Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Quite the contrary, it is a valid redress to law.

OJ Simpson got acquitted for two murders that he committed due to a combination of ineptitude and jury nullification, but the families of the people he killed were still able to collect from him civilly.

The burden of proof is lower in civil cases AND the lawyers will actually be better than 'The best paid civil servant in Kenosha County".

Fatboy is toast. I hope his media whore gets what she needs before he gets taken to the cleaners.
That is a false equivelance.

Rittenhouse killed in self defense which is legal.

It is a greedy attempt to pervert the law
It's funny how you are unable to falsely accuse someone else of anything, without, in the very same post, sometimes even within the very same sentence, demonstrating in yourself the very trait of which you are trying to accuse someone else.

Naw, guy, your obsession with my personal life is... kind of weird.

I mean, I get that I hurt your feelings by pointing out that Joseph Smith was a pedophile.. but you are just... weird. I mean, weird for a Mormon, and you people are already weird.
Now, if only we could have a trial to determine if that was murder or self-defense.... Oh, wait, we did, and I know they failed to take your feelings and legal acumen into account, but whatcha gonna do? Complain on an internet board day in and day out that they got it wrong? Follow his life from here on out, hoping to see him meet with ill fortune?

Oh, I give him about five years to realize how he got used by the gun lobby to advance their agenda, and becomes one of the Gun Suicide statistics.
And I hope everyone makes his life miserable from here on out.
That is a false equivelance.

Rittenhouse killed in self defense which is legal.

It is a greedy attempt to pervert the law

Not at all. You see, you can argue that the prosecutors failed to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

I wouldn't, but that argument can be made if you got a stack of lawyers with no ethics.

but the civil system is different. It can find his civil liability - that he went to a demonstration with a gun and looking for trouble - as grounds for a multi-million dollar settlement.

It's not just Kyle they are going to be after, they can also go after the town of Kenosha for allowing the situation to exist by letting armed people wander out in public after curfew.
We've been over this.. The Jury didn't get to hear all the evidence.
So they got it wrong.
We have been over this. You have an emotional attachment to a nonsense claim that irrelevancies should have been a part of testimony.

Petition the court. Advise that the entirety of the legal system is flawed.., because you say so.
He wanted to murder people. He went out and murdered someone. HOw is that not relevant?

He wanted to murder people? Because you say so? I never knew that desire of his was ever presented at trial.

He went out and murdered someone? Who? I never read of any murder conviction.

How is that not relevant? Well, because your feelings are not relevant.
No, because he said so. On Videotape.

Too bad the jury never got to hear it

Provide the exact citation where Rittenhouse said what you claim.

Too bad for you this will be another of your fraudulent claims.
Oh, I give him about five years to realize how he got used by the gun lobby to advance their agenda, and becomes one of the Gun Suicide statistics.
And I hope everyone makes his life miserable from here on out.
Again with the bitterness. Here you are openly hoping for him to commit suicide. Now, if you follow Kyle's life like you do Zimmerman's, you'll only be trying to find fulfillment in someone else's misfortune, and that's really, really sad.

Of course, there's always the concern about you. What will you do when his life turns out not only better than you expected, but pretty awesome? That's when I would worry about you.
I don't do citations normally, because they eat up my time, and when I do, you will generally engage in some gaslighting like "Fake News" or trying to parse it otherwise.

But here you go... you can prove my point about why I don't provide these things.

My god you sicko Moon Bats are obsessed with hating Kyle.

You just can't let it go, can you?

Get a life loser.
Again with the bitterness. Here you are openly hoping for him to commit suicide. Now, if you follow Kyle's life like you do Zimmerman's, you'll only be trying to find fulfillment in someone else's misfortune, and that's really, really sad.

Of course, there's always the concern about you. What will you do when his life turns out not only better than you expected, but pretty awesome? That's when I would worry about you.
That JoeB boy is sick in the head with his hatred for Kyle.

Typical disgusting Moon Bat.
We've been over this.. The Jury didn't get to hear all the evidence.
So they got it wrong.
They didn't get to hear stuff YOU think is important that was irrelevant to the case.

Now, where was it we had a case similar to this one in which a fleeing thief was not charged with murder when he turned around and shot a store clerk who was shooting at him? Once someone is running away and no longer a threat, you no longer have the right to try and kill them, and they have the right to self-defense if you do.

Yes, it was in California.
California: No Murder Charge for Suspected Robber Who Allegedly Shot Clerk Dead
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That JoeB boy is sick in the head with his hatred for Kyle.

Typical disgusting Moon Bat.
The really sad thing is the open admission that he will get satisfaction if Kyle suffers in life.
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I don't do citations normally, because they eat up my time, and when I do, you will generally engage in some gaslighting like "Fake News" or trying to parse it otherwise.

But here you go... you can prove my point about why I don't provide these things.

Good call on not doing citations because we both know your claim that Rittenhouse said he wanted to murder people is a fraud. Its too bad for you that accuracy is important.

A YouTube video purported to capture the voice of Rittenhouse which was submitted by an unknown individual who prosecutors couldn't identify is merely hearsay evidence.

Do you understand that hearsay evidence is not admissible in court?

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