Kyle Rittenhouse

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A leftist's view of justice is contingent upon the political affiliation of the parties involved. Rittenhouse is a conservative, therefore, he is GUILTY.

My advice to rational Americans is to do your very best to avoid living or working in areas that are heavily populated by leftists. Once they learn that you're a conservative, they will work to DESTROY you.

Naw, man, Rittenhouse is guilty because we have him on tape, doing exactly what he is accused of.

Kind of funny how that works.
The big mistake Kyle and his mother made was submitting to a police interrogation without a lawyer.

If you shoot somebody in self-defense, NEVER EVER surrender your Miranda rights.

Nothing you say to the police can possibly help you in a court of law. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.

Except he was armed and they weren't. Also, they have him on video tape doing exactly what he is doing.

Please link where I told him anything?

Better to be judged by six than carried by twelve: just ask his two asailants: worm food # 1 and worm food #2. Even ask one arm bro.

How do you know the outcome babe?

You though The Hag would win:

She did win. By 3 million votes. unforunately, we have to do better than that with the Gimp Head Start Repukes get call the Electoral College.

But this punk, going to jail for the rest of his life, and then he'll be "Aryan Nation Prison Bitch".

What did your beloved hag win exactly?

So the trial and sentencing is over already cupcake?
The big mistake Kyle and his mother made was submitting to a police interrogation without a lawyer.

If you shoot somebody in self-defense, NEVER EVER surrender your Miranda rights.

Nothing you say to the police can possibly help you in a court of law. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.

Except he was armed and they weren't. Also, they have him on video tape doing exactly what he is doing.
The tape proves conclusively that Kyle acted in self-defense.

Kyle was not the aggressor. In fact, he ran away as fast as he could from every piece of shit scumbag that he shot. That's conclusive evidence that it was self-defense and he was not the aggressor.

You are also lying when you say they were not armed.

One, who Kyle never threatened in any way, pointed a pistol at him, and deservedly got his bicep transformed into a beautiful pink mist. Another, who Kyle never threatened, bashed him in the head with a skateboard. He was armed with a skateboard.

And the convicted child molester (likely your hero because he's a child molester) who first chased and cornered Kyle, he used his care package from the looney bin as a weapon and according to the closest eye witness, lunged at Kyle's rifle in an obvious attempt to rearm himself.

Every one of them was armed.

That's all besides the point, because it is not illegal or immoral to shoot an unarmed scumbag who attacks you in the first place.
What did your beloved hag win exactly?

So the trial and sentencing is over already cupcake?

You know, you keep saying stuff like cupcake and sweetheart, but I don't swing that way.

Point was, Hillary got more votes. Trump was never legitimate.

Only one of five presidents to be rejected by the popular vote.
Only one of 10 to be voted out of office.
Only one of three to be impeached, and the only one to be impeached twice.
The tape proves conclusively that Kyle acted in self-defense.

Kyle was not the aggressor. In fact, he ran away as fast as he could from every piece of shit scumbag that he shot. That's conclusive evidence that it was self-defense and he was not the aggressor.

You are also lying when you say they were not armed.

One, who Kyle never threatened in any way, pointed a pistol at him, and deservedly got his bicep transformed into a beautiful pink mist. Another, who Kyle never threatened, bashed him in the head with a skateboard. He was armed with a skateboard.

And the convicted child molester (likely your hero because he's a child molester) who first chased and cornered Kyle, he used his care package from the looney bin as a weapon and according to the closest eye witness, lunged at Kyle's rifle in an obvious attempt to rearm himself.

Every one of them was armed.

That's all besides the point, because it is not illegal or immoral to shoot an unarmed scumbag who attacks you in the first place.

Um, yeah, you guys go with that. Just remember to send your care packages to...

He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.
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As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester is not against the law.

No, but shooting an unarmed man in the back with an illegal weapon is.

But here's the real reason why Kyle is going to go to jail.

People from Wisconsin barely tolerate people from Illinois when we are coming up for vacation and spending a shitload of money at the Dells.

They certainly don't have any use for a "flatlander" coming up and shooting the local residents.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.
That is not the law he broke before shooting anyone. And that lame ass defense is not going to work since Kyle didn't know the defendant before he shot him.
Hopefully he gets sentenced to a very long time in a very little box.

