Kristian Snowflakes

It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

You never were a Christian nation. The nation doesn't not subscribe to a religion.

As a Christian, I find the whole concept of chocolate "Easter Eggs" repugnant. This isn't a holiday about candy and bunnies, it's about Jesus being tortured and dying for our sins.

To complain that a chocolate company is omitted the word "Easter" from its chocolate eggs, is ridiculous. Eggs, chocolate and rabbits are part of pagan, spring celebrations, and have nothing to do with Jesus, the Crucifiction, death or the Resurrection. If anything, they cheaper the deep meaning of Easter to Christians.

We're still a Christian nation.

Despite the lies of the left, and particularly the mentally ill, homosexual depraved loons of the left.

I imagine Cadbury will feel the heat this Easter, when the Christians who are the primary celebrants of EASTER and consumer of EASTER treats, fail to buy up their goodies.

Unlike the fag bloc, when the Christian bloc decides to withdraw (or lend) their support, the corporations feel it.

Remember when you fags called for a "boycott" of Chic fil A? And Christians flocked to support them?

Remember how they had the best year ever?

Likewise, when we boycott stuff, the companies take a hit. When you boycott stuff, they flourish.

That should tell you something. But it won't. You're one of the mentally ill who should be, and hopefully will be, institutionalized.
There seems to be a bit of confusion over the desire not to have a formal national religion under which failure to practice is both heresy and treason and the necessity for a predominant religion.
Yeah that's way above their pay grade, I'm afraid.
Maybe the reason that Cadbury took the word Easter off of the eggs this year is because they plan on selling them year round because they are tired of people bitching about only being able to get them one month a year.

And yeah, most of the Christian traditions for Easter are based in pagan beliefs. The bunny and the chick are symbols of fertility, and the Easter sunrise service is actually an observance of the Spring Equinox, which is for the crops.

Christians just transposed their own bastardized version of Judaism onto pagan beliefs and called it Christianity.
No one transposed bastardized versions of anything. Jesus died and was reborn just as the earth is reborn.

The celebration of Easter with its trappings of chicks, bunnies, eggs and flowers is a bit of bright whimsey after short days and long cold nights. Historically, spring and its Easter celebration meant more than just leaves breaking bud. It meant the diseases born of the cold would withdraw until next winter.
You never were a Christian nation. The nation doesn't not subscribe to a religion.

That's NOT a definition of what it means to be a Christian Nation. We most certainly are -- even now. It is the basis of all our founding laws and principles. It does NOT mean we live under a Theocracy.
Maybe the reason that Cadbury took the word Easter off of the eggs this year is because they plan on selling them year round because they are tired of people bitching about only being able to get them one month a year.

And yeah, most of the Christian traditions for Easter are based in pagan beliefs. The bunny and the chick are symbols of fertility, and the Easter sunrise service is actually an observance of the Spring Equinox, which is for the crops.

Christians just transposed their own bastardized version of Judaism onto pagan beliefs and called it Christianity.
No one transposed bastardized versions of anything. Jesus died and was reborn just as the earth is reborn.

The celebration of Easter with its trappings of chicks, bunnies, eggs and flowers is a bit of bright whimsey after short days and long cold nights. Historically, spring and its Easter celebration meant more than just leaves breaking bud. It meant the diseases born of the cold would withdraw until next winter.
You should look into the great debate between the early Christians who kept the Passover (understanding it's fuller meaning) and those who imported the pagan doctrine of Ishtar. Better to follow the example of Jesus and His apostles who kep the Passover.
The entire thread is nonsense, Easter is not about candy, bunnies or chocolate. It's all about Christ's ultimate sacrifice
You never were a Christian nation. The nation doesn't not subscribe to a religion.

That's NOT a definition of what it means to be a Christian Nation. We most certainly are -- even now. It is the basis of all our founding laws and principles. It does NOT mean we live under a Theocracy.
Also too complex for tiny progressive brains to wrap around.
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

You never were a Christian nation. The nation doesn't not subscribe to a religion.

As a Christian, I find the whole concept of chocolate "Easter Eggs" repugnant. This isn't a holiday about candy and bunnies, it's about Jesus being tortured and dying for our sins.

