Knowing vs believing

All the talk about whether or not Yeshua, Moshe, and others actually existed or not is moot. We can't even prove we ourselves exist right this very moment nevermind anyone else. Every 'proof' a person might use to prove they exist depends on their own personal interpretation of an outside-the-body stimulus. But every stimulus coming in that we can perceive is merely an interpretation being made by our brains. Everything we feel, hear, taste, smell, and see is just our brain interpreting outside stimuli for us. And since we all know brains can malfunction ala mental illness, and that experience is subjective, how can we really know anything? We could all be in a bed somewhere with our skull case opened up and some machine's stimulating our brains making us perceive things ala The Matrix. And we'd not be able to know whether that's the case or not since all exerpiences are the same - they're the result of the brain interpreting. Whether a metal probe, or "real" experience, it functions the same way.

So if we can't even prove we exist, what's the point of trying to prove anyone else exists, or existed?

I believe I exist. But I don't know for sure.

I think for practical purposes you have to accept that your perceptions are not lying to you.

The problem is theists believe their perceptions are not lying to them even though they probably are.

Some people believe snakes talked and the Noah story literally. Some people believe Jesus' mom was a virgin or god talked to Mohammad.

Forget those nuts. I'm talking about the people who believe in generic god. Even without all the organized lies of religions they still believe in a god because they can't believe otherwise. My dad is one of them. He says there has to be or there must be a creator and anyone who doesn't think so is stupid. This is how scientific the concept of god is. They won't listen to science when it explains when/how and why primitive man came up with god. In fact theists will argue with science/fact/logic. You have to waste time proving to them things that most people know to be fact.

I don't care about theists. I hope someone on the fence is listening in so they can see how dumb the theists are.

They get mad when you call them out. Ask me why I'm so angry. Every society has always hated the traveling snake oil salesman who comes to town pushing his bullshit. That's how I see Christians who try to spread the word by telling people they're going to hell if they don't believe.

In other words, why am I spoiling all their fun without anyone calling them out on it. Why? Because you guys are annoying. Keep your gods to yourself and we'll be fine.

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