Pop and Fresh said "I'm just tryin' to be famous"....missioned accomplished.
I am ALL FOR EQUITY------"looking for trouble" could be criminalized.
Any person in attendance upon any gathering that devolves into violence
and chooses to REMAIN IN THE FRAY-----should be jailed for life
We'll see what the jury says. I don't remember the exact charge but I remember hearing it and thinking that the prosecutor is over-reaching.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester is not against the law.

No, but shooting an unarmed man in the back with an illegal weapon is.
It was an AR-15. That's not an illegal weapon . And there's no law against shooting unarmed man in the back in self-defense.

It's a clear case of self-defense. Kyle was clearly running away from the child molester. The child molester was clearly the aggressor.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.
That is not the law he broke before shooting anyone. And that lame ass defense is not going to work since Kyle didn't know the defendant before he shot him.
It doesn't matter if he knew him. Anyone can clearly see by the videos that the child molester was the aggressor who took off his shirt and used it to cover his face to hide his identity and proceeded to stalk down Kyle, then chase after him when Kyle ran like hell.

In Kyle's position, any reasonable person would be in fear for their life and act in self-defense.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.
That is not the law he broke before shooting anyone. And that lame ass defense is not going to work since Kyle didn't know the defendant before he shot him.
It doesn't matter if he knew him. Anyone can clearly see by the videos that the child molester was the aggressor who took off his shirt and used it to cover his face to hide his identity and proceeded to stalk down Kyle, then chase after him when Kyle ran like hell.

In Kyle's position, any reasonable person would be in fear for their life and act in self-defense.
Kyle broke the law just by walking down the streets with a firearm as a minor.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.
That is not the law he broke before shooting anyone. And that lame ass defense is not going to work since Kyle didn't know the defendant before he shot him.
It doesn't matter if he knew him. Anyone can clearly see by the videos that the child molester was the aggressor who took off his shirt and used it to cover his face to hide his identity and proceeded to stalk down Kyle, then chase after him when Kyle ran like hell.

In Kyle's position, any reasonable person would be in fear for their life and act in self-defense.
Kyle broke the law just by walking down the streets with a firearm as a minor.
I don't think so. He was under adult supervision.

And under US law, a 17 year old is also part of the militia.

I hope that goes to SCOTUS so they can put gun grabbing scumbag America hating leftists in their place again.

I would love to see the prosecution try to argue that the child molester who just got out of the loony bin that day somehow knew Kyle's exact age and therefore had a right to chase him down and try to confiscate Kyle's gun. Especially since the child molester that the Dems worship was a convicted felon who is not even allowed to possess a firearm.
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So have they determined who exactly was using the cheap, home made mace?

(Rock or brick in a grocery store bag)
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
Neither is beating someone with a skateboard and running off like a fucking coward.
It's legal to try and stop a murderer.

Uh.....they didn't know what happened.

So, no. Nothing was "legal".
It's legal to stop someone in Wisconsin if you have probable cause to believe they committed a felony.
And it's legal for them the defend themselves. That's exactly what Kyle did.

It's a clear case of self defense, you low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
Yes, it is legal to defend yourself. I never said otherwise. It's not legal to use excessive force to defend yourself. That's why he's charged with murder.
There was no excessive force used, dumbass. He was charged and arrested because some authoritarian America hating scumbag wanted to take a political prisoner.

You're a fucking idiot and a compulsive liar.

I bet you can't link to a single thread in which you have significantly participated in, in which you did not tell a demonstrable lie. I challenge you to do that.

I also challenge you to find even a single post of mine, in which I tell a lie. You can search through all 23,520 of them and you will not find even a single lie.
Dumbfuck, I didn't say you lied about Rittenhouse. I'm saying you're wrong. Just like you were wrong about Chauvin. You don't know shit. You didn't even know Rosenbaum was lying face down.
Of course you are simply lying again. I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos. I saw him lying facedown after he was shot.

You also lied when you claimed that the video showed him get shot while he was lying face down.

Please provide a link to a video of him getting shot by Kyle while he in lying face down. Of course you cannot do that because it simply doesn't exist. You're simply lying again.

