"Knockout"... Tell me why these aren't Hate Crimes?...

Poor [MENTION=23819]MikeK[/MENTION] buys into the scared of your own shadow white victimhood

Many black thugs victimize blacks as well as whites.

Taking anecdotal stories out of a fuller context always leaves dumb whites holding the bag for tgeir bigoted, racist pals who hide in the open selling fear, loathing and anxiety

Just because blacks destroy their own communities and hurt one another, doesn't negate the Black on White crime wave. Black on White crime is far more common than White on Black crime and yet the latter is far more reported on.
Poor [MENTION=23819]MikeK[/MENTION] buys into the scared of your own shadow white victimhood

Many black thugs victimize blacks as well as whites.

Taking anecdotal stories out of a fuller context always leaves dumb whites holding the bag for tgeir bigoted, racist pals who hide in the open selling fear, loathing and anxiety

Just because blacks destroy their own communities and hurt one another, doesn't negate the Black on White crime wave. Black on White crime is far more common than White on Black crime and yet the latter is far more reported on.

Thst's because angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black nieghborhoods and commit assaults and...

...most black areas are poverty ridden
Poor [MENTION=23819]MikeK[/MENTION] buys into the scared of your own shadow white victimhood

Many black thugs victimize blacks as well as whites.

Taking anecdotal stories out of a fuller context always leaves dumb whites holding the bag for tgeir bigoted, racist pals who hide in the open selling fear, loathing and anxiety

Just because blacks destroy their own communities and hurt one another, doesn't negate the Black on White crime wave. Black on White crime is far more common than White on Black crime and yet the latter is far more reported on.

Thst's because angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black nieghborhoods and commit assaults and...

...most black areas are poverty ridden

So because I don't commit a felony assault on a random passerby I am a pussy?

This is a new argument for the left. You are a pussy if you don't commit violent crime. Thus, Whites are pussies and blacks are not, lol. I don't actually disagree that most Whites are pussies, but not for that reason, but I am not sure that's a road leftists want to go down.

As for poverty, that is a bs argument. Appalachia, the poorest region in America, and the Whitest, has crime rates below national averages.
Just because blacks destroy their own communities and hurt one another, doesn't negate the Black on White crime wave. Black on White crime is far more common than White on Black crime and yet the latter is far more reported on.

Thst's because angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black nieghborhoods and commit assaults and...

...most black areas are poverty ridden

So because I don't commit a felony assault on a random passerby I am a pussy?

This is a new argument for the left. You are a pussy if you don't commit violent crime. Thus, Whites are pussies and blacks are not, lol. I don't actually disagree that most Whites are pussies, but not for that reason, but I am not sure that's a road leftists want to go down.

As for poverty, that is a bs argument. Appalachia, the poorest region in America, and the Whitest, has crime rates below national averages.

You make up stuff as you go along or reading and comprehension an issue for you?

Used 'poverty' to explain one reason white criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in black areas.

You saying whites criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in poor white trash neighborhoods bolsters Dante's point. See?

You a white thug, or criminal?
******* have to have something to when their not raping, pillaging, murdering, and flash mobbing convenience stores.

Nobody started a riot, but many people have suppressed their anger over the Zimmerman verdict. It is not a surprise that subconsciously teens have found a way to release such tensions.

OMG please tell me your kidding right. There is nothing subconscious about it. This is a conscious decision to be an asshole. By your way of thinking Jews should be out subconsciously killing Germans because of the holocaust and Native Americans should be out doing the same to every anglo they see. And of course whites should be out on a subconscious stabbing rampage of blacks because OJ got away with murder.:cuckoo:

I stated my opinion, and you did too. Nothing is cut and dry.
Thst's because angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black nieghborhoods and commit assaults and...

...most black areas are poverty ridden

So because I don't commit a felony assault on a random passerby I am a pussy?

This is a new argument for the left. You are a pussy if you don't commit violent crime. Thus, Whites are pussies and blacks are not, lol. I don't actually disagree that most Whites are pussies, but not for that reason, but I am not sure that's a road leftists want to go down.

As for poverty, that is a bs argument. Appalachia, the poorest region in America, and the Whitest, has crime rates below national averages.

You make up stuff as you go along or reading and comprehension an issue for you?

Used 'poverty' to explain one reason white criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in black areas.

You saying whites criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in poor white trash neighborhoods bolsters Dante's point. See?

You a white thug, or criminal?
Whites don't commit as much crime proportionally period.
Any way you spin it, no one can escape the fact that there is endemic violence with urban black american culture and that these knock-out games are symptomatic of it. MSM bends over backwards to try to hide it, but the problem is that so many things are recorded, and well...black is black.

