - AND ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT - I would have no such thoughts. But until then - I am forced to.

I wouldn't count on the media to be the source of what constitutes "urban Black culture". Not very many of them have the faintest clue. Where did you get this 70% 30% figure? I am a father of daughters as well so I understand the delima. However, you have no choice but to accept it. You have to trust you raised your daughter to be able to see specific behaviors as bad or immoral and not blanket condemn cultures you have no real insight to.
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I wouldn't count on the media to be the source of what constitutes "urban Black culture". Not very many of them have the faintest clue. Where did you get this 70% 30% figure? I am a father of daughters as well so I understand the delima. However, you have no choise but to accept it. You have to trust you raised your daughter to be able to see specific behaviors as bad or immoral and not blanket condemn cultures you have no real insight to.

I don't rely on the media for much of anything.
I don't need any "real insight"...the raw data is all you need. Crime statistics, the complete collapse of the family structure, extraordinarily few within the race condemning the culture, the popular musical artist and cultural icons...you would have to be an idiot, or a bleeding heart liberal to NOT be prejudicial...the numbers are impossible to ignore.
I wouldn't count on the media to be the source of what constitutes "urban Black culture". Not very many of them have the faintest clue. Where did you get this 70% 30% figure? I am a father of daughters as well so I understand the delima. However, you have no choise but to accept it. You have to trust you raised your daughter to be able to see specific behaviors as bad or immoral and not blanket condemn cultures you have no real insight to.

I don't rely on the media for much of anything.
I don't need any "real insight"...the raw data is all you need. Crime statistics, the complete collapse of the family structure, extraordinarily few within the race condemning the culture, the popular musical artist and cultural icons...you would have to be an idiot, or a bleeding heart liberal to NOT be prejudicial...the numbers are impossible to ignore.

Thats fascinating since you just said you got "urban Black Culture" from the media. You appear to want to believe what you are told as long as it conforms to your prejudice without questioning. I thought everyone desired "real insight" so they can plan using the truth instead of some statistics. Where did you get this 70% 30% figure from again?
I wouldn't count on the media to be the source of what constitutes "urban Black culture". Not very many of them have the faintest clue. Where did you get this 70% 30% figure? I am a father of daughters as well so I understand the delima. However, you have no choise but to accept it. You have to trust you raised your daughter to be able to see specific behaviors as bad or immoral and not blanket condemn cultures you have no real insight to.

I don't rely on the media for much of anything.
I don't need any "real insight"...the raw data is all you need. Crime statistics, the complete collapse of the family structure, extraordinarily few within the race condemning the culture, the popular musical artist and cultural icons...you would have to be an idiot, or a bleeding heart liberal to NOT be prejudicial...the numbers are impossible to ignore.

Thats fascinating since you just said you got "urban Black Culture" from the media. You appear to want to believe what you are told as long as it conforms to your prejudice without questioning. I thought everyone desired "real insight" so so they can plan using the truth instead of some statistics. Where did you get this 70% 30% figure from again?
Any way you spin it, no one can escape the fact that there is endemic violence with urban black american culture and that these knock-out games are symptomatic of it. MSM bends over backwards to try to hide it, but the problem is that so many things are recorded, and well...black is black.
Even if one of their own is attacked , libs will bury it. Some newspaper on the east coast didn't even report that two of their reporters got attacked by a mob
I don't rely on the media for much of anything.
I don't need any "real insight"...the raw data is all you need. Crime statistics, the complete collapse of the family structure, extraordinarily few within the race condemning the culture, the popular musical artist and cultural icons...you would have to be an idiot, or a bleeding heart liberal to NOT be prejudicial...the numbers are impossible to ignore.

Thats fascinating since you just said you got "urban Black Culture" from the media. You appear to want to believe what you are told as long as it conforms to your prejudice without questioning. I thought everyone desired "real insight" so so they can plan using the truth instead of some statistics. Where did you get this 70% 30% figure from again?
Any way you spin it, no one can escape the fact that there is endemic violence with urban black american culture and that these knock-out games are symptomatic of it. MSM bends over backwards to try to hide it, but the problem is that so many things are recorded, and well...black is black.

