Kyle Rittenhouse

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The guy who got his bicep shot off was a felon with a handgun, actively attacking someone with it, when he was shot
False. Sorry. Maybe you didnt hear, but that wasnt true, and he had a perfectly legal license to carry.

Got anything else? I suppose not, since your entire diatribe rested on that error.
Really? I'd like a link to that.

Don't much care though, because I have stated more than once that I don't have any problem with felons having guns....... attacking someone with it, is still a crime though.
And he did.
On video.
And he hasn't been charged.

Why do you suppose that is, if not politics?
What other reason is there?
Still waiting.... what felony did he commit...?
Other than aggravated assault with a firearm on the night in question, which it seems he won't be charged with, I can't find anything...... so I guess I was wrong about him being a convicted felon.
Mea culpa

You guys should all hire him as a babysitter, since he is clearly a man of sterling character, lol.
Uh, you claimed Grosskreutz is a felon.

And it wasn't assault as he never pointed the gun at Rittenhouse.
I did, as all the news stories claimed he was.
I guess that was wrong.

He did however, attack Rittenhouse with a pistol. And got shot for it, as he should have.
Why do you object to that?
Other than the political affiliations of the parties in question, that is?
I object because Grosskreutz had a right to try to disarm an active shooter. In retrospect, Grosskreutz should have just shot Rittenhouse when he had the chance. A missed opportunity he himself regrets not taking.
No he didn't.

Give it up already.... you're just making up lies to support the mob.
And you are just as evil as they are.
You're a fucking nut. People have a right to disarm an active shooter.
You don't get to try to murder a kid for defending himself and then lie and call him an "active shooter".

You're a really horrible person....... how did your mom carry you for 9 months? I would think something as toxic as you inside her would have been fatal.

Another fun little fact:

The little lie the child killer told about going there to provide "medical services" was a lie.

Ironically, the guy whose arm he shot is a trained medic who was there providing medical services to injured people.

It's pretty clear with are dealing with two levels of quality of people, here.
Ironically the third guy that Kyle shot was also another violent druggy and convicted Criminal. Kyle shot 3 criminals that day. The child deserves a medal.
hem pleading out is an indictment of the legal system more than anything else. They paid off the local state government to the tune of a few hundred bucks in exchange for the legal system fucking off and leaving them alone. Big whoop.... :rolleyes:

And they did nothing wrong.

But I understand why someone like you would hate people for standing up for themselves and defending their property; you're that kind of person.

He seems disappointed that he didn't get to BURN THE WITCH!
That's exactly what this is like.
Why is he the only one being prosecuted?
I am not your assistant. Make your points.

Maybe it's because he is the only one who harmed and killed people? Good luck.
And maybe it's for political reasons.
The state wants a monopoly on force, and always seeks to punish anyone who uses force without their okay, whether justified or not.
If it is demonstrated that a riot can be put down by just a few men with rifles, then why do we need the state, then?
Why then, do we need police and DA's and judges and all the rest?

The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.” ― Jeff Cooper, Art of the Rifle
So you just better hope there are more “good men” with rifles than idiotic wannabes like Rittenhouse who shot and killed two unarmed men.

At least those employed by the state know law and can be held accountable. Vigilantes? Not so much. History is full of bad examp,es.
Did you really just state that agents of the state are held accountable for misconduct?

Wow........ :omg:
Wow is right.

I said CAN BE. The system isn’t perfect but it is a hell of a lot better than a bunch vigilantes taking it upon themselves to be judge, jury and executioner.
Is it?

You sure about that?

Because I'm not, and based on the last year's worth of riots, neither are a lot of other folks.
Yup. I am sure of that.

And these two winners:

Were DEms well within their rights to get their guns and defend their homes from the BLM and anti-fa criminals. Fucking dem and their brown shirts are abusing the criminal system to harass the law abidding in favor of the violent criminal druggies.
Ironically the third guy that Kyle shot was also another violent druggy and convicted Criminal.
Irrelevant, except to those looking to dwell in the realm of emotions and bigotry rather than objectivity and law. Kyle did not know these things, and it would have made no difference if he had. It's just an appeal to emotion to people who don't need it and have already sided with their emotions.

