Krazy Paul Krugman: "Republicans Only Pretend to Be Patriots"

Please warn the forum when you post a link from either NYT, WaPo, or WSJ. Some of us don't have a sub to these and only get so many views. This crap isn't worth it.

And certainly not a Krugman opinion piece. What garbage. That's like paying to read a Deano or Lakotah thread. :71:


Republicans Only Pretend to Be Patriots

Paul Krugman
2 days ago
Republicans Only Pretend to Be Patriots

Editor’s note: The opinions in this article are the author’s, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of MSN or Microsoft.

"Republicans have spent the past half-century portraying themselves as more patriotic, more committed to national security than Democrats. Richard Nixon’s victory in 1972, Ronald Reagan’s victory in 1980 and George W. Bush’s victory in 2004 (the only presidential election out of the past seven in which the Republican won the popular vote) all depended in part on posing as the candidate more prepared to confront menacing foreigners. . . (more)"
And certainly not a Krugman opinion piece. What garbage. That's like paying to read a Deano or Lakotah thread. :71:

Nonsense, Paul Krugman is the most brilliant economist, political pundit and humble human being ever to walk the face of the Earth.

Just ask him, he'll tell ya.
. . . it appears from this article, that Krugman has imbibed the kool-aid, huh? :71:

From the link:

Which brings me to the political question of the moment: Should Democrats begin an impeachment inquiry? Such an inquiry almost certainly wouldn’t remove Trump from office, because Republicans in the Senate wouldn’t vote to convict. But that misses the point.

What an impeachment process would do now is get the truth about who really cares about defending America and its values — and who doesn’t — out into the open. By forcing Republicans to explicitly condone behavior they would have called treason if a Democrat did it, Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues can finally put an end to the G.O.P.’s long pretense of being more patriotic than its opponents.

Agreed in principle
From the link:

Which brings me to the political question of the moment: Should Democrats begin an impeachment inquiry? Such an inquiry almost certainly wouldn’t remove Trump from office, because Republicans in the Senate wouldn’t vote to convict. But that misses the point.

What an impeachment process would do now is get the truth about who really cares about defending America and its values — and who doesn’t — out into the open. By forcing Republicans to explicitly condone behavior they would have called treason if a Democrat did it, Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues can finally put an end to the G.O.P.’s long pretense of being more patriotic than its opponents.

Agreed in principle

LOL, You like your bread & circuses, huh?

"What an impeachment process would do now is get the truth about who really cares about defending America and its values — and who doesn’t "

Gimme a fucking break. :rolleyes:
Patriots are hard to find among politicians. All I can think of are corrupt. The system needs changes.
From the link:

Which brings me to the political question of the moment: Should Democrats begin an impeachment inquiry? Such an inquiry almost certainly wouldn’t remove Trump from office, because Republicans in the Senate wouldn’t vote to convict. But that misses the point.

What an impeachment process would do now is get the truth about who really cares about defending America and its values — and who doesn’t — out into the open. By forcing Republicans to explicitly condone behavior they would have called treason if a Democrat did it, Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues can finally put an end to the G.O.P.’s long pretense of being more patriotic than its opponents.

Agreed in principle

LOL, You like your bread & circuses, huh?

"What an impeachment process would do now is get the truth about who really cares about defending America and its values — and who doesn’t "

Gimme a fucking break. :rolleyes:

Yeah, it's like the loonbats at the view saying an impeachment will unite the country.
From the link:

Which brings me to the political question of the moment: Should Democrats begin an impeachment inquiry? Such an inquiry almost certainly wouldn’t remove Trump from office, because Republicans in the Senate wouldn’t vote to convict. But that misses the point.

What an impeachment process would do now is get the truth about who really cares about defending America and its values — and who doesn’t — out into the open. By forcing Republicans to explicitly condone behavior they would have called treason if a Democrat did it, Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues can finally put an end to the G.O.P.’s long pretense of being more patriotic than its opponents.

Agreed in principle

LOL, You like your bread & circuses, huh?

"What an impeachment process would do now is get the truth about who really cares about defending America and its values — and who doesn’t "

Gimme a fucking break. :rolleyes:

From the link:

Which brings me to the political question of the moment: Should Democrats begin an impeachment inquiry? Such an inquiry almost certainly wouldn’t remove Trump from office, because Republicans in the Senate wouldn’t vote to convict. But that misses the point.

What an impeachment process would do now is get the truth about who really cares about defending America and its values — and who doesn’t — out into the open. By forcing Republicans to explicitly condone behavior they would have called treason if a Democrat did it, Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues can finally put an end to the G.O.P.’s long pretense of being more patriotic than its opponents.

Agreed in principle

LOL, You like your bread & circuses, huh?

"What an impeachment process would do now is get the truth about who really cares about defending America and its values — and who doesn’t "

Gimme a fucking break. :rolleyes:

Congress has the job of oversight as well as being a check on the Presidency. If impeachment needs to be applied to accomplish that task so be it.

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