Krazy Kamala Harris’s Trump-Size Tax cuts for the poor & working people ahead of 2020 run

this is what we need! universal basic income in the form of tax breaks for the poor. she also has an ambitious universal housing proposal!

'Ambitious' = SOCIALIST :p

$500 PER MONTH to families.
$3,000 per year to single people.
$6,000 per year to married couples.
...on top of all the other social program benefits...

NOT JUST TO US AMERICAN CITIZENS BUT TO ILLEGALS HERE IN THE US AS include the 14,000-criminal Invasion force on the way to our southern border.


As many as 80 million Americans would benefit....approximately 22 Million illegals would also receive these tax-payer-funded benefits.

"If it looks like class warfare, that is because, in some sense, it is—making the government more redistributive than it is now, and more redistributive than it was during the Barack Obama years."

Kamala Harris is a 100% Socialist Democrat, and socialists always know how to spend your money better than you and have no problem spending your money like its going out of style ... until they run out of YOUR money.

This is another 'cradle-to-grave' Democratic Socialist plan meant to counter Trump's success in making Americans more successful and independent, less dependent on Democrats. This plan is designed to force Americans back to being completely dependent on the 'generosity' of Democrats (funded by other Americans' money).

Whether it's Harris or Corey 'I felt Her up' / 'Spartacus' Booker, the Democrats are trying to 'one up' each other with promises of tax-payer-funded handouts.

'Success' as defined by Trump is:
Lower taxes
Record Tax revenue collected
Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Factory Jobs Obama said would never come back operating in the US again
Higher wages, bonuses / more opportunities
LESS Americans on Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment
LESS dependency on Democrat / Govt handouts

'Success' defined by Democrats is:
Higher taxes
Weaker Economy
Factory Jobs forced back overseas
Obama-era unemployment rates
Fewer Jobs
MORE Americans on Welfare, Food tamps, & Unemployment
MORE dependency of Democrats / Govt
MORE control / power in the hands of Democrats, less in the hands of citizens

Kamala Harris and the Democrats advocate the forced return of Americans into Economic Slavery & Dependency.
No wonder Republicans think Senator Harris is crazy. Tax cuts are only good for billionaires. Not for regular people. All Republicans know that.
this is what we need! universal basic income in the form of tax breaks for the poor. she also has an ambitious universal housing proposal!

'Ambitious' = SOCIALIST :p

$500 PER MONTH to families.
$3,000 per year to single people.
$6,000 per year to married couples.
...on top of all the other social program benefits...

NOT JUST TO US AMERICAN CITIZENS BUT TO ILLEGALS HERE IN THE US AS include the 14,000-criminal Invasion force on the way to our southern border.


As many as 80 million Americans would benefit....approximately 22 Million illegals would also receive these tax-payer-funded benefits.

"If it looks like class warfare, that is because, in some sense, it is—making the government more redistributive than it is now, and more redistributive than it was during the Barack Obama years."

Kamala Harris is a 100% Socialist Democrat, and socialists always know how to spend your money better than you and have no problem spending your money like its going out of style ... until they run out of YOUR money.

This is another 'cradle-to-grave' Democratic Socialist plan meant to counter Trump's success in making Americans more successful and independent, less dependent on Democrats. This plan is designed to force Americans back to being completely dependent on the 'generosity' of Democrats (funded by other Americans' money).

Whether it's Harris or Corey 'I felt Her up' / 'Spartacus' Booker, the Democrats are trying to 'one up' each other with promises of tax-payer-funded handouts.

'Success' as defined by Trump is:
Lower taxes
Record Tax revenue collected
Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Factory Jobs Obama said would never come back operating in the US again
Higher wages, bonuses / more opportunities
LESS Americans on Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment
LESS dependency on Democrat / Govt handouts

'Success' defined by Democrats is:
Higher taxes
Weaker Economy
Factory Jobs forced back overseas
Obama-era unemployment rates
Fewer Jobs
MORE Americans on Welfare, Food tamps, & Unemployment
MORE dependency of Democrats / Govt
MORE control / power in the hands of Democrats, less in the hands of citizens

Kamala Harris and the Democrats advocate the forced return of Americans into Economic Slavery & Dependency.
Another fuking idiot.
Breitbart? Oh my God! Haven’t you fools learned anything yet?
Yeah, we learned there is not one news outlet out there as bad / as deceitful as lying Fake News CNN, and that one of the Liberals' favorite tactics when they can not dispute the information being reported is to attempt to claim that the source is not trustworthy....which no one buys anymore.

Who can trust a damn word Liberals say anymore? They are the ones who chose a national-security-compromising felon candidate as their 2016 Presidential candidate and declared she would win in a landslide - yet they want to declare their judgment / opinion is worth a damn!

Bwuhahahaha! Not THAT'S funny!
No wonder Republicans think Senator Harris is crazy. Tax cuts are only good for billionaires. Not for regular people. All Republicans know that.

Point of order: It's not just Republicans that think she's crazy.....
No wonder Republicans think Senator Harris is crazy. Tax cuts are only good for billionaires. Not for regular people. All Republicans know that.
California is an at-will employment State; we should pioneer a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, to keep our Golden State, golden.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

LOL, I see you haven't given up your never ending quest to redefine the definition of words to suit your idiotic hyper-partisan objectives, you and the left wing dingbats have that in common.

