Kock Brothers Exposed...What A Bunch Of Sickos!!!

In all seriousness. The democrat now occupying the Oval Office who used to drug drive around in a Choom Wagon and they are taking about a wild party? Really? Obama was one accident away from a murder conviction. And democrats blather about two brothers fighting? This is twilight zone time.

Who cares? What difference does it make? Are the Koch Bros running for office? Are we supposed to not vote for them based on this?
It is nothing more than personal destruction and an attempt to silence them. I wonder how many government agencies are investigating the Kochs.
....however, they turned their lives around and went on to do great things.

Seriously, what is it with the Koch brothers that has people spitting blood? The right has no use for George Soros but I never saw this level of attention and dedication to smearing the man.

pretty simple if you ask me.., liberscum/demoncrats are the most evil, wicked, vile, deceitful, traitorous filthy scum to ever slither across this once peaceful, loving land GOD created for a free people.

about 50 years ago, right after JFK got his brains blown all over a Dallas Texas street by a liberal/commie the left side of the country went apoplectic demanding gun control and...,ooooh ! do not forget the slogan of the times, "we just want you to stop smoking on airplanes" :up:

look where we are today folks.., you with some common sense that is, the left have become so fucking hate filled they have lost all sense of common decency.

libertools are below 99% of four legged animals. :up:
....however, they turned their lives around and went on to do great things.

Seriously, what is it with the Koch brothers that has people spitting blood? The right has no use for George Soros but I never saw this level of attention and dedication to smearing the man.

Great things like stealing oil off government land. No jail. Just a crummy fine. It's strange that you apologists for the multi billionaires don't know that the very wealthy don't go to jail like the average crooks do. . No charge for this lesson in how thing really work in America.

Koch And Native-American Reservation Oil Theft
....however, they turned their lives around and went on to do great things.

Seriously, what is it with the Koch brothers that has people spitting blood? The right has no use for George Soros but I never saw this level of attention and dedication to smearing the man.

Great things like stealing oil off government land. No jail. Just a crummy fine. It's strange that you apologists for the multi billionaires don't know that the very wealthy don't go to jail like the average crooks do. . No charge for this lesson in how thing really work in America.

Koch And Native-American Reservation Oil Theft

Save the faux outrage, you lying piece of hypocritical monkey shit.
....however, they turned their lives around and went on to do great things.

Seriously, what is it with the Koch brothers that has people spitting blood? The right has no use for George Soros but I never saw this level of attention and dedication to smearing the man.

pretty simple if you ask me.., liberscum/demoncrats are the most evil, wicked, vile, deceitful, traitorous filthy scum to ever slither across this once peaceful, loving land GOD created for a free people.

about 50 years ago, right after JFK got his brains blown all over a Dallas Texas street by a liberal/commie the left side of the country went apoplectic demanding gun control and...,ooooh ! do not forget the slogan of the times, "we just want you to stop smoking on airplanes" :up:

look where we are today folks.., you with some common sense that is, the left have become so fucking hate filled they have lost all sense of common decency.

libertools are below 99% of four legged animals. :up:

Nice post. I finally found someone almost as nutty as edgetho.
Koch brothers family squabbles or Harry Reid and his crooked land deals?


Do not care at all about that the Koch brothers did.

Harry Reid ever have any convictions against him like your heroes the Kochs have? I know you have a quota to make, but try to have some substance in your accusations.
If there's a hell Satan has a special place set aside for these guys.....

Schulman recounts how the former boxer encouraged his sons to fight each other, sometimes with horrifying results. "During one bout, Bill bashed his twin over the head with a polo mallet," Schulman writes. And "David still bears a scar from the time Bill pierced him in the back with a ceremonial sword."

In 2000, Bill's then-wife Angela, the mother of two of his children, called the police to accuse Bill of punching her in the stomach and threatening "to beat his whole family to death with his belt." Bill was charged with domestic assault and threatening to commit murder.

