Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

Oh yeah, because he tried to clean up the graft and corruption in HUD he isn't very bright.

His only accomplishment in HUD was to buy new furniture for his office.
He didn’t seem to have any interest in what HUD does or any plan on what he wanted to do.
Who do you think is more sane. Putin or Biden?
Putin is more criminal and is inherently evil

Brandon is more cognitively impaired.

To the extent you imagine you’re “making a point” by asking that vacuous question, you are very much mistaken.
Really elevating the debate. Look. We know your opinion. Nobody cares about your simpleton expression of what passes for a “thought.” The point is: President Brandon appears very much to be suffering badly from dementia. And Brandon is President at the moment. Not Trump.
Repeating the smear does not make it true.

Biden has a firm grasp of the dynamics of the Russian invasion, COVID, Healthcare, Infrastructure…

Topics Trump had a Bumper Sticker level of interest
oh yeah. Dr. Ben Carson isn't very bright either, huh.

Why would you hire one of the best neurosurgeons in the world and ask him to run housing projects???? Because he used to live in one? I used to live in a big city high rise building,, but that doesn't mean I could run one. They usually hire an engineer or an urban planner for that job. Just like you wouldn't hire an engineer to be the Surgeon General.

Carson simply wasn't a good candidate for cabinet. The only thing he'd ever run was the pediatric neurosurgery department at a big city hospital - 28 individual patient beds, and he was brilliant in his field. But highly specialized and focused people get to be the tops in their field by focusing on their work to the exclusion of all else. He doesn't KNOW anything else other than pediatric neurosurgery. Why waste his time, and make him look foolish by giving him a job he didn't have the first clue about doing?
Putin is more criminal and is inherently evil

Brandon is more cognitively impaired.

To the extent you imagine you’re “making a point” by asking that vacuous question, you are very much mistaken.
So, in your view, the man who is threatening the west with nuclear war is not cognitively impaired, but the man who is leading the NATO alliance and led the world in imposing sanctions against Russia is. Alrightie....
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Why would you hire one of the best neurosurgeons in the world and ask him to run housing projects???? Because he used to live in one? I used to live in a big city high rise building,, but that doesn't mean I could run one. They usually hire an engineer or an urban planner for that job. Just like you wouldn't hire an engineer to be the Surgeon General.

Carson simply wasn't a good candidate for cabinet. The only thing he'd ever run was the pediatric neurosurgery department at a big city hospital - 28 individual patient beds, and he was brilliant in his field. But highly specialized and focused people get to be the tops in their field by focusing on their work to the exclusion of all else. He doesn't KNOW anything else other than pediatric neurosurgery. Why waste his time, and make him look foolish by giving him a job he didn't have the first clue about doing?

And yet, during his almost four-year tenure as secretary of the HUD, Carson has done his best to decimate the budgets of the same types of housing-assistance programs he says his family benefited from. He has eliminated or attempted to eliminate fair housing regulations implemented by the Obama administration that were designed to combat discrimination against Black Americans like Carson. He has removed protections for transgender people and minorities who live in public housing. And he’s done so at the behest of a president who is now using HUD as a prop in his reelection campaign. In a joint op-ed in The Wall Street Journal this week, Trump and Carson described their commitment to “protect America’s suburbs.”
Repeating the smear does not make it true.

Biden has a firm grasp of the dynamics of the Russian invasion, COVID, Healthcare, Infrastructure…

Topics Trump had a Bumper Sticker level of interest
Nonsense. They can’t trust Brandon to speak off script for a moment. Not only does he forget what they tell him he thinks, he probably never understood it in the first place. You do realize that after threatening to impose sanctions against Russia and some oligarchs in Russia to dissuade Putin from invading Ukraine, Putin had his military commence the e war anyway? And THEN Brandon claims that sanctions never deter?

You consider that a “firm” grasp on anything?
Nonsense. They can’t trust Brandon to speak off script for a moment. Not only does he forget what they tell him he thinks, he probably never understood it in the first place. You do realize that after threatening to impose sanctions against Russia and some oligarchs in Russia to dissuade Putin from invading Ukraine, Putin had his military commence the e war anyway? And THEN Brandon claims that sanctions never deter?

You consider that a “firm” grasp on anything?
Our President has shown repeatedly that he can not only speak off script but provide detailed information.

Quite an improvement over his predecessor who would just make shit up and then force his staff to cover for him
So, in your view, the man who is threatening the west with nuclear war is not cognitively impaired, but the man who is leading the NATO alliance and led the world in imposing sanctions against Russia is. Gotcha!
Just because an evil man makes an absurd threat doesn’t mean he is actually considering acting on the threat, you bombastic simpleton. And the only reason the NATO Alliance is now strong enough to band together in a cohesive and maybe eventually an effective manner is because Trump compelled the NATO nations to start shaping up and paying up.

