Koch not backing Trump, and reported by Fox News!

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You may well be right.

However, unless the Republicans are able to win the support of the millions of Little Trumpsters next fall, they might as well just mail it in as they don't have a chance of a snowball in hell against Sleepy Joe.
If he isn't the nominee why do the Dimbots keep yapping about him?

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!
75% of Dementicrap voters arent backing Joe Biden....Are you one of the stupid 25% who will vote for Dementia Joe?
No Republican can win without either BEING Trump, or having Trump's full support. It's just a fact.

But if 2020 and the mid-terms are any indication, the American people are simply too stupid and/or selfish to vote rationally. It may be lost already.

Glad I'm too old to give a shit.

In this case it wasn't the people.
I think Fox has been trying to get away from Trump and into the DeSantis camp with out losing the 30% that is Trumps rabid base for weeks now

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!
You have a very short memory. Back in 2016 both Fox News and Koch, Inc. were against Trump, until after he became the nominee.
Libertarians usually side with the left against Republicans.
And those two are Globalists, so of course they don't support Trump or anyone who bucks the system.
You guys are making this stuff up. Soon it will only be Trump. Every one else will be a RINO or some other form of Trump hater.
Koch didn't say he would oppose Trump. Somebody named Patrick Houf said he did. As a matter of fact the link says Trump was never mentioned. Another non news story that lefties lap up like pablum. Much ado about Trump while Biden goes down the drain.
From 2017

Vanity Fair.

When Donald Trump was running for president, billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch made it brutally obvious just how much they despised him. After spending hundreds of millions of dollars reshaping the G.O.P. in their image over the past decade, the brothers chose to keep their checkbooks closed during the 2016 election, with Charles likening the choice between the former reality-TV-show host and Hillary Clinton to choosing between a heart attack or cancer. Both brothers have condemned Trump’s travel ban, and in April, Charles wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post criticizing the administration’s “counterproductive” actions.

Wow!!! Talk about an about face. I don't know which is more significant, Koch not supporting Trump or Fox reporting it.

At any rate, not only is it bad news for Trump but terrible news for President Biden and Democrats. It looks like they will be losing the one Republican candidate who President Biden can pound into the turf. It's gonna be interesting!

Hey dumb fuck…welcome to July, 2015.

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