Kushner lied numerous times to get security clearance, sparks outrage

Regardless of proximity, both the kids are going to have sway with the old man...

one of them might, but the other one could end-up in the slammer

hopefully Donnie can visit on Saturdays when not at Mara Lazy
This is going down a convoluted rabbit hole, speculating on assumption... based on more speculation... however, It is probable that Jared's views would be known by his wife.... you see where I'm going on this....
these idiots are in the big league now, play by the rules or dont play .... cutting someone some slack just because doesn't fucking get it when theres a national security issue.
This is going way too far, imo. I think the reason these guys didn't disclose their meetings with these foreign officials is because they forgot because they are involved in international activities and meet with lots of foreign people on a regular basis. The Sessions thing was absurd. It's like asking the Schwann man if he's ever met with an overweight housewife. If he forgets to list one, he should be fired?
you'd be wrong on this...

because it was a matter of days....60 or so, from their last meetings and the questionnaire asked for ANY International meetings...not just Russians....but the Russian meetings were the ones INTENTIONALLY left off, in the midst of Russia and Trump campaign being an issue....

it wasn't absentmindedness oldlady... truly, it wasn't....
Might be a bit of karma... Jarred's been running rough shod over many...Christie, Bannon to start the list. He's always struck me as the quiet little "daddy's boy" vindictive and mean spirited, always with a chip on his shoulder... just MHO.... based on (not much)
Once it is understood that democrats will fabricate any story and create any lie, the rest just falls into place.
This is going way too far, imo. I think the reason these guys didn't disclose their meetings with these foreign officials is because they forgot because they are involved in international activities and meet with lots of foreign people on a regular basis. The Sessions thing was absurd. It's like asking the Schwann man if he's ever met with an overweight housewife. If he forgets to list one, he should be fired?
you'd be wrong on this...

because it was a matter of days....60 or so, from their last meetings and the questionnaire asked for ANY International meetings...not just Russians....but the Russian meetings were the ones INTENTIONALLY left off, in the midst of Russia and Trump campaign being an issue....

it wasn't absentmindedness oldlady... truly, it wasn't....
Thanks. In that case, it could be suspicious.
The Dems are shooting themselves in the foot on this Jared issue. He's their best ambassador... a direct and powerful line right into the oval office.
This is going way too far, imo. I think the reason these guys didn't disclose their meetings with these foreign officials is because they forgot because they are involved in international activities and meet with lots of foreign people on a regular basis. The Sessions thing was absurd. It's like asking the Schwann man if he's ever met with an overweight housewife. If he forgets to list one, he should be fired?
you'd be wrong on this...

because it was a matter of days....60 or so, from their last meetings and the questionnaire asked for ANY International meetings...not just Russians....but the Russian meetings were the ones INTENTIONALLY left off, in the midst of Russia and Trump campaign being an issue....

it wasn't absentmindedness oldlady... truly, it wasn't....
Thanks. In that case, it could be suspicious.
the burning question is WHY LIE? And ALL lying about the same thing?

there was nothing illegal done, as far as I can tell....each person could have explained such...????
This is going way too far, imo. I think the reason these guys didn't disclose their meetings with these foreign officials is because they forgot because they are involved in international activities and meet with lots of foreign people on a regular basis. The Sessions thing was absurd. It's like asking the Schwann man if he's ever met with an overweight housewife. If he forgets to list one, he should be fired?
you'd be wrong on this...

because it was a matter of days....60 or so, from their last meetings and the questionnaire asked for ANY International meetings...not just Russians....but the Russian meetings were the ones INTENTIONALLY left off, in the midst of Russia and Trump campaign being an issue....

it wasn't absentmindedness oldlady... truly, it wasn't....
Thanks. In that case, it could be suspicious.
the burning question is WHY LIE? And ALL lying about the same thing?

there was nothing illegal done, as far as I can tell....each person could have explained such...????
Did Kushner not think of these bank businessmen as "officials of a foreign government" ?? Leadership in Russia is so entangled with big business that it's hard to tell. That's the only thing I can guess. He did say (I'm referring to the Times article linked in the OP) that he was planning to give them more details of the extensive meetings he had with foreign officials as part of his "job."

It's possible they thought they were answering the questions honestly, like Sessions did. The NYT article linked in the OP says Kushner wrote saying he was going to supply more information on the many foreign contacts he had.

You know that we come at this issue from different angles. I still think it is primarily Democratic "payback" for all the ad nauseum investigations (read harrassment) of Benghazi. Democrats are cheerfully willing to admit it, too. They didn't mind doing tit for tat when it came to shooting themselves in the foot over the SCOTUS nomination and they are willing to do it here.

