Kristi Noem slams Covid shutdowns, defends South Dakota's record at CPAC

"Potential 2024 presidential hopeful Gov. Kristi Noem defended South Dakota's record on the coronavirus, railing against lockdowns in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

In her lengthy address, Noem argued that government, not the pandemic, “crushed” the reeling U.S. economy."

I realize her kind of delusional blather scores well with the nutbars at CPAC, but the factual record matters to some of us. Though, admittedly, not those in attendance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The Sturgis Rally, an annual motorcycle rally in the Black Hills, was a coronavirus spreader and study of cases in Minnesota shows, a newly released report by the Centers for Disease Control says.

Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.
Fauci funded the Wuhan Flu, what did he know and when did he know it?
Only if you believe conspiracy theories about COVID being a man made attack.

Which would make one who believes that a nutter.

Isn't it true that we really don't 100% know if this virus was an accidental bio weapon leak, or if it happened from one of these so called "wet markets"? Largely because China won't give us the access needed to make the necessary conclusions? And why is that do you think?
Exactly how is the economy destroyed. Everything has been open here for 6 mo the. People are spending less and going into businesses less and that is a GREAT thing that they are CHOOSING not spend. Everyone wins when spending is down and saving is more.
Thank you, Dr. Fauci, for your efforts and your professionalism.

Ignore the misguided children. Most of us know this, like all medical science, is terribly complicated and difficult, and we appreciate your work.
2019 - Fauci's NIAID backs a second $3.7M grant to Wuhan Institute of Virology

Well, yeah. It’s pretty important that we work with China given the propensity for viruses to emerge there. It would be stupid to not keep an eye on these theeats

October 2019 - Event 201:pandemic Tabletop Exercise

Pandemic preparedness? Egad, what a scandal!

December 2019 - mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna reviewed -

Companies and the government partnering together to develop vaccine technology? Thank god, otherwise our COVID vaccine might not have been available now.

January 2020 - Fauci is out in public stating "this [Covid] is not something that the citizens of the US should be worried about"

Y’all never remember to include Fauci’s qualifier that there was no need to worry “right now”. “Now” being January 2020 when there was 1 case in the US.
Let me guess - you also think it was a coincidence that the virus originated naturally in the wet market in the only city in China that has a biosafety level 4 lab, called the Wuhan Center for Virology, that specializes in studying bat coronaviruses?
Exactly how is the economy destroyed. Everything has been open here for 6 mo the. People are spending less and going into businesses less and that is a GREAT thing that they are CHOOSING not spend. Everyone wins when spending is down and saving is more.
You can't be this stupid.
So CDC tracing of Covid strains shows that the strain originating in Europe which infected most of the people in the New York City area also was responsible for infecting most of the US...but you don't see the connection between the lockdowns by Cuomo causing wealthy New Yorkers to ride out the pandemic in other locations that WEREN'T locked down as tightly and the subsequent spread of the virus to other parts of the country?
Let me get this straight. You're blaming Cuomo for NewYorker's going to states like FL that were not following COVID protocols as tightly as they should have been? You have yet to prove most NewYorker's fled NY because of Cuomo's actions and not to get out of a densely populated area where COVID spreads more easily.
Fauci funded the Wuhan Flu, what did he know and when did he know it?
Only if you believe conspiracy theories about COVID being a man made attack.

Which would make one who believes that a nutter.

Isn't it true that we really don't 100% know if this virus was an accidental bio weapon leak, or if it happened from one of these so called "wet markets"? Largely because China won't give us the access needed to make the necessary conclusions? And why is that do you think?
We don’t have any idea where it came from. The sequencing does not have any suggestion of man made alteration. It’s too novel.
Thank you, Dr. Fauci, for your efforts and your professionalism.

Ignore the misguided children. Most of us know this, like all medical science, is terribly complicated and difficult, and we appreciate your work.

Fauci is a corrupted idiot who only cares about money and power. . . he is a liar and a fraud.

