Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

If the defense (by interposing justification) had not effectively conceded that the actor (Rittenhouse) killed the two dead rioters, it WOULD nevertheless be a fascinating jury issue: Did the state prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was a criminal homicide in the first place?

I don’t know. For many reasons, though, I suspect that this prosecution blew even that.
The reptilian brain of the left cannot get it out of their head that Trump is on trial here.

You fools are dumb as shit.


Rittenhouse-Lying Media Deliberately Incite Riots in Democrat-run Cities

16 Nov 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The only way the establishment media can feel influential anymore is to incite riots in Democrat-run cities, so the media are desperately using the Kyle Rittenhouse trial to incite riots in Democrat-run cities.
It’s an act of naked evil, but it’s also fascinating to watch.
Because their credibility with and influence over the public is completely shot, encouraging the left-wing terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter to burn down blue cities is all they’ve got.
The media first tried to incite riots with the Trayvon Martin Hoax by spreading the lie that the man who shot Martin in an obvious case of self-defense was white (he’s Hispanic) and a racist on the hunt (all the evidence proved that to be a lie). Then, to gin up racial violence, the media, especially ABC News, NBC News, and CNNLOL, even went so far as to fabricate evidence.
With the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Hoax, the media were able to burn down the predominantly black, Democrat-run city of Ferguson, Missouri.
With the Freddie Gray Hoax, the media were able to burn down the predominantly black, Democrat-run city of Baltimore, Maryland.
Most recently, with the Jacob Blake Hoax, the media were able to burn down the Democrat-run city of Kenosha, Wisconsin.
And today, as I write this, the media are desperate to prove their influence by spreading audacious lies around Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man currently on trial for shooting three men, two of whom died. Video proves beyond any question Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. But the media are not only lying about him being a crazed vigilante — something akin to a mass shooter — they’re deliberately lying to turn this into a racial issue, even though the three men he shot were white.
The Democrats who live in these cities are literally empowering the very monsters seeking to destroy their communities.
Sad, but still fascinating to witness.
The good news is that this is all the fake media’s got anymore. All they can do to feel influential is scream “FIRE” in a crowded theater. My guess is that pretty soon, they won’t even be able to do that.

Indeed, #OWS (Occupy Wall Street) has come a long way morphing into Antifa and #BLM.
Progressives saw their success in the initial use of paid provocateurs' to do their dirty work and it's certainly grown like Topsy.
Not only has the Quisling Biased Media fanned the flames we also have politicians liker Congresswoman Cori Bush deliberately fanning the flames to riot with blatant dishonest statements' saying that a Rittenhouse acquittal would be the equivalent of allowing “white supremacists” to “get away” with murdering black people.
Your interpretation makes no sense. What the law is saying is that a defendant cannot provoke the other guy into DOING SOMETHING which the defendant then seeks to use as the basis for self defense. It isn’t even a matter of interpretation in reality. That’s simply what the law says. And the section I quoted and highlighted says it in a straightforward manner.

I am not trying to be a dick, now, with this addition: I can show you the law and I can even explain it up to a point. I can’t make you see it.
You're utterly confused. I never said Rittenhouse provoked Rosenbaum with the intention of using being attacked as a reason to shoot him. That's your strawman.
The reptilian brain of the left cannot get it out of their head that Trump is on trial here.

You fools are dumb as shit.


Who other than you is talking about Trump being on trial?
No. It was not.
Of course it was. If you and I are nose to nose in an extremely heated argument and I suddenly pull out a gun and point it at you, you're telling me you're not going to try to prevent me from shooting you?
You're utterly confused. I never said Rittenhouse provoked Rosenbaum with the intention of using being attacked as a reason to shoot him. That's your strawman.
You are the one who remains blisteringly confused. Frankly, it doesn’t matter what you’ve said. The thing that does matter is what the law says.

it says, as I correctly quoted it and discussed, that a person cannot use justification as a defense if he provoked the action of the so-called victim. Nothing Kyle did provoked Rosenbaum. And nothing done by Rosenbaum is barred from Kyle’s use as “justification” on the basis of provocation, therefore.

the confusion remains entirely on you.
Of course it was. If you and I are nose to nose in an extremely heated argument and I suddenly pull out a gun and point it at you, you're telling me you're not going to try to prevent me from shooting you?
You’re an imbecile. If you’ve chased me and thrown objects at me and threatened to kill me, my pulling a weapon on you AS you continue to charge me can’t possibly be the thing that “provokes” you to do what you’ve already done and are still doing.

This isn’t a tough concept. You are either unbelievably dense or you are simply being dishonest at this point.
Cant see what it says
Essentially the tweet is a picture of a defense motion for mistrial with prejudice, accusing the state of withholding evidence. In this case the state kept a higher quality copy of the drone footage while giving the defense a poorer quality copy.

They contend it is prejudicial against the defense.

Oh and if you want to read it, left click on the pictures and ctrl+mouse wheel forward.
I don’t imagine the jury is engaged by this droning rebuttal summation. I’d be shocked if they find it even marginally persuasive, too.

You're problem is not if he's guilty of murder. It's you not objecting to him killing BLM members. That's the whole theme through this case. That's how pathetic republicans are.
Pointing his gun at Rosenbaum was provocation.

No, and for two reasons it wasn’t ….

1. Rosenbaum was already chasing him.


2. At the point at which he turns another gunshot was fired….

He then turned and continued to retreat. Only when he was cornered and Rosenbaum lunged did Rittenhouse fire. That meets the standard of self defense.

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