Kyle Rittenhouse

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He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.

Ok. How did Kyle know this? How did he know the person was a Child Molester?
ESP that only rifle carrying Republicans have that special power.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.

Ok. How did Kyle know this? How did he know the person was a Child Molester?
ESP that only rifle carrying Republicans have that special power.
Of which Kyle Rittenhouse was too young to legally be in possession of a firearm.
What did your beloved hag win exactly?

So the trial and sentencing is over already cupcake?

You know, you keep saying stuff like cupcake and sweetheart, but I don't swing that way.

Point was, Hillary got more votes. Trump was never legitimate.

Only one of five presidents to be rejected by the popular vote.
Only one of 10 to be voted out of office.
Only one of three to be impeached, and the only one to be impeached twice.
Everybody can tell just come out of the closet

What do you mean by Trump wasn't legitimate? Does that mean he shouldn't have been president?
What did your beloved hag win exactly?

So the trial and sentencing is over already cupcake?

You know, you keep saying stuff like cupcake and sweetheart, but I don't swing that way.

Point was, Hillary got more votes. Trump was never legitimate.

Only one of five presidents to be rejected by the popular vote.
Only one of 10 to be voted out of office.
Only one of three to be impeached, and the only one to be impeached twice.
Everybody can tell just come out of the closet
Would you mind trolling for your dates on Tinder, queerboi, not here?
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester is not against the law.

No, but shooting an unarmed man in the back with an illegal weapon is.
It was an AR-15. That's not an illegal weapon . And there's no law against shooting unarmed man in the back in self-defense.

It's a clear case of self-defense. Kyle was clearly running away from the child molester. The child molester was clearly the aggressor.
It was illegal for him to have it. That's why Black was charged for illegally getting him the gun.
You're wrong again as usual.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester is not against the law.

No, but shooting an unarmed man in the back with an illegal weapon is.
It was an AR-15. That's not an illegal weapon . And there's no law against shooting unarmed man in the back in self-defense.

It's a clear case of self-defense. Kyle was clearly running away from the child molester. The child molester was clearly the aggressor.
It was illegal for him to have it. That's why Black was charged for illegally getting him the gun.
You're wrong again as usual.

Nope, not wrong. Wisconsin law makes it illegal to be in possession of a firearm for people under 18 unless they're hunting or at a gun range.
Persecuted for defending himself guilty of being White, I think so.
2 counts of murder. He travelled there from another town looking for trouble.
his ass would not be looking at becoming someones ass fuck toy.

Sure seems like his three assailants were looking for trouble and got two scoops: worm food #1, worm food #2, and one armed bro.

You should have gone to get some keyboard commando.
That's not how it happened but trash like you want to see it that way. This punk was underage, with an illegal weapon, out of his hometown and probably past curfew. Had he stayed home, he would not be looking at the possibility of getting a dick stuck up his young ass.
Thanks for posting what you were doing and your fantasies
What did your beloved hag win exactly?

So the trial and sentencing is over already cupcake?

You know, you keep saying stuff like cupcake and sweetheart, but I don't swing that way.

Point was, Hillary got more votes. Trump was never legitimate.

Only one of five presidents to be rejected by the popular vote.
Only one of 10 to be voted out of office.
Only one of three to be impeached, and the only one to be impeached twice.
Everybody can tell just come out of the closet
Would you mind trolling for your dates on Tinder, queerboi, not here?

Defensive gay lover duly noted
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.

Ok. How did Kyle know this? How did he know the person was a Child Molester?
I never said Kyle did know that, although it's possible that he highly suspected it.

There is plenty of video of your beloved child molester acting like an off-the-hook sociopathic madman with some serious anger issues.

Obviously Kyle knew that your hero was a threat, otherwise he would not have been running away from him. Why do you suppose Kyle was running away from the crazy violent masked predator?
What did your beloved hag win exactly?

So the trial and sentencing is over already cupcake?

You know, you keep saying stuff like cupcake and sweetheart, but I don't swing that way.

Point was, Hillary got more votes. Trump was never legitimate.

Only one of five presidents to be rejected by the popular vote.
Only one of 10 to be voted out of office.
Only one of three to be impeached, and the only one to be impeached twice.
Everybody can tell just come out of the closet
Would you mind trolling for your dates on Tinder, queerboi, not here?

