Kyle Rittenhouse

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Pause this it at 1:03 in this video. Notice that the tackler's torso is not facing the ball carrier. It's actually facing the ground, not the ball carrier. It's facing away from the ball carrier.

Yet obviously he still made the tackle, because regardless of the fact that he wasn't facing the ball carrier, his momentum carried him into the ball carrier.

Understand now? Or no?

Mother of God you're reaching, and you're failing.

First, off, we're talking about someone being shot in the back, not being tyackled in a football game. Second, if the tackler's back had been facing the ball carrier, he never would've made the tackle. He would've been no threat. That would've been an appropriate comparison. But, that comparison only proves you wrong, so you want nothing to do with it...

Rosenbaum was charging at Kyle just like that football player.

Also, someone's back doesn't need to be facing you in order for you shoot them in the back, jackass.

To prove this to yourself, stand several feet way from your kitchen table. Imagine that the top surface of your tabletop is the back of an attacker who is rushing towards you.

The attacker is not facing you, it's facing away from you towards the floor and it's back is facing away from you towards the ceiling. Now see if you can shoot a picture of the table top with your Cannon.

If you can, that's proof that someone does not need to be facing you to be a threat, and you could shoot that threat in the back.

Anyone who thinks that a gunshot wound to the back constitutes evidence that the shooting wasn't in self-defense is a fucking moron.


You're such a fucking idiot. :lmao:

Moron, Rittenhouse wasn't several feet away from Rosenbaum. He was standing right next to him. And Rosenbaum wasn't 3 feet off the ground. He was laying face down on it.

Who knows why you're so desperate to think you can alter reality.

Bullshit. The child molester was rushing full speed at Kyle just like a football player making a tackle. And dove after his gun.

The video evidence and eyewitness testimony proves it conclusively. Kyle shot is self defense.

The only reason you are arguing to the contrary is to defend your kindred spirit, the child molester. And there's no way in hell you could ever pass a simple geometry or human physiology test. You're just too stupid.

You're a moron and a sick puppy.

Dumbfuck, it's on video. The only reason you deny reality is because you're delirious.

Rosenbaum was close enough to Rittenhouse to grab for his gun. When the first shot is fired, Rosenbaum can be seen falling down forward at Rittenhouse's feet. The first 2 or 3 shots hit Rosenbaum in his hand, groin & thigh, shattering his pelvis. You're beyond crazy to think he could get up from that. Or worse, lunge at Rittenhouse like he was going to tackle him, as you moronically suggested. The 4th shot hit Rosenbaum, who was lying prone, face down on the ground, in the back, perforating his lung. It's that last shot that transitions from self-defense to murder. And I'm not entirely sure, but being a person can't use self-defense while in the commission of a crime, it might be the case the jury won't consider self-defense for Rittenhouse since he was criminally in possession of that gun.
Pause this it at 1:03 in this video. Notice that the tackler's torso is not facing the ball carrier. It's actually facing the ground, not the ball carrier. It's facing away from the ball carrier.

Yet obviously he still made the tackle, because regardless of the fact that he wasn't facing the ball carrier, his momentum carried him into the ball carrier.

Understand now? Or no?

Mother of God you're reaching, and you're failing.

First, off, we're talking about someone being shot in the back, not being tyackled in a football game. Second, if the tackler's back had been facing the ball carrier, he never would've made the tackle. He would've been no threat. That would've been an appropriate comparison. But, that comparison only proves you wrong, so you want nothing to do with it...

Rosenbaum was charging at Kyle just like that football player.

Also, someone's back doesn't need to be facing you in order for you shoot them in the back, jackass.

To prove this to yourself, stand several feet way from your kitchen table. Imagine that the top surface of your tabletop is the back of an attacker who is rushing towards you.

The attacker is not facing you, it's facing away from you towards the floor and it's back is facing away from you towards the ceiling. Now see if you can shoot a picture of the table top with your Cannon.

If you can, that's proof that someone does not need to be facing you to be a threat, and you could shoot that threat in the back.

Anyone who thinks that a gunshot wound to the back constitutes evidence that the shooting wasn't in self-defense is a fucking moron.


You're such a fucking idiot. :lmao:

Moron, Rittenhouse wasn't several feet away from Rosenbaum. He was standing right next to him. And Rosenbaum wasn't 3 feet off the ground. He was laying face down on it.

Who knows why you're so desperate to think you can alter reality.

Bullshit. The child molester was rushing full speed at Kyle just like a football player making a tackle. And dove after his gun.

The video evidence and eyewitness testimony proves it conclusively. Kyle shot is self defense.

The only reason you are arguing to the contrary is to defend your kindred spirit, the child molester. And there's no way in hell you could ever pass a simple geometry or human physiology test. You're just too stupid.

You're a moron and a sick puppy.

Fair enough.
You defend Kyle. I get it.
Kyle was under attack
Kyle reacted.

