Krugman calls Ryan (R) what he is

Ryan's proposal is not a serious budget and Krugman is not a serious economist.

Ryan is a serious political opportunist but not a serious budget advocate.

Krugman is an average economic commentator who had the good luck to be in place when most other commentators drank the koolaid. As an economist he has done some good work. IMHO.
will Ryan (R) cash-in on being a life-long, Washington-insider after he retires or gets defeated? I'm guessing yes. He'll pull a "DeMint"
that the guy is basically a huckster looking for a job from wall street after he's bilked the taxpayer for his own salary the last 14+ years and tried to stick it to the middle class w/ his budgets for the rich guys. :clap2:
Way back in 2010, when everybody in Washington seemed determined to anoint Representative Paul Ryan as the ultimate Serious, Honest Conservative, I pronounced him a flimflam man. Even then, his proposals were obviously fraudulent: huge cuts in aid to the poor, but even bigger tax cuts for the rich, with all the assertions of fiscal responsibility resting on claims that he would raise trillions of dollars by closing tax loopholes (which he refused to specify) and cutting discretionary spending (in ways he refused to specify).

he then goes on to dissect Ryan's (R) latest *cough* "budget" that he and his water carrying staff for wall street have concocted.

I hear Paul Ryan has emotional problems and when he gets tired or anxious he starts mumbling "Who is John Gault"


John Gault was the prototypical supply-sider superman who didn't supply much after liberal government interfered too much in his businesses.

Rand came from liberal Russia where she saw liberal government interfere to the point where 60 million slowly starved to death.

Now we can all understand her, supply-side economics, and why our liberals spied for Stalin
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Jack Lew is a water carrier for corporations. Like Geithner his resume is mostly about whose dick he sucked rather than bottom line results.

The biggest change will be the name on the door.
Jack Lew is a water carrier for corporations. Like Geithner his resume is mostly about whose dick he sucked rather than bottom line results.

The biggest change will be the name on the door.

violent personal attack from typical liberal bigot who is sure he's superior!!
I must say that I watched the budget committee hearings and Ryan (R) came-off as a spoiled brat. Rep Van Hollen (R) slammed Ryan's FAILBudget in his opening remarks.
You're not being very specific. Budget issues are pretty cut and dried. That means any character assassination thoughts are coming from inside you and not from reality.

Cut the bias or you'll get tangled in a really sticky web.
that the guy is basically a huckster looking for a job from wall street after he's bilked the taxpayer for his own salary the last 14+ years and tried to stick it to the middle class w/ his budgets for the rich guys. :clap2:
Way back in 2010, when everybody in Washington seemed determined to anoint Representative Paul Ryan as the ultimate Serious, Honest Conservative, I pronounced him a flimflam man. Even then, his proposals were obviously fraudulent: huge cuts in aid to the poor, but even bigger tax cuts for the rich, with all the assertions of fiscal responsibility resting on claims that he would raise trillions of dollars by closing tax loopholes (which he refused to specify) and cutting discretionary spending (in ways he refused to specify).
he then goes on to dissect Ryan's (R) latest *cough* "budget" that he and his water carrying staff for wall street have concocted.

Is this the same guy that thought debt was bad when Bush was president?
Jack Lew is a water carrier for corporations. Like Geithner his resume is mostly about whose dick he sucked rather than bottom line results.

The biggest change will be the name on the door.

violent personal attack from typical liberal bigot who is sure he's superior!!

You keep confusing me with the liberal, Edmund. Genghis Kahn is to my left. Thomas Jefferson is to my right. My politics are realist, sport; people win, people lose. This ain't the summer of love; we ain't in the garden of Eden.

But I digress...

Are you game for a little scientific experiment? IF so, purchase a cheap garden hose and a golf ball. Once you have them let me know.
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that the guy is basically a huckster looking for a job from wall street after he's bilked the taxpayer for his own salary the last 14+ years and tried to stick it to the middle class w/ his budgets for the rich guys. :clap2:
Way back in 2010, when everybody in Washington seemed determined to anoint Representative Paul Ryan as the ultimate Serious, Honest Conservative, I pronounced him a flimflam man. Even then, his proposals were obviously fraudulent: huge cuts in aid to the poor, but even bigger tax cuts for the rich, with all the assertions of fiscal responsibility resting on claims that he would raise trillions of dollars by closing tax loopholes (which he refused to specify) and cutting discretionary spending (in ways he refused to specify).
he then goes on to dissect Ryan's (R) latest *cough* "budget" that he and his water carrying staff for wall street have concocted.

