Krugman calls Ryan (R) what he is

OK, I'm done snowshoeing.
Paul Ryan's $5.7 Trillion Magic Trick
Paul Ryan's $5.7 Trillion Magic Trick - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic
And then there's this:
House GOP Would Need $5.7 Trillion in Tax Hikes to Offset Ryan Rate Cuts
TaxVox » Blog Archive » House GOP Would Need $5.7 Trillion in Tax Hikes to Offset Ryan Rate Cuts

Just to entice folks, here's a couple of charts,,,Paul Ryan loves charts and so do I. I think we're brothers from different mothers! :confused:

so you have no point to make as usual?? We can all post millions of links and do all the reading we want without you. Sorry

Well, I knew you wouldn't understand the thought and mathematics behind both links.
Here we go EdB, just for you and your comprehension of economics.

Wow, Edmund, look at the colors on the cover of that book!

And it appears to be written at a level the conservative can grasp.

You're all set now.
Rand Paul and Paul Ryan = follower of Ayn Rand = fuck the poor and the takers = call them parasites = fuck altruism and compassion

thats what I've been saying!!! ;) Same goes for Greenspan. He was a Rand disciple as well and oversaw the worst econ downturn since the Depression.
Rand Paul and Paul Ryan = follower of Ayn Rand = fuck the poor and the takers = call them parasites = fuck altruism and compassion

thats what I've been saying!!! ;) Same goes for Greenspan. He was a Rand disciple as well and oversaw the worst econ downturn since the Depression.

too stupid!! liberals love to blame housing crisis on Republican freedom and deregulation, now you blame it on liberal misregulation?? Can you decide which it is ??

See why we say liberals are so very very slow?
Rand Paul and Paul Ryan = follower of Ayn Rand = fuck the poor and the takers = call them parasites = fuck altruism and compassion

thats what I've been saying!!! ;) Same goes for Greenspan. He was a Rand disciple as well and oversaw the worst econ downturn since the Depression.

actually Rand came from Russia where soviet altruism slowly starved 60 million to death.

If you want to act like a morally superior bigot why on earth pick the liberal soviet example to emulate. Cant you find a system a little less deadly so you won't appear to be 100% crazy. Do you know why our morally superior liberal bigots spied for Stalin?
lol EdwardBaiamonte doesn't have the IQ to address the OP :lol:

Krugman wants to pretend we are being attacked by space aliens so government will spend like it did in WW2 and thus end what he calls, in his book, this depression. Ryan and Republicans believe making weapons to dump into the sea is very very wasteful and anything but stimulative.
Rand Paul and Paul Ryan = follower of Ayn Rand = fuck the poor and the takers = call them parasites = fuck altruism and compassion

thats what I've been saying!!! ;) Same goes for Greenspan. He was a Rand disciple as well and oversaw the worst econ downturn since the Depression.

actually Rand came from Russia where soviet altruism slowly starved 60 million to death.

If you want to act like a morally superior bigot why on earth pick the liberal soviet example to emulate. Cant you find a system a little less deadly so you won't appear to be 100% crazy. Do you know why our morally superior liberal bigots spied for Stalin?

Rand Paul and Paul Ryan = follower of Ayn Rand = fuck the poor and the takers = call them parasites = fuck altruism and compassion

thats what I've been saying!!! ;) Same goes for Greenspan. He was a Rand disciple as well and oversaw the worst econ downturn since the Depression.

too stupid!! liberals love to blame housing crisis on Republican freedom and deregulation, now you blame it on liberal misregulation?? Can you decide which it is ??

See why we say liberals are so very very slow?

that the guy is basically a huckster looking for a job from wall street after he's bilked the taxpayer for his own salary the last 14+ years and tried to stick it to the middle class w/ his budgets for the rich guys. :clap2:
Way back in 2010, when everybody in Washington seemed determined to anoint Representative Paul Ryan as the ultimate Serious, Honest Conservative, I pronounced him a flimflam man. Even then, his proposals were obviously fraudulent: huge cuts in aid to the poor, but even bigger tax cuts for the rich, with all the assertions of fiscal responsibility resting on claims that he would raise trillions of dollars by closing tax loopholes (which he refused to specify) and cutting discretionary spending (in ways he refused to specify).

he then goes on to dissect Ryan's (R) latest *cough* "budget" that he and his water carrying staff for wall street have concocted.

At least he put forward a budget.
thats what I've been saying!!! ;) Same goes for Greenspan. He was a Rand disciple as well and oversaw the worst econ downturn since the Depression.

too stupid!! liberals love to blame housing crisis on Republican freedom and deregulation, now you blame it on liberal misregulation?? Can you decide which it is ??

See why we say liberals are so very very slow?

I can't believe anyone takes Krugman seriously:cuckoo:
who do you take seriously?
at least Republicans put out budget is right

the Democrats did and it got voted down again with 30 Democrats joining in..

so Krugman isn't happy with Republicans budget, anyone shocked
The Republicans under right wing leadership puts out bills and budgets they know will not pass in the Senate or get a White House signature.

It's all politics all the time, and the hell with what Americans want to see

, that is why the Democrats budgets are all voted down with Democrats joining in, they are so great for Americans...and nothing Republicans present is going to pass the Democrat control Senate, they care more about politics than you and the rest of us
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