Krugman calls Ryan (R) what he is

You're not being very specific. Budget issues are pretty cut and dried. That means any character assassination thoughts are coming from inside you and not from reality.

Cut the bias or you'll get tangled in a really sticky web.

ummm..... he all but put his feet up on the table while the committee minority ranking member was making his opening statement. :eusa_eh: Don't comment on things you haven't witnessed. :eusa_hand: I watched the opening remarks and Ryan's flippant attitude to anyone, in this case Rep Van Hollen, who questioned his double-down budget. STOP NINNY HAMMERING becki!!! :mad:
Don't you ever tell me what to say or not or how to say it. You're creating a monster out of one of the few people in America right now who has any semblance of preventing Barack Obama from completely destroying the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights by allying himself with One-world factions in the United Nations who are trying to stick America with a completely binding Small arms agreement to take guns away from all nonmilitary people on this planet "for their own good."

Continue on with those thick blinders of party loyalty you're wearing that don't have a clue, and if you do, you are as big a criminal as the humiliated, debarred and impeached William Jefferson Clinton whose blind bitches threw him a party when only 50% of the Senators voted against him instead of the 67% needed to rid this nation of that kind of corruption.

Keep on believing the guy who told universities he was a Kenyan to get free scholarships is an American.
Wow. Now there is a non agenda driven bunch of drivel if I ever saw any. Full of non facts and look at the links proving the accusations. But it was good for a few laughs. Stupid humor. But humor, any way. So, do those tin hats fit well, of do you actually have to nail them on as the rumors have it??
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So there is nothing new.
The House passed a budget that they knew the Senate would not pass.
And the Senate passed a budget that they knew the House would not pass.
Both of them need to start compromising, like they are suppose to do.
Both the Senate and the House are acting like spoiled children.

agreed, but did you notice how obama once again is sitting it all out? regards submitting a budget? reid said hey I'll go first, they will go ( the gop) then we'll have the media beat the crap out of their budget, then you come in with yours, ( maybe) its the ole rope a dope......

regular order in the Budget process is-the president submits a budget request ( a plan not a framework) by feb. 1st, then the house and senate take it up......he once again hes "present" but has effectively has absented himself from the process.

Yes I did notice.
He is the first President in 92 years that has not submitted his budget on time.
Just because he is not doing his job, doesn't mean that the Senate and the House needs to act like spoiled children about it.
So, Greenspan and friends knew that they were going too fast to stop 10 years prior to the meltdown.

another libturd conspiracy theory to make the world simple enough for a libturd to understand. Did all the friends make a fortune from knowing the meltdown was coming?
So there is nothing new.
The House passed a budget that they knew the Senate would not pass.
And the Senate passed a budget that they knew the House would not pass.
Both of them need to start compromising, like they are suppose to do.
Both the Senate and the House are acting like spoiled children.

Yeah, but a bad budget arrived at by a compromise is at its core a bad budget. I don't see the advantages to negotiation and compromise when the result is headed in the wrong direction.
Two Hucksters battling it out and a Shill reporting it!

This is what passes for "Honest Political Debate" in America!


ummm..... do you have anything to add on Ryan (R) :eusa_eh:

He did add something about Ryan... *Both* happen to be fucking morons. Paul happens to be famous for 2 things, 1: telling one group of people what they want to hear and 2: being wrong about what he tells that group will happen.
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Two Hucksters battling it out and a Shill reporting it!

This is what passes for "Honest Political Debate" in America!


ummm..... do you have anything to add on Ryan (R) :eusa_eh:

He did add something about Ryan... *Both* happen to be fucking morons. Paul happens to be famous for 2 things, 1: telling one group of people what they want to hear and 2: being wrong about what he tells that group will happen.

how can a conservative be a moron??
ummm..... do you have anything to add on Ryan (R) :eusa_eh:

He did add something about Ryan... *Both* happen to be fucking morons. Paul happens to be famous for 2 things, 1: telling one group of people what they want to hear and 2: being wrong about what he tells that group will happen.

how can a conservative be a moron??

He's not a conservative, he's a Progressive... If your talking about Ryan.
how can a conservative be a moron??

He's not a conservative, he's a Progressive... If your talking about Ryan.

Ryan just spoke at CPAC

Good for him? Bush was a Progressive and he is pointed to as a conservative. Obama is a Democrat who expanded many of Bush era policies with 0 repeals and progressives don't call him a Neocon. You either spend too much and expand Government or you don't... Ryan expands Government and spends too much, making him anything but a conservative. Of course the age old issue with supporting the expansion of Government is what happens when someone you don’t like has the newly granted powers.
Rand Paul and Paul Ryan = follower of Ayn Rand = fuck the poor and the takers = call them parasites = fuck altruism and compassion

actually Rand came from Russia where soviet altruism slowly starved 60 million death.

