Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

You're problem is not if he's guilty of murder. It's you not objecting to him killing BLM members. That's the whole theme through this case. That's how pathetic republicans are.

What’s pathetic is that the NG wasn’t deployed, and that this criminal tried to attack someone with an AR15 like a total dumbass.
You are the one who remains blisteringly confused. Frankly, it doesn’t matter what you’ve said. The thing that does matter is what the law says.

it says, as I correctly quoted it and discussed, that a person cannot use justification as a defense if he provoked the action of the so-called victim. Nothing Kyle did provoked Rosenbaum. And nothing done by Rosenbaum is barred from Kyle’s use as “justification” on the basis of provocation, therefore.

the confusion remains entirely on you.
Of course the law matters. Your problem is you're referencing a part of the law I'm not even talking about.

So yeah, you're the one who's utterly confused.

You literally highlighted the section which states you can't provoke someone into attacking you with the intent to kill them, and then claim self defense. But of course, I never once said Rittenhouse intended to kill him when he provoked him. And yes, pointing a gun at someone is provocation. You'll never convince me you would do nothing if a stranger were to point a gun at you during a riot.
Of course the law matters. Your problem is you're referencing a part of the law I'm not even talking about.

So yeah, you're the one who's utterly confused.

You literally highlighted the section which states you can't provoke someone into attacking you with the intent to kill them, and then claim self defense. But of course, I never once said Rittenhouse intended to kill him when he provoked him. And yes, pointing a gun at someone is provocation. You'll never convince me you would do nothing if a stranger were to point a gun at you during a riot.
So, you’d subject yourself to the same fate as your hero, the criminal pedophile, Rosenbaum….Right?
So, you’d subject yourself to the same fate as your hero, the criminal pedophile, Rosenbaum….Right?
No, I wouldn't have been there. And he's no hero. That's your projection.
Judge is having a bit of difficulty with finding something...

And for whatever reason Kyle and his mom both look really unhappy about something today... something going on outside the courtroom I'm guessing... dunno what it is.

Could be they're just really nervous about the outcome now that it's so close to over. The defense made a good case, the prosecutors made an abysmal one, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out how little that means in jury trials these days.
Ok, so what was Rosenbaum doing chasing him?

Did you see the clip of the crazy woman protesting what a "hero" Rosenbaum and the others were, "selflessly" risking themselves to "stop an active shooter"? "No telling how many lives they saved"? I heard it and said, "Anyone who's wondering what kind of woman Rosenbaum got involved with so that he could molest her son? That's her, right there."

I could be wrong, because every place is different, but it's my understanding that District Attorneys don't personally try cases. They're elected officials who administer and oversee the prosecutor's office for their district, and the lawyers in the office - known as Assistant District Attorneys - are the ones who actually do the trial work.
The Prosecutor said in his closing argument that if you brought the gun, you lose the right to self-defense.
At this point, he has to know he’s going to lose so badly that he’s auditioning for MSDNCNN.

That is just the craziest argument. "You only have the right to defend yourself with a weapon if you don't have a weapon. If you have a weapon to defend yourself, that automatically invalidates your right to defend yourself."

What the actual fuck?
Twenty feet is considered range of immionent harm.

Twenty feet is no distance at all. From a standing start that can be covered in a couple of seconds. The average person can run a hundred meters in thirteen seconds, if my math is correct that's seven and a half meters a second, or twenty five feet a second. Rosenblum was well within striking distance of Rittenhouse, based upon his previous threats and recent conduct he was a clear and imminent threat to Rittenhouse's life.

I'm rather enjoying all the people in the media and online suggesting that men who don't have weapons are no threat to anyone's life. Yeah, because no one ever gets beaten to death . . . oh, wait.
No matter which side you're on, nobody knows what the verdict will be.

I personally hope he's found not guilty, because of the circumstances and the fact that he turned himself in to police. ( something the media has repeatedly lied about)

But, it depends on today's closing arguments and what the jury hears from both sides and on what is in the judge's 38-page instructions.

