Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me

I have seen what happens when you jump through the hoops the Conservative propaganda machine puts out.

They just deny the evidence and keep spreading the lie

See what happened with Obama’s Birth Certificate
Lame. President Trump took the test. You guys are pitiful.
Lame. President Trump took the test. You guys are pitiful.

This test?
Who the fuk BRAGS about passing this test?

Draw a clock
Identify a Camel
Know what month it is



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Sorry, not buying it

Our President repeatedly shows detailed knowledge of key issues

I am fully aware that Conservatives ridicule stuttering as a mental illness. They did the same thing with Obama
Nonsense. Confusing a run for President with a run for the Senate (again) is not a stuttering problem. Neither is confusing your wife for your sister. Nor is it a stutter to confuse Iranians for Ukrainians. Nor is it a stuttering problem when Brandon uses sanctions to deter Putin but then claims that sanctions never deter. His many many gaffes are not stuttering issues either. These are all instances of other mental problems.

Your ceaseless denial of reality calls Into question your own cognitive abilities, Leftwhiner. I mean, for fuck sake, you even employ a dishonest username. You do know that you’re not at all on the right side of the political spectrum, don’t you?
Nonsense. Confusing a run for President with a run for the Senate (again) is not a stuttering problem. Neither is confusing your wife for your sister. Nor is it a stutter to confuse Iranians for Ukrainians. Nor is it a stuttering problem when Brandon uses sanctions to deter Putin but then claims that sanctions never deter. His many many gaffes are not stuttering issues either. These are all instances of other mental problems.

Your ceaseless denial of reality calls Into question your own cognitive abilities, Leftwhiner. I mean, for fuck sake, you even employ a dishonest username. You do know that you’re not at all on the right side of the political spectrum, don’t you?
More propaganda

Biden claims sanctions dont deter, because they didn’t.
Putin attacked in spite of knowing what sanctions would be implemented

Our Presidents sanctions have a long term crippling effect and are punitive not preventative
LOL..Stop making an ass of yourself with your stupidity and your pathetic attempts at gaslighting. Trump was a useful idiot to Putin just as you are. Two peas in the same pod.

Another utterly dishonest and futile huge swing and a miss by you. You aren’t even honest enough to try to substantiate the talking pointless you read somewhere and take as truth.

The reality is that Trump did nothing to serve Putin. You can’t honestly say the same thing about your senile asshole buddy, Brandon. In any event, it’s not like you’d ever be honest anyway.
So Biden should do it with a doctor present. The former White House doctor for Obama said Biden should do it.


You mean the same partisan doctor who told us Trump is 6ft 3 and weighs 239 lbs?

The same measurements that put Trump ONE POUND under the OBESE range of BMI measurements.
Where do you think he came up with that one?

Trump weighs at least 260 lbs
Another utterly dishonest and futile huge swing and a miss by you. You aren’t even honest enough to try to substantiate the talking pointless you read somewhere and take as truth.

The reality is that Trump did nothing to serve Putin. You can’t honestly say the same thing about your senile asshole buddy, Brandon. In any event, it’s not like you’d ever be honest anyway.
I attached a single article among many regarding Trump and his disdain for NATO. That you choose to ignore these facts to live in your alternate reality is sad, but nothing I can do about it.

You mean the same partisan doctor who told us Trump is 6ft 3 and weighs 239 lbs?

The same measurements that put Trump ONE POUND under the OBESE range of BMI measurements.
Where do you think he came up with that one?

Trump weighs at least 260 lbs
He also was Obama's doctor. Fail. Try again.
More propaganda

Biden claims sanctions dont deter, because they didn’t.
Putin attacked in spite of knowing what sanctions would be implemented

Our Presidents sanctions have a long term crippling effect and are punitive not preventative
Bullshit. They were pedaled as a deterrence. Now they are pedaled as “punitive.” Same product with a new label. Punishment is supposed to achieve something. What? Ah! Yes. It is supposed to correct misbehavior. In other words, what Brandon seeks is — ahuh— to deter Putin.

Brandon misses being a half wit by a full half wit.
I don't believe 50% of what I read and am skeptical of the other 50%.
I can see Biden's diminished capacity with my own 2 eyes when he speaks off script (or tries to).
So can anyone else who doesn't refuse to see it.
Those that can’t see Trump is just as bad, if not worse, make me SMH. No one is saying Biden’s a genius, but if you can’t see that Trump has lost a step, I call that willful blindness.
I attached a single article among many regarding Trump and his disdain for NATO. That you choose to ignore these facts to live in your alternate reality is sad, but nothing I can do about it.
I already posted on another thread a cite to the articles that show that NATO funding by other member nations under Obumbler’s Administration was consistently low. After Trump made campaign criticisms of that concern, they finally stepped it up. And it stayed properly funded through the entirety of the Trump Term and even into the first year of Brandon’s term.

Even the secretary general of NATO publicly thanked Trump for the success of his mission to get NATO straightened out.

You can deny reality and you can lie like a rug. But you can’t conceal the truth.
Those that can’t see Trump is just as bad, if not worse, make me SMH. No one is saying Biden’s a genius, but if you can’t see that Trump has lost a step, I call that willful blindness.
Yep, Biden is senile as fuck. Like someone in a blue state nursing home that voted 100% for Biden.
Yep, Biden is senile as fuck. Like someone in a blue state nursing home that voted 100% for Biden.
Still ignoring Trump’s obvious mental decline, eh? We all know Biden‘s no Einstein, but the fact that someone is so insecure that they have to call themselves a “stable genius”, shows that Trump never approached Biden’s level and knows it.

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