Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

We are not the ones being used for Putin Propaganda

That would be our “Patriotic” Conservatives
If you think supporting Putin is patriotic
No one is supporting Putin and you know it. See, when you act like this you really damage your credibility, what little you have.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

We are not the ones being used for Putin Propaganda

That would be our “Patriotic” Conservatives
If you think supporting Putin is patriotic

Check your facts oh smart one! He is quoting us, not we are quoting him, lol! We insisted this looooooong before he did!

Your position, is like Teddy Kennedy selling us out to the Soviet Union, then us proclaiming, it is all your fault, because Teddy was a Democrat, lol!

It is all poppycock, you know it, but I bet you continue on for your narrative, now won't you-)

You fail, you 90% of the time fail, but I bet those rubles keep flowing in, now don't they!
Tell us once again how Biden is on top of things.
Suggested by whom? FOX’s interpretation may not be valid or they maybe listening to the wrong people. Biden knows better than to promise US troops without discussion at home.
Suggested by whom? FOX’s interpretation may not be valid or they maybe listening to the wrong people. Biden knows better than to promise US troops without discussion at home.
So you're telling us Biden didn't say this. Fox News invented it. Where's your source?
Why are Republicans siding with Russia?

The question is why would you lie about that....? Can't help yourself?

Eighty-three percent of Americans said they favored increased economic sanctions against Russia in response to the invasion, with just 17% opposed.


Of course, he says this for the benefit of cultists like you. You get that, right?
Of course Biden is senile.....only.....that's a bit of an understatement!

Biden is a turnip.......a senile rotting turnip.

There, that's better.:04:
Why are left wing cultists the only people on earth refuse to admit Biden is senile?

That he has declining mental facilities is largely irrelevant, he is only a puppet of the left and its neo-Marxist/George Soros agenda.
Why are you regurgitating Russian propaganda? You do realize people like you are considered useful idiots by the Russians.


It's YOU guys who supported Mad Joe Robinette and The Joker to run shit, how'd did you come to the conclusion your opponents are the useful idiots?

You don't think the Russians noticed you people were had by your own propaganda? They consider you soft, ridiculous & gutless morons. Many Americans consider you the same, which is the supported truth.
Trumps problem was that he is just not that intelligent and is unwilling to learn.
He would not read supporting material and would not sit through detailed briefings

It was reflected in his superficial understanding of the issues
He's never had the capacity or the intellect.

He just mauls people with the force of his will.

A true authoritarian. Explains his man-crush on Putin.

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