Kristian Snowflakes

Witch burning is a pagan ritual, as was every other form of human sacrifice. They hate it when that's pointed out, but screw them. lol
What would happen if Starbucks put an image of the Cadbury egg on its 'Eostre' cups?

Fake Christian outrage would reach critical mass and they'd metldown, revealing a gooey inner core of nugget and shame.
Bock-meow, bock-meow. They should have given it to the cat.
Ahh, the snowflakes are out in force today. You all feeling a little angry 'cuz someone didn't say a word that is on your required-word-saying-list-for-conservative-snowflakes?

Talk radio has turned you all into whiners. Jesus you whine about everything. You get upset by red cups for Christ's sake! Grow up.
So which is it?

We, the United States, the most powerful nation in history, are a Christian nation? The people of the United States, a vast majority of whom are Christian, thrive and worship openly, freely, at any one of a thousand local churches.

Or Christians are oppressed and persecuted and soon, as The Irish Ram puts it, it will be open game on them?

You can't have it both ways. Either you're dominion- I mean, dominant or suffering persecution.

Which is it?
I will type slowly so you can understand this.

1. We are demographically a predominately Christian nation and always will be.

2. Our Anglo elite has slid off into the swamps of perdition by embracing Anglican heresy promoting things that will destroy our nation. Why these Episcopalians heretics did this, I dont know, but they have. They are now losing membership, shrinking as a demographic force, but they still posess their financial, political and social clout.

3. These besotted, perverted, heretical clergy in the Episcopalian church absolutely hate being reminded of what liars, pervs and losers that they are. So they persecute Biblical Christians in the USA as much as they possibly can, especially in their own denomination.

4. You are a nitwit.
No one transposed bastardized versions of anything. Jesus died and was reborn just as the earth is reborn.

The celebration of Easter with its trappings of chicks, bunnies, eggs and flowers is a bit of bright whimsey after short days and long cold nights. Historically, spring and its Easter celebration meant more than just leaves breaking bud. It meant the diseases born of the cold would withdraw until next winter.
You should look into the great debate between the early Christians who kept the Passover (understanding it's fuller meaning) and those who imported the pagan doctrine of Ishtar. Better to follow the example of Jesus and His apostles who kep the Passover.
Jesus and the apostles kept the passover because they were Jews. Jesus wasn't an early Christian. He was a Jew. There were no Christians. Easter is the commemoration of Christ's death and the celebration of his resurrection. It has nothing to do with passover.

If someone wants to keep the passover they are, or at least should be Jews.
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...
No, Obama didn't say that. The US was never a christian nation.

Except for when it was formed as a Christian nation.

It would have been a lot more Christian than it is if the Anabaptists hadn't swayed Jefferson to elect to NOT have a national religion. All the same, all the founders agreed that we were a Christian nation, and that our democracy couldn't work if applied to a non-Christian society.

They knew, like we do, that non-Christians are dishonest, brutal, and criminal by their very natures.
Religion (God) was an important part of the original 13 state constitutions (the states that became the United States).
Those christians famous for witch trials and burning at the stake?
At least as famous as moldy grain.
No one transposed bastardized versions of anything. Jesus died and was reborn just as the earth is reborn.

The celebration of Easter with its trappings of chicks, bunnies, eggs and flowers is a bit of bright whimsey after short days and long cold nights. Historically, spring and its Easter celebration meant more than just leaves breaking bud. It meant the diseases born of the cold would withdraw until next winter.
You should look into the great debate between the early Christians who kept the Passover (understanding it's fuller meaning) and those who imported the pagan doctrine of Ishtar. Better to follow the example of Jesus and His apostles who kep the Passover.
Jesus and the apostles kept the passover because they were Jews. Jesus wasn't an early Christian. He was a Jew. There were no Christians. Easter is the commemoration of Christ's death and the celebration of his resurrection. It has nothing to do with passover.

If someone wants to keep the passover they are, or at least should be Jews.

You might have had a point, but in the Bible, it says the whole reason Jesus went to Jerusalem was to celebrate Passover, and it was because He was in Jerusalem at that time that He was captured and crucified. Sorry, but you can't leave the Passover part out of Easter. It's a critical part of the story.
Another Christian holiday, another snowflake outrage. Now Kristians (fake Christians) are outraged that Cadbury is not including the word 'Easter' in its egg hunts.
You should personally tell Muslims they can't say Ramadan. You're a phony.
Yep. From an honest liberal, one who puts his life on the line every day:

So which is it?

We, the United States, the most powerful nation in history, are a Christian nation? The people of the United States, a vast majority of whom are Christian, thrive and worship openly, freely, at any one of a thousand local churches.

Or Christians are oppressed and persecuted and soon, as The Irish Ram puts it, it will be open game on them?

You can't have it both ways. Either you're dominion- I mean, dominant or suffering persecution.

Which is it?
I will type slowly so you can understand this.