To complain that a chocolate company is omitted the word "Easter" from its chocolate eggs, is ridiculous. Eggs, chocolate and rabbits are part of pagan, spring celebrations, and have nothing to do with Jesus, the Crucifiction, death or the Resurrection. If anything, they cheaper the deep meaning of Easter to Christians.

We're still a Christian nation.

Despite the lies of the left, and particularly the mentally ill, homosexual depraved loons of the left.

I imagine Cadbury will feel the heat this Easter, when the Christians who are the primary celebrants of EASTER and consumer of EASTER treats, fail to buy up their goodies.

Unlike the fag bloc, when the Christian bloc decides to withdraw (or lend) their support, the corporations feel it.

Remember when you fags called for a "boycott" of Chic fil A? And Christians flocked to support them?

Remember how they had the best year ever?

Likewise, when we boycott stuff, the companies take a hit. When you boycott stuff, they flourish.

That should tell you something. But it won't. You're one of the mentally ill who should be, and hopefully will be, institutionalized.

So which is it?

We, the United States, the most powerful nation in history, are a Christian nation? The people of the United States, a vast majority of whom are Christian, thrive and worship openly, freely, at any one of a thousand local churches.

Or Christians are oppressed and persecuted and soon, as The Irish Ram puts it, it will be open game on them?

You can't have it both ways. Either you're dominion- I mean, dominant or suffering persecution.

Which is it?
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It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

You never were a Christian nation. The nation doesn't not subscribe to a religion.

As a Christian, I find the whole concept of chocolate "Easter Eggs" repugnant. This isn't a holiday about candy and bunnies, it's about Jesus being tortured and dying for our sins.

To complain that a chocolate company is omitted the word "Easter" from its chocolate eggs, is ridiculous. Eggs, chocolate and rabbits are part of pagan, spring celebrations, and have nothing to do with Jesus, the Crucifiction, death or the Resurrection. If anything, they cheaper the deep meaning of Easter to Christians.

We're still a Christian nation.

Despite the lies of the left, and particularly the mentally ill, homosexual depraved loons of the left.

I imagine Cadbury will feel the heat this Easter, when the Christians who are the primary celebrants of EASTER and consumer of EASTER treats, fail to buy up their goodies.

Unlike the fag bloc, when the Christian bloc decides to withdraw (or lend) their support, the corporations feel it.

Remember when you fags called for a "boycott" of Chic fil A? And Christians flocked to support them?

Remember how they had the best year ever?

Likewise, when we boycott stuff, the companies take a hit. When you boycott stuff, they flourish.

That should tell you something. But it won't. You're one of the mentally ill who should be, and hopefully will be, institutionalized.

So which is it?

We, the United States, the most powerful nation in history, are a Christian nation? The people of the United States, a vast majority of whom are Christian, thrive and worship openly, freely, at any one of a thousand local churches.

Or Christians are oppressed and persecuted and soon, as SassyIrishLass puts it, it will be open game on them?

You can't have it both ways. Either you're dominion- I mean, dominant or suffering persecution.

Which is it?

You need to stop linking me, a great way to be put on ignore...also don't put words in my mouth...another way to get ignored
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

You never were a Christian nation. The nation doesn't not subscribe to a religion.

As a Christian, I find the whole concept of chocolate "Easter Eggs" repugnant. This isn't a holiday about candy and bunnies, it's about Jesus being tortured and dying for our sins.

To complain that a chocolate company is omitted the word "Easter" from its chocolate eggs, is ridiculous. Eggs, chocolate and rabbits are part of pagan, spring celebrations, and have nothing to do with Jesus, the Crucifiction, death or the Resurrection. If anything, they cheaper the deep meaning of Easter to Christians.

We're still a Christian nation.

Despite the lies of the left, and particularly the mentally ill, homosexual depraved loons of the left.

I imagine Cadbury will feel the heat this Easter, when the Christians who are the primary celebrants of EASTER and consumer of EASTER treats, fail to buy up their goodies.

Unlike the fag bloc, when the Christian bloc decides to withdraw (or lend) their support, the corporations feel it.

Remember when you fags called for a "boycott" of Chic fil A? And Christians flocked to support them?

Remember how they had the best year ever?

Likewise, when we boycott stuff, the companies take a hit. When you boycott stuff, they flourish.

