Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

I don't believe 50% of what I read and am skeptical of the other 50%.
I can see Biden's diminished capacity with my own 2 eyes when he speaks off script (or tries to).
So can anyone else who doesn't refuse to see it.

You’re seeing what you want to see, and projecting. You’re so obsessed with the notion that Biden is senile you don’t see anything else.

Have you ever listened to one of Trump’s sons unscripted speeches, or read the transcript? It’s blither. He doesn’t even speak in complete sentences anymore. He can’t hold a train of thought and wanders off in the middle of things.

If you listen to his interviews even 10 years ago, his speech patterns were much different. Trump speaks at a fifth grade level today. This is a man with an Ivy League education who speaks at a fifth grade level.

And then you look at his general incompetence and how he fucked everything up he looked at, his paranoia, and vindictiveness, and the alternate universe he lives in, in which is still president.

Trump is mentally ill and dangerously so.
Reagan tells a joke during a warmup session, dem's scream he's goint to start WWII.

Biden tells the 82nd Airborne publicly they are bout to roll into Ukraine.... .

Biden is asked about Russia using chemical weapons and how the US would respond.

His answer? That we'll respond in kind!

It's been just sad up to this point and of course embarrassing for the world to see we lected a drooling mental incompetent President but now he's seriously jeopardizing US National Security.

What's worse, is if he were to step down or relieved under the 25th Amendment the least qualified woman to hold public office in the US becomes president.

Hasn't anybody told Brandon we have no chemical weapons?
Hasn't anybody told Brandon we have no chemical weapons?
At this point it isn't even funny anymore, he's seriously endangering not only our national security but risking a much wider war in Europe that could get out of hand like a wild fire in a 90mph wind with his simplemindedness.

Trump was bad for word salad and saying stupid things without thinking but I've never seen anything on this scale before.
Trumps problem was not just his ignorance but his arrogance
Even though he knew nothing of the subject, he still thought he was the smartest person in the room

An example was his lecturing scientists on injecting disinfectant to kill COVID and lecturing on the path of hurricanes
He said nothing bad---lib media just spun whatever he says. He doesn't matter what he says----propaganda media just play headgames.
No. You have the Kremlin agreeing with all sane observers that Brandon is senile.

When you find yourself agreeing with the Kremlin, the most dishonest government on the face of the planet, you should realize you’re on the wrong side of the argument.

I ask myself why would Americans lie about their own president in this way and quite honestly I can’t think of a single reason why an American would trash their own president in the middle of a war.

You’re either incredibly stupid or you’re Russian there are no other choices
He said nothing bad---lib media just spun whatever he says. He doesn't matter what he says----propaganda media just play headgames.
That's just not true. Trump was horrible about puking up word salad and making things up on the fly which gave the press all the ammunition they ever needed to make him look like a fool.

Biden however is a fool and a dangerous one.
When you find yourself agreeing with the Kremlin, the most dishonest government on the face of the planet, you should realize you’re on the wrong side of the argument.

I ask myself why would Americans lie about their own president in this way and quite honestly I can’t think of a single reason why an American would trash their own president in the middle of a war.

You’re either incredibly stupid or you’re Russian there are no other choices
And if the Kremlin Tells you the sun is up at High noon and Down at midnight will you reject that out of hand?

I'm sorry but to any causal or objective observer Biden's mental lapses and bad judgement show he's in serious trouble and he's about to talk us into something we can't easily get back out of if he doesn't learn to either shut up or stick to the script.
He said nothing bad---lib media just spun whatever he says. He doesn't matter what he says----propaganda media just play headgames.
You honestly think there's nothing wrong with saying the US will respond in kind to a chemical attack in Ukraine?

You seriously think the world wasn't paying attention when he publicly told the 82nd Airborne to get ready for the horrors of this war they are going to see when they go into Ukraine?

Not if, when.
When you find yourself agreeing with the Kremlin, the most dishonest government on the face of the planet... .

Americans don't even believe our own gov't anymore. Historically you're correct until you start looking at the last six or ten years.

Once the judiciary and bureaucracy both became highly political in nature they destroyed our trust in them.
He said nothing bad---lib media just spun whatever he says. He doesn't matter what he says----propaganda media just play headgames.
Actually, the media just replayed what Trump said
Then, Trump would call it Fake News
Americans don't even believe our own gov't anymore. Historically you're correct until you start looking at the last six or ten years.

