Krugman's very very simple solution to end this depression


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
He says very very clearly in his book that the government should spend money exactly like it did when WW II started to end this current depression the way it ended the Great Depression.

Does any liberal dare to think that by producing about 100 million planes tanks ships heavy weapons and tanks that it would help rather than hurt our economy??

Krugman is a Nobel liberal but not a soul will dare defend the pure stupidity of his liberalism which is now everyone's liberalism.

Krugman is great because he's the best they got and even the common liberal knows in his heart that Krugman is a liberal and so that liberalism is nutty.
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He says very very clearly in his book that the government should spend money exactly like it did when WW II started to end this current depression the way it ended the Great Depression.

Does any liberal dare to think that by producing about 100 million planes tanks ships heavy weapons and tanks that it would help rather than hurt our economy??

Certainly you don't think he meant actually building weapons, do you?
He says very very clearly in his book that the government should spend money exactly like it did when WW II started to end this current depression the way it ended the Great Depression.

Does any liberal dare to think that by producing about 100 million planes tanks ships heavy weapons and tanks that it would help rather than hurt our economy??

Krugman is a Nobel liberal but not a soul will dare defend the pure stupidity of his liberalism which is now everyone's liberalism.

Krugman is great because he's the best they got and even the common liberal knows in his heart that Krugman is a liberal and so that liberalism is nutty.
Just had to check your post, to see if it is the normal tea party dogma. And sure enough, it is. Normally cons argue that the great depression ended because of WWII. Which it did, actually. Unemployment had been going down. But World War II was the ULTIMATE in stimulus spending. Put everyone to work. So, yes, there is no doubt that putting people to work on that scale would end the unemployment issue.

At any rate, ed, you have given us an odd choice. Believe a Nobel prize winning economist, or believe you. My money is on the big guy. (In case you are wondering, you are not the big guy).
He says very very clearly in his book that the government should spend money exactly like it did when WW II started to end this current depression the way it ended the Great Depression.

Does any liberal dare to think that by producing about 100 million planes tanks ships heavy weapons and tanks that it would help rather than hurt our economy??

Certainly you don't think he meant actually building weapons, do you?

yes, I'm 100% positive he thinks building weapons now would do exactly what he thinks it did in the Great Depression, i.e., end it.
So, yes, there is no doubt that putting people to work on that scale [WW II] would end the unemployment issue.

ah but we're talking about the unemployment strawman. Will the total idiot liberal say if it would end the depression and how on earth that is possible??

Do you see any liberals coming to your defense?? What does that tell you???
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He says very very clearly in his book that the government should spend money exactly like it did when WW II started to end this current depression the way it ended the Great Depression.

Does any liberal dare to think that by producing about 100 million planes tanks ships heavy weapons and tanks that it would help rather than hurt our economy??

Certainly you don't think he meant actually building weapons, do you?

yes, I'm 100% positive he thinks building weapons now would do exactly what he thinks it did in the Great Depression, i.e., end it.

No chance he might have meant, say, rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure?
Certainly you don't think he meant actually building weapons, do you?

yes, I'm 100% positive he thinks building weapons now would do exactly what he thinks it did in the Great Depression, i.e., end it.

No chance he might have meant, say, rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure?

no no chance at all. He was illustrating that it doesn't matter much what you spend the money on. We bought weapons then and he thinks it worked then and would work now.

What do you think? Why are you so afraid?

Do you see any liberals coming to defend the basic idea of liberal economics. What does that tell you about liberal character and IQ??
Liberals have feelings and prejudices but they have no brains.
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So, yes, there is no doubt that putting people to work on that scale [WW II] would end the unemployment issue.

ah but we're talking about the unemployment strawman. Will the total idiot liberal say if it would end the depression and how on earth that is possible??
Ed, me boy. Your post is a bit hard to imagine.
Strawman? You need to get a grip, ed me boy. Go look up strawman. Unemployment is an actual problem.

So, I am not sure that it is possible to explain anything to you. I have done so over and over. Ed, you are a tea bagger, and have no interest in anything buy spouting tea party dogma. You are completely incapable of conversation.

So, again, in the vain of the saying "consider the source", I will take your attempted insult as praise.

So, ed, in relation to why gov spending works, let me discuss one of your heroes, Reagan. A year after his huge tax decrease, he had major economic problems. The deficit was spiraling through the roof, and unemployment had increased form 7% to 10.5%.

With me so far, ed.

Ok, so what did Ronald do??? Why he increased taxes (to decrease the deficit and to provide $ to hire). Actually increased taxes 11 times. And, he borrowed more than all presidents before him combined. Nearly tripled the national debt.

Still with me, ed. I think you probably checked out by now, but who knows.

Then, he spent like crazy. It is called Stimulus Spending, ed. And unemployment went down. And the deficit decreased..

Still had economic problems in the end, but he left those to his VP in the next presidency.

If you need more educating, let me know, ed. But I think you need a remedial class.
So, ed, in relation to why gov spending works, let me discuss one of your heroes, Reagan. .

too stupid why change the subject to Reagan?? Krugman didn't do that; he said, buy weapons to end this depression.

Why can't the idiot liberal explain why that most basic principle of liberalism will work!!
yes, I'm 100% positive he thinks building weapons now would do exactly what he thinks it did in the Great Depression, i.e., end it.

No chance he might have meant, say, rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure?

no no chance at all. He was illustrating that it doesn't matter much what you spend the money on. We bought weapons then and he thinks it worked then and would work now.