As a bachelor, David was known for hosting hundreds of people at champagne-soaked, all-night parties at his homes in Aspen, Colorado, and Southampton, New York. He once boasted that at least a third of his guests were "beautiful, wild, single women." A guest told Schulman, "A lot of the crowd were these L.A. chicks who had just bought a new pair of tits and wanted to make sure that they did not go unnoticed -- those parties got pretty wild."

Koch Brothers' Secrets Revealed In New Book

You mean like your favorite billionaire? I wasn't aware that the Koch Bros. helped Nazi's round up Jews for the camps. Where exactly did they do that? Here's Soros proclaiming that the "happiest time of his life".

Sick fuck..and you just love him don't you...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1Qr7TnWG74]George Soros: (Helping Nazis) "Was The Happiest Time of my Life" - YouTube[/ame]
A sleazy lie
Bush was one of seven directors (including*W. Averell Harriman) of the*Union Banking Corporation*(holding a single share as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate*Fritz Thyssen.[6][7]*In July 1942, the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of*Nazileaders.[8]*A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the*Trading with the Enemy Act*and held the assets for the duration of*World War II.[6]According to journalist*Joe Conason, Prescott Bush's involvement with UBC was purely commercial and he was not a Nazi sympathizer.[9]*The*Anti-Defamation League[10]*and historian Herbert Parmet[7]*agreed with that assessment.
If there's a hell Satan has a special place set aside for these guys.....

Koch Brothers' Secrets Revealed In New Book

Jesus. Give it a break Harry. How about giving all the juicy details on that Nazi George Soros?

Your little tirade has about as much credibility as "Aqua Buddah" did.

Be careful how your throw you Nazi accusations around...

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian
If there's a hell Satan has a special place set aside for these guys.....

Schulman recounts how the former boxer encouraged his sons to fight each other, sometimes with horrifying results. "During one bout, Bill bashed his twin over the head with a polo mallet," Schulman writes. And "David still bears a scar from the time Bill pierced him in the back with a ceremonial sword."

As a bachelor, David was known for hosting hundreds of people at champagne-soaked, all-night parties at his homes in Aspen, Colorado, and Southampton, New York. He once boasted that at least a third of his guests were "beautiful, wild, single women." A guest told Schulman, "A lot of the crowd were these L.A. chicks who had just bought a new pair of tits and wanted to make sure that they did not go unnoticed -- those parties got pretty wild."

Koch Brothers' Secrets Revealed In New Book

im sure they are not the only rich spoiled assholes like that.....if these guys were Democrats would you have posted this?...

At least they didn't kill anyone during some alcohol soaked debaucheries like Teddy Kennedy. His escapades continued well into his 60s. If anyone remembers the details of the night that led his nephew to be arrested and put on trial for rape.

Not only was Teddy a rich guy, he was also a U.S. Senator, and the libturds all regard him as some kind of hero and even a role model!
Soros really hits a bell with me. If he was in reach of my hands. Hungary. My step dad was a mega tennis player. World reknowned. Olympic status.

Many still fear him. I don't
....however, they turned their lives around and went on to do great things.

Seriously, what is it with the Koch brothers that has people spitting blood? The right has no use for George Soros but I never saw this level of attention and dedication to smearing the man.
The left does want any competition/resistance...that's why the attacks by Soros/Reid and all the other Hitler wannabes.
...more exposure!

UPDATE ? Letter to Senator Patty Murray, Chair Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee | KochFacts.com
On June 17th, we received a letter from a member of DSCC finance staff asking for a substantial contribution. That was followed by a phone call from that staffer on June 22nd and another on June 30th. Also on June 30th, we received yet another overture from the Deputy Director of Finance, urging us to “max-out” a donation, join the DSCC “Leadership Circle,” have breakfast with U.S. Senators, and also take part in the DSCC’s Kiawah Island retreat.

Senator Patty Murray, Chair
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Dear Senator Murray:

For many months now, your colleagues in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee leadership have engaged in a series of disparagements and ad hominem attacks about us, apparently as part of a concerted political and fundraising strategy. Just recently, Senator Reid wrote in a DSCC fundraising letter that Republicans are trying to “force through their extreme agenda faster than you can say ‘Koch Brothers.’”