Is this the same guy that thought debt was bad when Bush was president?

yea, thats him...:lol:
that the guy is basically a huckster looking for a job from wall street after he's bilked the taxpayer for his own salary the last 14+ years and tried to stick it to the middle class w/ his budgets for the rich guys. :clap2:
he then goes on to dissect Ryan's (R) latest *cough* "budget" that he and his water carrying staff for wall street have concocted.

Is this the same guy that thought debt was bad when Bush was president?

yea, thats him...:lol:

so did Obama,
[ame=]Obama on raising the Debt Ceiling during his 2008 Campaign - YouTube[/ame]
I must say that I watched the budget committee hearings and Ryan (R) came-off as a spoiled brat. Rep Van Hollen (R) slammed Ryan's FAILBudget in his opening remarks.
You're not being very specific. Budget issues are pretty cut and dried. That means any character assassination thoughts are coming from inside you and not from reality.

Cut the bias or you'll get tangled in a really sticky web.

ummm..... he all but put his feet up on the table while the committee minority ranking member was making his opening statement. :eusa_eh: Don't comment on things you haven't witnessed. :eusa_hand: I watched the opening remarks and Ryan's flippant attitude to anyone, in this case Rep Van Hollen, who questioned his double-down budget. STOP NINNY HAMMERING becki!!! :mad:
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So there is nothing new.
The House passed a budget that they knew the Senate would not pass.
And the Senate passed a budget that they knew the House would not pass.
Both of them need to start compromising, like they are suppose to do.
Both the Senate and the House are acting like spoiled children.
So there is nothing new.
The House passed a budget that they knew the Senate would not pass.
And the Senate passed a budget that they knew the House would not pass.
Both of them need to start compromising, like they are suppose to do.
Both the Senate and the House are acting like spoiled children.

agreed, but did you notice how obama once again is sitting it all out? regards submitting a budget? reid said hey I'll go first, they will go ( the gop) then we'll have the media beat the crap out of their budget, then you come in with yours, ( maybe) its the ole rope a dope......

regular order in the Budget process is-the president submits a budget request ( a plan not a framework) by feb. 1st, then the house and senate take it up......he once again hes "present" but has effectively has absented himself from the process.
Wait a minute the Fed realized that we passed the point of no return on the budget in 1998 during the Long Term Capital Management bailout.

Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns bailed on that bailout presumably because they were under capitalized even then.

The proximate cause of LTCM's collapse was the busting of the Scandinavian housing bubble, specifically purchases of Danish Mortgage Backed Securities.

So, Greenspan and friends knew that they were going too fast to stop 10 years prior to the meltdown. They knew the weak sisters that would fail, they knew danger zone from the S&L crisis and the insolvency of LTCM and did nothing because there was nothing they could do. Isn't this whole debate about 15 years too late?
I must say that I watched the budget committee hearings and Ryan (R) came-off as a spoiled brat. Rep Van Hollen (R) slammed Ryan's FAILBudget in his opening remarks.
You're not being very specific. Budget issues are pretty cut and dried. That means any character assassination thoughts are coming from inside you and not from reality.

Cut the bias or you'll get tangled in a really sticky web.

ummm..... he all but put his feet up on the table while the committee minority ranking member was making his opening statement. :eusa_eh: Don't comment on things you haven't witnessed. :eusa_hand: I watched the opening remarks and Ryan's flippant attitude to anyone, in this case Rep Van Hollen, who questioned his double-down budget. STOP NINNY HAMMERING becki!!! :mad:
Don't you ever tell me what to say or not or how to say it. You're creating a monster out of one of the few people in America right now who has any semblance of preventing Barack Obama from completely destroying the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights by allying himself with One-world factions in the United Nations who are trying to stick America with a completely binding Small arms agreement to take guns away from all nonmilitary people on this planet "for their own good."

Continue on with those thick blinders of party loyalty you're wearing that don't have a clue, and if you do, you are as big a criminal as the humiliated, debarred and impeached William Jefferson Clinton whose blind bitches threw him a party when only 50% of the Senators voted against him instead of the 67% needed to rid this nation of that kind of corruption.

Keep on believing the guy who told universities he was a Kenyan to get free scholarships is an American.

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