Krazy Kamala Harris’s Trump-Size Tax cuts for the poor & working people ahead of 2020 run

Source: CNBC.COM
Democrats want to repeal Trump's tax cuts and replace them with payouts for the poor

"The proposals would get rid of the tax cuts and, in turn, funnel that money into government-guaranteed cash for low- and middle-income households.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., announced a plan this week that would give working families up to $6,000 each year, with the option of receiving monthly payments. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., outlined a similar idea last year. A bill from Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., would allow stay-at-home parents and students to receive the money as well.

"The idea was to provide a clear contrast with Donald Trump," Khanna told CNBC in an interview. "You know what you could actually do with this money? You could give anyone making under $75,000 a raise.""

Great plan Democrats! Take money out of the pockets of everyone EARNING over $75K a year and give it away, apparently the proliferation of income redistribution we already have isn't enough for you geniuses.

You've finally managed to come up with a plan that might be able to convince me to do something I have never done and could never imagine myself doing... voting for Republicans.

"Thank you for playing! Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!" - Kaffee, A Few Good Men

Letvs make a deal.

We'll freeze welfare for the poor at current levels if we can also freeze welfare for the rich and businesses at current levels.


You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

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So, she proposes to cut their taxes from 0% to what?
Probably something like an earned income credit like they have in Ca.

Here is what Ca. has now....

What is it? The cash-back California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) is designed to put money in the pockets of low-income working people. You can use the money for anything…clothing, food, school supplies, electric bills, etc. Starting with the 2017 tax year, families earning wages or self-employment income up to $22,300 may qualify for CalEITC.

Just federalize it and watch the debt soar.
And the funniest part of this if it were to happen, the liberal fools on this board will be silent on the debt it creates.
So you can cut the taxes on wealthy and corporations but low income and poor should pay through the nose?

Where are the lower income and poor paying through the nose?
It seems that the democrats are trying to take away the tax cuts, then add tax cuts on steroids.
I'm confused.

Last week, California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris introduced her LIFT (Livable Incomes for Families Today) the Middle Class Act. The bill's most notable feature is a refundable tax credit of up to $6,000.

Tax-savvy folks know a tax credit is better than a deduction because it provides a dollar-for-dollar way to cut your tax bill

If, in the case of Harris' proposal, you qualified for the full $6,000 credit and had a tax bill of $7,000, then you'd offset that tax liability with the credit and end up owing the Internal Revenue Service only $1,000.

Even better, Harris wants the credit to be refundable, which is just what its name sounds like.

In the previous case, if your tax bill was $5,000, then the $6,000 credit would wipe out what you owe Uncle Sam and you'd get the $1,000 extra credit as a tax refund.
Kamala Harris' proposed tax credit gets Trump's attention

And here I thought the democrats were worried about the debt, silly me.
Letvs make a deal.

We'll freeze welfare for the poor at current levels if we can also freeze welfare for the rich and businesses at current levels.


You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.
this is what we need! universal basic income in the form of tax breaks for the poor. she also has an ambitious universal housing proposal!

If you believe any of that, then you are someone who has no common sense, or an understanding of basic math, or you flat out want to hear lies.
Isn't Trump dangling tax cuts at the moment?
Why is it good when he says it but not the other way?

Everyone knows he'll never do it his own words "That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?"
Isn't Trump dangling tax cuts at the moment?
Why is it good when he says it but not the other way?

Everyone knows he'll never do it his own words "That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?"

The main reason being he can't cut taxes, only Congress can, and they're not in session at the moment.
You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.
There is trust fund in which SS deposits are placed. The repukes got the raids started to fund other pet projects and never repaid the funding stolen. Employers make weekly deposits into these accounts.
Letvs make a deal.

We'll freeze welfare for the poor at current levels if we can also freeze welfare for the rich and businesses at current levels.


You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:


Apparently you don't understand how the system works.

Your medicare tax dollar, your Social Security tax dollar, and your income tax dollar..... all go to the same place.

Your Medicare dollar, could end up paying for food stamps. Your social security dollar could end up paying for a military plane. Your income tax dollar could end up paying a social security beneficiary.

Are you starting to understand? When your company pulls out $50 for income tax, and $20 for social security, and $5 for medicare, your company does not send out 3 different checks, to 3 different agencies.

It sends out one check for $75 to the IRS. All the money, from all federal taxes, go to the IRS, and then they are spent by the Federal Government.

They are all just..... taxes. That's it.

By the way.... All benefits given by government, are just welfare. They all just welfare payments. Social security beneficiaries, are just getting a check from the Federal government, just like food stamps, or Medicaid.

