Kock Brothers Exposed...What A Bunch Of Sickos!!!

well, I saw a book that said Obama was probably a homosexual

I suppose you who believes all this about the Koch believes Obama likes men too, RIGHT

For crying out loud...you people lap up any book that makes a person look bad

Look at the book on Sarah Palin, you just couldn't quite clucking about it even if it was SPECULATION

I think it said she like her some black meat..and that thread went on for months with some of the sickest stuff imaginable . so really a lot of you should look in a mirror and you'll see a sicko
Not just Harry but the vast majority of the left.
To deflect from their failures, Progressives always need their scapegoats. Stalin had the Kulaks, Hitler the Jews, Mao the Capitalists and American Progs have the Koch Brothers
Teabrains, Teatards, and Tea Folk really hate the fact that they were duped by billionaires who needed to stack the house with their Reps so that they could put the EPA in check.

The Tea Party had nothing to do with "Freedom"-- you were all played by a highly organized propaganda machine.
Teabrains, Teatards, and Tea Folk really hate the fact that they were duped by billionaires who needed to stack the house with their Reps so that they could put the EPA in check.

The Tea Party had nothing to do with "Freedom"-- you were all played by a highly organized propaganda machine.

You are just jealous because your propaganda machine is pretty low-tech.

We have to pass this bill so we can see what is in it.

And Harry Reid has been doing a good job lately.
Was it published by George "My Best Days were working with the Nazis" Soros?

More proof that USMB is not longer a "discussion" board, just another internet vomitorium.

^ Sock Girl adds so much to the discussion

Check her Sig Line

Taliban or Tea Party?
Ideological Purity.
Compromise as weakness.
Fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism.
Denying science.
A need to control women's bodies.
Severe xenophobia.
Tribal mentality (us vs. them)
Last edited:
If there's a hell Satan has a special place set aside for these guys.....

Schulman recounts how the former boxer encouraged his sons to fight each other, sometimes with horrifying results. "During one bout, Bill bashed his twin over the head with a polo mallet," Schulman writes. And "David still bears a scar from the time Bill pierced him in the back with a ceremonial sword."

As a bachelor, David was known for hosting hundreds of people at champagne-soaked, all-night parties at his homes in Aspen, Colorado, and Southampton, New York. He once boasted that at least a third of his guests were "beautiful, wild, single women." A guest told Schulman, "A lot of the crowd were these L.A. chicks who had just bought a new pair of tits and wanted to make sure that they did not go unnoticed -- those parties got pretty wild."

Koch Brothers' Secrets Revealed In New Book

Jesus. Give it a break Harry. How about giving all the juicy details on that Nazi George Soros?

Your little tirade has about as much credibility as "Aqua Buddah" did.

Harry?.....hey wait a minute....im being framed i tell ya....
To deflect from their failures, Progressives always need their scapegoats. Stalin had the Kulaks, Hitler the Jews, Mao the Capitalists and American Progs have the Koch Brothers

wasn't the last election, Ted Nuggent, Grover Norquist and the Tea Party?

what's worse than these elected asses attacking us WE THE PEOPLE they took an oath to PROTECT AND SERVE is their frikken base of voters buys into it and regurgitates back no questions asked and no matter how stupid and looking like a sheep they are

Now you see why we are up a shit creek without a paddle...these people listen to hate that is spread by the Democrat party Congresscritters and then dear gawd they vote

we will need a lot help to be saved
If there's a hell Satan has a special place set aside for these guys.....

Schulman recounts how the former boxer encouraged his sons to fight each other, sometimes with horrifying results. "During one bout, Bill bashed his twin over the head with a polo mallet," Schulman writes. And "David still bears a scar from the time Bill pierced him in the back with a ceremonial sword."

In 2000, Bill's then-wife Angela, the mother of two of his children, called the police to accuse Bill of punching her in the stomach and threatening "to beat his whole family to death with his belt." Bill was charged with domestic assault and threatening to commit murder.

As a bachelor, David was known for hosting hundreds of people at champagne-soaked, all-night parties at his homes in Aspen, Colorado, and Southampton, New York. He once boasted that at least a third of his guests were "beautiful, wild, single women." A guest told Schulman, "A lot of the crowd were these L.A. chicks who had just bought a new pair of tits and wanted to make sure that they did not go unnoticed -- those parties got pretty wild."

Koch Brothers' Secrets Revealed In New Book

Damn they sound like the Kennedy's, except from what I'm reading they didn't kill anyone where the Kennedy's have a body count of at least 2.
If there's a hell Satan has a special place set aside for these guys.....