Except for the fact that your viewpoint is not a fact. The only thing endemic is that people will lash out when they feel they are constantly being screwed over. Now if you can point to this knockout behavior being done equally to all ethnicities you may have a point. My guess is a large majority of the victims are white.
New Jersey Teens come up with a new game called "Knockout" - YouTube

I am Certain the Liberal Media tried REALLY hard to find Video of Packs of White Youth doing this to Blacks...

But those Videos just don't seem to be Surfacing.

This is probably the most Disturbing News Report I've seen on this issue.

Maybe it's going to start being taken Seriously now.

This shit was going on Regularly in Denver a few years back and it's been going on from Coast to Coast in almost every Urban area.

I Garundamntee you that if the Races were Reversed we'd have a "National Epidemic" on our hands of "Racism".

I'd be really Careful White Liberals about what you want to Hide about what's going in this Country. I Applaud this News Outlet for covering it, but the Liberals in the National Media aren't going to say a Damned thing.

There may start to be a Backlash against this crap and that's not going to end well for anyone.



They are hate crimes if their deliberately targetting whites, yes.

Sometimes its called polar bear hunting.

The New Urban Sport??Polar Bear Hunting? » UrbanGrounds

What is ‘polar bear hunting’?

It’s a racist assault by blacks (mostly young men) on whites (mostly men of any age). Most often it involves more than one attacker on a lone victim, and usually from behind with no warning.

In the Champaign, Ill. area “the number of reports of beatings to white men in Champaign appear to be coming in quicker than police can even process them.”

How long do you imagine this is going to continue without some whites going hunting on their own?
Thats fascinating since you just said you got "urban Black Culture" from the media. You appear to want to believe what you are told as long as it conforms to your prejudice without questioning. I thought everyone desired "real insight" so so they can plan using the truth instead of some statistics. Where did you get this 70% 30% figure from again?
Any way you spin it, no one can escape the fact that there is endemic violence with urban black american culture and that these knock-out games are symptomatic of it. MSM bends over backwards to try to hide it, but the problem is that so many things are recorded, and well...black is black.

Except for the fact that your viewpoint is not a fact. The only thing endemic is that people will lash out when they feel they are constantly being screwed over. Now if you can point to this knockout behavior being done equally to all ethnicities you may have a point. My guess is a large majority of the victims are white.

My guess is that a large number of attackers think what they are doing is justified. Therefore it will grow and create an equal and opposite reaction among whites and any other ethnicity who feels hunted.
Thats fascinating since you just said you got "urban Black Culture" from the media. You appear to want to believe what you are told as long as it conforms to your prejudice without questioning. I thought everyone desired "real insight" so so they can plan using the truth instead of some statistics. Where did you get this 70% 30% figure from again?
Any way you spin it, no one can escape the fact that there is endemic violence with urban black american culture and that these knock-out games are symptomatic of it. MSM bends over backwards to try to hide it, but the problem is that so many things are recorded, and well...black is black.

Except for the fact that your viewpoint is not a fact. The only thing endemic is that people will lash out when they feel they are constantly being screwed over. Now if you can point to this knockout behavior being done equally to all ethnicities you may have a point. My guess is a large majority of the victims are white.
You heave no idea how sick the game is, but your desperation in seeking justification is even more nauseating. I have lived overseas for some time and I am often asked why black Americans are so violent. The violence endemic in black urban culture is no secret despite political correctness.

There is a problem which is counter-productive to the international image of black Americans and blacks in general. Trying to justify it or shift the blame is increasingly thin to a better informed world.
What in the whacky world of white douchebaghery are you ranting and raving about?

50 years ago? :cuckoo:

No one has a right to assault people. Skin color need not matter and if it matters to you, maybe you're racist.

If I am a victim of KNOCKOUT, you had better believe I am going to the media and telling who it was whether it was black, white or Hispanic. (if IT'S ON TAPE) I don't care if anyone calls me a racist or not.

Instead of that, why not just SHOOT them ? Just be sure to use hollow-point bullets, so the bullets stay inside the dirtbag you're shooting, and don't go richoteing, and hit an innocent bystander.
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