Except for the fact that your viewpoint is not a fact. The only thing endemic is that people will lash out when they feel they are constantly being screwed over. Now if you can point to this knockout behavior being done equally to all ethnicities you may have a point. My guess is a large majority of the victims are white.

"Viewpoint"....All one has to do is look at the published videos of each incident. So far the overwhelming percentage of the perpetrators are young black males.

Look, as a middle class guy you must cringe while watching the news reports of crime n your city thinking to yourself "please do not let the criminal be another black kid"..
Years ago I had a co-worker as part of my crew who happened to be a black guy. He would be very frank about his feelings toward urban black youths and young adults who were criminals.
One of his most used statements on this issue was "these kids just don't know how to act".
he came to work one day all fired up. I asked him what was wrong. He told me someone gave him ( I will paraphrase) 'a hard time' while in a convenience store that morning.
I can only imagine what was said.
I simply told him words to the effect, "never mind the ignorant assholes who lump people together because of what they look like"...
The point is racism is borne of ignorance.
However in your opinion is it racist to draw conclusions from what one sees or experiences?

Yes viewpoint. How can it not be racist to assume everyone is a certain way because of what you see on the news? Takes intelligence to understand that cant possibly be the case. I don't watch too much news because it has turned into a propaganda tool for daily brainwashing. Only people that dont think above the noise get caught up in condemning a whole group of people based on a few.
Any way you spin it, no one can escape the fact that there is endemic violence with urban black american culture and that these knock-out games are symptomatic of it. MSM bends over backwards to try to hide it, but the problem is that so many things are recorded, and well...black is black.

Except for the fact that your viewpoint is not a fact. The only thing endemic is that people will lash out when they feel they are constantly being screwed over. Now if you can point to this knockout behavior being done equally to all ethnicities you may have a point. My guess is a large majority of the victims are white.

So what's your point? That the white man is really the boogeyman? That blacks are free to lash out at Caucasians because ALL of them are evil?
Why don't you be honest for ONCE and stop hiding behind platitudes

My point is what I typed. How stupid are you that you got that out of what i wrote. What faintly resembles what you are asking?
So because I don't commit a felony assault on a random passerby I am a pussy?

This is a new argument for the left. You are a pussy if you don't commit violent crime. Thus, Whites are pussies and blacks are not, lol. I don't actually disagree that most Whites are pussies, but not for that reason, but I am not sure that's a road leftists want to go down.

As for poverty, that is a bs argument. Appalachia, the poorest region in America, and the Whitest, has crime rates below national averages.

You make up stuff as you go along or reading and comprehension an issue for you?

Used 'poverty' to explain one reason white criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in black areas.

You saying whites criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in poor white trash neighborhoods bolsters Dante's point. See?

You a white thug, or criminal?
Whites don't commit as much crime proportionally period.

Including civil crimes? :lol: white collar crimes?

So, what is your point? You throw out a fact. It is meaningless by itself.
Except for the fact that your viewpoint is not a fact. The only thing endemic is that people will lash out when they feel they are constantly being screwed over. Now if you can point to this knockout behavior being done equally to all ethnicities you may have a point. My guess is a large majority of the victims are white.

So what's your point? That the white man is really the boogeyman? That blacks are free to lash out at Caucasians because ALL of them are evil?
Why don't you be honest for ONCE and stop hiding behind platitudes

My point is what I typed. How stupid are you that you got that out of what i wrote. What faintly resembles what you are asking?


Why bother with this dumbass? :lol:
Ok...I see what you are doing. You would rather argue semantics that the issue, which I see you have ignored.
I look at race in the same way I look at everything else of significance - and this is something I have pounded in my children's brain since they were in middle school - you have to deal with things as they ARE, and not how you want them to be.
I am not in the least bit racist, as in I do not have any belief whatsoever that the black race is one iota less than whites on any scale...because of some inferiority within the race. The problems of the black race are by choice, not genetics.
The current culture in the black race, specifically the failure to accept responsibility of their problems, address the collapse of the family structure and it's damning affect on the success of black people in every category.
But NOOOOOO...instead they are not to blame. It is white people's fault. It's racism. And until the day comes where this erroneous nonsense is eradicated from blacks brains - nothing will improve for the race.

While I agree with most of what you say you miss the first step in troubleshooting a problem. Why is this happening? No one should ever say "someone else is keeping me from succeeding". However, you would be a big fool not to acknowledge how the situation came about. The fact is that slavery and Jim Crow decimated the Black family. Ingrained societal norms still effect how people perceive you and cause more roadblocks. When whites understand to simple be quiet and stop denying it then that would probably get rid of a lot of anger.