Defensive gay lover duly noted

Queerboi, I'm not defending you.
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!

Actually. No.

The totality of circumstances play a part in every action. It is the Defense that wants time to perfect their defense. Also scheduling with court availability plays a part.

The problem is that the totality of circumstances plays heavily against Kyle. And that is something you don’t hear much about.

Let’s back up. First. Kyle had no legal authority to do anything. Now the people he was hanging out with were talking the talk. But the problem is that such conversations make it hard to claim self defense later.

It is why you never put a sign up that says trespassers will be shot. Looters will be shot. Because that cast doubt on your claim of self defense if you ever have to God Forbid, defend yourself.

The truth is Kyle and the armed idiots were trespassing too. Worse they snuck around the police barricades just like the protesters to do so.

So now we come to the altercation.

Kyle like many thought the mere sight of a gun would scare the pussies away. But it didn’t. It agitated the people instead. So Kyle should have left. He didn’t. He tried to reposition.

Kyle had no legal authority. He was not acting in any way under the authority of law. The owners of those businesses had not asked for his or anyone’s help. The police had not asked for his help.

Now the argument that he was legally open carrying is also untrue. He was not able to legally open carry any weapon. He was not 18.

And from there. It gets worse.

Kyle will most probably be found guilty. And he will be sent to Prison. Not because of Blacks. Or Liberals. Or Socialists. They didn’t write the laws that were in effect at the time of the shooting.

I say probably because I figure he has about an 80% chance of being found guilty. There is a very slim chance his lawyer will be able to muddy the water enough to get the reasonable doubt established.

It is the totality of events. Why was he there? To be ready to shoot protestors. What did he do? Shoot protestors. Hard to claim self defense when you are looking for trouble.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.

Ok. How did Kyle know this? How did he know the person was a Child Molester?
I never said Kyle did know that, although it's possible that he highly suspected it.

There is plenty of video of your beloved child molester acting like an off-the-hook sociopathic madman with some serious anger issues.

Obviously Kyle knew that your hero was a threat, otherwise he would not have been running away from him. Why do you suppose Kyle was running away from the crazy violent masked predator?

Ok scooter. I’m going to explain something. I think everybody there was wrong. There are plenty of situations where nobody is the good guy. This is just another example.

Kyle can’t claim self defense. Well he can, but it almost certainly won’t work. Because he went there prepared to shoot protestors. It wasn’t his property. The owners of the property didn’t ask him or anyone to do anything. He had no legal right to be there.

There were no good guys that night. But there were crimes committed.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
Neither is beating someone with a skateboard and running off like a fucking coward.
It's legal to try and stop a murderer.

Uh.....they didn't know what happened.

So, no. Nothing was "legal".
It's legal to stop someone in Wisconsin if you have probable cause to believe they committed a felony.
And it's legal for them the defend themselves. That's exactly what Kyle did.

It's a clear case of self defense, you low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
Yes, it is legal to defend yourself. I never said otherwise. It's not legal to use excessive force to defend yourself. That's why he's charged with murder.
There was no excessive force used, dumbass. He was charged and arrested because some authoritarian America hating scumbag wanted to take a political prisoner.

You're a fucking idiot and a compulsive liar.

I bet you can't link to a single thread in which you have significantly participated in, in which you did not tell a demonstrable lie. I challenge you to do that.

I also challenge you to find even a single post of mine, in which I tell a lie. You can search through all 23,520 of them and you will not find even a single lie.
Dumbfuck, I didn't say you lied about Rittenhouse. I'm saying you're wrong. Just like you were wrong about Chauvin. You don't know shit. You didn't even know Rosenbaum was lying face down.
Of course you are simply lying again. I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos. I saw him lying facedown after he was shot.

You also lied when you claimed that the video showed him get shot while he was lying face down.

Please provide a link to a video of him getting shot by Kyle while he in lying face down. Of course you cannot do that because it simply doesn't exist. You're simply lying again.

You're a compulsive liar and a low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
"I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos."

You're lying now. Earlier I said that he was lying face down and you denied it...

Faun: Ignore the text, the video shows Rosenbaum lying face down before someone flipped him onto his back.
Muhammed: And of course you're simply lying again as usual. The video shows nothing of the sort.
And there you go lying again. I never denied that he was lying face down on the ground. And you cannot quote me saying that.

