Krugman opinion: "Yes, he could"

All Krugman had to do is hold his nose and write the article.

He forgot about Iraq.

He forgot about the raging inflation, whether reported or not.

He forgot about the negative growth in the first quarter.

He forgot about the growing number of people not participating in the work force.

He forgot about how the dollar was devalued under Obama

He forgot how this administration has repeatedly lied.

He fort how this administration has divided the country along political lines like no one before him.

He forgot that most who did sign up for Obama care are those receiving subsidizes, exactly the opposite of the stated intent, which is always the outcome with liberals.

there is a lot that needs forgotten about this president in order to say this was a good year.

But Obama is going to fix the environment that is what this country really needs, and the bee thing, yeah he should really devote his time on that issue.
No I am certainly not concerned with your ability. You get all riled up as soon as anyone questions your theories here. There are a lot of people on the Right who do that.

It's never just an exchange with some of you, it always has to be a confrontation.

The politics of hate.

"confrontation" is what you libernuts have been doing ever since your great LBJ fuck up, when he said, "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years".....!!

This is one of those cases where Sarah G. hit it on the head.

With many of you Righties, it really does have to be about confrontation, and you get personal, mean and nasty real fast. It's almost as if there is some deep-rooted psychological need within many whackadoodle Righties to hurt people who are not as they are. Hmmmm, there were groups in the past that were like that, too..

But this is a free society and I, as a fellow member of a free society, fully respect your right to be mean and nasty. You want to show your ass and be mean and nasty? Go right ahead. Carry on. :thup:

However, that doesn't change the fact that this thread is about an OPINION. The word "opinion" is very clearly written in the title.

That means it's open for discourse, not war.

Think about it.

I hit the nail on the head a lot of times.

God, you are such a jerk.
"confrontation" is what you libernuts have been doing ever since your great LBJ fuck up, when he said, "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years".....!!

This is one of those cases where Sarah G. hit it on the head.

With many of you Righties, it really does have to be about confrontation, and you get personal, mean and nasty real fast. It's almost as if there is some deep-rooted psychological need within many whackadoodle Righties to hurt people who are not as they are. Hmmmm, there were groups in the past that were like that, too..

But this is a free society and I, as a fellow member of a free society, fully respect your right to be mean and nasty. You want to show your ass and be mean and nasty? Go right ahead. Carry on. :thup:

However, that doesn't change the fact that this thread is about an OPINION. The word "opinion" is very clearly written in the title.

That means it's open for discourse, not war.

Think about it.

I hit the nail on the head a lot of times.

God, you are such a jerk.

Need a mirror? Take a good, hard look.

I write something friendly and you act like the bitch of the century. Color me surprised.

Now, back to the OP:

Krugman opinion: "Yes, he could"
All Krugman had to do is hold his nose and write the article.

He forgot about Iraq.

He forgot about the raging inflation, whether reported or not.

He forgot about the negative growth in the first quarter.

He forgot about the growing number of people not participating in the work force.

He forgot about how the dollar was devalued under Obama

He forgot how this administration has repeatedly lied.

He fort how this administration has divided the country along political lines like no one before him.

He forgot that most who did sign up for Obama care are those receiving subsidizes, exactly the opposite of the stated intent, which is always the outcome with liberals.

there is a lot that needs forgotten about this president in order to say this was a good year.

But Obama is going to fix the environment that is what this country really needs, and the bee thing, yeah he should really devote his time on that issue.
He does not forget about all those things. He pretends that they do not exist, therefore they do not.

You'll have that, living in partisan hack ivory towers.
Well, Paul Krugman, like any other citizen, has the right to voice his opinion, and I agree with a good deal of it.

That's the way it works in a free society: people get to express their opinions. I shared his.

Obamacare is here to stay. Thanks to President Obama and his dogged refusal to budge.
Obama is the first president to take climate change seriously.

In 40 years or less, historians will be measuring Obama as a center to slightly-left-of-center president who actually got a lot done during turbulent times, and who showed the grace and poise of Abraham Lincoln in the face of truly ugly adversity.

I say: let the Right wail and scream all it wants. That is ALSO part of a free society and I welcome it. Go for it.

Carry on.

Of course you agree with Krugman. Hacks of a feather squawk together.
I don't think so, you may be misinterpreting the meaning of "Hack".

hack 1 (hk)
v.hacked, hack·ing, hacks
1. To cut or chop with repeated and irregular blows: hacked down the saplings.

