Kyle Rittenhouse

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As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester is not against the law.

No, but shooting an unarmed man in the back with an illegal weapon is.
It was an AR-15. That's not an illegal weapon . And there's no law against shooting unarmed man in the back in self-defense.

It's a clear case of self-defense. Kyle was clearly running away from the child molester. The child molester was clearly the aggressor.
It was illegal for him to have it. That's why Black was charged for illegally getting him the gun.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.
That is not the law he broke before shooting anyone. And that lame ass defense is not going to work since Kyle didn't know the defendant before he shot him.
It doesn't matter if he knew him. Anyone can clearly see by the videos that the child molester was the aggressor who took off his shirt and used it to cover his face to hide his identity and proceeded to stalk down Kyle, then chase after him when Kyle ran like hell.

In Kyle's position, any reasonable person would be in fear for their life and act in self-defense.
And while it started out as self-defense, it became murder when the teen murderer used excessive force and shot Rosenbaum in the back.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.
That is not the law he broke before shooting anyone. And that lame ass defense is not going to work since Kyle didn't know the defendant before he shot him.
It doesn't matter if he knew him. Anyone can clearly see by the videos that the child molester was the aggressor who took off his shirt and used it to cover his face to hide his identity and proceeded to stalk down Kyle, then chase after him when Kyle ran like hell.

In Kyle's position, any reasonable person would be in fear for their life and act in self-defense.
Kyle broke the law just by walking down the streets with a firearm as a minor.
I don't think so. He was under adult supervision.

And under US law, a 17 year old is also part of the militia.

I hope that goes to SCOTUS so they can put gun grabbing scumbag America hating leftists in their place again.

I would love to see the prosecution try to argue that the child molester who just got out of the loony bin that day somehow knew Kyle's exact age and therefore had a right to chase him down and try to confiscate Kyle's gun. Especially since the child molester that the Dems worship was a convicted felon who is not even allowed to possess a firearm.
The law in Wisconsin is he had to be at least 18 to legally carry a gun.
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!
Persecuted for defending himself guilty of being White, I think so.
I thought it had something to do with being underage to buy a weapon, buying one through a straw buyer in another state, his dumb as parents letting him go to another state to participate in a riot, cause there wasn't one in his state, (and his state knew he was too young to possess a weapon without supervision anyway), he got his weapon from the straw buyer (I heard he bought it with his stimulus check) and got into a situation way over his head, where he had no business being, in the first place and ended up with people getting killed. I am pretty sure he is not charged with being white, and think it is the dead people thing. Do you actually get or understand the news, the law or the court system in any state, or that state in particular? Everybody else but you, knew this was going to be a court case, just from the interstate weapons purchase through straw buyer alone, after he ended up killing people, whether in self-defense or not. Let the courts of that state do their job and sort it all out.

More to it than this.

If you want to leave it to the just that.

Don't piecemeal the information.
I can go with what the courts of that state decide, no matter what they decide. Personally, I do not think he should have been charged as an adult. He was not over 18 and his decision-making abilities and outcomes showed it. His parents ought to be horsewhipped for not maintaining any better control of their teenage kid. If they had kept his adolescent ass in the house that night, none of this would have happened, and he even would have been able to pick up his new AR-15 after he turned 18, but would have missed out on a fine opportunity to travel out of state, armed with an illegal weapon to a riot. If I had tried head for Memphis for the riots, back when Martin Luther King was killed, my dad would have beat my ass with a belt for even thinking of an idea, that stupid in the first place, because no matter how old and mature you think you are, you ain't allowed to be that stupid, by normal parents until you are 18.
He did nothing wrong------he shot 3 criminals who attacked him. Nothing wrong with that. if at worse, that you have to say about him is that he was 17 when he shot the 3 criminals trying to kill him, you up shit creek.
He was just an out of control dumb ass that should have never been out of his own state or had access to an illegal weapon. You want him tried as adult, but let off on murder. I don't look at it as murder, but they died by his misadventure as well as his own. He is to blame, whether murder or not, so are his parents, so is the out of state straw buyer that spent the kid's money to circumvent the law to get the kid the weapon, so was the people he was with at the location near the riot that apparently left this dumb kid on his own, so is the owner of that business that allowed the underage out-of-state kid to take part in guarding his business, while he, himself was somewhere else. Every adult involved with that dumb ass kid, shirked or mishandled their responsibilities for and to that kid and people are dead. Even if he gets off on the murder rap, which I suspect he will, being tried with the weapons charge, screws the kid pretty good. Think about it, just the weapons charge would be enough that he be never allowed to legally carry a hand gun, get a security clearance and with interstate travel involved with the weapon thing, I would not be surprised if he never got on a commercial airline flight again, even though his feet never left the ground. He may not get much time at all, but that dumb ass kid managed to Fk up his life pretty good with the help of a lot of adults that should have known better.
He is to blame for grown convicted criminals attacking him trying to kill him? What a load of shit.....The criminals deserved and needed to be shot. The prosecutor in this case needs to be disbarred and sued for prosecutorial misconduct.

