Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Kyle is living large and getting some fine pussy and these hate filled Moon Bats can't stand it.
Kyle is living large and getting some fine pussy and these hate filled Moon Bats can't stand it.

I can hope that Mr. Rittenhouse thinks of Ms. Bergoon in more respectful terms than just “some fine pussy”. That's how morally- and developmentally-retarded scum such as Incel Joe think of women.

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I can hope that Mr. Rittenhouse thinks of Ms. Bergoon in more respectful terms than just “some fine pussy”. That's how morally- and developmentally-retarded scum such as Joe think of women.

Mormon Bob, for a supposedly well adjusted guy, you spend an awful lot of time obsessing over my personal life.

I didn't spend any time here on Christmas or even Christmas Eve. I spent the entire weekend with my girlfriend, visiting my family and then hers.

Ms. Bergoon is a publicity whore looking for media attention. Did you actually read her biography?

Then again, so is Rittenhouse.

She'll dump his ass the minute he loses his first civil suit.

I suspect that Kyle is pleased as punch he is getting that nookie and says please and thank you each time..

Well, until she moves on to the next celebrity to get her some attention.
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Mormon Bob, for a supposedly well adjusted guy, you spend an awful lot of time obsessing over my personal life.

I didn't spend any time here on Christmas or even Christmas Eve. I spent the entire weekend with my girlfriend, visiting my family and then hers.

Ms. Bergoon is a publicity whore looking for media attention. Did you actually read her biography?

Then again, so is Rittenhouse.

She'll dump his ass the minute he loses his first civil suit.

Well, until she moves on to the next celebrity to get her some attention.
I know you desperately want Kyle to suffer, but good grief, you wouldn't know her if you passed her on the street. Why can't you just let them live their lives like everyone else who hasn't murdered anyone?
I know you desperately want Kyle to suffer, but good grief, you wouldn't know her if you passed her on the street. Why can't you just let them live their lives like everyone else who hasn't murdered anyone?

Because he actually murdered two people. So I honestly hope this bitch uses him to gain fame and bilks him of whatever money he has gotten before the estates of Huber and Rosenbaum sue him for everything he will ever make (which won't be much).
Because he actually murdered two people. So I honestly hope this bitch uses him to gain fame and bilks him of whatever money he has gotten before the estates of Huber and Rosenbaum sue him for everything he will ever make (which won't be much).
Another of your pointless tirades.

Can you link to any murder conviction?

No, you can't. You simply repeat falsehoods.
Because he actually murdered two people. So I honestly hope this bitch uses him to gain fame and bilks him of whatever money he has gotten before the estates of Huber and Rosenbaum sue him for everything he will ever make (which won't be much).
We'll expect daily updates on your claimed suits by the estates of Huber and Rosenbaum.
Because he actually murdered two people. So I honestly hope this bitch uses him to gain fame and bilks him of whatever money he has gotten before the estates of Huber and Rosenbaum sue him for everything he will ever make (which won't be much).
He did not murder anyone.

Any attempt to sue him is nothing more than a greedy attempt to pervert justice.
He did not murder anyone.

Any attempt to sue him is nothing more than a greedy attempt to pervert justice.

Quite the contrary, it is a valid redress to law.

OJ Simpson got acquitted for two murders that he committed due to a combination of ineptitude and jury nullification, but the families of the people he killed were still able to collect from him civilly.

The burden of proof is lower in civil cases AND the lawyers will actually be better than 'The best paid civil servant in Kenosha County".

Fatboy is toast. I hope his media whore gets what she needs before he gets taken to the cleaners.
Because he actually murdered two people. So I honestly hope this bitch uses him to gain fame and bilks him of whatever money he has gotten before the estates of Huber and Rosenbaum sue him for everything he will ever make (which won't be much).
As usual, you make wild claims you can't back up. Show us where he was convicted of murder, that's all you have to do in order to gain some semblance of credibility.
It's funny that in the same post to which you are replying, once again falsely accused me of obsessing about its personal life.
When do you not do that? Frankly, your obsession with my personal life is kind of weird. I don't know what kind of Mormon Sex you are having and I kind of don't care. I mean, you guys used to be interesting with the polygamy and stuff... but frankly, it's all kind of boring.
When do you not do that? Frankly, your obsession with my personal life is kind of weird. I don't know what kind of Mormon Sex you are having and I kind of don't care. I mean, you guys used to be interesting with the polygamy and stuff... but frankly, it's all kind of boring.

It's funny how you are unable to falsely accuse someone else of anything, without, in the very same post, sometimes even within the very same sentence, demonstrating in yourself the very trait of which you are trying to accuse someone else.

I don't need a conviction, we have videotape of him doing it.
Now, if only we could have a trial to determine if that was murder or self-defense.... Oh, wait, we did, and I know they failed to take your feelings and legal acumen into account, but whatcha gonna do? Complain on an internet board day in and day out that they got it wrong? Follow his life from here on out, hoping to see him meet with ill fortune?

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