I've been rolling my eyes at all this Russian stuff for awhile; it's a lot of political noise imo. I'm certainly interested in what the FBI finds, but I don't think IF there was some back room collusion that we will ever have actual evidence of it. It was done informally, if done at all, while the boys were out spittin' 'baccy in the garage, and the only people that will ever know are the people involved. That's what I think is going on here.

That's what Judaism is all about = FRAUD.

Moses "looked different" when he came down from Mt. Sinai.... or he was offed and replaced by a Levite elder who needed 40 days to grow a beard

The staff has God's power.... until it crosses the Red Sea/Sea of Reeds and then it has no power (when everyone is watching)

That Moses, he was a heck of a great guy. Got out of Egypt and was rescued by the Midianites... who gave him life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To pay the Midianites back for their gracious and kind treatment, the "look different" Moses attacked Midian and exterminated all of them... except the pretty virgins...

Now, when you get treated like a Midianite by a Chosen, never forget what you were told here....
little Richie Rich is just another con man like Drump, an excellent addition to that corrupt felonious crime family....his felony is punishable by 5 yrs in the slammer

A group of five House Democrats is seeking the suspension of White House Senior Adviser and President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's security clearance, as his application paperwork did not fully disclose his meetings with Russian and other foreign officials in the past months.

To that end, the lawmakers submitted a temporary revocation request to the FBI and the Office of Personnel Management.

The signees, Representatives Don Beyer, Ted Lieu, Jerrold Nadler, Jamie Raskin, and Peter Welch, also published a statement on Thursday about the request.

Democrats want Jared Kushner’s security clearance suspended

Does a security clearance require you to "disclose" such information?
Turns out Jared Kushner lied on his security clearance application about any meetings he had with the Russians....

so now we have at minimum 3, who lied under oath....Flynn, Sessions, and Kushner.....


Don't you find that really weird? Something just ain;t right with this picture....

Democrats want Jared Kushner’s security clearance suspended

In their statement, the lawmakers note, "The fact that Kushner is President Trump's son-in-law does not place him above the law. Anyone else would face severe discipline for failing to disclose meetings with foreign officials, a material omission which potentially amounts to a criminal offense."

Beyer, House Democrats Call For Suspension Of Jared Kushner’s Security Clearance For Failing To Disclose Meetings With Foreign Officials


Can you quote the statements he made that were lies?
This is going way too far, imo. I think the reason these guys didn't disclose their meetings with these foreign officials is because they forgot because they are involved in international activities and meet with lots of foreign people on a regular basis. The Sessions thing was absurd. It's like asking the Schwann man if he's ever met with an overweight housewife. If he forgets to list one, he should be fired?
you'd be wrong on this...

because it was a matter of days....60 or so, from their last meetings and the questionnaire asked for ANY International meetings...not just Russians....but the Russian meetings were the ones INTENTIONALLY left off, in the midst of Russia and Trump campaign being an issue....

it wasn't absentmindedness oldlady... truly, it wasn't....
Thanks. In that case, it could be suspicious.
the burning question is WHY LIE? And ALL lying about the same thing?

there was nothing illegal done, as far as I can tell....each person could have explained such...????
The article didn't say he "lied." He said his application had "omissions." That's a much more vague term and I haven't seen any law that says he has to list contacts with Russian businessmen.
as a comedian sarcastically stated....Trump gets up every morning, rolls up his sleeves, gives Jarred ANOTHER task and then goes off to play golf......

Yep, Jarred will be "great" convincing Palestinians to go back to their reservations.
as a comedian sarcastically stated....Trump gets up every morning, rolls up his sleeves, gives Jarred ANOTHER task and then goes off to play golf......

Yep, Jarred will be "great" convincing Palestinians to go back to their reservations.

Your post is a good explanation of why intelligent people don't rely on comedians for advice on politics.
Turns out Jared Kushner lied on his security clearance application about any meetings he had with the Russians....

so now we have at minimum 3, who lied under oath....Flynn, Sessions, and Kushner.....


Don't you find that really weird? Something just ain;t right with this picture....

Democrats want Jared Kushner’s security clearance suspended

In their statement, the lawmakers note, "The fact that Kushner is President Trump's son-in-law does not place him above the law. Anyone else would face severe discipline for failing to disclose meetings with foreign officials, a material omission which potentially amounts to a criminal offense."

Beyer, House Democrats Call For Suspension Of Jared Kushner’s Security Clearance For Failing To Disclose Meetings With Foreign Officials

This entire administration is corrupt from top to bottom, and the idiot-in-chief is an incompetent embarrassment. The morons and partisan hacks who voted this idiot into office should be ashamed of themselves. We are the laughingstock of the world.
The morons and partisan hacks who voted this idiot into office should be ashamed of themselves.

Better than the witch your side ran....

I can understand "I am voting against Trump." Those who claim they liked Hillary are not sane or credible.

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