Krugman Decapitated!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.
Krugman is a joke. I wish people would realize that he's the funniest thing in the newspapers since Larson stopped the "Far Side"
Krugman has been right about everything wrong with Capitalism for years.
" December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....

6. This is how the NYSun put it:
"The persistence of the oil myth, the Journal reckons it is “more wish than prediction,” a way of “scaring governments into pouring money into alternative energy sources that can’t compete with oil and natural gas without subsidies and mandates.”

7. And exactly the same thing can be applied to the Global Warming myth....

a. " Al Gore’s 10-year warning – only 2 years left, still no warming
January 10th, 2014 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. It’s been 8 years since Al Gore told us in January 2006 that we had only 10 years left to solve the global warming problem. In the grand tradition of prophets of doom, his prognostication is not shaping up too well…still no statistically significant warming..." Al Gore 8217 s 10-year warning 8211 only 2 years left still no warming Roy Spencer PhD

b. " It’s official: no global warming for 18 years 1 month/October 2, 2014" It 8217 s official no global warming for 18 years 1 month Watts Up With That dire warning of catastrophe after another....

The peak oil myth

Killer bees

20% of college girls subject to rape/sexual assault

Global Warming

Heterosexual AIDS

White cops shooting unarmed blacks

Danger of second-hand smoke


As H. L. Menken said,
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
Paul Krugman? THE Paul Krugman who claimed the VA is a sterling example of the efficiency of a government-run healthcare system that Barry's Unaffordable Care Act would surely emulate? Only the low info dims buy anything that lefty stooge is peddling.
Paul Krugman? THE Paul Krugman who claimed the VA is a sterling example of the efficiency of a government-run healthcare system that Barry's Unaffordable Care Act would surely emulate? Only the low info dims buy anything that lefty stooge is peddling.

Every time I've dealt with the VA, it's been a great experience. Some very dedicated people working there.

The real problem with the VA is that we created millions of new Veterans on the War That Never Ends and didn't allocate enough resources for it.
Paul Krugman? THE Paul Krugman who claimed the VA is a sterling example of the efficiency of a government-run healthcare system that Barry's Unaffordable Care Act would surely emulate? Only the low info dims buy anything that lefty stooge is peddling.

"Only the low info dims buy anything that lefty stooge is peddling." dire warning of catastrophe after another....

The peak oil myth

Killer bees

20% of college girls subject to rape/sexual assault

Global Warming

Heterosexual AIDS

White cops shooting unarmed blacks

Danger of second-hand smoke


What you say is equally true of every one of the "imminent catastrophe scenarios" that Liberals perpetuate.

And it will continue as long as government schools provide a clutch of uneducated dolts.
Paul Krugman? THE Paul Krugman who claimed the VA is a sterling example of the efficiency of a government-run healthcare system that Barry's Unaffordable Care Act would surely emulate? Only the low info dims buy anything that lefty stooge is peddling.

Every time I've dealt with the VA, it's been a great experience. Some very dedicated people working there.

The real problem with the VA is that we created millions of new Veterans on the War That Never Ends and didn't allocate enough resources for it.

And we elected the Magic Negro to put an end to all those wars only to find out what we've always known, that both parties do this.

Krugman's okay for a theorist.

I wouldn't trust him to run a business, that's for sure.

Theorists have their place.

Oil is a non-renewable resource which means its continued use will deplete it.

If you want to argue about the timeframe, fine. But its eventual depletion is an irrefutable fact.
" December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.”

8. There is every reason to believe that we have far more energy reserves than the Krugman states:

a. The 2008 USGS assessment estimated 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil in the U.S. portion of the Bakken Formation, elevating it to a “world-class” accumulation. The estimate had a mean value of 3.65 billion barrels. The USGS routinely conducts updates to oil and gas assessments when significant new information is available, such as new understanding of a resource basin’s geology or when advances in technology occur for drilling and production…. The 2008 USGS assessment showed a 25-fold increase in the amount of technically recoverable oil as compared to the agency's 1995 estimate of 151 million barrels of oil.
Bakken Formation Oil Assessment in North Dakota Montana will be updated by U.S. Geological Survey

b. Oil giant BP says it has made a "giant" new oil discovery in its fields in the Gulf of Mexico…. BP said the discovery, amounting to more than three billion barrels, would "support the continuing growth of our deepwater Gulf of Mexico business into the second half of the next decade".
BBC NEWS Business BP in giant new oil discovery

c. According to theUS Geological Survey, the Arctic sea floor has 13% of the world's undiscovered "conventional" oil reserves and 30% of undiscovered natural-gas reserves.
Oil-Drilling Trade-Offs Keystone for Alaska
Krugman has been right about everything wrong with Capitalism for years.


Cite an example... and yes, of course it is a trick. And yes... when you fail to provide an example of Krugman being right about everything that is wrong with capitalism, which is a 100% certainty, you will be conceding to me, that you're an imbecile.
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.
PompousCheek Decapitated!

Yeah only your MessiahRushie and his ilk can play the perpetual victim and claim dire events are imminent like the destruction of America as founded, the negation of the American Declaration of Independence and the negation of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the elimination of our religion and our morality, the elimination of the normative family, the elimination of our borders and our sovereignty, the elimination of the right of anyone to own anything – the right to private property – and even the right to life itself, let alone liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Last edited: dire warning of catastrophe after another....

The peak oil myth

Killer bees

20% of college girls subject to rape/sexual assault

Global Warming

Heterosexual AIDS

White cops shooting unarmed blacks

Danger of second-hand smoke

PompousCheek Decapitated!

CON$ dire warning of catastrophe after another....

the destruction of America as founded,

the negation of the American Declaration of Independence

the negation of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights,

the elimination of our religion and our morality,

the elimination of the normative family,

the elimination of our borders and our sovereignty,

the elimination of the right of anyone to own anything

the elimination of the right to private property

the elimination of the right to life itself,

the elimination of the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Last edited:
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.
Yeah only your MessiahRushie and his ilk can play the perpetual victim and claim dire events are imminent like the destruction of America as founded, the negation of the American Declaration of Independence and the negation of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the elimination of our religion and our morality, the elimination of the normative family, the elimination of our borders and our sovereignty, the elimination of the right of anyone to own anything – the right to private property – and even the right to life itself, let alone liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

None of that demonstrates us being victims... all that demonstrates you idiots setting yourself up as future victims... in the vane of the poor Palestinians, who are victimized by the Israelis, who the Palestinians had only attacked, threatened their safety, their culture and the viability of their society.

All we're doing is pointing out the specific instances where you screwed up, as you idiots do so.

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