kyle rittenhouse now broke

The left would adore Kyle Rittenhouse if he had been a black kid who shot up a house party.

When you have literally make up something in order to slag someone, you need to give up while you're behind.

Every time some right wing thug murders someone, you cons vilify the victim, and award hero status to the killers. One of Rittenhouse's victims was arrested for mooning someone when he was a teenager, and the right claimed he was a convicted child molester and Rittenhouse was just defending himself.

Treyvon Martin's photographs were photoshopped to make him look like a hulking gangbanger with a gold grill, instead of a middle class teenager walking through his neighbourhood.
The only crimes were the arsonists that you adore who were burning down everything in sight.

Once again you make assumption about me that are not true. And the "arsonists' who were burning down everything in sight were the white anarchists trying to start a race war.

When you have literally make up something in order to slag someone, you need to give up while you're behind.

Every time some right wing thug murders someone, you cons vilify the victim, and award hero status to the killers. One of Rittenhouse's victims was arrested for mooning someone when he was a teenager, and the right claimed he was a convicted child molester and Rittenhouse was just defending himself.

Treyvon Martin's photographs were photoshopped to make him look like a hulking gangbanger with a gold grill, instead of a middle class teenager walking through his neighbourhood.

Once again you make assumption about me that are not true. And the "arsonists' who were burning down everything in sight were the white anarchists trying to start a race war.

You're too stupid, dishonest, and racist to engage further.
At least he isn't dead as he surely would be if he had not been armed and gotten off some damn lucky shots.

Once might have been luck.

Three subhuman pieces of shit shot, two killed, and one badly injured, with no actual human beings being harmed by any stray bullets, there was some extraordinary skill and control on Mr. Rittenhouse's part to achieve that.
You're too stupid, dishonest, and racist to engage further.

Thank you. I appreciate your concession and admission that you've got nothing but insults.

You come with facts, and links, don't try to bullshit me with Trump's lies, and gatewaypundit garbage, or the rest of your insults and lies.
What a stupid thing to do the happy dance over.

It is very common for Democrat prosecutors to subject people who offend them in some way to prosecutions that bankrupt them, no matter how meritless they turn out to be. It is infuriating to them when they try it on someone with enough money to fight back.

You fell for a clickbait headline. The lawyer did not say that Kyle had "gone broke." From the lawyer's description, he sounds like a typical college student who paused his studies because it is easier to work than to live off the welfare of student loan. Any pleas of poverty by a lawyer on behalf of his client are for the lawyer's sake. In this case to get donations to Kyle's legal fund.

But, suppose it is true. Kyle Rittenhouse is a pauper. At least he isn't dead as he surely would be if he had not been armed and gotten off some damn lucky shots.

Lucky not just for Rittenhouse, but for all the children who will now not be molested by those who tried to murder him.

If he had obeyed the law and stayed at home, no one would’ve been injured or killed.

Would you allow or encourage your 17-year-old son to do any of the things that Kyle Rittenhouse did starting with buying that gun?

We had riots lootings and arson going on in Toronto when the G20 held their meetings there. They’re all kinds of reports of innocent civilians, getting arrested in all of the shenanigans simply because they wanted to go downtown and rubberneck.

We stayed home all weekend and didn’t go anywhere near the downtown areas where the meetings or protests were held and told our daughter to stay away too.

My 60+ year old friend and her husband, an insurance company executive, were nearly arrested when they drove downtown and made a wrong turn into a restricted area.

Anyone who knows there is going to be civic unrest and heads right for it is an idiot.
Clayton is an idiot, and that is no ad hom attack, it's an obvious fact.

If he had obeyed the law and stayed at home, no one would’ve been injured or killed.
If the shitheads that were burning and destroying Kenosha would have obeyed the law and stayed at home and not attacked a kid they would still be alive today, wouldn't they?

"Hey lets attack that goofy looking kid over there with the AR-15, what could possibly go wrong?"
Neither was he. They came after him after Rittenhouse shot the first guy, who survived. They were killed trying to stop him from harming others.

George Zimmerman, your other asshole hero, suffered the same fate. The courts refused to hold him accountable, but the universe certainly has.

The first guy attacked a guy with a long rifle. Stupid gets what stupid deserves.

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