He was 17----tried as adult for being a kid with gun? That's stupid. His actions were justified and no matter his age, he did some mighty fine shooting.

Want to make this boy the focal point of the dem corruption and abuse of power? There will be push back.
He is not the target of anything except the criminal charges made against him, and a jury of his peers will decide that. OK, not exactly his peers, as there probably won't be an Illinois teenager in that Wisconsin jury pool. Your appreciation and opinions (as well as my own) will not matter. I bet, they follow the law, not public opinion. I also bet, the guy that got him the AR-15 ends up in a lot of trouble also, and he was an adult handling an illegal weapons sale/transfer from the beginning. As far as I know, he is the only actual adult that can be charged with anything.
He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

Three violent criminals attacked him and he shot them to stop their attack......this is self defense.

The worse that he did was have a gun as kid, but you want to try him as an adult for it? And on top of it, you nuts want to claim that he didn't have the right to be where he wanted? But hey the criminals burning down the city did?

Set the kid free--put the prosecutor up on charges..
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
Neither is beating someone with a skateboard and running off like a fucking coward.
It's legal to try and stop a murderer.

Uh.....they didn't know what happened.

So, no. Nothing was "legal".
It's legal to stop someone in Wisconsin if you have probable cause to believe they committed a felony.
And it's legal for them the defend themselves. That's exactly what Kyle did.

It's a clear case of self defense, you low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
Yes, it is legal to defend yourself. I never said otherwise. It's not legal to use excessive force to defend yourself. That's why he's charged with murder.
There was no excessive force used, dumbass. He was charged and arrested because some authoritarian America hating scumbag wanted to take a political prisoner.

You're a fucking idiot and a compulsive liar.

I bet you can't link to a single thread in which you have significantly participated in, in which you did not tell a demonstrable lie. I challenge you to do that.

I also challenge you to find even a single post of mine, in which I tell a lie. You can search through all 23,520 of them and you will not find even a single lie.
Dumbfuck, I didn't say you lied about Rittenhouse. I'm saying you're wrong. Just like you were wrong about Chauvin. You don't know shit. You didn't even know Rosenbaum was lying face down.
Of course you are simply lying again. I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos. I saw him lying facedown after he was shot.

You also lied when you claimed that the video showed him get shot while he was lying face down.

Please provide a link to a video of him getting shot by Kyle while he in lying face down. Of course you cannot do that because it simply doesn't exist. You're simply lying again.

You're a compulsive liar and a low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
"I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos."

You're lying now. Earlier I said that he was lying face down and you denied it...

Faun: Ignore the text, the video shows Rosenbaum lying face down before someone flipped him onto his back.
Muhammed: And of course you're simply lying again as usual. The video shows nothing of the sort.
And there you go lying again. I never denied that he was lying face down on the ground. And you cannot quote me saying that.

This is your other lie that I was referring to...

Faun:he was shot in the back lying face down on the ground.

That's the lie I was referring to, moron.

Granted I know you tell so many fucking lies that it's impossible for you, or anyone else, to keep track of all of them. So why even try? Why not just quit lying? Then you don't have to keep track of them. It obviously works for me.