2. To break up the surface of (soil).

a. Informal To alter (a computer program): hacked her text editor to read HTML.

b. To gain access to (a computer file or network) illegally or without authorization: hacked the firm's personnel database.

4. Slang To cut or mutilate as if by hacking: hacked millions off the budget.

5. Slang To cope with successfully; manage: couldn't hack a second job.

1. To chop or cut something by hacking.

2. Informal
a. To write or refine computer programs skillfully.

b. To use one's skill in computer programming to gain illegal or unauthorized access to a file or network: hacked into the company's intranet.

3. To cough roughly or harshly.

1. A rough, irregular cut made by hacking.

2. A tool, such as a hoe, used for hacking.

3. A blow made by hacking.

4. A rough, dry cough.

political hack |

Political hack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See: Paul Krugman.

From your source:

A political hack is a negative term ascribed to a person who is part of the political party apparatus, but whose intentions are more aligned with victory than personal conviction. The term "hired gun" is often used in tandem to further describe the moral bankruptcy of the "hack".

That sounds more like your Teaparty than the Democrats. Krugman's job is to call things as he sees them.

Krugman is a hack's hack.

For the record, I consider the likes of Bill Krystol and Karl Rove to be hacks as well.

From your source:

A political hack is a negative term ascribed to a person who is part of the political party apparatus, but whose intentions are more aligned with victory than personal conviction. The term "hired gun" is often used in tandem to further describe the moral bankruptcy of the "hack".

That sounds more like your Teaparty than the Democrats. Krugman's job is to call things as he sees them.

Krugman is a hack's hack.

For the record, I consider the likes of Bill Krystol and Karl Rove to be hacks as well.

Now, I can live with that.


Well said.
Well, Paul Krugman, like any other citizen, has the right to voice his opinion, and I agree with a good deal of it.

That's the way it works in a free society: people get to express their opinions. I shared his.

Obamacare is here to stay. Thanks to President Obama and his dogged refusal to budge.
Obama is the first president to take climate change seriously.

In 40 years or less, historians will be measuring Obama as a center to slightly-left-of-center president who actually got a lot done during turbulent times, and who showed the grace and poise of Abraham Lincoln in the face of truly ugly adversity.

I say: let the Right wail and scream all it wants. That is ALSO part of a free society and I welcome it. Go for it.

Carry on.

Of course you agree with Krugman. Hacks of a feather squawk together.

I said I agree with a good deal of it, but not all of it. I'm my own person.

You do realize that, right?
This is the same Paul Krugman who tried to frame the aftermath of the 9/11 calamity as an economic stimulus.

He is a heartless bastard, to go with being an unabashed DNC progressive party man hack.

That you would take him seriously is quite telling as to your particular character.
This is the same Paul Krugman who tried to frame the aftermath of the 9/11 calamity as an economic stimulus.

He is a heartless bastard, to go with being an unabashed DNC progressive party man hack.

That you would take him seriously is quite telling as to your particular character.

Krugman is one of the smartest economists out there. Unlike you, I don't demean your character just because of your affinity for a certain political direction.

Carry on, the 1st amendment guarantees you the right to make an ass out of yourself. Have at it.

This is the same Paul Krugman who tried to frame the aftermath of the 9/11 calamity as an economic stimulus.

He is a heartless bastard, to go with being an unabashed DNC progressive party man hack.

That you would take him seriously is quite telling as to your particular character.

Statistheilhitler has no character. He merely blathers the party line.
Krugman has been wrong about virtually everything he's written about. Obama's economic program has been a total failure, spending unparalleled amounts to achieve record-poor results.
This is the same Paul Krugman who tried to frame the aftermath of the 9/11 calamity as an economic stimulus.

He is a heartless bastard, to go with being an unabashed DNC progressive party man hack.

That you would take him seriously is quite telling as to your particular character.

Statistheilhitler has no character. He merely blathers the party line.
Krugman has been wrong about virtually everything he's written about. Obama's economic program has been a total failure, spending unparalleled amounts to achieve record-poor results.

The fake Rabbi doesn't even know who I am, but he is just plain old angry. Angry, angry, angry! And unfortunately, lacking in independent or creative thought...

Now, as to Krugman, which is the topic of the OP: he was the first to criticize the Obama-Stimulus and said it would not be enough to do the job:

This is what happens when you need to leap over an economic chasm — but either can’t or won’t jump far enough, so that you only get part of the way across...