That should tell you something. But it won't. You're one of the mentally ill who should be, and hopefully will be, institutionalized.

So which is it?

We, the United States, the most powerful nation in history, are a Christian nation? The people of the United States, a vast majority of whom are Christian, thrive and worship openly, freely, at any one of a thousand local churches.

Or Christians are oppressed and persecuted and soon, as SassyIrishLass puts it, it will be open game on them?

You can't have it both ways. Either you're dominion- I mean, dominant or suffering persecution.

Which is it?

You need to stop linking me, a great way to be put on ignore...also don't put words in my mouth...another way to get ignored

Whoops. Sorry. I got the wrong Irish. Pardon me.
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...
No, Obama didn't say that. The US was never a christian nation.

Except for when it was formed as a Christian nation.

It would have been a lot more Christian than it is if the Anabaptists hadn't swayed Jefferson to elect to NOT have a national religion. All the same, all the founders agreed that we were a Christian nation, and that our democracy couldn't work if applied to a non-Christian society.

They knew, like we do, that non-Christians are dishonest, brutal, and criminal by their very natures.
Religion (God) was an important part of the original 13 state constitutions (the states that became the United States).
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...
No, Obama didn't say that. The US was never a christian nation.

Except for when it was formed as a Christian nation.

It would have been a lot more Christian than it is if the Anabaptists hadn't swayed Jefferson to elect to NOT have a national religion. All the same, all the founders agreed that we were a Christian nation, and that our democracy couldn't work if applied to a non-Christian society.

They knew, like we do, that non-Christians are dishonest, brutal, and criminal by their very natures.
Religion (God) was an important part of the original 13 state constitutions (the states that became the United States).
Those christians famous for witch trials and burning at the stake?
Maybe the reason that Cadbury took the word Easter off of the eggs this year is because they plan on selling them year round because they are tired of people bitching about only being able to get them one month a year.

And yeah, most of the Christian traditions for Easter are based in pagan beliefs. The bunny and the chick are symbols of fertility, and the Easter sunrise service is actually an observance of the Spring Equinox, which is for the crops.

Christians just transposed their own bastardized version of Judaism onto pagan beliefs and called it Christianity.
I would love to get a Christmas Cadbury egg.
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...
No, Obama didn't say that. The US was never a christian nation.

Except for when it was formed as a Christian nation.

It would have been a lot more Christian than it is if the Anabaptists hadn't swayed Jefferson to elect to NOT have a national religion. All the same, all the founders agreed that we were a Christian nation, and that our democracy couldn't work if applied to a non-Christian society.

They knew, like we do, that non-Christians are dishonest, brutal, and criminal by their very natures.
Religion (God) was an important part of the original 13 state constitutions (the states that became the United States).
Those christians famous for witch trials and burning at the stake?
Deflectionary noted.
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...
No, Obama didn't say that. The US was never a christian nation.

Except for when it was formed as a Christian nation.

It would have been a lot more Christian than it is if the Anabaptists hadn't swayed Jefferson to elect to NOT have a national religion. All the same, all the founders agreed that we were a Christian nation, and that our democracy couldn't work if applied to a non-Christian society.

They knew, like we do, that non-Christians are dishonest, brutal, and criminal by their very natures.
Religion (God) was an important part of the original 13 state constitutions (the states that became the United States).
Those christians famous for witch trials and burning at the stake?
Actually, those witch trials and the burning at the stake were at the behest of politicians:

Court of Oyer and Terminer, 1692[3][edit]
Superior Court of Judicature, 1693[4][edit]
List of people of the Salem witch trials - Wikipedia
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

You never were a Christian nation. The nation doesn't not subscribe to a religion.

As a Christian, I find the whole concept of chocolate "Easter Eggs" repugnant. This isn't a holiday about candy and bunnies, it's about Jesus being tortured and dying for our sins.

To complain that a chocolate company is omitted the word "Easter" from its chocolate eggs, is ridiculous. Eggs, chocolate and rabbits are part of pagan, spring celebrations, and have nothing to do with Jesus, the Crucifiction, death or the Resurrection. If anything, they cheaper the deep meaning of Easter to Christians.
The pagan version is much more enjoyable. Much more fun than celebrating the worlds most famous zombie event. If I want zombies; I'll watch the walking dead.

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