Unfortunately for you, the fact remains that entitlements are disguised from subsidies and the conversation that you injected yourself into was obviously way above your pay grade since the statistics involved never included entitlements.

… now feel free to continue your endeavors to convince anyone that'll listen that you're a brain dead Republicrat drone that cannot admit when it's way out of its depth, you're doing a great job.

Welcome to /dev/null
Your "statistics" don't want to include the truth. Social Security is a "subsidy" just as much as welfare. It's not my fault that you're a sucker who got snookered into paying the taxes to cover the benefits of earlier generations.
Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

LOL, I see you haven't given up your never ending quest to redefine the definition of words to suit your idiotic hyper-partisan objectives, you and the left wing dingbats have that in common.

Unfortunately for you, the fact remains that entitlements are disguised from subsidies and the conversation that you injected yourself into was obviously way above your pay grade since the statistics involved never included entitlements.

… now feel free to continue your endeavors to convince anyone that'll listen that you're a brain dead Republicrat drone that cannot admit when it's way out of its depth, you're doing a great job.

Welcome to /dev/null
Your "statistics" don't want to include the truth. Social Security is a "subsidy" just as much as welfare. It's not my fault that you're a sucker who got snookered into paying the taxes to cover the benefits of earlier generations.
Social Security is a trust fund that collects money from workers and employers to be paid out when people reach 65 years of age.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

LOL, I see you haven't given up your never ending quest to redefine the definition of words to suit your idiotic hyper-partisan objectives, you and the left wing dingbats have that in common.

Unfortunately for you, the fact remains that entitlements are disguised from subsidies and the conversation that you injected yourself into was obviously way above your pay grade since the statistics involved never included entitlements.

… now feel free to continue your endeavors to convince anyone that'll listen that you're a brain dead Republicrat drone that cannot admit when it's way out of its depth, you're doing a great job.

Welcome to /dev/null
Your "statistics" don't want to include the truth. Social Security is a "subsidy" just as much as welfare. It's not my fault that you're a sucker who got snookered into paying the taxes to cover the benefits of earlier generations.
Social Security is a trust fund that collects money from workers and employers to be paid out when people reach 65 years of age.
Social Security is a con. It's a big lie. It sure as hell isn't any "trust fund." If it is, then where is all the money? Why can't the government pay current retirees if Congress doesn't extend the debt limit?
Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

Are you under the impression that an account is a giant physical box in which bullion is held?
Sn account isn't an arrangement where a third part helps itself to all the assets. That's what Social Security is.

You really have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The Social Security program is not what many people think it is, but it's sure as hell not what you think it is, either.

Sure it is. It's a giant Ponzi scheme. Only fools dispute the fact.

Calling it a ponzi scheme is at amateur as calling it a retirement savings system.
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources.

The currently employed (new investors) are paying into a system from which retirees (investors) receive benefits. If it quacks its a fucking duck.
Are you under the impression that an account is a giant physical box in which bullion is held?
Sn account isn't an arrangement where a third part helps itself to all the assets. That's what Social Security is.

You really have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The Social Security program is not what many people think it is, but it's sure as hell not what you think it is, either.

Sure it is. It's a giant Ponzi scheme. Only fools dispute the fact.

Calling it a ponzi scheme is at amateur as calling it a retirement savings system.
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources.

The currently employed (new investors) are paying into a system from which retirees (investors) receive benefits. If it quacks its a fucking duck.

Social Security is not an investment, it's a tax and spending program.
Social Security is a trust fund that collects money from workers and employers to be paid out when people reach 65 years of age.

Yes and No, the SSA Trust Funds (there are more than one) represent the accumulated debt instruments (bonds) issued by the Treasury to account for the past spending of Social Security surpluses for other Federal Government Operations (currently around $2.5 Trillion in total), the bonds held by the SSA Trusts accumulate interest along with inflows from payroll taxes to fund payouts to beneficiaries.

Starting around 2010, the inflows from FICA taxes were insufficient to cover the payouts to beneficiaries, so SSA had to begin covering shortfalls using interest income from the Trust Funds (i.e. the trust funds started growing more slowly, since prior to this point the Trust Funds had been accumulating new assets both by intragovernmental borrowing of the surpluses and via the interest on existing bonds). Of course the debt service on those bonds has to come from the Federal General Fund which, given the current state of Federal Finances, means that the Federal Government has to borrow from the public to pay for the debt service on the Social Security surpluses that it borrowed (via intragovernmental borrowing) in the past.

Obviously this isn't a sustainable mode of operations since eventually the assets in the Trust Fund will be exhausted and the operational cash flow shortfalls will have to be funded entirely from the General Fund, requiring either spending reductions, increased taxes, increased borrowing from the public or some combination of all three and/or modifications to SS benefits and retirement age.

So the bottom line is that Social Security is cash in(payroll taxes)->cash out(paying out benefits) system that utilizes Trust Funds as more or less a "bank" to hold assets against imbalances in cash flow.
"It’s time to reform the tax code in a way that supports the people who work hard every day to make this country great. That’s why I introduced the LIFT Act, which would give middle-class families a tax credit up to $500 a month, helping them to make ends meet." - Krazy Kamala
"It’s time to reform the tax code in a way that supports the people who work hard every day to make this country great. That’s why I introduced the LIFT Act, which would give middle-class families a tax credit up to $500 a month, helping them to make ends meet." - Krazy Kamala
we should not be micromanaging our tax codes for the general welfare. Increasing the minimum wage is more tax friendly.

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