Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

Biden can't even find Ukraine on a map

? You have to be a total idiot to think that.

Unlike Trump and yourself, Biden has actually been to Ukraine. In fact he has been there 6 times as a Vice president and you are seriously proposing that he won't recognize where it is on the map?

Why would you piss yourself publicly like that?
? You have to be a total idiot to think that. Why would you piss yourself publicly like that?

Unlike Trump and yourself, Biden has actually been to Ukraine. In fact he has been there 6 times as a Vice president.
Hey dumb shit, he doesn't have to drive the car or fly the plane so he doesn't need to know where it is to get there.

I've been to the entire region multiple times so please, keep making a fool of yourself.
Biden basically implied to the troops he was mumbling to that he was sending them into Ukraine, which of course the WH had to correct. Earlier on the day, he warned Americans there would be a food shortage here, which the WH also has to quickly correct.

We are at a dangerous crossroads here - probably the worst since the Cuban Missile crisis (before my memory) - and we need a president with a brain - NOT one who is suffering from dementia, and not a dummy who got where she is due to Affirmative Action, but we might be stuck with the latter for the remainder of 2022.

I shudder to think where we will be by the time the midterms roll around.
It was obvious he'd lost it when the AP gal asked about the failure of sanctions that were supposed to deter the invasion and had the gall to ask how the new sections were going to deter him from continuing.

That's seriously disturbing to watch, this is the supposed "Leader of the Free World" and he's a bumbling, mumbling dolt.

Damned fun watching the lefties have Trumpgasms, trying to defend his mental status.
No you are the dumb shit running your idiot mouth on the internetz.

Biden is busy leading the free world.
Mostly he's leading from behind trying to figure out what he said five minutes ago and can't remember the day before.
Let's not forget abused the shit out of his office (impeached twice), pardoned his convicted pals and spread vicious lies to American people nonstop.
Trump had one of the most corrupt Administrations in history. Rules and Laws do not apply to those who work for Trump.
Over a hundred indicted

Obama Administration?
It was obvious he'd lost it when the AP gal asked about the failure of sanctions that were supposed to deter the invasion and had the gall to ask how the new sections were going to deter him from continuing.

That's seriously disturbing to watch, this is the supposed "Leader of the Free World" and he's a bumbling, mumbling dolt.

Damned fun watching the lefties have Trumpgasms, trying to defend his mental status.
Our President was correct in that Sanctions don’t deter
They cripple and punish

Putin invaded despite the threat of sanctions
But international sanctions are crippling his ability to fight, are eroding his support at home and make a long term invasion impossible
You mean people that are getting arrested for trespassing in a building their tax dollars paid for.
So you should be able to walk into any Government facility at any time?

Walk into the Presidents quarters in the White House?
You paid for it

Walk into the Pentagon or any Military facility?
You paid for it
When you find yourself agreeing with the Kremlin, the most dishonest government on the face of the planet, you should realize you’re on the wrong side of the argument.

I ask myself why would Americans lie about their own president in this way and quite honestly I can’t think of a single reason why an American would trash their own president in the middle of a war.

You’re either incredibly stupid or you’re Russian there are no other choices
Man, your claim is not just obviously fallacious but also demonstrates that your “thinking” is simplistic. And, in any event, the Kremlin agrees with me and many others here in America that Brandon is tragically senile.

I can try to educate you, but you seem a bit on the slow side. Nevertheless, here goes.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
You mean people that are getting arrested for trespassing in a building their tax dollars paid for.
They were arrested for more than trespassing and you know it. They should consider themselves lucky for getting off so easy! Tax dollars paid doesn’t give anyone the right to destroy property. I paid too and expect the perpetrators to pay for their crimes.

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