Kary Banks Mullis (December 28, 1944 – August 7, 2019) was an American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith[4] and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year. His invention became a central technique in biochemistry and molecular biology, described by The New York Times as "highly original and significant, virtually dividing biology into the two epochs of before PCR and after PCR."[5]

Let me guess - you also think it was a coincidence that the virus originated naturally in the wet market in the only city in China that has a biosafety level 4 lab, called the Wuhan Center for Virology, that specializes in studying bat coronaviruses?
Why would the wet market be a necessary link if it was the virology center?

It’s really one or the other.

If it were the virology center, the original cases would have been elsewhere.
Fauci funded the Wuhan Flu, what did he know and when did he know it?
Only if you believe conspiracy theories about COVID being a man made attack.

Which would make one who believes that a nutter.

Isn't it true that we really don't 100% know if this virus was an accidental bio weapon leak, or if it happened from one of these so called "wet markets"? Largely because China won't give us the access needed to make the necessary conclusions? And why is that do you think?
We don’t have any idea where it came from. The sequencing does not have any suggestion of man made alteration. It’s too novel.
So show the numbers that prove her state has worse infection and death rates than does New York and California. If what you say is true, they should be worse. If the numbers are better, she made the right call for her state.
Do you understand how population density effects the spread of COVID? Cuz it sounds like the concept is over your head.

I'm glad you said that, because that is one of the reasons why SD didn't need to be shut down. IOW, you just gave one of the best reasons why she made the right call FOR HER STATE. Now all you need to do is acknowledge she was right.
People saving more is stupid.....since when.
Look at the interest rates.

The FED is devaluing the dollar quicker than savings accounts give you interest for your savings. The government is printing money as quickly as congress can agree on ways to spend it.

You are probably too dumb to get this though.
At this time many could use some help. Keep printing and sending out. Now is no time to worry about debt.
Fauci's advice over the course of the pandemic doesn't make any sense, so he obviously has goals that we don't know about. Unless you believe he is an actual idiot. Here is an interesting timeline -

2019 - Fauci's NIAID backs a second $3.7M grant to Wuhan Institute of Virology - Dr Anthony Fauci backed $7.4m funding for controversial Wuhan lab blamed for causing Covid-19 by conspiracy theorists – The Sun
October 2019 - Event 201 Pandemic Tabletop Exercise - About Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019 (
December 2019 - mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna reviewed -

January 2020 - Fauci is out in public stating "this [Covid] is not something that the citizens of the US should be worried about" - Watch Dr. Fauci In January Say You Don't Need To Worry About Coronavirus | 710 WOR | Mark Simone (

How about a 911 commission on this sequence? Maybe his behavior will start making sense.

Trump should have had Fauci arrested ON THE SPOT!
Fauci is a corrupted idiot who only cares about money and power. . . he is a liar and a fraud.
If I’m not mistaken, Kary Mullis is saying Fauci is an idiot because Fauci was out there saying that HIV causes AIDS and Mullins denied this.

I’d be more careful who you believe. Someone isn’t right just because they say what you want to hear.
Fauci funded the Wuhan Flu, what did he know and when did he know it?
Only if you believe conspiracy theories about COVID being a man made attack.

Which would make one who believes that a nutter.

Isn't it true that we really don't 100% know if this virus was an accidental bio weapon leak, or if it happened from one of these so called "wet markets"? Largely because China won't give us the access needed to make the necessary conclusions? And why is that do you think?
We don’t have any idea where it came from. The sequencing does not have any suggestion of man made alteration. It’s too novel.

We don't? We do know it came from China....That's a fact...
I'm glad you said that, because that is one of the reasons why SD didn't need to be shut down. IOW, you just gave one of the best reasons why she made the right call FOR HER STATE. Now all you need to do is acknowledge she was right.
Try to keep up. I already posted proof of the fallacy in your argument.

Noem has fought against mask mandates and encouraged a large motorcycle rally that saw hundreds of thousands of people attend. South Dakota at times has struggled to contain the pandemic, having seen the most cases and deaths per capita among states in the country, according to data compiled by The Washington Post.


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