Laboratories In US Can’t Find Covid-19 In 1500 Positive Tests

A totally treasonous fraud that has cost us $10 trillion and our right to free and fair elections.

This is what "free health care" was always all about.
I agree. I hope the guilty are given a fair trial and executed immediately.
Not with Chris Wray and garland in control.

A state like TX needs to step up. We need to put A LOT of traitors in front of firing squads for this one, including Wray and Fauci.
The article in the opening post may have been censored, here is the story via a different article that hasn't been censored yet, compliments of phoenyx

Some problems finding covid, interesting article:

A friend sent this to me via email. I read it and thought of posting it here, but I want to see it in more media publications before lending too much credence in it.
It will be censored. If it still gets out, every big tech company or platform will do negative stories and biased fact checks in order to kill it.
It has now been censored.
The article in the opening post may have been censored, here is the story via a different article that hasn't been censored yet, compliments of phoenyx

Yep, looks like they took the article in the OP down. The thing is, I'm 99% sure the article in the OP was itself just a copy of another article, namely this one:

That article, in turn, cites that its source is this one:

I think that's the true original article, however, it is in dutch, so you need a browser like google chrome to translate it unless you are fluent in dutch.

I found the article you just linked to in the comments of that last article.
The article in the opening post may have been censored, here is the story via a different article that hasn't been censored yet, compliments of phoenyx

Yep, looks like they took the article in the OP down. The thing is, I'm 99% sure the article in the OP was itself just a copy of another article, namely this one:

That article, in turn, cites that its source is this one:

I think that's the true original article, however, it is in dutch, so you need a browser like google chrome to translate it unless you are fluent in dutch.

I found the article you just linked to in the comments of that last article.
I wish I could trace the censorship back to see who all wants this silenced, and why. Censorship just gets me more interested in whatever topic was censored.
The article in the opening post may have been censored, here is the story via a different article that hasn't been censored yet, compliments of phoenyx

Yep, looks like they took the article in the OP down. The thing is, I'm 99% sure the article in the OP was itself just a copy of another article, namely this one:

That article, in turn, cites that its source is this one:

I think that's the true original article, however, it is in dutch, so you need a browser like google chrome to translate it unless you are fluent in dutch.

I found the article you just linked to in the comments of that last article.
I wish I could trace the censorship back to see who all wants this silenced, and why. Censorship just gets me more interested in whatever topic was censored.

One thing I will say, with articles that are copies of other articles, it may just be the copyright holder telling the host of the poster copying the article to take it down. However, if the dutch article goes down, -that- will be something, since that really looks like the original source.
The article in the opening post may have been censored, here is the story via a different article that hasn't been censored yet, compliments of phoenyx

Yep, looks like they took the article in the OP down. The thing is, I'm 99% sure the article in the OP was itself just a copy of another article, namely this one:

That article, in turn, cites that its source is this one:

I think that's the true original article, however, it is in dutch, so you need a browser like google chrome to translate it unless you are fluent in dutch.

I found the article you just linked to in the comments of that last article.
I wish I could trace the censorship back to see who all wants this silenced, and why. Censorship just gets me more interested in whatever topic was censored.

One thing I will say, with articles that are copies of other articles, it may just be the copyright holder telling the host of the poster copying the article to take it down. However, if the dutch article goes down, -that- will be something, since that really looks like the original source.

I'll keep an eye on the dutch one and the English one that still works.
Some problems finding covid, interesting article:

Interesting..... Me and many others are wondering also if we actually had Covid or just the flu. Got tested for both at the same time, but the final result was Covid. Hmmmm.
I guess this lets Cuomo off the hook.
Well, not exactly.... If it was a strong case of the influenza (a specific strain that would be lethal towards the elderly), then he was still wrong for sending the sick and dying into the facilities when he had other options available. Otherwise he was no doctor, so he didn't know what he was dealing with other than what he was being told, and then making decisions from the stats or information given him. Problem is, is that he made all the wrong decisions in which might have gotten people dead. Regardless of what it was, he still should be held accountable for his decisions made.
I guess this lets Cuomo off the hook.
Well, not exactly.... If it was a strong case of the influenza (a specific strain that would be lethal towards the elderly), then he was still wrong for sending the sick and dying into the facilities when he had other options available. Otherwise he was no doctor, so he didn't know what he was dealing with other than what he was being told, and then making decisions from the stats or information given him. Problem is, is that he made all the wrong decisions in which might have gotten people dead. Regardless of what it was, he still should be held accountable for his decisions made.
HaHa, I don't give a hoot. Hang him anyway--he's a commie democrat politician, he's guilty of something!
I guess this lets Cuomo off the hook.
Well, not exactly.... If it was a strong case of the influenza (a specific strain that would be lethal towards the elderly), then he was still wrong for sending the sick and dying into the facilities when he had other options available. Otherwise he was no doctor, so he didn't know what he was dealing with other than what he was being told, and then making decisions from the stats or information given him. Problem is, is that he made all the wrong decisions in which might have gotten people dead. Regardless of what it was, he still should be held accountable for his decisions made.
I was being facetious.
False positives happen in any testing for various reasons. Still do not see why they are suing CDC as it is the manufacturer of the test and the person applying the test that are also a factor.
False positives happen in any testing for various reasons. Still do not see why they are suing CDC as it is the manufacturer of the test and the person applying the test that are also a factor.
Well... False positive do happen sure... But 1500 of them? At the same time? o.0

Not saying this is true... But if we are going off the assumption that it is, your point has no real standing.
Alright, I was digging around to see if this Derek Strauss may have gotten some things wrong. I found the following video that suggests that he got a lot wrong. I'm not a doctor, but this Dr. said a lot of things that left me wondering...

False positives happen in any testing for various reasons. Still do not see why they are suing CDC as it is the manufacturer of the test and the person applying the test that are also a factor.
Well... False positive do happen sure... But 1500 of them? At the same time? o.0

Not saying this is true... But if we are going off the assumption that it is, your point has no real standing.

That is an assumption because we do not know what methods were used to determine that outcome. We do not know what kind of test was being used. It is a story that is just being repeated. Did they find 1500 out of X amount of tests. It is not believable that 1500 consecutive test were all false positives. If it is true then it has to be determined why? Once we know why then blame can be placed. Most people know that the COVID test can have false positives.

Still testing now is to control future outbreaks as most states are opening back up. They needs a way to keep a lid on this with all the various different mutations being found.

Still my question would be how do they know that they do not have COVID 19. Did they do another test?
Some problems finding covid, interesting article:

Have you heard about what the queers are doing to the soil??


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