Another fun little fact:

The little lie the child killer told about going there to provide "medical services" was a lie.

Ironically, the guy whose arm he shot is a trained medic who was there providing medical services to injured people.

It's pretty clear with are dealing with two levels of quality of people, here.
Ironically the third guy that Kyle shot was also another violent druggy and convicted Criminal. Kyle shot 3 criminals that day. The child deserves a medal.
And the Capitol police officer shot and killed a traitor.
Why did Ashli attempt to crawl thru that window were there was direct access to the Congress members?
Were DEms well within their rights to get their guns and defend their homes from the BLM and anti-fa criminals.
Anyone is within their rights to do that. You aren't doing a very good job of defending two convicted criminals, there. These overly general statements don't apply in every single situation. Courts will not always accept anything you claim to perceive as an immediate threat. This has always been true.
So trying to save a city from destruction is in your eyes a "bad thing"
Correct, when the effort is 100% comprised of a vigilante with an illegal firearm, and "saving the city from destruction" is embarrassing, false hyperbole that, if believed in this case, shows paranoid delusion on the part of the actor.

I am calling stupid, stupid. And immoral, immoral. And vigliantiism illegal, and illegal possession of a firearm, illegal. Is this the point where you run into a brick wall and start talking about me? I have a fan club you can join.
You got some foam at the corner of your mouth.
Was he though? If one-arm boy isn't a criminal, then neither is the kid.
Irrelevant whataboutism, not a defense of Rittenhouse possessing a firearm illegally, also based on a lie about the other guy possessing a firearm illegally that persists in right wing circles

-Did he? I didn't see him chasing anyone.
Also irrelevant, chasing wasn't mentioned or required

Apparently not, he is charged with murder. Your excuses that you contrive to suit your political fetishes are not a good defense and will not work in court.
There are 2 guys in the US that are recognized as being subject matter experts on lawful self defense; Massad Ayoob, and Andrew Branca.
Here is Branca's take on it;
From the link;


Kyle Rittenhouse’s use of deadly defensive force in killing his attacker in the Parking Lot Confrontation and in killing one attacker and maiming another in the Street Confrontation was collectively, and to a reasonable degree of legal certainty, lawful uses of deadly defensive force, justified self-defense, and not criminal conduct.

Indeed, each and every one of the persons against whom Kyle defended himself was themselves committing felony aggravated assaults upon him. Two of those deadly force attackers are, of course dead, having been foiled in their efforts to murder a 17-year-old boy, and are therefore beyond the reach of earthly justice.

The man who attempted to murder Kyle with his pistol and got a maimed arm in the process, however, ought in any fair world to be charged with attempted murder, prosecuted, tried, and (assuming a sane and rational jury) convicted of that charge and sentenced to prison for the rest of his life. At least he’ll have a cool scar going in."

It's pretty long, but do follow the link and RTWT.
So trying to save a city from destruction is in your eyes a "bad thing"
Correct, when the effort is 100% comprised of a vigilante with an illegal firearm, and "saving the city from destruction" is embarrassing, false hyperbole that, if believed in this case, shows paranoid delusion on the part of the actor.

I am calling stupid, stupid. And immoral, immoral. And vigliantiism illegal, and illegal possession of a firearm, illegal. Is this the point where you run into a brick wall and start talking about me? I have a fan club you can join.
You got some foam at the corner of your mouth.
Ha, called that one. Need the link to my fan club, son?
keep saying "facts and reality" when you're referring to the imaginary bullshit in your head.
Well lets review:

- Rittenhouse illegally possessing a firearm
- Rittenhouse seeks out and confronts protestors (he went to them)
- Rittenhouse kills a man who rushed him
- others rush him, he shoots them too
- Rittenhouse charged with murder

Start there?
Well baby so did this 12 year old child illegally have a gun that he used to save his mother from an intruder. Shooting the bad guys is never wrong----even if you are under the age of 18. IF you had a moral compass you would know this deep down inside.


