Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

I don't do citations normally, because they eat up my time, and when I do, you will generally engage in some gaslighting like "Fake News" or trying to parse it otherwise.

But here you go... you can prove my point about why I don't provide these things.

How do you know that's Rittenhouse's voice? When you can't answer, you'll know why stuff like this wasn't entered into evidence in the case. See, that's why trials and rules of evidence are so crucial. You have to be able to PROVE things, not just claim them, especially when they're easily manufactured. The fact that your feelz demand he be found guilty no matter if he is or not is totally irrelevant.
Naw, guy, your obsession with my personal life is... kind of weird.

I mean, I get that I hurt your feelings by pointing out that Joseph Smith was a pedophile.. but you are just... weird. I mean, weird for a Mormon, and you people are already weird.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look to sane people?

Because I happen to participate in the same forum in which you do (though not nearly as prolifically) and in the same threads that you do, you accuse me of being “obsessed” with your personal life. Given that you are more prolific in your participation in this forum, and in the same threads, what would this tell us about you, if it means that I am “obsessed”? It seems that my “obsession” is nothing more than a projection of your own hubris and narcissism.

But it's more than just the fact that you participate more in the very same elements for which you call me “obsessed”. You are driven to inject, into almost every conversation, no matter how irrelevant and inappropriate it may be to that conversation, all sorts of absurd lies and distortions about my religion, and extrapolations about what you claim these lies and distortions indicate about me. Now THAT'S what obsession looks like. I could not match that appearance of obsessive behavior if I made a sincere, vigorous effort to do so.
It's not just Kyle they are going to be after, they can also go after the town of Kenosha for allowing the situation to exist by letting armed people wander out in public after curfew.

Or perhaps by having law enforcement stand down and allow a violent, destructive “peaceful protest to continue unabated.

Much more harm happened in Kenosha, last night, than the fortunate elimination of of two subhuman criminal pieces of shit, and the wounding of a third such creature.
I don't do citations normally, because they eat up my time, and when I do, you will generally engage in some gaslighting like "Fake News" or trying to parse it otherwise.

But here you go... you can prove my point about why I don't provide these things.

I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine. The sound quality is so poor that few words can barely be understood, and certainly not what you claim was said; nor is there any evidence of who it was that was speaking. That video could be claimed to be almost anyone, saying almost anything, that happened to include the few understandable words.

On technical grounds alone, there is no way that it would be admissible as evidence in court, to prove that any particular person said any particular thing. And that is completely beside the fact that if it could be proven to be Mr. Rittenhouse saying what it is that you claim he said, it still would not be relevant to the case.
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That JoeB boy is sick in the head with his hatred for Kyle.

Incel Joe is filled with hatred for more than just Mr. Rittenhouse. You can almost feel the hatred, taste the hatred, smell the hatred, in almost anything that it has to say, about almost anything or anyone. Except criminals. It loves criminals, almost as much as it hates human beings.
They didn't get to hear stuff YOU think is important that was irrelevant to the case.

Now, where was it we had a case similar to this one in which a fleeing thief was not charged with murder when he turned around and shot a store clerk who was shooting at him? Once someone is running away and no longer a threat, you no longer have the right to try and kill them, and they have the right to self-defense if you do.

Yes, it was in California.
California: No Murder Charge for Suspected Robber Who Allegedly Shot Clerk Dead

California is fucked up. Exactly the sort of fucked up that Incel Joe loves. An example of what happens when you let Democraps have too much unopposed power.

In most jurisdictions, almost any death that happens as a result of a felony can be charged as murder. If you are part of a group committing a robbery, and the intended robbery victim shoots and kills one of your accomplices, you can be charged with murder in the death of that accomplice. That's how the felony-murder rule works in sane jurisdictions. But not here in California.
That is just the kind of vile hate filled Moon Bat that JoeB is.

These Leftest [sic] are all full of hate, greed and stupidity.