This is your other lie that I was referring to...

Faun:he was shot in the back lying face down on the ground.

That's the lie I was referring to, moron.

Granted I know you tell so many fucking lies that it's impossible for you, or anyone else, to keep track of all of them. So why even try? Why not just quit lying? Then you don't have to keep track of them. It obviously works for me.

Why is it that when idiots like you have an opinion that doesn't jibe with the truth, you simply lie to yourself and others?

I believe it is much easier and wiser to change my opinions if I find out they don't jibe with the truth, rather than fruitlessly try to change an immutable truth.

That's the huge difference between a wise person like me and an idiot like you.
You should stop lying then.

As far as him shotbin the back lying down, I already posted the video. Rosenbaum starts to fall face down after the first shot. By the 4th shot, he's face down and shot I the back. There was no other time Rittenhouse was facing Rosenbaum's back.
In what post did you post that video? Got a post number or a link?

Nobody believes you because you're a fucking compulsive liar.

Go ahead and post a video that shows him getting shot in the back while he is lying face down on the ground, liar.

That video has a false narrative edited onto it. Kyle obviously did not fire the 3 more shots as it claims. There were many people shooting, dumbass. Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground.

However, very low IQ people like you who are easily brainwashed via the power of suggestion are very susceptible to that sort of bullshit.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you.

So? It's still the video. Ignore the text.

"Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground."

Kyle shot the child molester 4 times -- the 4th was in the back when he was lying on the ground face down. That's the moment it went from self-defense to murder.

Bullshit. It was all one burst of gunfire in self-defense. It wouldn't matter if it was 5 or 10 shots, it would still be self-defense. Kyle was not the attacker, he was the defender.

You're just too fucking stupid to comprehend that obvious fact.

Nope, it's not all one burst. It's not an automatic weapon. He had to squeeze the trigger 4 times in order to get 4 shots.

And of course it matters. Self-defense is not a legal pass to murder someone. When employing self-defense, you're only allowed to use as much force as necessary to stop the threat. If killing an attacker is needed to stop the threat, the law allows that. It does not allow you to stop the threat but then continue shooting anyway.

It doesn't have to be an automatic weapon to fire a burst of rounds, idiot. You can fire a burst by repeatedly pulling the trigger fast.

It takes time to determine that someone is no longer a threat, dumbass.

If your child rapist career criminal hero, whom you obviously admire and identify with greatly, didn't attack another child, he wouldn't have earned his well deserved Darwin Award.
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What did your beloved hag win exactly?

So the trial and sentencing is over already cupcake?

You know, you keep saying stuff like cupcake and sweetheart, but I don't swing that way.

Point was, Hillary got more votes. Trump was never legitimate.

Only one of five presidents to be rejected by the popular vote.
Only one of 10 to be voted out of office.
Only one of three to be impeached, and the only one to be impeached twice.
Everybody can tell just come out of the closet
Would you mind trolling for your dates on Tinder, queerboi, not here?

Defensive gay lover duly noted

Queerboi, I'm not defending you.


It was your cyber ghey home queer man love twink lover joeb131
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
Neither is beating someone with a skateboard and running off like a fucking coward.
It's legal to try and stop a murderer.

Uh.....they didn't know what happened.

So, no. Nothing was "legal".
It's legal to stop someone in Wisconsin if you have probable cause to believe they committed a felony.
And it's legal for them the defend themselves. That's exactly what Kyle did.

It's a clear case of self defense, you low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
Yes, it is legal to defend yourself. I never said otherwise. It's not legal to use excessive force to defend yourself. That's why he's charged with murder.
There was no excessive force used, dumbass. He was charged and arrested because some authoritarian America hating scumbag wanted to take a political prisoner.

You're a fucking idiot and a compulsive liar.

I bet you can't link to a single thread in which you have significantly participated in, in which you did not tell a demonstrable lie. I challenge you to do that.

I also challenge you to find even a single post of mine, in which I tell a lie. You can search through all 23,520 of them and you will not find even a single lie.
Dumbfuck, I didn't say you lied about Rittenhouse. I'm saying you're wrong. Just like you were wrong about Chauvin. You don't know shit. You didn't even know Rosenbaum was lying face down.
Of course you are simply lying again. I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos. I saw him lying facedown after he was shot.