Another fun little fact:

The little lie the child killer told about going there to provide "medical services" was a lie.

Ironically, the guy whose arm he shot is a trained medic who was there providing medical services to injured people.

It's pretty clear with are dealing with two levels of quality of people, here.
Ironically the third guy that Kyle shot was also another violent druggy and convicted Criminal. Kyle shot 3 criminals that day. The child deserves a medal.
Blue Bye-You

Only with millennials like Kyle will America have a future. They should all build Great America, after it declares its independence from Ingrate America.
There are 2 guys in the US that are recognized as being subject matter experts on lawful self defense; Massad Ayoob, and Andrew Branca.
I am pretty sure there are more than two. I bet there are more like thousands. And perhaps finding the opinion of one who is not self-promoting his own practice would be a better idea. This is why we have arguments and evidence in court. Reiterating an opinion over and over is not really support for it. Those arguments will have to successfully be made in a court of law. And I don't see any good arguments, there. I see a series of claims; the same claims you have already repeated over and over. That is not an argument.

What I see there is an opening statement from an attorney. We already know the stances of the two sides in this case. No need to rehash them.
You clowns want to make Kyle a hero
You want to vilify the shooter of insurrectionist and traitor Ashli
These guys arent complicated. They want Rittenhouse acquitted because they want white ming militia freaks to be able to hunt protestors. Not sure who they think they are fooling with this dog and pony show. They want white cosplay soldiers with long guns to be able to confront protestors, then be able to legally kill them if the protestors resist their armed death threats and nonexistent authority.
Not sure who you think you're fooling with this dog and pony show, but you want mobs to have carte blanche, and you want anyone who refuses to let themselves be run over by the mob, be run over by a legal system you are weaponizing against them, because you don't recognize the authority inherent in every man to defend himself and his property.

We're not going to allow that.
Well baby so did this 12 year old child illegally have a gun that he used to save his mother from an intruder.
Another irrelevant appeal to emotion. What matters here are the differences, not the similarities. If Rittenhouse shot a home intruder, he would not be charged with murder. So let's try to stick to reality.
Not sure who you think you're fooling with this dog and pony show, but you want mobs to have carte blanche, and you want anyone who refuses to let themselves be run over by the mob, be run over by a legal system you are weaponizing against them, because you don't recognize the authority inherent in every man to defend himself and his property.
As if this is an accurate or even ballpark description of a child traveling out of State with an illegal gun to seek out protestors. You embarrass yourself.
So trying to save a city from destruction is in your eyes a "bad thing"
Correct, when the effort is 100% comprised of a vigilante with an illegal firearm, and "saving the city from destruction" is embarrassing, false hyperbole that, if believed in this case, shows paranoid delusion on the part of the actor.

I am calling stupid, stupid. And immoral, immoral. And vigliantiism illegal, and illegal possession of a firearm, illegal. Is this the point where you run into a brick wall and start talking about me? I have a fan club you can join.
You're a statist who doesn't believe anything is legitimate unless it is done by the "authorities".

That's actually a very un-American value system.
Ironically the third guy that Kyle shot was also another violent druggy and convicted Criminal.
Irrelevant, except to those looking to dwell in the realm of emotions and bigotry rather than objectivity and law. Kyle did not know these things, and it would have made no difference if he had. It's just an appeal to emotion to people who don't need it and have already sided with their emotions.
Honey, not everyone is as clueless as a dem....................

I'll help you out---3 adult men are out burning down the city and attacking a child all.......the odds that these idiots have criminals records and are dems is well over 95%.

Secondly, common sense----for self defense---demand that if you have adult men attacking anyone especially a child and that the child or even adult shoots them---that it is classic self defense.

These are not emotional facts---these are stone cold hard facts.

OH btw, how the hell is it BIGOTRY to think violent criminals should be shot to protect children?
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