In Incel Joe's case, it's not just the hate/greed/stupidity driving many on the left wrong. Incel Joe is a creature that has openly, willfully rebelled against God, against humanity, and has chosen to embrace evil. Think on that as you read anything that it has written, and you'll realize that I am correct, that every position that it takes is consistent with that.

I challenge you to find any position that Incel Joe takes on any issue, that is not entire consistent with a staunch preference for evil against good. You won't find it.
Not at all. You see, you can argue that the prosecutors failed to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

I wouldn't, but that argument can be made if you got a stack of lawyers with no ethics.

but the civil system is different. It can find his civil liability - that he went to a demonstration with a gun and looking for trouble - as grounds for a multi-million dollar settlement.

It's not just Kyle they are going to be after, they can also go after the town of Kenosha for allowing the situation to exist by letting armed people wander out in public after curfew.
Prosecutors do not find people guilty juries make the finding of guilt or not guilty.

The civil system was never meant to be a replacement when some greedy shit is unsatisfied with an attempt to railroad someone and that is what this civil case is.
I don't do citations normally, because they eat up my time, and when I do, you will generally engage in some gaslighting like "Fake News" or trying to parse it otherwise.

But here you go... you can prove my point about why I don't provide these things.

NO WHERE in that video does he say the word murder.
Because I happen to participate in the same forum in which you do (though not nearly as prolifically) and in the same threads that you do, you accuse me of being “obsessed” with your personal life. Given that you are more prolific in your participation in this forum, and in the same threads, what would this tell us about you, if it means that I am “obsessed”? It seems that my “obsession” is nothing more than a projection of your own hubris and narcissism.

No, Bob, you just spend the next five posts complaining about me. that's no obsessed at all. You get up at 3 AM in the morning to call me names, that's not obsessed at all. You spend posts talking about my sex life, (which if fine, by the way) because I don't share your view of marriage, but that's not obsessed at all. When I talk about parts of my past that don't fit into your head canon, you scream that it must be a lie (even when I give you photographic evidence). But, no, no, Bob, you aren't obsessed at all.

But it's more than just the fact that you participate more in the very same elements for which you call me “obsessed”. You are driven to inject, into almost every conversation, no matter how irrelevant and inappropriate it may be to that conversation, all sorts of absurd lies and distortions about my religion, and extrapolations about what you claim these lies and distortions indicate about me. Now THAT'S what obsession looks like. I could not match that appearance of obsessive behavior if I made a sincere, vigorous effort to do so.
Several points here.
1) You never point out one thing I've said about your religion that was historically or theoogicaly incorrect. I mean, it you would truly have me if you could say something like, "AHA, there is no Planet Kolob!"
2) I've been ripping on Mormons ever since I got here in 2011 and the GOP made the mistake of nominating Romney.
3) Most LDS have the good sense not to engage me, but you are a barrel of fun.
4) Sorry, man, we can see the drippings of your cult in your bizarre thinking of wanting to murder people (Blood atonement), your screaming about poor people of color being "Subhuman", (your cult didn't let people of color become members until 1978) or your blatant homophobia. I'm sorry your cult messed you up so bad.

I call @solid digestive waste from a male bovine. The sound quality is so poor that few words can barely be understood, and certainly not what you claim was said; nor is there any evidence of who it was that was speaking. That video could be claimed to be almost anyone, saying almost anything, that happened to include the few understandable words.

No one has denied it was Rittenhouse on the tape. Or that he expressed his desire to shoot a black man who was running out of a CVS.

California is fucked up. Exactly the sort of fucked up that Joe loves. An example of what happens when you let Democraps have too much unopposed power.

In most jurisdictions, almost any death that happens as a result of a felony can be charged as murder. If you are part of a group committing a robbery, and the intended robbery victim shoots and kills one of your accomplices, you can be charged with murder in the death of that accomplice. That's how the felony-murder rule works in sane jurisdictions. But not here in California.

That;'s actually- kind of good. It's kind of stupid to charge the guy who didn't pull the trigger with murder, and most of these charges are used to get people to rat out their accomplices. Charge people for what they actually did.

