Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

The Rittenhouse trial was total BULLSHIT. The judge was obviously biased in his favor.

The incident should have been broken into 4 separate incidents:

Rittenhouse instigated the first confrontation and threatened the first victim. Rittenhouse should not have had a gun in the first place. So he was guilty of illegal gun possession and threatening a person with a gun.

The second incident was when Rittenhouse ran away from the first victim, and the first victim pursued him (wow, can you get any stupider!). Rittenhouse was clearly trying his best to disengage the confrontation. The first shooting was clearly an act of self defense.

The second shooting was also an act of self defense. The second victim attacked him with a skateboard and was trying to bust his skull open.

The third person he shot was obviously trying to reason with him an calm him down. He never should have shot the third person. He was guilty on that one.

quite wrong.

Rittenhouse instigated none of it.

haviung a gun in and of itself is not threatening anyone.
The third victim was NOT trying to reason with hinm the third victim was in fact pointing a weapon directly at him .

The trial was fair with no evidence of bias
Irrelevant. You claimed that by simple virtue of his bringing a gun to the protest that he went there with the express intention of shooting someone. If that's true then it's also true of Grosskreutz and everybody else who went there armed.

You should know (if you don't know already) that Grosskreutz has a criminal record, two arrests of which were firearm related.

He has been arrested twice for possessing a firearm while intoxicated. In addition to these he has been arrested for and/or convicted of domestic abuse, prowling, trespass, two DUIs and felony burglary.

It's ironic that for all the vitriol and demonization of Rittenhouse for bringing a gun to the protest, Grosskreutz was the one who actually violated firearm regulations. Not only did he have the two arrests for firearm possession while intoxicated as noted above, his conceal carry permit was expired the night of the shooting so he's the one who was illegally armed.
That is not what I am saying. Of all the people that brought arms to the protest, only Rittenhouse was there to kill! Why? Because he did!
That is not what I am saying. Of all the people that brought arms to the protest, only Rittenhouse was there to kill! Why? Because he did!
You're really reaching here. I probably don't need to tell you how flawed your logic is.

Let me ask you a question: Was Rittenhouse attacked?

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