Why is it that when idiots like you have an opinion that doesn't jibe with the truth, you simply lie to yourself and others?

I believe it is much easier and wiser to change my opinions if I find out they don't jibe with the truth, rather than fruitlessly try to change an immutable truth.

That's the huge difference between a wise person like me and an idiot like you.
You should stop lying then.

As far as him shotbin the back lying down, I already posted the video. Rosenbaum starts to fall face down after the first shot. By the 4th shot, he's face down and shot I the back. There was no other time Rittenhouse was facing Rosenbaum's back.
In what post did you post that video? Got a post number or a link?

Nobody believes you because you're a fucking compulsive liar.

Go ahead and post a video that shows him getting shot in the back while he is lying face down on the ground, liar.

That video has a false narrative edited onto it. Kyle obviously did not fire the 3 more shots as it claims. There were many people shooting, dumbass. Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground.

However, very low IQ people like you who are easily brainwashed via the power of suggestion are very susceptible to that sort of bullshit.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you.
Persecuted for defending himself guilty of being White, I think so.
2 counts of murder. He travelled there from another town looking for trouble.
his ass would not be looking at becoming someones ass fuck toy.

Sure seems like his three assailants were looking for trouble and got two scoops: worm food #1, worm food #2, and one armed bro.

You should have gone to get some keyboard commando.
That's not how it happened but trash like you want to see it that way. This punk was underage, with an illegal weapon, out of his hometown and probably past curfew. Had he stayed home, he would not be looking at the possibility of getting a dick stuck up his young ass.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.
That is not the law he broke before shooting anyone. And that lame ass defense is not going to work since Kyle didn't know the defendant before he shot him.
It doesn't matter if he knew him. Anyone can clearly see by the videos that the child molester was the aggressor who took off his shirt and used it to cover his face to hide his identity and proceeded to stalk down Kyle, then chase after him when Kyle ran like hell.

In Kyle's position, any reasonable person would be in fear for their life and act in self-defense.
Kyle broke the law just by walking down the streets with a firearm as a minor.
I don't think so. He was under adult supervision.

And under US law, a 17 year old is also part of the militia.

I hope that goes to SCOTUS so they can put gun grabbing scumbag America hating leftists in their place again.

I would love to see the prosecution try to argue that the child molester who just got out of the loony bin that day somehow knew Kyle's exact age and therefore had a right to chase him down and try to confiscate Kyle's gun. Especially since the child molester that the Dems worship was a convicted felon who is not even allowed to possess a firearm.
The law in Wisconsin is he had to be at least 18 to legally carry a gun.
Unless he's under adult supervision, which he was. He was with several adults.
Hopefully he gets sentenced to a very long time in a very little box.

Pop and Fresh said "I'm just tryin' to be famous"....missioned accomplished.

The only sentence he is going to get is "Not guilty".'s not really a true sentence......

No jury convicts a kid for killing people who are chasing him.

We'll see.

If I remember the charges....I think the prosecutor is over-reaching a bit. But as we saw with Chauvin...some juries outside of the South are in the mood to hold murderers accountable.

Again, we'll see.

Good thing he isn't a murderer.

As we saw with Chauvin....our system isn't perfect. In fact, far from it.
Chauvin is a murderer. He was filmed doing it.
Persecuted for defending himself guilty of being White, I think so.
I thought it had something to do with being underage to buy a weapon, buying one through a straw buyer in another state, his dumb as parents letting him go to another state to participate in a riot, cause there wasn't one in his state, (and his state knew he was too young to possess a weapon without supervision anyway), he got his weapon from the straw buyer (I heard he bought it with his stimulus check) and got into a situation way over his head, where he had no business being, in the first place and ended up with people getting killed. I am pretty sure he is not charged with being white, and think it is the dead people thing. Do you actually get or understand the news, the law or the court system in any state, or that state in particular? Everybody else but you, knew this was going to be a court case, just from the interstate weapons purchase through straw buyer alone, after he ended up killing people, whether in self-defense or not. Let the courts of that state do their job and sort it all out.

