Krugman calls Ryan (R) what he is

Beware of economists who say all the right things now, but whose career histories show them having done all the wrong things in the past.

It is apparent that at least a few of you newer posters ARE paying attention to the details of the last 30 years of economic history.

The economy we have today is the result of the COMBINED tax, trade, and (lack of) regulatory policies we've had in place (or not in place) through both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Both parties OWN their share of the mess the world is in today.

When somebody tells you that they trust a Democratic or a Republican economist, you should remind them that being a both a political partisan AND a real economist is impossible.
Both parties OWN their share of the mess the world is in today.

pure perfect ignorance! The parties are opposites so its impossible they could share responsibility for mess! Republicans are for freedom while Democrats are for government. Democracy forces them to compromise with each other but that doesn't change what they stand for.

You lack the IQ to see that you've confused the output of democracy with the input!!

Can't your mother explain it to you??
EdwardBaiamonte lacks the IQ to participate in my thread. Work on that miniscule IQ you posses before posting again con boi :thup:
Democrats do not march in lock step

they do but you lack the IQ to know it!! They are purely ignorant liberal statists regardless if the are Hitler Stalin Mao Castro or Pol Pot. Democrats are identical in their love of government. Jefferson knew this cancer well and created freedom from all of it.

Do you know why ourt liberals spied for Stalin and Hitler??
EdwardBaiamonte lacks the IQ to participate in my thread. Work on that miniscule IQ you posses before posting again con boi :thup:
Yup, it is a treat to watch someone spend so much time telling everyone else they have low IQs when he clearly isn't intelligent enough to view world events as anything but his political ideology vs. the enemy one. A chimp could handle that, and that works since Special Ed is pretty much a chimp.
he clearly isn't intelligent enough to view world events as anything but his political ideology vs. the enemy one. .
pure perfect ignorance! The parties are opposites so its impossible they could share responsibility for mess! Republicans are for freedom while Democrats are for government. Democracy forces them to compromise with each other but that doesn't change what they stand for.

You lack the IQ to see that you've confused the output of democracy with the input!!

Can't your mother explain it to you??
EdwardBaiamonte lacks the IQ to participate in my thread. Work on that miniscule IQ you posses before posting again con boi :thup:
Yup, it is a treat to watch someone spend so much time telling everyone else they have low IQs when he clearly isn't intelligent enough to view world events as anything but his political ideology vs. the enemy one. A chimp could handle that, and that works since Special Ed is pretty much a chimp.

^ that ;) He should ask admin if he can have his username changed to SpecialEd :lol;
he clearly isn't intelligent enough to view world events as anything but his political ideology vs. the enemy one. .
pure perfect ignorance! The parties are opposites so its impossible they could share responsibility for mess! Republicans are for freedom while Democrats are for government. Democracy forces them to compromise with each other but that doesn't change what they stand for.

You lack the IQ to see that you've confused the output of democracy with the input!!

Can't your mother explain it to you??

NO family members may be dragged into a debate!!! :eusa_hand: :eusa_naughty: Standard TOS
he clearly isn't intelligent enough to view world events as anything but his political ideology vs. the enemy one. .
pure perfect ignorance! The parties are opposites so its impossible they could share responsibility for mess! Republicans are for freedom while Democrats are for government. Democracy forces them to compromise with each other but that doesn't change what they stand for.

You lack the IQ to see that you've confused the output of democracy with the input!!

Can't your mother explain it to you??

NO family members may be dragged into a debate!!! :eusa_hand: :eusa_naughty: Standard TOS
pure perfect ignorance! The parties are opposites so its impossible they could share responsibility for mess! Republicans are for freedom while Democrats are for government. Democracy forces them to compromise with each other but that doesn't change what they stand for.

You lack the IQ to see that you've confused the output of democracy with the input!!

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