Krazy Kamala Harris’s Trump-Size Tax cuts for the poor & working people ahead of 2020 run

Come on people.

You gotta admit.

It's funny that Republicans whine about the middle class getting tax cuts.

But cheer billionaires getting ENORMOUS tax cuts.

And how many Republicans on the USMB are Billionaires? None.

How many are middle class?


Most are poor and on food stamps.

If you tax a billionaire more money... how does that help me? It doesn't.
If you cut taxes on a billionaire, how does that hurt me? It doesn't.

My income went up after the tax cuts were passed under Bush.
My income went up after the tax cuts were passed by Trump.
My income went down, after Obama raised taxes.

These are facts.

Do you believe that my income changes are affected by taxes? Or was it because I got a better job?

If it is because I got better jobs when my income went up, then maybe tax policy against, or in favor of the rich doesn't affect my life nearly as much as me making my life better through good choices?

If so, maybe it is just a good thing to let people keep more of their own money.
Come on people.

You gotta admit.

It's funny that Republicans whine about the middle class getting tax cuts.

But cheer billionaires getting ENORMOUS tax cuts.

And how many Republicans on the USMB are Billionaires? None.

How many are middle class?


Most are poor and on food stamps.
And let's not forget that those tax cuts that went to the very richest...blew a giant hole in the the tune of Trillions

The amount of tax revenue went up, not down.
How can higher tax revenue, be the cause of a 'giant hole' in the budget?

How about we stop over spending?
You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

Are you under the impression that an account is a giant physical box in which bullion is held?
Come on people.

You gotta admit.

It's funny that Republicans whine about the middle class getting tax cuts.

But cheer billionaires getting ENORMOUS tax cuts.

And how many Republicans on the USMB are Billionaires? None.

How many are middle class?


Most are poor and on food stamps.
And let's not forget that those tax cuts that went to the very richest...blew a giant hole in the the tune of Trillions

The amount of tax revenue went up, not down.
How can higher tax revenue, be the cause of a 'giant hole' in the budget?

How about we stop over spending?
Because repukes spent it before they had it.
Messing with social security will be supported only be a minute percentage of voters. The cuts will have to be rammed thru against the will of the people. Then comes pure chaos and uproar.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

Are you under the impression that an account is a giant physical box in which bullion is held?
Sn account isn't an arrangement where a third part helps itself to all the assets. That's what Social Security is.
Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

Are you under the impression that an account is a giant physical box in which bullion is held?
Sn account isn't an arrangement where a third part helps itself to all the assets. That's what Social Security is.

You really have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The Social Security program is not what many people think it is, but it's sure as hell not what you think it is, either.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

Are you under the impression that an account is a giant physical box in which bullion is held?
Sn account isn't an arrangement where a third part helps itself to all the assets. That's what Social Security is.

You really have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The Social Security program is not what many people think it is, but it's sure as hell not what you think it is, either.

Sure it is. It's a giant Ponzi scheme. Only fools dispute the fact.
So, she proposes to cut their taxes from 0% to what?
Probably something like an earned income credit like they have in Ca.

Here is what Ca. has now....

What is it? The cash-back California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) is designed to put money in the pockets of low-income working people. You can use the money for anything…clothing, food, school supplies, electric bills, etc. Starting with the 2017 tax year, families earning wages or self-employment income up to $22,300 may qualify for CalEITC.

Just federalize it and watch the debt soar.
And the funniest part of this if it were to happen, the liberal fools on this board will be silent on the debt it creates.
So you can cut the taxes on wealthy and corporations but low income and poor should pay through the nose?
Nothing from nothing is still zero you loon. The majority of those people don't pay income taxes.
You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

LOL, I see you haven't given up your never ending quest to redefine the definition of words to suit your idiotic hyper-partisan objectives, you and the left wing dingbats have that in common.

Unfortunately for you, the fact remains that entitlements are disguised from subsidies and the conversation that you injected yourself into was obviously way above your pay grade since the statistics involved never included entitlements.

… now feel free to continue your endeavors to convince anyone that'll listen that you're a brain dead Republicrat drone that cannot admit when it's way out of its depth, you're doing a great job.

Welcome to /dev/null
You're not in a position to make any deals, in case you hadn't noticed, you have no power. That's why you're here instead of in the smoke filled back rooms of Washington hanging with the political Crime Family bosses dividing up the spoils and laughing at how clueless the plebs are.

However were we in a position to make such deals, I wouldn't take it since, the actual POOR (those below the poverty line) only receive around 13 cents of every direct subsidy dollar which means that the NOT POOR receive the other 87 cents. If it were up to me I'd quadruple the direct assistance to the actual poor and tell all the NOT POOR to go pound sand and as a side benefit eliminate 48 cents of every current subsidy dollar.