"However, you would be a big fool not to acknowledge how the situation came about. The fact is that slavery and Jim Crow decimated the Black family"..
I am sorry, but that is nonsense.
What destroys the black family structure is twofold.
One the advent of the welfare state. A series of programs that encourages irresponsible procreation. Two, the illegitimacy rate among blacks is now over 70%. Roughly the same percentage of black children grow up in a home where their father is not present.
You can hardly blame Jim Crow laws for that.. So please, stop it. The issue is quite simply explained. It is a lack of personal responsibility.
As for the rest of your post, I think you are making lame excuses.

Actually I am sorry this went over your head. Step 1 in trouble shooting is defining why something is occurring not point out the symptoms of why its occurring. I like how some white people think they have the authority define a causation for something when they have no perspective from which to do this from. :lol:
So you think thugs assaulting little old white men and little old white ladies is going to help change how people perceive blacks and their culture. Groovy. Don't hold your breath.

Why would I think that and how confused are you to even read that where it was not written? Do you clowns skip over stuff so you can find something to get your panties in a bunch over?

No...You excuse the kind of wanton violence illustrated in this thread against innocents due to pent up anger.

Please quote where I did what you claimed. You seriously need to learn how to read.
You make up stuff as you go along or reading and comprehension an issue for you?

Used 'poverty' to explain one reason white criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in black areas.

You saying whites criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in poor white trash neighborhoods bolsters Dante's point. See?

You a white thug, or criminal?
Whites don't commit as much crime proportionally period.

Including civil crimes? :lol: white collar crimes?

So, what is your point? You throw out a fact. It is meaningless by itself.

Yes, all crimes combined.

My point is, you say poverty causes crime, this is bullshit. You say blacks and whites are equal in their propensity to crime, this is bullshit. You are just a bullshiter. That's the point.
Whites don't commit as much crime proportionally period.

Including civil crimes? :lol: white collar crimes?

So, what is your point? You throw out a fact. It is meaningless by itself.

Yes, all crimes combined.

My point is, you say poverty causes crime, this is bullshit. You say blacks and whites are equal in their propensity to crime, this is bullshit. You are just a bullshiter. That's the point.

There you go again. Where did Dante say that?:eusa_whistle:

I believe poverty is a contributer to certain types of crime. Throughout history this is proven to be true, but Dante never said poverty was the reason for black crime rates.

You're stuck reacting irrationaly instead of responding to something people actually post

Stupid is as stupid does
Including civil crimes? :lol: white collar crimes?

So, what is your point? You throw out a fact. It is meaningless by itself.

Yes, all crimes combined.

My point is, you say poverty causes crime, this is bullshit. You say blacks and whites are equal in their propensity to crime, this is bullshit. You are just a bullshiter. That's the point.

There you go again. Where did Dante say that?:eusa_whistle:

I believe poverty is a contributer to certain types of crime. Throughout history this is proven to be true, but Dante never said poverty was the reason for black crime rates.

You're stuck reacting irrationaly instead of responding to something people actually post

Stupid is as stupid does

Here, you said blacks commit more crimes against whites than vice versa because of poverty and whites being pussies.

Dante has no memory?

Stupid is as stupid does.
So because I don't commit a felony assault on a random passerby I am a pussy?

This is a new argument for the left. You are a pussy if you don't commit violent crime. Thus, Whites are pussies and blacks are not, lol. I don't actually disagree that most Whites are pussies, but not for that reason, but I am not sure that's a road leftists want to go down.

As for poverty, that is a bs argument. Appalachia, the poorest region in America, and the Whitest, has crime rates below national averages.

You make up stuff as you go along or reading and comprehension an issue for you?

Used 'poverty' to explain one reason white criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in black areas.

You saying whites criminals and thugs do not commit crimes in poor white trash neighborhoods bolsters Dante's point. See?

You a white thug, or criminal?
Whites don't commit as much crime proportionally period.

Black alone: 13.1%
even add Two or more races: 2.4%

FBI ? Table 43


So what is your point? Do you believe at one time Irish or Italians or other sub groups committed crime in disproportional numbers?
[MENTION=45921]Iceman[/MENTION] cometh all over himself
Yes, all crimes combined.

My point is, you say poverty causes crime, this is bullshit. You say blacks and whites are equal in their propensity to crime, this is bullshit. You are just a bullshiter. That's the point.

There you go again. Where did Dante say that?:eusa_whistle:

I believe poverty is a contributer to certain types of crime. Throughout history this is proven to be true, but Dante never said poverty was the reason for black crime rates.