An extremely agitated violent career criminal took his shirt off and very quickly fashioned it into a mask and hood, and the mugger started following/stalking Kyle when he got separated from the group. Like a typical predator.

Then we see him chasing Kyle and throwing a weapon at him, cornering Kyle and attempting to rob Kyle of his rifle.

Kyle shot the aggressor in self-defense.

It's crystal clear. He was only arrested because the anti-American left wanted to take a political prisoner.

"Then we see him chasing Kyle and throwing a weapon at him"


You're truly fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

In reality, from which you're clearly divorced, Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag with deodorant in it. That's not a weapon, ya flamin' nut.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.

Who goes to a mass demonstration with a loaded rifle?
He was under age, so that was illegal.
He was not defending some property because he was moving around inside the demonstration.

A borrowed loaded rifle at that apparently.
Not borrowed, purchased. He paid a friend to buy it for him since he was not allowed to buy it because of his age. Which means even he knew it was illegal for him to be in possession of it.

And his friend, Dominick Black, is charged for providing him with a gun illegally and which was used in a death. He's fucked too.
Why is he the only one being prosecuted?
I am not your assistant. Make your points.

Maybe it's because he is the only one who harmed and killed people? Good luck.
The guy who got his bicep shot off was a felon with a handgun, actively attacking someone with it, when he was shot.......why hasn't he been charged with anything?

(Here, I'll give you the answer before you dodge the question yet again.....)
Because it's about politics and not about public safety or law, that's why.

Yup. Every single one of the scumbags that Kyle shot was a convicted felon. What are the odds of that in the first place, and, he is the only one without a prior criminal record.

His persecution is totally political.
Great, may you can succeed where freyasman failed miserably...

Of what felony was Grosskreutz convicted...?

Burglary. He is also a avowed communist.
I didn't hear about that.

But he has been convicted of going with a firearm while intoxicated, which is a misdemeanor.

He's also been cited for repeatedly prowling in the West Allis police department parking lot where the police park their personal vehicles.

And he belongs to the People's Revolution communist group in Milwaukee.

Now that his bicep is gone, he'll have to learn how to masturbate in his mom's basement to pictures of Castro with his other hand.

Now he's a lefty in more ways than one. :abgg2q.jpg:
It was an AR-15. That's not an illegal weapon . And there's no law against shooting unarmed man in the back in self-defense.
It was illegal because he wasn't allowed to own it or to bring it across state lines.

If you shoot someone in the back, it isn't self-defense.

It's a clear case of self-defense. Kyle was clearly running away from the child molester. The child molester was clearly the aggressor.

HOw do you shoot someone when you are runnning away.. You have to face the person to shoot them.

Did he do a trick shot over his back.

Come on, guy, none of this is going to fly with a jury.
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!

He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

If this prosecutor was only thinking about politics, he would have charged the officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back 7 times. But he realized he didn't have a case there. The case against Rittenhouse is pretty much cut and dried.
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!

He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

If this prosecutor was only thinking about politics, he would have charged the officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back 7 times. But he realized he didn't have a case there. The case against Rittenhouse is pretty much cut and dried.
The young man has accomplished far more than you in his short life.
Everybody can tell just come out of the closet

Sorry, man, you are going to have to troll for your down-low dates somewhere else, I don't swing that way. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

What do you mean by Trump wasn't legitimate? Does that mean he shouldn't have been president?
600,000 dead, 65 million jobs lost, 200,000 businesses destroyed, riots in the streets. Um, yeah, Trump never should have become president. That's kind of obvious.
It was an AR-15. That's not an illegal weapon . And there's no law against shooting unarmed man in the back in self-defense.
It was illegal because he wasn't allowed to own it or to bring it across state lines.

If you shoot someone in the back, it isn't self-defense.

It's a clear case of self-defense. Kyle was clearly running away from the child molester. The child molester was clearly the aggressor.

HOw do you shoot someone when you are runnning away.. You have to face the person to shoot them.

Did he do a trick shot over his back.

Come on, guy, none of this is going to fly with a jury.
At first you were just trolling when you said stupid shit like that. Now I know you're not playing, you really are that fucking stupid.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you.
And good riddance to them. Epstein, the darling of the progressives raped more children than all of them combined.

Really? Who was Epstein the darling of?

I can't seem to find any definite link to whether he is a felon or not; can you?
Oh, well then, you cant claim he was a felon in illegal possession of a firearm, can you?. But Rittenhouse being there illegally and possessing a gun illegally are facts we do know.

So, starting to understand why he was the only one charged?

My claims don't dictate the reality of the universe? Oh my, what an excellent point!
"So, starting to understand why he was the only one charged?"
When is running at someone and pointing a pistol at them not assault? Or aggravated assault?
If someone does that to a cop, what happens to them? Are they charged with a crime, if they survive?

