Kushner refuses to say he will contact FBI if Russians want another meeting

People visit Russia every day. The state department deals with Russia on a daily basis. The freaking FBI has agents in Russia. Why the hell would Kushner need to alert the FBI? Maybe America's weird uncle needs to alert the FBI when he has contacts with China.
OMG, Bernie Sanders met with Russians!

Inside Bernie Sanders’s 1988 10-day ‘honeymoon’ in the Soviet Union https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-bernie-sanderss-1988-10-day-honeymoon-in-the-soviet-union/2019/05/02/db543e18-6a9c-11e9-a66d-a82d3f3d96d5_story.html?utm_term=.d611b6f4277d

And? There is no law against it.
Yes, there is. He is a registered official of the WH and US Government.
Then it's legal for him to meet with any foreign official and not tell you about it.
Well, of course, he would not be required to tell me about it. Why would he be required to tell me?
Because The Left just thinks he should.

Otherwisee, Trump is evil and there are dirty Jews in the White House.

The OP is just an Anti-semite Racist and Bigot...so he'll bitch about anything if it has to do with Jews.
every red blooded American that has a security clearance rating should be able to meet with foreign countries and talk about anything they want to, anytime they want to without telling anyone ANYTHING -


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Mostly because Cruz didn't get the nomination, and Palin took up the majority of the insults needed to derail McCain.

But, you didn't answer the question.

How is Birtherism racist.

Because he is black?

I just pointed out 2 cases where 'birtherism' would have made more sense.

But, keep spewing what your masters tell you.

it adds to the entertainment value of the board.

I did answer it. And a couple of actual racists chimed in to push the message home. But you don't see racism.

oh, I see racism.

seen it for over half a century.

but not where birtherism is concerned.

Right, who are the non racist birthers? Not some token, name the vast number, start with the members on this board.

Little girl, I don't even understand that comment.

you seem to be upset a black man was attacked over the place of his birth.

somehow, in your imagination, that makes it racist.

yet pass off that someone of Spanish descent, and the son of a Navy Admiral, were also attacked over the subject of their birthplace.

I guess stupidity and partisanship are your only excuses.

It's very simple little gerble, who are the non-racist birthers? If it's not a racist conspiracy theory then you should be able to name all the non-racist birthers on this board and there should be many.
Why should he be able to name them? I don't have a clue who the birthers on this forum are.
"I don't know": Kushner unsure if he'd alert FBI if Russians request another meeting

What a Den of Snakes. They are already sending signals to Putin...."PLEASE SEND ALL THE HELP YOU CAN!"
You know that it's entirely legal to meet with Russia, correct?

You also realize that not every meeting that occurs between government officials is actually your business, correct?

Were you born stupid, or are you just trans-stupid?

Are you shooting Heroin again and blowing dirty homeless illegals for drug money again.

I told you to get a life months ago.

Why do you hate black babies? Why do you want to exterminate The Black Race?

Why does The Democrat Party support Genocide of Black People?

How is Birtherism racist.
Because it is a sham used as cover for racists and racism.
In other words, you don't have a shred of proof that birthers are racists.
"I don't know": Kushner unsure if he'd alert FBI if Russians request another meeting

What a Den of Snakes. They are already sending signals to Putin...."PLEASE SEND ALL THE HELP YOU CAN!"

The only way to stop the russians and secure our elections is to not vote republican.

republicans have been fighting against and preventing proper security of our elections. republican actions shows they want russia to interfere with our elections. russia is helping elect republicans.

Seems to me any real American who honestly loves our nation would NEVER vote for any party that putin wants to win and helps to win.

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