As I said, you were attempting to make a point. You failed enormously.
Our President has shown repeatedly that he can not only speak off script but provide detailed information.

Quite an improvement over his predecessor who would just make shit up and then force his staff to cover for him
^ Bass ackwards bullshit.

Brandon always fucks up when he’s off script. He can’t even stay on message when he’s reading a very rehearsed address off of a teleprompter.
Just because an evil man makes an absurd threat doesn’t mean he is actually considering acting on the threat, you bombastic simpleton. And the only reason the NATO Alliance is now strong enough to band together in a cohesive and maybe eventually an effective manner is because Trump compelled the NATO nations to start shaping up and paying up.

As I said, you were attempting to make a point. You failed enormously.
Your hatred of Biden has colored your views. Trump sought to undermine NATO and Biden has brought it back. That pains you I know. I seen more evidence of senility from posters like yourself that I have ever seen from Biden.
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Why would you hire one of the best neurosurgeons in the world and ask him to run housing projects???? Because he used to live in one? I used to live in a big city high rise building,, but that doesn't mean I could run one. They usually hire an engineer or an urban planner for that job. Just like you wouldn't hire an engineer to be the Surgeon General.

Carson simply wasn't a good candidate for cabinet. The only thing he'd ever run was the pediatric neurosurgery department at a big city hospital - 28 individual patient beds, and he was brilliant in his field. But highly specialized and focused people get to be the tops in their field by focusing on their work to the exclusion of all else. He doesn't KNOW anything else other than pediatric neurosurgery. Why waste his time, and make him look foolish by giving him a job he didn't have the first clue about doing?
He ran one of the largest hospitals in the world. He knows how to get rid of non-productive graft and corruption and follow a budget.
Repeating the smear does not make it true.

Biden has a firm grasp of the dynamics of the Russian invasion, COVID, Healthcare, Infrastructure…

Topics Trump had a Bumper Sticker level of interest
If Biden is as healthy as you say, he should take a cognitive test and be done with it.
Your hatred of Biden has colored your views. Trump nearly destroyed NATO and Biden has brought it back. That pains you I know. Your lies about Biden only make you an useful idiot for the Kremlin.
The converse is true. Your blind and unhinged hatred of Trump won’t let you perceive reality. When Trump was RUNNING for office, he properly criticized NATO and they responded even before he took office by stepping up their funding. They didn’t bother to do that in the Obumbler years until it was obvious that Trump was likely to beat Shrillary. Trump should be getting the credit for preserving NATO.

Brandon gets credit from idiots like you for the achievements of Trump. You are the idiot. But you’re not useful. You remain completely useless.
^ Bass ackwards bullshit.

Brandon always fucks up when he’s off script. He can’t even stay on message when he’s reading a very rehearsed address off of a teleprompter.

Sorry, not buying it

Our President repeatedly shows detailed knowledge of key issues

I am fully aware that Conservatives ridicule stuttering as a mental illness. They did the same thing with Obama
The converse is true. Your blind and unhinged hatred of Trump won’t let you perceive reality. When Trump was RUNNING for office, he properly criticized NATO and they responded even before he took office by stepping up their funding. They didn’t bother to do that in the Obumbler years until it was obvious that Trump was likely to beat Shrillary. Trump should be getting the credit for preserving NATO.

Brandon gets credit from idiots like you for the achievements of Trump. You are the idiot. But you’re not useful. You remain completely useless.
LOL..Stop making an ass of yourself with your stupidity and your pathetic attempts at gaslighting. Trump was a useful idiot to Putin just as you are. Two peas in the same pod.

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If Biden is as healthy as you say, he should take a cognitive test and be done with it.
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me

I have seen what happens when you jump through the hoops the Conservative propaganda machine puts out.

They just deny the evidence and keep spreading the lie

See what happened with Obama’s Birth Certificate
Nonsense. They can’t trust Brandon to speak off script for a moment. Not only does he forget what they tell him he thinks, he probably never understood it in the first place. You do realize that after threatening to impose sanctions against Russia and some oligarchs in Russia to dissuade Putin from invading Ukraine, Putin had his military commence the e war anyway? And THEN Brandon claims that sanctions never deter?

You consider that a “firm” grasp on anything?

Your post is blither.

Brandon!!! Grow the fuck up and speak like an adult.
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