More to it than this.

If you want to leave it to the just that.

Don't piecemeal the information.
I can go with what the courts of that state decide, no matter what they decide. Personally, I do not think he should have been charged as an adult. He was not over 18 and his decision-making abilities and outcomes showed it. His parents ought to be horsewhipped for not maintaining any better control of their teenage kid. If they had kept his adolescent ass in the house that night, none of this would have happened, and he even would have been able to pick up his new AR-15 after he turned 18, but would have missed out on a fine opportunity to travel out of state, armed with an illegal weapon to a riot. If I had tried head for Memphis for the riots, back when Martin Luther King was killed, my dad would have beat my ass with a belt for even thinking of an idea, that stupid in the first place, because no matter how old and mature you think you are, you ain't allowed to be that stupid, by normal parents until you are 18.
He did nothing wrong------he shot 3 criminals who attacked him. Nothing wrong with that. if at worse, that you have to say about him is that he was 17 when he shot the 3 criminals trying to kill him, you up shit creek.
He was just an out of control dumb ass that should have never been out of his own state or had access to an illegal weapon. You want him tried as adult, but let off on murder. I don't look at it as murder, but they died by his misadventure as well as his own. He is to blame, whether murder or not, so are his parents, so is the out of state straw buyer that spent the kid's money to circumvent the law to get the kid the weapon, so was the people he was with at the location near the riot that apparently left this dumb kid on his own, so is the owner of that business that allowed the underage out-of-state kid to take part in guarding his business, while he, himself was somewhere else. Every adult involved with that dumb ass kid, shirked or mishandled their responsibilities for and to that kid and people are dead. Even if he gets off on the murder rap, which I suspect he will, being tried with the weapons charge, screws the kid pretty good. Think about it, just the weapons charge would be enough that he be never allowed to legally carry a hand gun, get a security clearance and with interstate travel involved with the weapon thing, I would not be surprised if he never got on a commercial airline flight again, even though his feet never left the ground. He may not get much time at all, but that dumb ass kid managed to Fk up his life pretty good with the help of a lot of adults that should have known better.
He is to blame for grown convicted criminals attacking him trying to kill him? What a load of shit.....The criminals deserved and needed to be shot. The prosecutor in this case needs to be disbarred and sued for prosecutorial misconduct.

He was 17----tried as adult for being a kid with gun? That's stupid. His actions were justified and no matter his age, he did some mighty fine shooting.

Want to make this boy the focal point of the dem corruption and abuse of power? There will be push back.
He is not the target of anything except the criminal charges made against him, and a jury of his peers will decide that. OK, not exactly his peers, as there probably won't be an Illinois teenager in that Wisconsin jury pool. Your appreciation and opinions (as well as my own) will not matter. I bet, they follow the law, not public opinion. I also bet, the guy that got him the AR-15 ends up in a lot of trouble also, and he was an adult handling an illegal weapons sale/transfer from the beginning. As far as I know, he is the only actual adult that can be charged with anything.
He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

Three violent criminals attacked him and he shot them to stop their attack......this is self defense.

The worse that he did was have a gun as kid, but you want to try him as an adult for it? And on top of it, you nuts want to claim that he didn't have the right to be where he wanted? But hey the criminals burning down the city did?

Set the kid free--put the prosecutor up on charges..

Guilty of going looking for a fight and finding one. Guilty of possession weapon while underaged. Guilty of being stupid and now having to deal with the consequences.

This kid created his own nightmare and I hope they throw the book at him.

He's in his place. He's an idiot Republican.

Putting out a dumpster fire was "looking for a fight" ?

Best of luck on that one.

What was he carrying? A fire hose.
Good luck with that.
You've got to be mentally ill to support that rat.

Your opinion should go back where it came from.....the same place your head is stuck.

Are you so stupid you can't put out a fire without an extinguisher ?

You have to be a moron to think these charges are going to stick.

Dickhead he was carrying a gun.
The extinguisher story is crap.
Wow dude. You're so fucking stupid that you cannot even fathom how someone could carry both a gun and a fire extinguisher.

