Labor Law: The Hercules Angle


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here is a Labor Law mock dialogue between Krishna (Hindu god of negotiation) and Shiva (Hindu god of destruction.

Since Labor Law is so symbolic for the post-Industrialization ages, I wanted to use 'folk mythos avatars' to present a 'Hercules-angle' on the sociology of labor.


KRISHNA: Labor Law is very important in capitalism.
SHIVA: The establishment of the Railroad Labor Board was a symbolic event.

KRISHNA: Americans even made a movie about Hoffa.
SHIVA: Workers care about fair wages and personal rights in the workplace.

KRISHNA: Employers are concerned about conduct and reliability.
SHIVA: Good relations between labor and management improves investor confidence.

KRISHNA: The job of the legal advocate is to tend to the claims of employer and employee.
SHIVA: Yes; there was an important ruling prohibiting unannounced drug-testing of employees.

KRISHNA: Labor Law is vital in recent discussion involving free agent athletes.
SHIVA: How an athlete markets himself/herself and bargaining rights of teams determines wages.

KRISHNA: Endorsements affect media air-time for collegiate teams which can affect recruitment.
SHIVA: A good American film covering relevant topics is Blue Chips.

KRISHNA: The reputation labor lawyers carry changes how society valuates management grudges.
SHIVA: The everyday citizen tends to empathize with the laborer more than the employer.

KRISHNA: The interest drawn by Labor Law is exhibited in the folk tale The Golden Arm.
SHIVA: Contracts between employer and employee are based on etiquette and invoke worry.

KRISHNA: The anti-trust case involving Microsoft represented competition-mediation.
SHIVA: Microsoft is a perfect example of Labor Law applied to the marketplace.

KRISHNA: I think Microsoft was a clear example of consumerism-related employment concerns.
SHIVA: If everyone's working for Microsoft, employee-demands become streamlined.

KRISHNA: Some believe the Microsoft case was more relevant to Corporate Law.
SHIVA: Incorrect; the Microsoft decision changed the way lawyers talk about unionization.



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