So you can imagine my chagrin when I got a letter from you on June 17 asking us to make five-figure contributions to the DSCC. You followed that up with a voicemail* indicating that, if we contributed heavily enough, we would garner an invitation to join you and other Democratic leaders at a retreat in Kiawah Island this September.

I’m hoping you can help me understand the intent of your request because it’s hard not to conclude that DSCC politics have become so cynical that you actually expect people whom you routinely denounce to give DSCC money.

It is troubling that private citizens taking part in the discourse have become the targets of White House and DSCC fundraising missives, and we would certainly encourage you to rethink that approach. Ultimately, I expect voters will see through that and will weigh the issues on the merits alone. But in the meantime, if you could provide me some insight on what exactly you are asking of us and why, I would be most grateful.

Philip Ellender
President, Government & Public Affairs
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
...and more...

Responding to Bob Beckel ? A Public Statement from Mark Holden, General Counsel, Koch Industries | KochFacts.com
Tuesday, March 20th, 2012
Responding to Bob Beckel — A Public Statement from Mark Holden, General Counsel, Koch Industries

During a discussion on a Fox News program on Monday, March 19, partisan left-wing commentator Bob Beckel made outrageous and maliciously false statements about Koch. In reference to GOP presidential candidates, Beckel said, “the rest of them are taking money from the Koch brothers who are Iranian arms sellers.”

Mr. Beckel made the remarks in a bizarre effort to rebut concerns that the Obama campaign had accepted contributions from donors that have made disparaging remarks about women. He added, “But [Koch] traded arms with our enemies [and] I think that’s a lot worse.”

Mr. Beckel’s comments are reckless and wrong in many different ways. We assume he was referring to allegations contained in a widely criticized Bloomberg Markets article from last October. First, Koch has never manufactured, bought, sold, or traded arms of any kind or for any purpose — neither with Iran nor anyone else. Second, unlike many large contributors to the President and the Democratic party that Mr. Beckel is affiliated with that either continue to do business in Iran or did it at a much larger level for a longer time than Koch did, Koch voluntarily ceased all business in Iran several years ago.

At that time Koch put in place a policy that was stricter than US federal law that remains in place today. Third, the sales referred to in the Bloomberg Markets article related to petrochemical equipment [not arms] involving a foreign subsidiary of another foreign subsidiary of Koch that had in place protocols that were consistent with existing US law – something Bloomberg Markets itself was forced to concede.

Given the orchestrated campaign against us by those who oppose our views on public policy issues, we expect and have received partisan and baseless criticism and attacks over the past few years. Further, while it is hard to take a partisan hack like Mr. Beckel seriously and while he has made other misleading comments about us in the past, these new, entirely false charges out of whole cloth are a low even for him.
Their Father Fred was right on dead correct about the far left when he said this;
Fred warned of a future "vicious race war" in which communists would pit black Americans against white. "The colored man looms large in the Communist plan to take over America," he wrote.

Fred called the far left for what they really are because he learned all about Communists when he was working in Russia.
Their Father Fred was right on dead correct about the far left when he said this;
Fred warned of a future "vicious race war" in which communists would pit black Americans against white. "The colored man looms large in the Communist plan to take over America," he wrote.

Fred called the far left for what they really are because he learned all about Communists when he was working in Russia.

And we're living it today with Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jessy Jackson, etc with the help of the Lamestream media...Everything with them is black black black, Obama on Trayvon Martin, (what President would come out and speak about a state issue and then say, if he had a son? the death penalty, black people in the jails, etc

people need to wake up to this horrible administration
....however, they turned their lives around and went on to do great things.

Seriously, what is it with the Koch brothers that has people spitting blood? The right has no use for George Soros but I never saw this level of attention and dedication to smearing the man.

Yeah... if you consider killing and stealing from American taxpayers great.

Provide us with an example. I can with your hero Soros. Let's see what you can show us as regards the Kochs.

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