Here is a pic of Kyle carrying a gun, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.


You are one pathetically stupid motherfucker. Maybe even stupider than IM2 and Jillian. You are definitely in that class of stupid. 75 IQ max.

I couldn't care if he was carrying the Pacific ocean. He went with a gun which he intended to use.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion?

Well, what other reason would he take a gun for? Put the fire out? A birthday present?
He's a Republican. Democrats have more intelligence than that.
Self-defense, dumbass.

Wow, you're a fucking moron.
Nope, shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. In this case, the video evidence proves beyond any shadow of doubt that it was self-defense.
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He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
Neither is beating someone with a skateboard and running off like a fucking coward.
It's legal to try and stop a murderer.

Uh.....they didn't know what happened.

So, no. Nothing was "legal".
It's legal to stop someone in Wisconsin if you have probable cause to believe they committed a felony.
And it's legal for them the defend themselves. That's exactly what Kyle did.

It's a clear case of self defense, you low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
Yes, it is legal to defend yourself. I never said otherwise. It's not legal to use excessive force to defend yourself. That's why he's charged with murder.
There was no excessive force used, dumbass. He was charged and arrested because some authoritarian America hating scumbag wanted to take a political prisoner.

You're a fucking idiot and a compulsive liar.

I bet you can't link to a single thread in which you have significantly participated in, in which you did not tell a demonstrable lie. I challenge you to do that.

I also challenge you to find even a single post of mine, in which I tell a lie. You can search through all 23,520 of them and you will not find even a single lie.
Dumbfuck, I didn't say you lied about Rittenhouse. I'm saying you're wrong. Just like you were wrong about Chauvin. You don't know shit. You didn't even know Rosenbaum was lying face down.
Of course you are simply lying again. I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos. I saw him lying facedown after he was shot.

You also lied when you claimed that the video showed him get shot while he was lying face down.

Please provide a link to a video of him getting shot by Kyle while he in lying face down. Of course you cannot do that because it simply doesn't exist. You're simply lying again.

You're a compulsive liar and a low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
"I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos."

You're lying now. Earlier I said that he was lying face down and you denied it...

Faun: Ignore the text, the video shows Rosenbaum lying face down before someone flipped him onto his back.
Muhammed: And of course you're simply lying again as usual. The video shows nothing of the sort.
And there you go lying again. I never denied that he was lying face down on the ground. And you cannot quote me saying that.

This is your other lie that I was referring to...

Faun:he was shot in the back lying face down on the ground.

That's the lie I was referring to, moron.

Granted I know you tell so many fucking lies that it's impossible for you, or anyone else, to keep track of all of them. So why even try? Why not just quit lying? Then you don't have to keep track of them. It obviously works for me.

Why is it that when idiots like you have an opinion that doesn't jibe with the truth, you simply lie to yourself and others?

I believe it is much easier and wiser to change my opinions if I find out they don't jibe with the truth, rather than fruitlessly try to change an immutable truth.

That's the huge difference between a wise person like me and an idiot like you.
You should stop lying then.

As far as him shotbin the back lying down, I already posted the video. Rosenbaum starts to fall face down after the first shot. By the 4th shot, he's face down and shot I the back. There was no other time Rittenhouse was facing Rosenbaum's back.
In what post did you post that video? Got a post number or a link?

Nobody believes you because you're a fucking compulsive liar.

Go ahead and post a video that shows him getting shot in the back while he is lying face down on the ground, liar.

That video has a false narrative edited onto it. Kyle obviously did not fire the 3 more shots as it claims. There were many people shooting, dumbass. Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground.

However, very low IQ people like you who are easily brainwashed via the power of suggestion are very susceptible to that sort of bullshit.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you.

So? It's still the video. Ignore the text.

"Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground."

Kyle shot the child molester 4 times -- the 4th was in the back when he was lying on the ground face down. That's the moment it went from self-defense to murder.
Hopefully he gets sentenced to a very long time in a very little box.