Social Security is not "paid out of social security money".... it is not. There is no "social security money". It is just paid out of the tax revenues. The same bank account that pays for a Military Tank, or a Federal Highway, also pays Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

This is why back when Obama said if they didn't raise the debt ceiling, that Social Security would be cut.... that wasn't a joke. That was a fact. Because social security is just another expenditure, and there is no "trust fund" full of money anywhere.

Read the book. Social Security has been a fraud since it was created. There is no 'trust fund'.
Come on people.

You gotta admit.

It's funny that Republicans whine about the middle class getting tax cuts.

But cheer billionaires getting ENORMOUS tax cuts.

And how many Republicans on the USMB are Billionaires? None.

How many are middle class?


Most are poor and on food stamps.
You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:


Apparently you don't understand how the system works.

Your medicare tax dollar, your Social Security tax dollar, and your income tax dollar..... all go to the same place.

Your Medicare dollar, could end up paying for food stamps. Your social security dollar could end up paying for a military plane. Your income tax dollar could end up paying a social security beneficiary.

Are you starting to understand? When your company pulls out $50 for income tax, and $20 for social security, and $5 for medicare, your company does not send out 3 different checks, to 3 different agencies.

It sends out one check for $75 to the IRS. All the money, from all federal taxes, go to the IRS, and then they are spent by the Federal Government.

They are all just..... taxes. That's it.

By the way.... All benefits given by government, are just welfare. They all just welfare payments. Social security beneficiaries, are just getting a check from the Federal government, just like food stamps, or Medicaid.

Social Security is not "paid out of social security money".... it is not. There is no "social security money". It is just paid out of the tax revenues. The same bank account that pays for a Military Tank, or a Federal Highway, also pays Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

This is why back when Obama said if they didn't raise the debt ceiling, that Social Security would be cut.... that wasn't a joke. That was a fact. Because social security is just another expenditure, and there is no "trust fund" full of money anywhere.

Read the book. Social Security has been a fraud since it was created. There is no 'trust fund'.
Your Medicare dollar, could end up paying for food stamps. Your social security dollar could end up paying for a military plane. Your income tax dollar could end up paying a social security beneficiary.

You are wrong. Mitch McConnell said they will go to billionaires.
NEEDY billionaires.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.
There is trust fund in which SS deposits are placed. The repukes got the raids started to fund other pet projects and never repaid the funding stolen. Employers make weekly deposits into these accounts.

You are factually incorrect.

Read the book. It documents how Social Security was created, how it operated, and everything that has happened to the present day.

There never was a trust fund. It was never raided, because it never existed. It still doesn't to this day.

There never was a separate account, and there isn't to this day.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:


Apparently you don't understand how the system works.

Your medicare tax dollar, your Social Security tax dollar, and your income tax dollar..... all go to the same place.

Your Medicare dollar, could end up paying for food stamps. Your social security dollar could end up paying for a military plane. Your income tax dollar could end up paying a social security beneficiary.

Are you starting to understand? When your company pulls out $50 for income tax, and $20 for social security, and $5 for medicare, your company does not send out 3 different checks, to 3 different agencies.

It sends out one check for $75 to the IRS. All the money, from all federal taxes, go to the IRS, and then they are spent by the Federal Government.

They are all just..... taxes. That's it.

By the way.... All benefits given by government, are just welfare. They all just welfare payments. Social security beneficiaries, are just getting a check from the Federal government, just like food stamps, or Medicaid.

Social Security is not "paid out of social security money".... it is not. There is no "social security money". It is just paid out of the tax revenues. The same bank account that pays for a Military Tank, or a Federal Highway, also pays Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

This is why back when Obama said if they didn't raise the debt ceiling, that Social Security would be cut.... that wasn't a joke. That was a fact. Because social security is just another expenditure, and there is no "trust fund" full of money anywhere.

Read the book. Social Security has been a fraud since it was created. There is no 'trust fund'.
Your Medicare dollar, could end up paying for food stamps. Your social security dollar could end up paying for a military plane. Your income tax dollar could end up paying a social security beneficiary.

You are wrong. Mitch McConnell said they will go to billionaires.
NEEDY billionaires.

Prove they go to billionaires. Where is that in the budget?
Come on people.

You gotta admit.

It's funny that Republicans whine about the middle class getting tax cuts.

But cheer billionaires getting ENORMOUS tax cuts.

And how many Republicans on the USMB are Billionaires? None.

How many are middle class?


Most are poor and on food stamps.
And let's not forget that those tax cuts that went to the very richest...blew a giant hole in the the tune of Trillions
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.
There is trust fund in which SS deposits are placed. The repukes got the raids started to fund other pet projects and never repaid the funding stolen. Employers make weekly deposits into these accounts.
There is no trust fund. There is only a drawer full of worthless IOUs.

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