What worries me far more is how much it depends on the jurors' own agenda and fears.
What’s pathetic is that the NG wasn’t deployed, and that this criminal tried to attack someone with an AR15 like a total dumbass.

The Democrats running the city and the state created the problem by letting the BLM filth get away with destroying anything they wanted.

The stupid Democrat Governor refused to send in the NG. The Negro ass kissing Kenosha Democrat leadership told the police to not to protect property and that gave the green light to the BLM/ANTIFA viglilntes to destroy anything they wanted and attack anybody that resisted them, like Kyle helping to put out a fire they started.
Did you see the clip of the crazy woman protesting what a "hero" Rosenbaum and the others were, "selflessly" risking themselves to "stop an active shooter"? "No telling how many lives they saved"? I heard it and said, "Anyone who's wondering what kind of woman Rosenbaum got involved with so that he could molest her son? That's her, right there."

The "active shooter" was the BLM protester that fired the first shots.

Then the BLM vigilante mob attacked Kyle who they were pissed at because he help to put out a fire they started by kicking him in the head. He fought back by firing shots at that asshole "Jump-Kick Man" but missed him. Then the other BLM vigilanties took it on themselves to attack Kyle with skateboard clubs and Glock pistols.
Provocation: As in someone chasing you and screaming threats at you. Throwing stuff at you, hitting you with a skateboard.

I don't understand how the left doesn't see who was really doing the provoking.

Because they are stupid, uneducated, low information and they don't want to know the truth.

Here is the truth:

1. The BLM/ANTFA filth got butt hurt because a Negro thug was shot by the police.

2. Because others were getting away with it elsewhere in the US they started rioting and destroying shit in Kenosha.

3. The Democrat leadership at the state and local level decided to let the BLM/ANTIFA shitheads destroy anything they wanted to. No NG deployed and the police was told to not respond to property damage.

4. Local citizens decided to do the job the police wouldn't do and protect property from the BLM destruction.

5. Kyle Rittenhouse joined the effort to protect property and clean up the mess caused by the BLM rioters.

6. Kyle came armed because he wanted to protect himself should he be attacked. It was legal for him to be armed.

7. Kyle was doing peaceful stuff.

8. Things got out of hand with the destruction of the BLM shitheads and one of them fired a weapon into the air.

9. When the shots were fired by the BLM vigilante mob turned on Kyle. They had earlier threatened to kill because he looked young and an easy target and he helped put out a fire they started.

10. They chased Kyle and one of the vigilantes kicked Kyle in head as he was knocked to the ground. He fired at the shithead but missed him. Another tried to attack him and take away his weapon and Kyle had to kill him. Another one tried to bash him over the head with a skateboard and Kyle protected himself by dispatching the SOB. Another one of the BLM vigilantes with a loaded Glock pistol tried to attack Kyle and Kyle took care of the threat.

11. After using his weapon for self defense Kyle turned himself into the police.

12. The Democrat DA unlawfully brought charges against Kyle because as typical of Democrats he chose to kiss BLM ass.
I saw lefties shoot M-16s in the service, the brass ejected right into their face. Guns are certainly handed.

You are correct. Even aside from the "hot brass in your face" issue, there's the fact that the controls on most firearms are designed for the convenience of right-handed people.

Wait, haven't leftists been telling us for years that one of the main reasons we shouldn't own guns for self-defense is that they're more likely to be taken away and used on us? Now they're telling us that merely having a gun makes us perfectly safe, with no need to feel threatened by anyone else.

Consistency is not a word leftists understand.
I did know that the ejector port is on one side of an automatic firearm. But I had no idea that guns could have a handedness.

There aren't a lot of guns manufactured for left-handed people, but there are guns that are manufactured as ambidextrous.

Right-handed people usually don't realize how much of the world, right down to little things, is geared toward them. I love to cook, and as a left-handed person, I have to buy equipment like measuring cups specifically designed for left-handers or ambidexterity. Generally, we learn to adapt, but it can actually be dangerous to use a right-engineered firearm with your left hand.

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