Pop and Fresh said "I'm just tryin' to be famous"....missioned accomplished.

The only sentence he is going to get is "Not guilty".'s not really a true sentence......

No jury convicts a kid for killing people who are chasing him.

Why were they chasing him?

They witnessed him killing/murdering a man with his riffle.

The men risked their lives to try to stop him from getting away with murder and possibly killing others.

And he did kill others after his first kill. It just so happened to be, these two men. May they rest in peace!
Persecuted for defending himself guilty of being White, I think so.
2 counts of murder. He travelled there from another town looking for trouble.
his ass would not be looking at becoming someones ass fuck toy.

Sure seems like his three assailants were looking for trouble and got two scoops: worm food #1, worm food #2, and one armed bro.

You should have gone to get some keyboard commando.
That's not how it happened but trash like you want to see it that way. This punk was underage, with an illegal weapon, out of his hometown and probably past curfew. Had he stayed home, he would not be looking at the possibility of getting a dick stuck up his young ass.
You would be blame the child victim for being raped by the child molestor? You are one sick immoral puppy IM2 and you wonder why prison has your name all over it and no one wants to hire you. Ever thought that it might be YOU?
Guilty of going looking for a fight and finding one. Guilty of possession weapon while underaged. Guilty of being stupid and now having to deal with the consequences.

This kid created his own nightmare and I hope they throw the book at him.

He's in his place. He's an idiot Republican.

Putting out a dumpster fire was "looking for a fight" ?

Best of luck on that one.

What was he carrying? A fire hose.
Good luck with that.
You've got to be mentally ill to support that rat.

Your opinion should go back where it came from.....the same place your head is stuck.

Are you so stupid you can't put out a fire without an extinguisher ?

You have to be a moron to think these charges are going to stick.

Dickhead he was carrying a gun.
The extinguisher story is crap.
Wow dude. You're so fucking stupid that you cannot even fathom how someone could carry both a gun and a fire extinguisher.

Here is a pic of Kyle carrying a gun, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.


You are one pathetically stupid motherfucker. Maybe even stupider than IM2 and Jillian. You are definitely in that class of stupid. 75 IQ max.

I couldn't care if he was carrying the Pacific ocean. He went with a gun which he intended to use.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion?

Well, what other reason would he take a gun for? Put the fire out? A birthday present?
He's a Republican. Democrats have more intelligence than that.
Self-defense, dumbass.

Wow, you're a fucking moron.

I might be a moron but he's the one in jail. You cannot shoot people and get away with it, self defence or other wise.
He didn't go there to do anything but shoot them. Fire extinguisher my arse. That was a front.
You hate filled mongrels are cheering him because he fired into those you hate and blacks. That's what it's all about and you know it. You piece of shit.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
Neither is beating someone with a skateboard and running off like a fucking coward.
It's legal to try and stop a murderer.

Uh.....they didn't know what happened.

So, no. Nothing was "legal".
It's legal to stop someone in Wisconsin if you have probable cause to believe they committed a felony.
And it's legal for them the defend themselves. That's exactly what Kyle did.

It's a clear case of self defense, you low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
Yes, it is legal to defend yourself. I never said otherwise. It's not legal to use excessive force to defend yourself. That's why he's charged with murder.
There was no excessive force used, dumbass. He was charged and arrested because some authoritarian America hating scumbag wanted to take a political prisoner.

You're a fucking idiot and a compulsive liar.

I bet you can't link to a single thread in which you have significantly participated in, in which you did not tell a demonstrable lie. I challenge you to do that.

I also challenge you to find even a single post of mine, in which I tell a lie. You can search through all 23,520 of them and you will not find even a single lie.
Dumbfuck, I didn't say you lied about Rittenhouse. I'm saying you're wrong. Just like you were wrong about Chauvin. You don't know shit. You didn't even know Rosenbaum was lying face down.
Of course you are simply lying again. I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos. I saw him lying facedown after he was shot.

You also lied when you claimed that the video showed him get shot while he was lying face down.

Please provide a link to a video of him getting shot by Kyle while he in lying face down. Of course you cannot do that because it simply doesn't exist. You're simply lying again.