We need to stop directly subsidizing people that aren't living in poverty, like this new "plan" by the Democrats proposes to do.
The "not poor" consists mostly of old people collecting SS and Medicare. Your plan should go over like a Lead balloon.

Obviously nobody stopped by your planet and delivered the memo explaining the difference between subsidies and entitlements.:rolleyes:

... Meanwhile back on Earth the out of control dimwits also known as Congress Critters continue to produce redistributive vote buying proposals at an ever increasing pace.
A government check is a government check. If the government isn't receiving anything in exchange, then you are being subsidized.

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:


Apparently you don't understand how the system works.

Your medicare tax dollar, your Social Security tax dollar, and your income tax dollar..... all go to the same place.
SS and Medicare accounts and benefits are determined by distinct payments into entitlement programs, where the federal reserve currency goes is immaterial. SS and Medicare recipients benefits are determined by those pay ins (which means they're not "welfare" anymore than a private pension plan is "welfare") and are mandated by statue as are the outflows for those programs (aka Mandatory Spending), people pay in based on the promise of receiving XYZ benefits in the future.

What's also mandated by statute is the accounting for those receipts which means that the general fund has to borrow excess recipients to spend them elsewhere (aka intragovernmental holdings), In other words they have to issue Treasury debt instruments to the SSA to account for them. The money doesn't just disappear or isn't "stolen" as some of the yokels would have you believe, it's just changed from a depreciating asset (Federal Reserve Currency) into an interest bearing debt asset (Non-Transferrable Treasury Bonds), in other words one form of fiat paper into another form of fiat paper both backed by "The full faith and credit of the United States Treasury". SS and Medicare utilize interest and redemptions to fund the current program cash flow shortfalls, so yes there is a "trust fund" (actually several including OASI and DI) composed of Treasury Debt and it's currently being spent down because cash flows are negative.

Anywho, the original discussion that Captain Moron interjected himself into was specifically talking about subsidies (not entitlements) and the share that those below the poverty line received of them, it however couldn't resist the opportunity to redefine terms to suit its irrational "argument".

Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

Are you under the impression that an account is a giant physical box in which bullion is held?
Sn account isn't an arrangement where a third part helps itself to all the assets. That's what Social Security is.

You really have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The Social Security program is not what many people think it is, but it's sure as hell not what you think it is, either.

Sure it is. It's a giant Ponzi scheme. Only fools dispute the fact.

Calling it a ponzi scheme is at amateur as calling it a retirement savings system.
Yeah thanks for sharing your idiotic theories but given the fact that you exist in a logic, reason and fact free reality distortion field I should have known you wouldn't be aware of the fact that people pay into Social Security and Medicare, which is why they're known as entitlements.:cool:

Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

Are you under the impression that an account is a giant physical box in which bullion is held?
Sn account isn't an arrangement where a third part helps itself to all the assets. That's what Social Security is.

You really have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The Social Security program is not what many people think it is, but it's sure as hell not what you think it is, either.

Sure it is. It's a giant Ponzi scheme. Only fools dispute the fact.

SS is fixable if the DC coxuckers grow a brain, otherwise its bankrupt in 2034, with a cut in benefits
What Social Security's budget woes mean for your retirement benefits

AARP has 12 easy fixes
Updating Social Security for the 21st Century: 12 Proposals You Should...

wiki on SS
Social Security debate in the United States - Wikipedia
Wrong. People pay into the general fund. There is no separate SS account in reality. There is only a bookkeeping fiction.

Are you under the impression that an account is a giant physical box in which bullion is held?
Sn account isn't an arrangement where a third part helps itself to all the assets. That's what Social Security is.

You really have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The Social Security program is not what many people think it is, but it's sure as hell not what you think it is, either.

Sure it is. It's a giant Ponzi scheme. Only fools dispute the fact.

SS is fixable if the DC coxuckers grow a brain, otherwise its bankrupt in 2034, with a cut in benefits
What Social Security's budget woes mean for your retirement benefits

AARP has 12 easy fixes
Updating Social Security for the 21st Century: 12 Proposals You Should...

wiki on SS
Social Security debate in the United States - Wikipedia

Depends on what you mean by "fixable"...

"Fixable" mathematically, yes; you can definitely make the numbers work with some changes to the model.

"Fixable" financially, possibly; if you assume that a sovereign debt crisis doesn't destroy dollar and the economy along with it before reaching cash flow positive.

"Fixable" politically, not likely, as of right now there doesn't seem to be any political will to do what's necessary, the citizenry doesn't want to give up it's dollar of benefits for a dime of cost and politicians don't want to grasp the third rail, they'd rather kick the can down the road in the hopes that they'll be out of office by the time the shit hits the fan.

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