Koch Brothers' Secrets Revealed In New Book

Jesus. Give it a break Harry. How about giving all the juicy details on that Nazi George Soros?

Your little tirade has about as much credibility as "Aqua Buddah" did.

Be careful how your throw you Nazi accusations around...

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

If your great grandparents owned slaves, are you a slaver? Nah, I did not think so.

Bush's grandfather worked for a bank and he is a Nazi because of that? .

Democrats elected Bush's BOSS and owner of the company Bush worked for- a democrat. He was also elected Governor of NY by democrats. Democrat's also voted for him twice to be the presidential nominee in the 1950's.

W. Averell Harriman also served under Kennedy and Johnson and was known as one of "The Wise Men".

Harriman did not just work for a bank as Grandpa Bush did. Harriman OWNED 3 corporations and was running 1 more which were seized from him by the US government.

Union Banking Corporation (UBC) seized from Harriman
Holland-American Trading Corporation - seized from Harriman
Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation seized from Harriman
Silesian-American Corporation Co-owned by Harriman with Germans.
If there's a hell Satan has a special place set aside for these guys.....

Koch Brothers' Secrets Revealed In New Book

Jesus. Give it a break Harry. How about giving all the juicy details on that Nazi George Soros?

Your little tirade has about as much credibility as "Aqua Buddah" did.

Be careful how your throw you Nazi accusations around...

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

Pardner, if you are a liberal - you are a Nazi. Period, end of story.
Koch brothers family squabbles or Harry Reid and his crooked land deals?


Do not care at all about that the Koch brothers did.
If there's a hell Satan has a special place set aside for these guys.....

Koch Brothers' Secrets Revealed In New Book

Jesus. Give it a break Harry. How about giving all the juicy details on that Nazi George Soros?

Your little tirade has about as much credibility as "Aqua Buddah" did.

Be careful how your throw you Nazi accusations around...

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

More BS. Bush's grandfather worked in a bank that held german government funds. We were not at war with Germany, and Germany had an embassy here. They had to pay their bills, just like we did at our embassy in Germany.. When we entered WWII, the bank notified the treasury department of the funds held and those funds were impounded for the course of the war. Our government had funds in German banks, Italian banks, and Japanese banks. That is the way the world works.
Why does the left hate these people so much? Because they are Jews? Because they are rich Jewish philanthropists who also donate money to political causes? The hatred doesn't add up and you have to remind yourself that the same people who hate the Kotch brothers (who have no political power) seem to admire the wife of a sleaze bag who had the power over life and death. Bill would have been out on his ass or in jail before he was 30 if it wasn't for Hillary's first class enabling and war against women.

Why? Because that piece of human excrement Harry Reid has issued the marching orders for the Brownshirts.

That's it. Right there. In it's entirety.
Koch brothers family squabbles or Harry Reid and his crooked land deals?


Do not care at all about that the Koch brothers did.

Harry Reid. Enters Congress with a net worth of $85,000. Now, all these years later he's worth nearly 28 Million.

....And that bastard has the GALL to talk about the Koch brothers. damned Nazi thief.
In all seriousness. The democrat now occupying the Oval Office who used to drug drive around in a Choom Wagon and they are taking about a wild party? Really? Obama was one accident away from a murder conviction. And democrats blather about two brothers fighting? This is twilight zone time.
If there's a hell Satan has a special place set aside for these guys.....

Schulman recounts how the former boxer encouraged his sons to fight each other, sometimes with horrifying results. "During one bout, Bill bashed his twin over the head with a polo mallet," Schulman writes. And "David still bears a scar from the time Bill pierced him in the back with a ceremonial sword."

In 2000, Bill's then-wife Angela, the mother of two of his children, called the police to accuse Bill of punching her in the stomach and threatening "to beat his whole family to death with his belt." Bill was charged with domestic assault and threatening to commit murder.

As a bachelor, David was known for hosting hundreds of people at champagne-soaked, all-night parties at his homes in Aspen, Colorado, and Southampton, New York. He once boasted that at least a third of his guests were "beautiful, wild, single women." A guest told Schulman, "A lot of the crowd were these L.A. chicks who had just bought a new pair of tits and wanted to make sure that they did not go unnoticed -- those parties got pretty wild."

Koch Brothers' Secrets Revealed In New Book
Quit sucking harry reid's old wrinked cock, you worthless amateur.

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