But he hasn't been charged with anything....... why is that?
For one thing, he wasn't pointing a pistol at him...


So he was just showing it to him when he ran up then?
He held the gun I'm a ready position as he approached. When he saw Huber get shot, he put his hands up to signal surrender, then he lunged at Rittenhouse who then shot him. At no time did he point his gun at Rittenhouse.
He was part of a mob attacking a kid for defending himself, and he was coming at him with a gun.

Look, quit wasting my time..... you believe this kid should rot in prison for refusing to be killed by a violent mob. That tells us all how evil you are. I don't have to convince you of anything.... you're one of the bad guys.
The guy who got his bicep shot off was a felon with a handgun, actively attacking someone with it, when he was shot
False. Sorry. Maybe you didnt hear, but that wasnt true, and he had a perfectly legal license to carry.

Got anything else? I suppose not, since your entire diatribe rested on that error.
Really? I'd like a link to that.

Don't much care though, because I have stated more than once that I don't have any problem with felons having guns....... attacking someone with it, is still a crime though.
And he did.
On video.
And he hasn't been charged.

Why do you suppose that is, if not politics?
What other reason is there?
Still waiting.... what felony did he commit...?
Other than aggravated assault with a firearm on the night in question, which it seems he won't be charged with, I can't find anything...... so I guess I was wrong about him being a convicted felon.
Mea culpa

You guys should all hire him as a babysitter, since he is clearly a man of sterling character, lol.
Uh, you claimed Grosskreutz is a felon.

And it wasn't assault as he never pointed the gun at Rittenhouse.
I did, as all the news stories claimed he was.
I guess that was wrong.

He did however, attack Rittenhouse with a pistol. And got shot for it, as he should have.
Why do you object to that?
Other than the political affiliations of the parties in question, that is?
I object because Grosskreutz had a right to try to disarm an active shooter. In retrospect, Grosskreutz should have just shot Rittenhouse when he had the chance. A missed opportunity he himself regrets not taking.
No he didn't.

Give it up already.... you're just making up lies to support the mob.
And you are just as evil as they are.
He was clearly acting in self defense and would probably be dead if he didn't defend himself.

Who goes to a mass demonstration with a loaded rifle?
He was under age, so that was illegal.
He was not defending some property because he was moving around inside the demonstration.

A borrowed loaded rifle at that apparently.
So what?

That doesn't matter at all as far as whether or not he was defending himself.
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!

He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

If this prosecutor was only thinking about politics, he would have charged the officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back 7 times. But he realized he didn't have a case there. The case against Rittenhouse is pretty much cut and dried.
Clear self defense, meets all the criteria.
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!

He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

If this prosecutor was only thinking about politics, he would have charged the officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back 7 times. But he realized he didn't have a case there. The case against Rittenhouse is pretty much cut and dried.
Clear self defense, meets all the criteria.
Their problem is Rittenhouse justifiably offed two assholes very much like themselves, the difference being of course that they are keyboard warriors and lack the courage to put themselves on the front line.
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!

He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

If this prosecutor was only thinking about politics, he would have charged the officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back 7 times. But he realized he didn't have a case there. The case against Rittenhouse is pretty much cut and dried.
Clear self defense, meets all the criteria.

Ok. What part of self defense includes fleeing the scene of a crime? Or during the commission of a crime?
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!

He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

If this prosecutor was only thinking about politics, he would have charged the officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back 7 times. But he realized he didn't have a case there. The case against Rittenhouse is pretty much cut and dried.
Clear self defense, meets all the criteria.

Ok. What part of self defense includes fleeing the scene of a crime? Or during the commission of a crime?
When did the kid do anything remotely like that?

He ran TO the police.
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!

He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

If this prosecutor was only thinking about politics, he would have charged the officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back 7 times. But he realized he didn't have a case there. The case against Rittenhouse is pretty much cut and dried.
Clear self defense, meets all the criteria.

Ok. What part of self defense includes fleeing the scene of a crime? Or during the commission of a crime?
When did the kid do anything remotely like that?

He ran TO the police.

And right on by. And down the street and then to his home across state lines.
Trial will start in November...the prosecutor is needing a lot of time to cook up a story that has no relationship with the events of the day. He is looking to make a political power play out of the situation with a young man as the political football....

What a joke!

He is the target of a corrupt prosecutor..............the kid did nothing more than self defense. The criminals attacked him and despite the libs spin on this shit--he had the right to be where he wanted and the right to defend himself.

If this prosecutor was only thinking about politics, he would have charged the officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back 7 times. But he realized he didn't have a case there. The case against Rittenhouse is pretty much cut and dried.
Clear self defense, meets all the criteria.

Ok. What part of self defense includes fleeing the scene of a crime? Or during the commission of a crime?
When did the kid do anything remotely like that?

He ran TO the police.

And right on by. And down the street and then to his home across state lines.

Check your facts.

You're wrong.
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