Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

The problem is that Biden is NOT senile and knows how to get shit done. He is working day and night to accomplish successes for the Left and will probably manage to exceed even Trump's massive overspending.

How did that whole senile gambit work out for you idiots in the 2020 election? He kicked Trump's ass over the moon.

Not bad for a "senile" old man, eh?

"Yeahbut he ASTOLE it!" :crybaby:
Actually his victories in the swing States were very slim....those slim margins are now gone.

So far the only things big joey has actually done are to destroy the dollar, make gasoline unaffordable and deny middle America groceries.....and the middle class Dems are pissed cuz like they also have to eat...hello November mid terms...goodbye Big joey.

Nuff said
Nobody who is a hardcore leftwing partisan hack admits it. But everyone knows it. Even you.

In Biden, I see a man who is highly informed on the nuances and details of major issues.
I didn’t see that from Trump. I didn’t think Trump had dementia. I just thought Trump was not that bright and had little interest in learning.
Why are left wing cultists the only people on earth refuse to admit Biden is senile?

The "right wing cultists" are the only people on earth who think he is senile. The rest of the world think's YOU'RE senile, or Russian.
In Biden, I see a man who is highly informed on the nuances and details of major issues.
I didn’t see that from Trump. I didn’t think Trump had dementia. I just thought Trump was not that bright and had little interest in learning.
oh yeah. Dr. Ben Carson isn't very bright either, huh.
In Biden, I see a man who is highly informed on the nuances and details of major issues.
I didn’t see that from Trump. I didn’t think Trump had dementia. I just thought Trump was not that bright and had little interest in learning.
You “see” a man in Brandon who can’t discern the “nuanced” difference between his wife and his sister. You just don’t care to admit it.
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God has called the American president to be extraordinary, he has no right to be ordinary

in Biden's case, he's extraordinarily senile
If you're receptive to Russian anti-American propaganda then your problem isn't an open mind. It's being an easy mark.
I don't believe 50% of what I read and am skeptical of the other 50%.
I can see Biden's diminished capacity with my own 2 eyes when he speaks off script (or tries to).
So can anyone else who doesn't refuse to see it.

Donald Trump’s embarrassing speech

There is a difference between getting tongue tied occasionally (defund vs defend) and being as addled constantly as senile Joe.

As for the pants being worn backwards, it does look like that. But it may have been intentional. What if he had a busted zipper or a rip? He’s about to go on stage. What to do? Maybe put the pants on backwards! The busted zipper is now in the back and covered by the suit jacket tail. The front doesn’t expose anything anymore. Not an ideal solution, but practical enough. And that’s my guess in fact.

So, your point remains pointless.
So, you have all these so-called conservatives agreeing with the Kremlin that our President is "senile."

These are the same folks remember, many of which, either support Putin in this war or have praised Putin in the past for his leadership.

Let's take a look at Putin.

He took his nation into a war that no one wanted and has had to resort to the bombing of cities, hospitals and schools as his military faces fierce resistance. This leader, Putin, who many on the right respect and think Biden is worse than Putin, is so desperate now he has to threaten the west with nuclear war. Putin is destroying his nation's economy while at the same time making his nation subservient to the Chinese.

Biden, on the other hand, has rallied our allies and has imposed sanctions that are driving the Russian economy into the ground.

The feeble minded fool is the one sitting in the Kremlin. The useful idiots are the ones all over USMB towing the Kremlin line.
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he's holding up the pizza for the camera like it's a prop...he forgot you have to actually eat it

Dump is a turd.
Really elevating the debate. Look. We know your opinion. Nobody cares about your simpleton expression of what passes for a “thought.” The point is: President Brandon appears very much to be suffering badly from dementia. And Brandon is President at the moment. Not Trump.

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