You're a compulsive liar and a low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
"I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos."

You're lying now. Earlier I said that he was lying face down and you denied it...

Faun: Ignore the text, the video shows Rosenbaum lying face down before someone flipped him onto his back.
Muhammed: And of course you're simply lying again as usual. The video shows nothing of the sort.
And there you go lying again. I never denied that he was lying face down on the ground. And you cannot quote me saying that.

This is your other lie that I was referring to...

Faun:he was shot in the back lying face down on the ground.

That's the lie I was referring to, moron.

Granted I know you tell so many fucking lies that it's impossible for you, or anyone else, to keep track of all of them. So why even try? Why not just quit lying? Then you don't have to keep track of them. It obviously works for me.

Why is it that when idiots like you have an opinion that doesn't jibe with the truth, you simply lie to yourself and others?

I believe it is much easier and wiser to change my opinions if I find out they don't jibe with the truth, rather than fruitlessly try to change an immutable truth.

That's the huge difference between a wise person like me and an idiot like you.
You should stop lying then.

As far as him shotbin the back lying down, I already posted the video. Rosenbaum starts to fall face down after the first shot. By the 4th shot, he's face down and shot I the back. There was no other time Rittenhouse was facing Rosenbaum's back.
In what post did you post that video? Got a post number or a link?

Nobody believes you because you're a fucking compulsive liar.

Go ahead and post a video that shows him getting shot in the back while he is lying face down on the ground, liar.

That video has a false narrative edited onto it. Kyle obviously did not fire the 3 more shots as it claims. There were many people shooting, dumbass. Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground.

However, very low IQ people like you who are easily brainwashed via the power of suggestion are very susceptible to that sort of bullshit.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you.

So? It's still the video. Ignore the text.

"Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground."

Kyle shot the child molester 4 times -- the 4th was in the back when he was lying on the ground face down. That's the moment it went from self-defense to murder.

Bullshit. It was all one short burst of gunfire in self-defense. It wouldn't matter if it was 5 or 10 shots, it would still be self-defense. Kyle was not the attacker, he was the defender.

You're just too fucking stupid to comprehend that obvious fact.
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He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Clearly he was breaking the law before he fired a shot.
As much as every Democrat on this board would like it to be, running away from a child molester, who just prematurely got out of the loony bin, is not against the law.

Ok. How did Kyle know this? How did he know the person was a Child Molester?
Guilty of going looking for a fight and finding one. Guilty of possession weapon while underaged. Guilty of being stupid and now having to deal with the consequences.

This kid created his own nightmare and I hope they throw the book at him.

He's in his place. He's an idiot Republican.

Putting out a dumpster fire was "looking for a fight" ?

Best of luck on that one.

What was he carrying? A fire hose.
Good luck with that.
You've got to be mentally ill to support that rat.

Your opinion should go back where it came from.....the same place your head is stuck.

Are you so stupid you can't put out a fire without an extinguisher ?

You have to be a moron to think these charges are going to stick.

Dickhead he was carrying a gun.
The extinguisher story is crap.
Wow dude. You're so fucking stupid that you cannot even fathom how someone could carry both a gun and a fire extinguisher.

Here is a pic of Kyle carrying a gun, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.


You are one pathetically stupid motherfucker. Maybe even stupider than IM2 and Jillian. You are definitely in that class of stupid. 75 IQ max.

I couldn't care if he was carrying the Pacific ocean. He went with a gun which he intended to use.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion?

Well, what other reason would he take a gun for? Put the fire out? A birthday present?
He's a Republican. Democrats have more intelligence than that.
Self-defense, dumbass.

Wow, you're a fucking moron.

I might be a moron but he's the one in jail. You cannot shoot people and get away with it, self defence or other wise.
He didn't go there to do anything but shoot them. Fire extinguisher my arse. That was a front.
You hate filled mongrels are cheering him because he fired into those you hate and blacks. That's what it's all about and you know it. You piece of shit.
He is not in jail and he didn't shoot at any blacks you fucking moron.

