Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

He's not so senile has to invade a nation.

What does it say about Trump that he was soundly defeated in the debates by Biden? 81 million people thought Biden more fit for office than Trump. The problem here is your hatred of Biden has clouded all your reason. Biden took a NATO that Trump had demoralized and revitalized it. The fact is President Biden is handling the Ukraine crisis as best as it can be. You would see that if you were not blinded by your jaundiced view of our President.
if stupid could fly, you'd be an SR71
Biden is handling the Ukrainian crisis quite well. That you have decided to become a mouth piece for the Kremlin speaks to where you stand. The Kremlin statement says more about how desperate the Kremlin is then what it says about Biden. Think about it.

Joe is mentally done.
All this time I was starting to suspect Biden might be slipping mentally. Now that the Kremlin has said it, I know it's bullshit.
Not only is he senile, he’s a corrupt corporatist moron. Not much different than dumb Don.
Except Trump helped the nation in most all categories while Biden has fucked the nation in most all categories. Orange Man bad in your mind---but for the US's Sake bring him back.
Looks like Russia is starting to panic and spreading lies against our President

Why are Republicans siding with Russia?
Lies against Biden who isn't our president btw?

Biden is SENILE --that is no lie. I am going to side with Russia and Putin on this one---it's true biden is senile and rightwinger is a troll trying to spin nonsense to shame people into denying the truth that their own eyes easily see. You are one twisted troll Right.
Why are you regurgitating Russian propaganda? You do realize people like you are considered useful idiots by the Russians.
Just because Putin likes to highlight a fact (and uses it as propaganda) doesn’t mean that he’s wrong about that fact. I loathe Putin. I would applaud his immediate assassination. But, that doesn’t mean he’s wrong in noting that Brandon is a senile old man.
The problem is that Biden is NOT senile and knows how to get shit done. He is working day and night to accomplish successes for the Left and will probably manage to exceed even Trump's massive overspending.

How did that whole senile gambit work out for you idiots in the 2020 election? He kicked Trump's ass over the moon.

Not bad for a "senile" old man, eh?

"Yeahbut he ASTOLE it!" :crybaby:

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