You're a compulsive liar and a low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
"I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos."

You're lying now. Earlier I said that he was lying face down and you denied it...

Faun: Ignore the text, the video shows Rosenbaum lying face down before someone flipped him onto his back.
Muhammed: And of course you're simply lying again as usual. The video shows nothing of the sort.
And there you go lying again. I never denied that he was lying face down on the ground. And you cannot quote me saying that.

This is your other lie that I was referring to...

Faun:he was shot in the back lying face down on the ground.

That's the lie I was referring to, moron.

Granted I know you tell so many fucking lies that it's impossible for you, or anyone else, to keep track of all of them. So why even try? Why not just quit lying? Then you don't have to keep track of them. It obviously works for me.

Why is it that when idiots like you have an opinion that doesn't jibe with the truth, you simply lie to yourself and others?

I believe it is much easier and wiser to change my opinions if I find out they don't jibe with the truth, rather than fruitlessly try to change an immutable truth.

That's the huge difference between a wise person like me and an idiot like you.
You should stop lying then.

As far as him shotbin the back lying down, I already posted the video. Rosenbaum starts to fall face down after the first shot. By the 4th shot, he's face down and shot I the back. There was no other time Rittenhouse was facing Rosenbaum's back.
In what post did you post that video? Got a post number or a link?

Nobody believes you because you're a fucking compulsive liar.

Go ahead and post a video that shows him getting shot in the back while he is lying face down on the ground, liar.
Guilty of going looking for a fight and finding one. Guilty of possession weapon while underaged. Guilty of being stupid and now having to deal with the consequences.

This kid created his own nightmare and I hope they throw the book at him.

He's in his place. He's an idiot Republican.

Putting out a dumpster fire was "looking for a fight" ?

Best of luck on that one.

What was he carrying? A fire hose.
Good luck with that.
You've got to be mentally ill to support that rat.

Your opinion should go back where it came from.....the same place your head is stuck.

Are you so stupid you can't put out a fire without an extinguisher ?

You have to be a moron to think these charges are going to stick.

Dickhead he was carrying a gun.
The extinguisher story is crap.
Wow dude. You're so fucking stupid that you cannot even fathom how someone could carry both a gun and a fire extinguisher.

Here is a pic of Kyle carrying a gun, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.


You are one pathetically stupid motherfucker. Maybe even stupider than IM2 and Jillian. You are definitely in that class of stupid. 75 IQ max.

I couldn't care if he was carrying the Pacific ocean. He went with a gun which he intended to use.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion?

Well, what other reason would he take a gun for? Put the fire out? A birthday present?
He's a Republican. Democrats have more intelligence than that.
To keep the rioters from killing him.

Worked, too.
Worked alright. He's in jail and will stay there. He's just another ratbag Republican full of hate like you.
Maybe, maybe not.
Turning himself in was stupid IMO.

Thing is, when enough people see they can't get a fair trial, then they won't bother.
Oh? Who was denied a fair trial?
Guilty of going looking for a fight and finding one. Guilty of possession weapon while underaged. Guilty of being stupid and now having to deal with the consequences.

This kid created his own nightmare and I hope they throw the book at him.

He's in his place. He's an idiot Republican.

Putting out a dumpster fire was "looking for a fight" ?

Best of luck on that one.

What was he carrying? A fire hose.
Good luck with that.
You've got to be mentally ill to support that rat.

Your opinion should go back where it came from.....the same place your head is stuck.

Are you so stupid you can't put out a fire without an extinguisher ?

You have to be a moron to think these charges are going to stick.

Dickhead he was carrying a gun.
The extinguisher story is crap.
Wow dude. You're so fucking stupid that you cannot even fathom how someone could carry both a gun and a fire extinguisher.

Here is a pic of Kyle carrying a gun, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.


You are one pathetically stupid motherfucker. Maybe even stupider than IM2 and Jillian. You are definitely in that class of stupid. 75 IQ max.

I couldn't care if he was carrying the Pacific ocean. He went with a gun which he intended to use.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion?

Well, what other reason would he take a gun for? Put the fire out? A birthday present?
He's a Republican. Democrats have more intelligence than that.
Self-defense, dumbass.

Wow, you're a fucking moron.
Nope, shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
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