Once the judiciary and bureaucracy both became highly political in nature they destroyed our trust in them.
Far Right propaganda has been very effective

Don‘t trust Government
Don’t trust Elections
Don‘t trust the Media
Don’t trust Science
Don’t trust History

Just trust what the RW pundits tell you
Why are left wing cultists the only people on earth refuse to admit Biden is senile?

Putin is just another lying piece of shit getting his ass kicked by "senile" Biden and you are just another useful idiot desperate to confirm your partisan bias.
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Far Right propaganda has been very effective

Don‘t trust Government
Don’t trust Elections
Don‘t trust the Media
Don’t trust Science
Don’t trust History

Just trust what the RW pundits tell you
The 1619 project attempts to rewrite our history starting 200 years before the founding.

Gore v Bush

"Bush lied about WMD's in Iraq".

Hillary and her supporters declaring the 2016 election was stolen through voter suppression with zero evidence to support the claim.

Democrats fight REAL ID compliant voter ID and all other voter ID requirements to prevent fraud.

Democrats spent the last four years calling the Trump Presidency illegitimate and declaring everything they said to be lies.

Take your partisan blinders off and open your eyes.
What did Trump suck at? His list of accomplishments in 4 year rivals no President in recent history.

Let see you name some specifics that caused your pussy to hurt?
Assaulted our Democracy
Inept leadership during COVID
Surrendered our role as Leader of the Free World
Created lies to destroy American confidence in our elections
Alienated our Allies while praising Dictators
Putin is just another lying piece of shit getting his ass kicked by "senile" Biden and you are just another useful idiot that can't stand it.
Biden can't even find Ukraine on a map and thought he was sending the 82nd into Ukraine.

Biden refused lethal aid to Ukraine just like his mentor Obama until Russian Troops were actually standing on the border ready to invade.

He only then acceded to their dire requests for same when his polling numbers hit an all-time low and the other NATO countries and Former Soviet vassal states started pouring in their own aid.

Only after the US became galvanized over Putin's atrocities did he then step it up and consent to sending aid to Ukraine in sufficient numbers to begin making any real difference.

Who's winning this fight are the Ukrainian People who are willing to fight and die by the thousands to expel the invaders, all they ask is that The West live up to it's supposed principles and given them the tools with which to fight.

Biden's gaffes over the last 48 hours have been horrendous and caused a serious issue with our own national security threatening to put US troops on the ground in direct contact with Russian forces in Ukraine and threatening the use of US chemical weapons in reply if Putin were to use them.

The next step up from chemical weapons is an exchange of nukes!
Assaulted our Democracy
Inept leadership during COVID
Surrendered our role as Leader of the Free World
Created lies to destroy American confidence in our elections
Alienated our Allies while praising Dictators

Let's not forget abused the shit out of his office (impeached twice), pardoned his convicted pals and spread vicious lies to American people nonstop.
Biden basically implied to the troops he was mumbling to that he was sending them into Ukraine, which of course the WH had to correct. Earlier on the day, he warned Americans there would be a food shortage here, which the WH also has to quickly correct.

We are at a dangerous crossroads here - probably the worst since the Cuban Missile crisis (before my memory) - and we need a president with a brain - NOT one who is suffering from dementia, and not a dummy who got where she is due to Affirmative Action, but we might be stuck with the latter for the remainder of 2022.

I shudder to think where we will be by the time the midterms roll around.
Biden can't even find Ukraine on a map and thought he was sending the 82nd into Ukraine.

Biden refused lethal aid to Ukraine just like his mentor Obama until Russian Troops were actually standing on the border ready to invade.

He only then acceded to their dire requests for same when his polling numbers hit an all-time low and the other NATO countries and Former Soviet vassal states started pouring in their own aid.

Only after the US became galvanized over Putin's atrocities did he then step it up and consent to sending aid to Ukraine in sufficient numbers to begin making any real difference.

Who's winning this fight are the Ukrainian People who are willing to fight and die by the thousands to expel the invaders, all they ask is that The West live up to it's supposed principles and given them the tools with which to fight.

Biden's gaffes over the last 48 hours have been horrendous and caused a serious issue with our own national security threatening to put US troops on the ground in direct contact with Russian forces in Ukraine and threatening the use of US chemical weapons in reply if Putin were to use them.

The next step up from chemical weapons is an exchange of nukes!
His gaffes are so dangerous that he needs to be 25th. The dumb Kamala can take over, with the instructions to speak only from a script. This has been Biden’s instructions too, but he’s too demented to follow them. Kamala, a person average in intelligence at best, could probably follow instructions.

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