Koch Industries acknowledge Man Made Climate Change!

How a top environmentalist responds when a Koch executive acknowledges climate change

The Kochs have finally cracked! The right wing denialism is slowly eroding away....

Climate change being caused by geo-engineering using aerosol spraying of nano-particulates and ionospheric heaters starting back in earnest in 1997. Now that they have screwed up the ionosphere so badly now, they have to keep spraying. We are fucked....no two ways about it.
Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.................................................................

It's fact, ass hat. Water and soil samples don't lie and now the evidence is being taken to court and it's all going to come out. The first lawsuit has been filed in Canada and one will be filed here in the states and the mountain of evidence collected is most damning.
How a top environmentalist responds when a Koch executive acknowledges climate change

The Kochs have finally cracked! The right wing denialism is slowly eroding away....

Climate change being caused by geo-engineering using aerosol spraying of nano-particulates and ionospheric heaters starting back in earnest in 1997. Now that they have screwed up the ionosphere so badly now, they have to keep spraying. We are fucked....no two ways about it.
Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.................................................................

It's fact, ass hat. Water and soil samples don't lie and now the evidence is being taken to court and it's all going to come out. The first lawsuit has been filed in Canada and one will be filed here in the states and the mountain of evidence collected is most damning.

Lab Tests
The info is out there for anyone who cares to look.
So you cant tell me what this has to do with the Koch and climate change.

"The Koch Boyz are too busy trying to dump the Trump."


Hey what's with the serious trolling?
Climate change is nothing new. It's been going on since time began on this planet.

Global warming is nothing new. The earth has warmed and cooled since time began on the planet.

Just don't believe in AGW. And that it can be remedied with taxing the shit out of everyone on the planet to finance bullshit programs that don't do jack shit.
The people in the Denier Cult are like the Japanese soldiers on the various small islands in the pacific that still thought WW2 was going on 2-3 years after it ended. They are slow to accept reality, but reality is what it is.
Climate change is nothing new. It's been going on since time began on this planet.

Global warming is nothing new. The earth has warmed and cooled since time began on the planet.

Just don't believe in AGW. And that it can be remedied with taxing the shit out of everyone on the planet to finance bullshit programs that don't do jack shit.

If the only debate was about "how much" to invest to prevent Climate Change we might have two legit sides to this issue. The idea of just flat out denying the humans cause Climate Change is just nutty and irresponsible at this point though, and that unfortunately is what we see from most Republicans.

To put it another way...I'd be fine with the Democrats saying invest $100 bil, and the Republicans say invest $30 bil....that's fine. To hear the Republicans just say "LALALALA...IT'S NOT TRUUUUE!!" Is getting to the point of absurdity.

I think Jimmy Kimmel says it best

Drop the mic, Jimmy Kimmel: Why you should trust scientists on climate change
So you cant tell me what this has to do with the Koch and climate change.

"The Koch Boyz are too busy trying to dump the Trump."


So you have no answer.

For someone who can't retain more than one thought at a time?

I see you're having some trouble making the connection.

Between your fellow feeling for the Koch Boyz and your reiterating the same thought five times? On the contrary.
So you cant tell me what this has to do with the Koch and climate change.

"The Koch Boyz are too busy trying to dump the Trump."


So you have no answer.

For someone who can't retain more than one thought at a time?

I see you're having some trouble making the connection.

Between your fellow feeling for the Koch Boyz and your reiterating the same thought five times? On the contrary.

Fine dont admit it....I'm used to such behavior from liberals.

For someone who can't retain more than one thought at a time?

I see you're having some trouble making the connection.

Between your fellow feeling for the Koch Boyz and your reiterating the same thought five times? On the contrary.

Fine dont admit it....

Admit that you keep repeating yourself? How many more times do I have to do that before it gets through?

Tell you a little story:

I was in the walk-in clinic with a friend over the weekend. There was a little boy in the next room - about three years old - who'd sprained his wrist. The P.A. was trying to fit him for a soft cast so the wrist would have a chance to heal.

BOY: Can I have a lollipop? My doctor gives me a lollipop.

P.A.: Sure, buddy. Just let me fit this around your arm and I'll get you a lollipop.

BOY: I want a lollipop NOW!

Mother intervenes.

MOM: Honey, let the man do his job. Then you can have a -

BOY (stamping his feet and screaming): LOLLIPOP, LOLLIPOP, LOLLIPOP!

P.A. Excuse me, ma'am. I'll be right back.

Kid keeps screaming.

P.A. comes back with a lollipop. Holds it just out of the kid's reach. Kid grabs for it with the injured arm and winces.

P.A. Okay, first the cast; then the lollipop. Deal?

Kid nods, lets the P.A. fit the cast, gets his lollipop.

Now, I don't expect you to understand what that story is about, but so far you're still screaming "LOLLIPOP!" and I'm bored.

Go bother someone else. But make sure you say "Your concession is noted" first, mmkay? Gotta stick to the script.
In that link, Koch admits climate change is real, but denies it is caused by humans.

In this latest development, Koch Industries is admitting it is caused by humans.

So how much has he invested in carbon credits you think?
So you have no answer.

For someone who can't retain more than one thought at a time?

I see you're having some trouble making the connection.

Between your fellow feeling for the Koch Boyz and your reiterating the same thought five times? On the contrary.

Fine dont admit it....

Admit that you keep repeating yourself? How many more times do I have to do that before it gets through?

Tell you a little story:

I was in the walk-in clinic with a friend over the weekend. There was a little boy in the next room - about three years old - who'd sprained his wrist. The P.A. was trying to fit him for a soft cast so the wrist would have a chance to heal.

BOY: Can I have a lollipop? My doctor gives me a lollipop.

P.A.: Sure, buddy. Just let me fit this around your arm and I'll get you a lollipop.

BOY: I want a lollipop NOW!

Mother intervenes.

MOM: Honey, let the man do his job. Then you can have a -

BOY (stamping his feet and screaming): LOLLIPOP, LOLLIPOP, LOLLIPOP!

P.A. Excuse me, ma'am. I'll be right back.

Kid keeps screaming.

P.A. comes back with a lollipop. Holds it just out of the kid's reach. Kid grabs for it with the injured arm and winces.

P.A. Okay, first the cast; then the lollipop. Deal?

Kid nods, lets the P.A. fit the cast, gets his lollipop.

Now, I don't expect you to understand what that story is about, but so far you're still screaming "LOLLIPOP!" and I'm bored.

Go bother someone else. But make sure you say "Your concession is noted" first, mmkay? Gotta stick to the script.

Not interested in your fairy tales.
In that link, Koch admits climate change is real, but denies it is caused by humans.

In this latest development, Koch Industries is admitting it is caused by humans.

So how much has he invested in carbon credits you think?
You don't have to believe in AGW to invest in carbon credits.

But if you want a carbon credit market to be created in the US, you could start believing in AGW and start funding domestic politicians who want to enact cap-and-trade.
Several years ago on another forum in another galaxy far, far away, I wrote a long piece about how carbon credit trading could easily be turned into wide open fraud.
I don't see him "admitting" to anything....Is it getting warmer? Seems to be sometimes but considerable data says the warming ended 16 years ago. Are the glaciers receding? Not anymore. Are the polar bears drowning? LMAO!! There are more polar bears than ever before. So what's the truth? The truth is maybe the Koch brothers have figured out a profit scheme for you leftist jackasses to pour money into their kick. They are businessmen...and much like Trump over the years, have said different things to different interests with an eye on profiting from it.

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