In Joe's case, it's not just the hate/greed/stupidity driving many on the left wrong. Joe is a creature that has openly, willfully rebelled against God, against humanity, and has chosen to embrace evil. Think on that as you read anything that it has written, and you'll realize that I am correct, that every position that it takes is consistent with that.
I don't see "religious" and "moral" as the same thing.

For instance, as I have said, I grew up Catholic and had to put up with 12 years of psychotic nuns and priests I didn't want to be left in a room alone with. Then my parents died horrible, painful deaths and pretty much had no use for the false promises of religion at that point.

As for morality, the Catholic Church
1) Launched Crusades, Inquisitions, and oppression of "heretics"
2) Burned witches at the stake (usually innocent women).
3) Collaborated with the Nazis
4) Had an international conspiracy to hide pedophile priests from justice.

And this church was going to lecture me on "morality"? I don't think so.

Let's limit it to this case. Rittenhouse shot three people. He didn't shoot them because he 'Had to", he shot them because he wanted to be a tough guy, got in over his head, and then shot his way out of a riot. The moral thing is that he should be held to account. He wasn't due to a combination of a lot of sleazy lawyers and a judge who was so senile he forgot what his job was. And you guys think this is wonderful because you don't like the politics of the people he shot.

Now, that's immoral.
Hey, that's one way to get Justice.

He expressed a desire to go vigilante and kill people.
He went out and killed people.

How is this NOT relevant.
When your fraudulent claim, ''He wanted to murder people'' was debunked, you're sidestepping to ''he expressed a desire to go vigilante and kill people'', yet you offer no substantiation to support any of your frantic claims.
Hey, that's one way to get Justice.

He expressed a desire to go vigilante and kill people.
He went out and killed people.

How is this NOT relevant.
For the same reason it was not relevant when Bernie Goetz did the same thhing.

They came to him ( both incidents ) they came looking for it and got what they asked for. His wishes are irrelevant to that.
When your fraudulent claim, ''He wanted to murder people'' was debunked, you're sidestepping to ''he expressed a desire to go vigilante and kill people'', yet you offer no substantiation to support any of your frantic claims.

Okay, Honey, he didn't "go vigilante" by dressing up as a bat and beating up criminals, he went out with a military grade weapon and shot people.

Not sure how you do that without murdering people.

No, Bob, you just spend the next five posts complaining about me. that's no obsessed at all. You get up at 3 AM in the morning to call me names, that's not obsessed at all. You spend posts talking about my sex life, (which if fine, by the way) because I don't share your view of marriage, but that's not obsessed at all. When I talk about parts of my past that don't fit into your head canon, you scream that it must be a lie (even when I give you photographic evidence). But, no, no, Bob, you aren't obsessed at all.

Several points here.
1) You never point out one thing I've said about your religion that was historically or theoogicaly incorrect. I mean, it you would truly have me if you could say something like, "AHA, there is no Planet Kolob!"
2) I've been ripping on Mormons ever since I got here in 2011 and the GOP made the mistake of nominating Romney.
3) Most LDS have the good sense not to engage me, but you are a barrel of fun.
4) Sorry, man, we can see the drippings of your cult in your bizarre thinking of wanting to murder people (Blood atonement), your screaming about poor people of color being "Subhuman", (your cult didn't let people of color become members until 1978) or your blatant homophobia. I'm sorry your cult messed you up so bad.

No one has denied it was Rittenhouse on the tape. Or that he expressed his desire to shoot a black man who was running out of a CVS.

That;'s actually- kind of good. It's kind of stupid to charge the guy who didn't pull the trigger with murder, and most of these charges are used to get people to rat out their accomplices. Charge people for what they actually did.

I don't see "religious" and "moral" as the same thing.

For instance, as I have said, I grew up Catholic and had to put up with 12 years of psychotic nuns and priests I didn't want to be left in a room alone with. Then my parents died horrible, painful deaths and pretty much had no use for the false promises of religion at that point.