How did you get so fucking stupid?
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.
Shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
Neither is beating someone with a skateboard and running off like a fucking coward.
It's legal to try and stop a murderer.

Uh.....they didn't know what happened.

So, no. Nothing was "legal".
It's legal to stop someone in Wisconsin if you have probable cause to believe they committed a felony.
And it's legal for them the defend themselves. That's exactly what Kyle did.

It's a clear case of self defense, you low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
Yes, it is legal to defend yourself. I never said otherwise. It's not legal to use excessive force to defend yourself. That's why he's charged with murder.
There was no excessive force used, dumbass. He was charged and arrested because some authoritarian America hating scumbag wanted to take a political prisoner.

You're a fucking idiot and a compulsive liar.

I bet you can't link to a single thread in which you have significantly participated in, in which you did not tell a demonstrable lie. I challenge you to do that.

I also challenge you to find even a single post of mine, in which I tell a lie. You can search through all 23,520 of them and you will not find even a single lie.
Dumbfuck, I didn't say you lied about Rittenhouse. I'm saying you're wrong. Just like you were wrong about Chauvin. You don't know shit. You didn't even know Rosenbaum was lying face down.
Of course you are simply lying again. I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos. I saw him lying facedown after he was shot.

You also lied when you claimed that the video showed him get shot while he was lying face down.

Please provide a link to a video of him getting shot by Kyle while he in lying face down. Of course you cannot do that because it simply doesn't exist. You're simply lying again.

You're a compulsive liar and a low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
"I knew he was lying face down because I saw a shitload of videos."

You're lying now. Earlier I said that he was lying face down and you denied it...

Faun: Ignore the text, the video shows Rosenbaum lying face down before someone flipped him onto his back.
Muhammed: And of course you're simply lying again as usual. The video shows nothing of the sort.
And there you go lying again. I never denied that he was lying face down on the ground. And you cannot quote me saying that.

This is your other lie that I was referring to...

Faun:he was shot in the back lying face down on the ground.

That's the lie I was referring to, moron.

Granted I know you tell so many fucking lies that it's impossible for you, or anyone else, to keep track of all of them. So why even try? Why not just quit lying? Then you don't have to keep track of them. It obviously works for me.

Why is it that when idiots like you have an opinion that doesn't jibe with the truth, you simply lie to yourself and others?

I believe it is much easier and wiser to change my opinions if I find out they don't jibe with the truth, rather than fruitlessly try to change an immutable truth.

That's the huge difference between a wise person like me and an idiot like you.
You should stop lying then.

As far as him shotbin the back lying down, I already posted the video. Rosenbaum starts to fall face down after the first shot. By the 4th shot, he's face down and shot I the back. There was no other time Rittenhouse was facing Rosenbaum's back.
In what post did you post that video? Got a post number or a link?

Nobody believes you because you're a fucking compulsive liar.

Go ahead and post a video that shows him getting shot in the back while he is lying face down on the ground, liar.

That video has a false narrative edited onto it. Kyle obviously did not fire the 3 more shots as it claims. There were many people shooting, dumbass. Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground.

However, very low IQ people like you who are easily brainwashed via the power of suggestion are very susceptible to that sort of bullshit.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you.

So? It's still the video. Ignore the text.

"Kyle shot the child molester three times before he hit the ground."

Kyle shot the child molester 4 times -- the 4th was in the back when he was lying on the ground face down. That's the moment it went from self-defense to murder.

Bullshit. It was all one burst of gunfire in self-defense. It wouldn't matter if it was 5 or 10 shots, it would still be self-defense. Kyle was not the attacker, he was the defender.

You're just too fucking stupid to comprehend that obvious fact.

Nope, it's not all one burst. It's not an automatic weapon. He had to squeeze the trigger 4 times in order to get 4 shots.

And of course it matters. Self-defense is not a legal pass to murder someone. When employing self-defense, you're only allowed to use as much force as necessary to stop the threat. If killing an attacker is needed to stop the threat, the law allows that. It does not allow you to stop the threat but then continue shooting anyway.
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