You're stuck reacting irrationaly instead of responding to something people actually post

Stupid is as stupid does

Here, you said blacks commit more crimes against whites than vice versa because of poverty and whites being pussies.

Dante has no memory?

Stupid is as stupid does.

reading and comprehension 101:


Poor [MENTION=23819]MikeK[/MENTION] buys into the scared of your own shadow white victimhood

"Many black thugs victimize blacks as well as whites.
Taking anecdotal stories out of a fuller context always leaves dumb whites holding the bag for their bigoted, racist pals who hide in the open selling fear, loathing and anxiety"

"Just because blacks destroy their own communities and hurt one another, doesn't negate the Black on White crime wave. Black on White crime is far more common than White on Black crime and yet the latter is far more reported on."

"That's because angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black neighborhoods and commit assaults and...

...most black areas are poverty ridden.


White on black crime is less common because...angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black neighborhoods and commit assaults and most black areas are poverty ridden.

So why would whites go to black neighborhoods which are poverty ridden to commit crimes? Like blacks, whites go to white neighborhoods to commit crimes.


Imbeciles like you read things into what others say. You answer from a talking point and preformed argument regardless of what is said to you. It is why Dante rarely engages dupes like you.


or maybe, just maybe you aren't r-e-a-l-l-y talking about ALL crime, but physical assaults? Hmm, in that case why do you always include crime in general?
Last edited:
[MENTION=45921]Iceman[/MENTION] cometh all over himself
There you go again. Where did Dante say that?:eusa_whistle:

I believe poverty is a contributer to certain types of crime. Throughout history this is proven to be true, but Dante never said poverty was the reason for black crime rates.

You're stuck reacting irrationaly instead of responding to something people actually post

Stupid is as stupid does

Here, you said blacks commit more crimes against whites than vice versa because of poverty and whites being pussies.

Dante has no memory?

Stupid is as stupid does.

reading and comprehension 101:


Poor [MENTION=23819]MikeK[/MENTION] buys into the scared of your own shadow white victimhood

"Many black thugs victimize blacks as well as whites.
Taking anecdotal stories out of a fuller context always leaves dumb whites holding the bag for their bigoted, racist pals who hide in the open selling fear, loathing and anxiety"

"Just because blacks destroy their own communities and hurt one another, doesn't negate the Black on White crime wave. Black on White crime is far more common than White on Black crime and yet the latter is far more reported on."

"That's because angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black neighborhoods and commit assaults and...

...most black areas are poverty ridden.


White on black crime is less common because...angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black neighborhoods and commit assaults and most black areas are poverty ridden.

So why would whites go to black neighborhoods which are poverty ridden to commit crimes? Like blacks, whites go to white neighborhoods to commit crimes.


Imbeciles like you read things into what others say. You answer from a talking point and preformed argument regardless of what is said to you. It is why Dante rarely engages dupes like you.


or maybe, just maybe you aren't r-e-a-l-l-y talking about ALL crime, but physical assaults? Hmm, in that case why do you always include crime in general?

What the fuck am I supposed to quote exactly? Your post is near fucking unreadable...

Dante used circles not mandlebrot you fucking idiot...
[MENTION=45921]Iceman[/MENTION] cometh all over himself
Here, you said blacks commit more crimes against whites than vice versa because of poverty and whites being pussies.

Dante has no memory?

Stupid is as stupid does.

reading and comprehension 101:


Poor [MENTION=23819]MikeK[/MENTION] buys into the scared of your own shadow white victimhood

"Many black thugs victimize blacks as well as whites.
Taking anecdotal stories out of a fuller context always leaves dumb whites holding the bag for their bigoted, racist pals who hide in the open selling fear, loathing and anxiety"

"Just because blacks destroy their own communities and hurt one another, doesn't negate the Black on White crime wave. Black on White crime is far more common than White on Black crime and yet the latter is far more reported on."

"That's because angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black neighborhoods and commit assaults and...

...most black areas are poverty ridden.


White on black crime is less common because...angry scared whites like you are too scared to go into black neighborhoods and commit assaults and most black areas are poverty ridden.

So why would whites go to black neighborhoods which are poverty ridden to commit crimes? Like blacks, whites go to white neighborhoods to commit crimes.


Imbeciles like you read things into what others say. You answer from a talking point and preformed argument regardless of what is said to you. It is why Dante rarely engages dupes like you.


or maybe, just maybe you aren't r-e-a-l-l-y talking about ALL crime, but physical assaults? Hmm, in that case why do you always include crime in general?

What the fuck am I supposed to quote exactly? Your post is near fucking unreadable...

Dante used circles not mandlebrot you fucking idiot...

Ice smoking the ice again?

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