Know how Trump fans are supposed to be a cult?

Leftists are modern authoritarian bootlickers and it's a source of endless entertainment for me, to be honest. There's nothing Big Government does they don't love, adore and even worship. This while they attempt to style themselves as being cool, free, and hip.

Their idols are all in their 80s, to boot.

They're not cool. They haven't been for a long time. It's something else to watch, I'll say that

Are you not entertained, shit brains?
No, you're a young dumbass punk who thinks he knows something. You wouldn't know anything if it pounded you on the head all day.
Again, cite where you've disagreed with your blob. You can't. You won't.

I have forgotten more than you'll ever know little boy.
Both sides are cults and they’re both stupid.
I would disagree there...

The Trump Cult seems very absolute and vocal criticism of Trump is met avalanche of abuse and shunned...

The Democrats can do that but are generally more open about ideas to a point... They have a blindside on historic atitudes for the times and judge events by todays standards a lot, that is bad...

The big thing is who talks in absolutes the most, insists there is no discussion needed, there is no grey area... That is the populists... That is the dangerous ones, they are ones like Hitler and how dictators come to power... Who said "I alone can fix it"?

Don't let the perfect get in the way of the good... Biden is a lot better than Trump but that doesn't make him perfect in any means...
So now they're trying to equate Biden's middling support with the blind, intense, emotional adoration given Trump.

I'll bet you they really believe this, too. That's the power of a cult.
I would disagree there...

The Trump Cult seems very absolute and vocal criticism of Trump is met avalanche of abuse and shunned...

The Democrats can do that but are generally more open about ideas to a point... They have a blindside on historic atitudes for the times and judge events by todays standards a lot, that is bad...

The big thing is who talks in absolutes the most, insists there is no discussion needed, there is no grey area... That is the populists... That is the dangerous ones, they are ones like Hitler and how dictators come to power... Who said "I alone can fix it"?

Don't let the perfect get in the way of the good... Biden is a lot better than Trump but that doesn't make him perfect in any means...
No I can’t agree. Hell there are Ds who still firmly believe O was a great potus, even though there is abundant proof he was a disgusting elitist and neocon exactly like W.

Secondly, there is little difference between Joe and Don on major issues. There are nearly the same.
Those strange Texas democrats who are spreading Covid around. If that ain't a cult I don't know what is. The media refuses to speculate.
I'm just wondering if that's projection. Just for example, when is the last time a leftist criticized anything Xiden, just on this board for example? How about Kamala?

Can we all agree they're no where near bitchn'? Yet apparently they're doing everything perfect despite themselves and the results.

Meanwhile.........Crickets or the left approves of EVERYTHING. All while the Xiden administration writes everything for Xiden presented as though Xiden thinks for himself, dementia and all.

Trump supporters are the cult?

How about TDS is a cult, after all, Trump' has lived in their heads five years now, Trump Trump Trump all day, 24/7 by the left.

Seems the left is more like a cult, coming and going. But apparently, leftists are independent thinkers :abgg2q.jpg:
Not to comment upon cults or anything, but have you noticed that centrist dems have criticized Biden for his response to Cuba, and progressives criticize him for not being more progressive on spending bills. If any goper criticized Trump, he ran them out of office.
Again, cite where you've disagreed with your blob. You can't. You won't.

I have forgotten more than you'll ever know little boy.

Poor fucked-up PROG, won't I search all my posts for you? Right in front of you is just not good enough?

You're a fake.
Have little respect for most all of them. More like an circus act than a honest deliberating body of adults.
It's like McConnell and Scalise are somehow afraid to tell people they need to get vaccinated. LOL If you can't come out for being against covid, it's pretty fked up.
Nice.....Here's all of them.

He's fat, has small hands and should shave his head.

He's a poor example for a husband, though could be a lot worse, men can be pigs. It's not like he's abusive, open marriage I suppose, he likes trophy wives.

While he's BLATANTLY HONEST, he exaggerates the truth as well.

He's thin skinned as fuck. That's great for a leadership role, he doesn't like to lose.

He's not tactful, he's no Ronald Reagan.

His stimulus is a piece of shit, just like all of them. In his defense Demonicrats throw that shit down everyone's throats and use it for political aspirations.

He talks too much. I'll take that all day over a Xiden who never says anything genuine or from the heart.

He didn't control debt but that's all BS anyway, congress runs that shit and we're doomed anyway.

I didn't like what he said about Mexicans being rapists and such. I rec'd his point though, his words sucked.

That's it in a nutshell, his policies are solid and he gets shit done.

Blatantly honest????? You have to be the most gullible mark on the face of the earth. Trump is the biggest phony ever.
Where did you criticise Biden?
Uh, in the post you replied to ya dumb fucking moron.


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