1. We are demographically a predominately Christian nation and always will be.

2. Our Anglo elite has slid off into the swamps of perdition by embracing Anglican heresy promoting things that will destroy our nation. Why these Episcopalians heretics did this, I dont know, but they have. They are now losing membership, shrinking as a demographic force, but they still posess their financial, political and social clout.

3. These besotted, perverted, heretical clergy in the Episcopalian church absolutely hate being reminded of what liars, pervs and losers that they are. So they persecute Biblical Christians in the USA as much as they possibly can, especially in their own denomination.

4. You are a nitwit.
So which is it?

We, the United States, the most powerful nation in history, are a Christian nation? The people of the United States, a vast majority of whom are Christian, thrive and worship openly, freely, at any one of a thousand local churches.

Or Christians are oppressed and persecuted and soon, as The Irish Ram puts it, it will be open game on them?

You can't have it both ways. Either you're dominion- I mean, dominant or suffering persecution.

Which is it?
I will type slowly so you can understand this.

1. We are demographically a predominately Christian nation and always will be.

2. Our Anglo elite has slid off into the swamps of perdition by embracing Anglican heresy promoting things that will destroy our nation. Why these Episcopalians heretics did this, I dont know, but they have. They are now losing membership, shrinking as a demographic force, but they still posess their financial, political and social clout.

3. These besotted, perverted, heretical clergy in the Episcopalian church absolutely hate being reminded of what liars, pervs and losers that they are. So they persecute Biblical Christians in the USA as much as they possibly can, especially in their own denomination.

4. You are a nitwit.
I knew you could not grasp the subject, no matter how slowly I typed for you.

So which is it?

We, the United States, the most powerful nation in history, are a Christian nation? The people of the United States, a vast majority of whom are Christian, thrive and worship openly, freely, at any one of a thousand local churches.

Or Christians are oppressed and persecuted and soon, as The Irish Ram puts it, it will be open game on them?

You can't have it both ways. Either you're dominion- I mean, dominant or suffering persecution.

Which is it?
I will type slowly so you can understand this.

1. We are demographically a predominately Christian nation and always will be.

2. Our Anglo elite has slid off into the swamps of perdition by embracing Anglican heresy promoting things that will destroy our nation. Why these Episcopalians heretics did this, I dont know, but they have. They are now losing membership, shrinking as a demographic force, but they still posess their financial, political and social clout.

3. These besotted, perverted, heretical clergy in the Episcopalian church absolutely hate being reminded of what liars, pervs and losers that they are. So they persecute Biblical Christians in the USA as much as they possibly can, especially in their own denomination.

4. You are a nitwit.
I knew you could not grasp the subject, no matter how slowly I typed for you.


Yeah, it's that I couldn't grasp your inane and unhinged religious conspiracy response to my post.

Yep, you sure did call that one...
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

Snowflake unreality.

Bed wetting Snowflake calling someone else a Snowflake. How gay is that????
I knew you could not grasp the subject, no matter how slowly I typed for you.
Yeah, it's that I couldn't grasp your inane and unhinged religious conspiracy response to my post.
Yep, you sure did call that one...
That is the standard response of you secularist morons for the last century. You nitwits have no comprehension of what your opponents say, as you dismiss it as inherently irrational and meaningless.

But all you are doing is demonstrating to the entire world that you have no balanced view, are capable of no nuanced insight and have no ability to comprehend the complexities of thought that you so inanely dismiss.
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It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

Snowflake unreality.

Bed wetting Snowflake calling someone else a Snowflake. How gay is that????

Ahh you poor snowflake, did your sensitive feelings get hurt? I'm sorry. HEY, how about a Fresca sport!
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

Snowflake unreality.

Bed wetting Snowflake calling someone else a Snowflake. How gay is that????

Thunderstorm reality. You can watch the attempt to remove Christ from our lives almost daily.
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

Snowflake unreality.

Bed wetting Snowflake calling someone else a Snowflake. How gay is that????

Thunderstorm reality. You can watch the attempt to remove Christ from our lives almost daily.

Seems Kristians are terrified someone can make them lose their god, or, I don't know, use reason instead.

How horrible it would be to have to live in a world where YOU are responsible for everything you do.
It is a UN trend we are in. Our last president told the world we are no longer a Christian nation. Little lies, little liberal schooling, a dropping of the name of Jesus in Bibles, turning Easter into Springy Daffodil Day, and Christmas into Happy whatever floats your boat Holiday, are working in unison to rid the world of Christianity. And they are just getting started. We'll actually be open game soon. But there is just one problem. One little sentence that stops their attempt in it's tracks:
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Christ wins...

Snowflake unreality.

Bed wetting Snowflake calling someone else a Snowflake. How gay is that????

Ahh you poor snowflake, did your sensitive feelings get hurt? I'm sorry. HEY, how about a Fresca sport!

Got those rubber sheets yet gay boy?

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