...The real story of this election, then, is that of an economic policy that failed to deliver. Why? Because it was greatly inadequate to the task.

When Mr. Obama took office, he inherited an economy in dire straits — more dire, it seems, than he or his top economic advisers realized. They knew that America was in the midst of a severe financial crisis. But they don’t seem to have taken on board the lesson of history, which is that major financial crises are normally followed by a protracted period of very high unemployment.

If you look back now at the economic forecast originally used to justify the Obama economic plan, what’s striking is that forecast’s optimism about the economy’s ability to heal itself. Even without their plan, Obama economists predicted, the unemployment rate would peak at 9 percent, then fall rapidly. Fiscal stimulus was needed only to mitigate the worst — as an “insurance package against catastrophic failure,” as Lawrence Summers, later the administration’s top economist, reportedly said in a memo to the president-elect.

But economies that have experienced a severe financial crisis generally don’t heal quickly. From the Panic of 1893, to the Swedish crisis of 1992, to Japan’s lost decade, financial crises have consistently been followed by long periods of economic distress. And that has been true even when, as in the case of Sweden, the government moved quickly and decisively to fix the banking system.

October, 2010

You should judge leaders by their achievements, not their press, and in terms of policy substance Mr. Obama is having a seriously good year. In fact, there’s a very good chance that 2014 will go down in the record books as one of those years when America took a major turn in the right direction.

First, health reform is now a reality — and despite a shambolic start, it’s looking like a big success story. Remember how nobody was going to sign up? First-year enrollments came in above projections. Remember how people who signed up weren’t actually going to pay their premiums? The vast majority have.

We don’t yet have a full picture of the impact of reform on the previously uninsured, but all the information we do have indicates major progress. Surveys, like the monthly survey by Gallup, show a sharp drop in the percentage of Americans reporting themselves as uninsured. States that expanded Medicaid and actively promoted the new exchanges have done especially well — for example, a new survey of Minnesota shows a 40 percent drop in the number of uninsured residents....

....Then there’s climate policy. The Obama administration’s new rules on power plants won’t be enough in themselves to save the planet, but they’re a real start — and are by far the most important environmental initiative since the Clean Air Act. I’d add that this is an issue on which Mr. Obama is showing some real passion.

Oh, and financial reform, although it’s much weaker than it should have been, is real — just ask all those Wall Street types who, enraged by the new limits on their wheeling and dealing, have turned their backs on the Democrats.

Put it all together, and Mr. Obama is looking like a very consequential president indeed. There were huge missed opportunities early in his administration — inadequate stimulus, the failure to offer significant relief to distressed homeowners. Also, he wasted years in pursuit of a Grand Bargain on the budget that, aside from turning out to be impossible, would have moved America in the wrong direction. But in his second term he is making good on the promise of real change for the better. So why all the bad press?

Part of the answer may be Mr. Obama’s relatively low approval rating. But this mainly reflects political polarization — strong approval from Democrats but universal opposition from Republicans — which is more a sign of the times than a problem with the president. Anyway, you’re supposed to judge presidents by what they do, not by fickle public opinion...



I suspect that history is going to smile upon this president, when all is said and done.

Now, feel free to discuss. I suspect that some of you will probably scream. Carry on.


Krugman should have been named "Barry's propaganda minister". He's been licking his boots since the day the poseur took office.

"I suspect history is going to smile upon this president" uh-huh. In the same way you smile at the slow kid in school. He's a fucking poseur. Always has been - always will be.
Krugman on the fairy tale that is economic stimulus:

If things get better, that is proof that stimulus spending works.

If things do not get better, that is proof that there was not enough spending.

No matter what happens, he is right. Just ask him.
Krugman on the fairy tale that is economic stimulus:

If things get better, that is proof that stimulus spending works.

If things do not get better, that is proof that there was not enough spending.

No matter what happens, he is right. Just ask him.

Actually, he criticized the Stimulus the moment he saw the plan, back in 2009.

Nice try.
Krugman on the fairy tale that is economic stimulus:

If things get better, that is proof that stimulus spending works.

If things do not get better, that is proof that there was not enough spending.

No matter what happens, he is right. Just ask him.

Actually, he criticized the Stimulus the moment he saw the plan, back in 2009.

Nice try.

Precisely, he said it was not enough spending.

obamacare and global warming are such successful issues for the democrats every democrat running this year should run in their part in the success stories.

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