You also lied when you claimed that the video showed him get shot while he was lying face down.

Please provide a link to a video of him getting shot by Kyle while he in lying face down. Of course you cannot do that because it simply doesn't exist. You're simply lying again.

You're a compulsive liar and a low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
"I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos."

You're lying now. Earlier I said that he was lying face down and you denied it...

Faun: Ignore the text, the video shows Rosenbaum lying face down before someone flipped him onto his back.
Muhammed: And of course you're simply lying again as usual. The video shows nothing of the sort.
And there you go lying again. I never denied that he was lying face down on the ground. And you cannot quote me saying that.

This is your other lie that I was referring to...

Faun:he was shot in the back lying face down on the ground.

That's the lie I was referring to, moron.

Granted I know you tell so many fucking lies that it's impossible for you, or anyone else, to keep track of all of them. So why even try? Why not just quit lying? Then you don't have to keep track of them. It obviously works for me.

Why is it that when idiots like you have an opinion that doesn't jibe with the truth, you simply lie to yourself and others?

I believe it is much easier and wiser to change my opinions if I find out they don't jibe with the truth, rather than fruitlessly try to change an immutable truth.

That's the huge difference between a wise person like me and an idiot like you.
You should stop lying then.

As far as him shotbin the back lying down, I already posted the video. Rosenbaum starts to fall face down after the first shot. By the 4th shot, he's face down and shot I the back. There was no other time Rittenhouse was facing Rosenbaum's back.
In what post did you post that video? Got a post number or a link?

Nobody believes you because you're a fucking compulsive liar.

Go ahead and post a video that shows him getting shot in the back while he is lying face down on the ground, liar.

That video has a false narrative edited onto it. Kyle obviously did not fire the 3 more shots as it claims. There were many people shooting, dumbass. Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground.

However, very low IQ people like you who are easily brainwashed via the power of suggestion are very susceptible to that sort of bullshit.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you.

So? It's still the video. Ignore the text.

"Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground."

Kyle shot the child molester 4 times -- the 4th was in the back when he was lying on the ground face down. That's the moment it went from self-defense to murder.

Bullshit. It was all one burst of gunfire in self-defense. It wouldn't matter if it was 5 or 10 shots, it would still be self-defense. Kyle was not the attacker, he was the defender.

You're just too fucking stupid to comprehend that obvious fact.

Nope, it's not all one burst. It's not an automatic weapon. He had to squeeze the trigger 4 times in order to get 4 shots.

And of course it matters. Self-defense is not a legal pass to murder someone. When employing self-defense, you're only allowed to use as much force as necessary to stop the threat. If killing an attacker is needed to stop the threat, the law allows that. It does not allow you to stop the threat but then continue shooting anyway.

It doesn't have to be an automatic weapon to fire a burst of rounds, idiot. You can fire a burst by repeatedly pulling the trigger fast.

It takes time to determine that someone is no longer a threat, dumbass.


Dumbfuck, I said he had to pull the trigger 4 times. The 4th shot should not have been fired. That was the shot that probably killed Rosenbaum and it was to his back. That's murder, not self-defense.
What did your beloved hag win exactly?

So the trial and sentencing is over already cupcake?

You know, you keep saying stuff like cupcake and sweetheart, but I don't swing that way.

Point was, Hillary got more votes. Trump was never legitimate.

Only one of five presidents to be rejected by the popular vote.
Only one of 10 to be voted out of office.
Only one of three to be impeached, and the only one to be impeached twice.
Everybody can tell just come out of the closet
Would you mind trolling for your dates on Tinder, queerboi, not here?

Defensive gay lover duly noted

Queerboi, I'm not defending you.


It was your cyber ghey home queer man love twink lover joeb131
No, queerboi, the one here trolling for men to date is you, no one else. I asked you if you would do it elsewhere but apparently, you're unable to retrain your gay urges.
Persecuted for defending himself guilty of being White, I think so.
He went looking for someone to shoot with a straw purchased weapon he illegally transported across state lines.

I see nothing "self defense" ish about this.
And the assclowns that attacked him didn’t come from out of town? The pedophile he shot was from Arizona.

Kenosha County prosecutors said in court records this week that the first person shot around 11:45 p.m. on Tuesday has been identified as Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, of Kenosha.
  • Thanks
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