What do you think? Why are you so afraid?

Do you see any liberals coming to defend the basic idea of liberal economics. What does that tell you about liberal character and IQ??
Liberals have feelings and prejudices but they have no brains.
Ed, me boy. You are a consumate liar. You take a statement that was "even if you did the following" and made it sound as if he is saying we should use the same tactic again.

I have read enough to know, without any doubt of any kind, that Krugman does not advocate war spending except in cases of war. And yes, indeed. He does advocate spending on the infrastructure as one of the most rational stimulus projects.

And you see, I can prove what I said. But you made the charge, so go get the quotes that can be verified to prove your case.

Can't do it, can you, ed me boy.
So, ed, in relation to why gov spending works, let me discuss one of your heroes, Reagan. .

too stupid why change the subject to Reagan?? Krugman didn't do that; he said, buy weapons to end this depression.

Why can't the idiot liberal explain why that most basic principle of liberalism will work!!

Apparently you can not understand the queens english. I did not change the subject. The subject was deficit spending. And that is EXACTLY what Reagan did.

One of your many problems, ed, is that you can not admit that your hero used deficit spending to get his economic problems resolved. He did, though, ed. It is a historical fact, should you care about facts. And the economy, ed, is totally impartial. It does not care if deficit spending is on war or paying unemployment. Or infrastructure. It simply feeds off of increased demand. Though it does depend on what you spend on. There is this thing called the multiplier effect. But I know you will not understand that.
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I thought we were told that the recession ended just 3 months after Obama took office?
I have read enough to know, without any doubt of any kind, that Krugman does not advocate war spending except in cases of war. .

Krugman says war spending ended the Great Depression and war spending now or any spending would for the exact same reason end this depression.

Why cant the liberal after 6 attempts even try to explain why that basic concept in liberalism makes sense!!

What does your fear tell you about the liberal character and IQ??
I thought we were told that the recession ended just 3 months after Obama took office?
About 5 or 6 months. Here is a quick summary, from
Here's a brief Q and A on the recession.

Q: When did the Great Recession begin?

A: December 2007, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private, nonprofit research group.

Q: When did the recession end?

A: June 2009, though lingering effects such as high unemployment continued to plague the United States well beyond that date.

"In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity," the NBER reported in September 2010. "Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month."

And a slow recovery it would be.

Q: How does the committee define a recession and a recovery?

A: "A recession is a period of falling economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales," NBER said.

Here is the link:
The Recession - When the Recession of the Late 2000s Began and Ended
I have read enough to know, without any doubt of any kind, that Krugman does not advocate war spending except in cases of war. .

Krugman says war spending ended the Great Depression and war spending now or any spending would for the exact same reason end this depression.

Why cant the liberal after 6 attempts even try to explain why that basic concept in liberalism makes sense!!

What does your fear tell you about the liberal character and IQ??

Look up the real history of the great depression and you will find it did not officially end economical until the mid 60s. WWII was a temp job creation because of the massive war supplies needed but at the end their was massive unemployment when the troops come home and had to look for civilian work.

The economy would be easier to fix is people stopped the name calling when referring to people with different ideas. :eek:
No chance he might have meant, say, rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure?

no no chance at all. He was illustrating that it doesn't matter much what you spend the money on. We bought weapons then and he thinks it worked then and would work now.

That's funny. I found him saying this:

Somebody has to step in and spend, and that somebody is the government. The government could – and by all means let’s talk about forward-looking, big projects -- right away get a big boost in the economy just by reversing the big cutbacks that have taken place in state and local governments these past three years. Get the schoolteachers rehired and get the policemen and firefighters back on the beat. Fill those potholes that have been developing in New Jersey and I believe all over America. We’d then be most of the way back to a decent economy again.

Spending is what we need but not all spending is alike. Weapons produce far less stimulus than infrastructure and hiring.

What do you think? Why are you so afraid?

Do you see any liberals coming to defend the basic idea of liberal economics. What does that tell you about liberal character and IQ??

Liberals have feelings and prejudices but they have no brains.

What are you talking about?
I have read enough to know, without any doubt of any kind, that Krugman does not advocate war spending except in cases of war. .

Krugman says war spending ended the Great Depression and war spending now or any spending would for the exact same reason end this depression.

Why cant the liberal after 6 attempts even try to explain why that basic concept in liberalism makes sense!!

What does your fear tell you about the liberal character and IQ??
Ed, me boy, you are a tool. I have explained deficit spending, but you do not care to admit it.
That is why, ed, I used an example, useing your hero Ronald Reagan.

He used deficit spending in the same way as democratic and other republican administrations have. and for the same reason: To Increase Demand for Goods and Services.

Try reading a small part of a beginning econ textbook. One that covers macro economics. Econ 100 or 101 should work. And you will get the explanation in much more detail.

But of course, you won't. ed. Because you can't send childish insults to a text book.
Obama's economic advisors are addicted to the gov't solution model for recession: spend spend spend.
But it's a failure. WW2 did not end the Depression. Congress' actions in 1946 in no reimposing the New Deal ended the Depression. The pent up demand from years of people doing without, coupled with the destroyed industrial capacity of Europe and Japan, made for economic success.
But that was then, this is now.
If Krugman really wants to recreate history he can push for a CCC, hire able bodied men, give them tablespoons, and have them dig roadways.
Obamanomics is a failure, an epic failure.

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