If you want to act like a morally superior bigot why on earth pick the soviet example to emulate. Cant you find a system a little less deadly so you won't appear to be 100% crazy. Do you know why our morally superior liberal bigots spied for Stalin?
There is a good article @ called "Paul Ryan's 5.7 Trillion Magic Trick" that is a good read! I can't link it as I'm. posting from my phone. It's worth using Google.

OK, I'm done snowshoeing.
Paul Ryan's $5.7 Trillion Magic Trick
Paul Ryan's $5.7 Trillion Magic Trick - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic
And then there's this:
House GOP Would Need $5.7 Trillion in Tax Hikes to Offset Ryan Rate Cuts
TaxVox » Blog Archive » House GOP Would Need $5.7 Trillion in Tax Hikes to Offset Ryan Rate Cuts

Just to entice folks, here's a couple of charts,,,Paul Ryan loves charts and so do I. I think we're brothers from different mothers! :confused:


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There is a good article @ called "Paul Ryan's 5.7 Trillion Magic Trick" that is a good read! I can't link it as I'm. posting from my phone. It's worth using Google.

OK, I'm done snowshoeing.
Paul Ryan's $5.7 Trillion Magic Trick
Paul Ryan's $5.7 Trillion Magic Trick - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic
And then there's this:
House GOP Would Need $5.7 Trillion in Tax Hikes to Offset Ryan Rate Cuts
TaxVox » Blog Archive » House GOP Would Need $5.7 Trillion in Tax Hikes to Offset Ryan Rate Cuts

Just to entice folks, here's a couple of charts,,,Paul Ryan loves charts and so do I. I think we're brothers from different mothers! :confused:

so you have no point to make as usual?? We can all post millions of links and do all the reading we want without you. Sorry
Ryan expands Government and spends too much, making him anything but a conservative.

mostly he's a politician who must please independents to get re-elected!!

Quite the backpeddle, there Edmund. How did Hawkbill Ryan go from nutball savior to "politician who must please independents to get re-elected!!" Is it because the filthy cocksucker didn't even carry his neighborhood in the recent election?

And who are these "independents" of whom you speak? Is the nutball smart enough to describe one for us?
Ryan expands Government and spends too much, making him anything but a conservative.

mostly he's a politician who must please independents to get re-elected!!

Quite the backpeddle, there Edmund. How did Hawkbill Ryan go from nutball savior to "politician who must please independents to get re-elected!!" Is it because the filthy cocksucker didn't even carry his neighborhood in the recent election?

And who are these "independents" of whom you speak? Is the nutball smart enough to describe one for us?

what planet have you been on????

Obama Adviser: Independents Will Decide Election


see why we say slow, so very very slow????
mostly he's a politician who must please independents to get re-elected!!

Quite the backpeddle, there Edmund. How did Hawkbill Ryan go from nutball savior to "politician who must please independents to get re-elected!!" Is it because the filthy cocksucker didn't even carry his neighborhood in the recent election?

And who are these "independents" of whom you speak? Is the nutball smart enough to describe one for us?

what planet have you been on????

Obama Adviser: Independents Will Decide Election


see why we say slow, so very very slow????

You kill me, Edmund. Of all the nutballs posting here you're my favorite.

Thereby proving the nihilist is very slow indeed. :salute:
Quite the backpeddle, there Edmund. How did Hawkbill Ryan go from nutball savior to "politician who must please independents to get re-elected!!" Is it because the filthy cocksucker didn't even carry his neighborhood in the recent election?

And who are these "independents" of whom you speak? Is the nutball smart enough to describe one for us?

what planet have you been on????

Obama Adviser: Independents Will Decide Election


see why we say slow, so very very slow????

You kill me, Edmund. Of all the nutballs posting here you're my favorite.

Thereby proving the nihilist is very slow indeed. :salute:

typical liberal changing the subject once again when he sees yet again he lacks the IQ for the subject
There is a good article @ called "Paul Ryan's 5.7 Trillion Magic Trick" that is a good read! I can't link it as I'm. posting from my phone. It's worth using Google.

OK, I'm done snowshoeing.
Paul Ryan's $5.7 Trillion Magic Trick
Paul Ryan's $5.7 Trillion Magic Trick - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic
And then there's this:
House GOP Would Need $5.7 Trillion in Tax Hikes to Offset Ryan Rate Cuts
TaxVox » Blog Archive » House GOP Would Need $5.7 Trillion in Tax Hikes to Offset Ryan Rate Cuts

Just to entice folks, here's a couple of charts,,,Paul Ryan loves charts and so do I. I think we're brothers from different mothers! :confused:

so you have no point to make as usual?? We can all post millions of links and do all the reading we want without you. Sorry

Well, I knew you wouldn't understand the thought and mathematics behind both links.
Here we go EdB, just for you and your comprehension of economics.


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