Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

I don't think it's a R v L political thing. I think it's just a crooked prosecutor thing. I don't completely disagree with you. There is a huge political push to get a conviction.

I doubt the decent black folks are going to protest a not guilty verdict. But the thugs (black and white) will.
I just hope Rittenhouse is there with his AR when the riots start. He's 0 for 3 at stopping thugs.

No one was ever worried about decent black folks. Judging by footage of the various riots across the country, I'm not all that worried about black people at all. It's the crazy white people using their "advocacy" to express their violent anti-social tendencies that worry me.
I think you're wishful thinking. Kyle is innocent of the charges the prosecution has on him. Even the prosecution knows it.
That's why they're getting completely stupid and grasping for straws.

"Skateboards aren't a dangerous weapon." BA HA HA HA HA That's a stupid STUPID lie.

Almost anything can be a dangerous weapon, used the right way. And a piece of wood with heavy weights attached to it? Doesn't take a lot of thinking to figure out how to kill someone with that.
No one was ever worried about decent black folks. Judging by footage of the various riots across the country, I'm not all that worried about black people at all. It's the crazy white people using their "advocacy" to express their violent anti-social tendencies that worry me.

I've always believed that being a white or black person doesn't make you a good or bad person. Being a bad person is a human nature trait.

For that matter, being rich doesn't make you a good or bad person. Give a good person $1 million, he/she will probably do a lot of good things with the money. Give that same $1 million to a bad person, and they'll likely to bad things with it.

This is one issue I take with the whole race problem we have in this country. Almost every incident boils down to the character of the person, and not the race. If they're black, and hang with their homie, sell drugs and do general bad stuff all the time, Part of his problem is the culture he surrounded with. But if he was a good person at heart, his character, he wouldn't do bad things to people or himself.
This is why, for example, combat soldiers commit suicide. I feel that deep down they're good people that were forced to do things, like kill perfect strangers, that weighs so heavy on their mind, that they don't want to suffer with those thoughts any longer.
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Not really surprising. They're being asked to decide whether Kyle killed the scumbags in self-defense, so being clear on the law regarding self-defense would be a concern.

I find it encouraging, in the sense that they seem to be actually considering the facts of the case, rather than going strictly on emotion and agenda.
Not really surprising. They're being asked to decide whether Kyle killed the scumbags in self-defense, so being clear on the law regarding self-defense would be a concern.

I find it encouraging, in the sense that they seem to be actually considering the facts of the case, rather than going strictly on emotion and agenda.

I don't think that's the angle of the prosecution. He stated yesterday it wasn't about self defense. But more so if Kyle had a right to use the weapon in self defense. They think he should've fought them off with his hands, instead of his gun.

One of the remarks, IIRC, was "Having a gun doesn't give you a right to use it." Or something to that effect.
This just in

Kyle Rittenhouse Asked To Step Outside And Defend The Courthouse While Verdict Is Being Read

BA HA HA HA HA HA.. That's hilarious.
I could be wrong, because every place is different, but it's my understanding that District Attorneys don't personally try cases. They're elected officials who administer and oversee the prosecutor's office for their district, and the lawyers in the office - known as Assistant District Attorneys - are the ones who actually do the trial work.
Curious, I would think the DA would try cases too.
Of course the law matters. Your problem is you're referencing a part of the law I'm not even talking about.

So yeah, you're the one who's utterly confused.

You literally highlighted the section which states you can't provoke someone into attacking you with the intent to kill them, and then claim self defense. But of course, I never once said Rittenhouse intended to kill him when he provoked him. And yes, pointing a gun at someone is provocation. You'll never convince me you would do nothing if a stranger were to point a gun at you during a riot.
Listen. Try to follow along. I’m not trying to convince you that I would do nothing. If you’ve already chased me and thrown and object at me and threatened to kill me and are lunging at me, you bet I’ll react.

but here, by the time Rittenhouse raises the rifle, he cannot be provoking Rosenbaum because Rosenbaum has already taken his nearly final actions on Earth. He is already driving toward Rittenhouse and gets shut IN that process.

once again, the provocation which is prohibited is the kind that elicits a REACTION from the “victim.” The consequence of the reaction can’t be used by the shooter. Rittenhouse can’t say “I shot him in self defense” because of what he was doing — IF what Rosenbaum was doing was provoked by Rittenhouse.

What Rosenbaum was doing was already done, he was chasing and driving or diving at Rittenhouse. It was only then that Rittenhouse leveled the gun and fired.

Rittenhouse couldn’t have “provoked” Rosenbaum to lunge “because” the gun has been raised or pointed. Rosenbaum was already doing the conduct that required Rittenhouse to defend himself.
You're problem is not if he's guilty of murder. It's you not objecting to him killing BLM members. That's the whole theme through this case. That's how pathetic republicans are.
No basis for your mindless and incorrect ASSumpton Colon. My concern is that he is not guilty of murder at all if he was legally and factually justified in his conduct. This is true regardless of the particular affiliation of the dead guys. I don’t know if either dead guy or the injured guy were BLM either. In fact, I suspect they were actually ANTIFA.

You mindless propaganda-driven goons on the left tend to make lots of baseless ASSumptions, as your post demonstrates. It never seems to impede you when you’re flatly wrong much less when it’s shown how wrong you are. Reality just gets in the way of your propaganda driven rhetoric. Brush it aside. You are a true pussy.

Think of it like a chief of police or the sheriff of a large, populous county. Their job is to enforce laws and investigate criminal activity, but they don't do it by personally going out and arresting people. They do it by overseeing the operation of their department. Likewise, a District Attorney prosecutes cases by overseeing the operation of the District Attorney's office and directing the activity of the attorneys under them. They don't normally handle cases personally.
Think of it like a chief of police or the sheriff of a large, populous county. Their job is to enforce laws and investigate criminal activity, but they don't do it by personally going out and arresting people. They do it by overseeing the operation of their department. Likewise, a District Attorney prosecutes cases by overseeing the operation of the District Attorney's office and directing the activity of the attorneys under them. They don't normally handle cases personally.
Hmmm, so my perception was flawed.
Hmmm, so my perception was flawed.

It's possible in some areas with very small populations - and thus, much lower crime rates - the chief of police/sheriff actually participates in the legwork, and the DA actually participates in the trials. But once the population gets larger and the crime rate goes up, there's going to be too much administration to be done to allow them to also take part in the on-the-ground work (which is, itself, very time-consuming). Also, because the DA is an elected official, he - like all politicians - has to consider his public image. Losing a criminal trial personally is not going to help his re-election.

I don’t know how this motion will be received by the judge. I see it as having some merit. But I suppose this judge (or any judge) would prefer to hold it in abeyance. Wait and see what the jury says. Maybe grant the motion if the verdict comes back as “guilty.” No need to address it otherwise.

Acquittals are forever.
He's a troll, and gets off on you wasting your time on him.
I kept hoping he’d at least admit something shown to him in black and white. Quoting the very section of the law didn’t make a dent in him, however. When I knew him in my prior days on this message board, I used to just keep smacking him around. It had no impact on him or his inability to be honest or engage in thoughtful/meaningful debate. I figured that possibly some other member might glean something from my effort.

Sadly, I tend to agree that his main (if not sole) purpose is trolling.

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