As for morality, the Catholic Church
1) Launched Crusades, Inquisitions, and oppression of "heretics"
2) Burned witches at the stake (usually innocent women).
3) Collaborated with the Nazis
4) Had an international conspiracy to hide pedophile priests from justice.

And this church was going to lecture me on "morality"? I don't think so.

Let's limit it to this case. Rittenhouse shot three people. He didn't shoot them because he 'Had to", he shot them because he wanted to be a tough guy, got in over his head, and then shot his way out of a riot. The moral thing is that he should be held to account. He wasn't due to a combination of a lot of sleazy lawyers and a judge who was so senile he forgot what his job was. And you guys think this is wonderful because you don't like the politics of the people he shot.

Now, that's immoral.
Wrong he did shoot them because he had to

they were all three threatening him.
Okay, Honey, he didn't "go vigilante" by dressing up as a bat and beating up criminals, he went out with a military grade weapon and shot people.

Not sure how you do that without murdering people.

A civilian weapon and it is clear to any one of reasonable intelligence that the weapon is irrelevant

It is absolute proven fact they threatenined his life making it self defense and not murder

You have consistently lied about the proven details
For the same reason it was not relevant when Bernie Goetz did the same thhing.

They came to him ( both incidents ) they came looking for it and got what they asked for. His wishes are irrelevant to that.

ACtually, Bernie Goetz was a case of jury nullification, not evidence.

And a few years later, the young man he crippled won a 43 million dollar judgement.

So this isn't a good example.
No, Bob, you just spend the next five posts complaining about me. that's no obsessed at all. You get up at 3 AM in the morning to call me names, that's not obsessed at all. You spend posts talking about my sex life, (which if fine, by the way) because I don't share your view of marriage, but that's not obsessed at all. When I talk about parts of my past that don't fit into your head canon, you scream that it must be a lie (even when I give you photographic evidence). But, no, no, Bob, you aren't obsessed at all.

Several points here.
1) You never point out one thing I've said about your religion that was historically or theoogicaly incorrect. I mean, it you would truly have me if you could say something like, "AHA, there is no Planet Kolob!"
2) I've been ripping on Mormons ever since I got here in 2011 and the GOP made the mistake of nominating Romney.
3) Most LDS have the good sense not to engage me, but you are a barrel of fun.
4) Sorry, man, we can see the drippings of your cult in your bizarre thinking of wanting to murder people (Blood atonement), your screaming about poor people of color being "Subhuman", (your cult didn't let people of color become members until 1978) or your blatant homophobia. I'm sorry your cult messed you up so bad.

No one has denied it was Rittenhouse on the tape. Or that he expressed his desire to shoot a black man who was running out of a CVS.

That;'s actually- kind of good. It's kind of stupid to charge the guy who didn't pull the trigger with murder, and most of these charges are used to get people to rat out their accomplices. Charge people for what they actually did.

I don't see "religious" and "moral" as the same thing.

For instance, as I have said, I grew up Catholic and had to put up with 12 years of psychotic nuns and priests I didn't want to be left in a room alone with. Then my parents died horrible, painful deaths and pretty much had no use for the false promises of religion at that point.

As for morality, the Catholic Church
1) Launched Crusades, Inquisitions, and oppression of "heretics"
2) Burned witches at the stake (usually innocent women).
3) Collaborated with the Nazis
4) Had an international conspiracy to hide pedophile priests from justice.

And this church was going to lecture me on "morality"? I don't think so.

Let's limit it to this case. Rittenhouse shot three people. He didn't shoot them because he 'Had to", he shot them because he wanted to be a tough guy, got in over his head, and then shot his way out of a riot. The moral thing is that he should be held to account. He wasn't due to a combination of a lot of sleazy lawyers and a judge who was so senile he forgot what his job was. And you guys think this is wonderful because you don't like the politics of the people he shot.

Now, that's immoral.
No one needs to deny it is him on the tape it is on the accuser to prove it is him

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