Lamar Alexander: Health Care Bill A ‘Political Kamikaze Mission’

I don't understand why any Democrat actually considers this bill reform or for the good of our people. I am amazed they don't see the corruption of this debacle. Stunning.

Lots of Democrats don't like the bill. I think the only people who do like are:

1. Progressives
2. Stupid
3. Obamatrons
4. All of the above

That's obvious. Otherwise they would have passed something.
In the end Democrats will defeat this bill, not Republicans. you think the Democrats will run their 2010 re-elections with "Hey...we rejected that HealthCare Bill."?
Lots of Democrats don't like the bill. I think the only people who do like are:

1. Progressives
2. Stupid
3. Obamatrons
4. All of the above

That's obvious. Otherwise they would have passed something.
In the end Democrats will defeat this bill, not Republicans. you think the Democrats will run their 2010 re-elections with "Hey...we rejected that HealthCare Bill."?

I can tell you that those running who vote against it will feature that fact in their ads.
Young Lefty, you passed the Bill in the House and had one republican vote with you (and that was because of a bribe for New Orleans). Then, in the Senate you had 60 votes...enough to stop a filibuster. You have the White House with a president eager to sign YOUR democrat "health care" bill. Yet, you didn't do had to bribe democrats just get them to vote with you. You did it...Nelson gets free Medicare for Nebraska and Mary Landrau (sp?) in Louisiana gets $100 make that $300 million for LA according to her. Obama even made sure that SEIU and other labor unions won't have to pay 40% for their Cadillac health care plans. Strange how all your liberal friends are wanting exemptions when it comes to the democrat health care bill. I thought ALL Americans wanted it?

Still you didn't have the balls to pass HC. Why?

Maybe in your heart you know, at least many of the democrats in Congress know, that Alexander is right. You will be on a kamikaze mission if you pass this via reconciliation.

YOur so right. The Dems had a supermajority.

They didn't need or want any input from the Reps. Even with a supermajority they had to bribe members of their OWN PARTY to get this thing to the floor. Jeeze. Now its the REPS FAULT???

We want reform. We want the clowns to Fix the problems, not overhaul the whole thing so our inept Govt has control of 1/6th of the economy. Christ. We are almost bankrupt as it is.

They need to scrap this clusterfuck and go back to the drawing board.
Young Lefty, you passed the Bill in the House and had one republican vote with you (and that was because of a bribe for New Orleans). Then, in the Senate you had 60 votes...enough to stop a filibuster. You have the White House with a president eager to sign YOUR democrat "health care" bill. Yet, you didn't do had to bribe democrats just get them to vote with you. You did it...Nelson gets free Medicare for Nebraska and Mary Landrau (sp?) in Louisiana gets $100 make that $300 million for LA according to her. Obama even made sure that SEIU and other labor unions won't have to pay 40% for their Cadillac health care plans. Strange how all your liberal friends are wanting exemptions when it comes to the democrat health care bill. I thought ALL Americans wanted it?

Still you didn't have the balls to pass HC. Why?

Maybe in your heart you know, at least many of the democrats in Congress know, that Alexander is right. You will be on a kamikaze mission if you pass this via reconciliation.

They're afraid to pass it without any Republicans on board. If they do, then they can't say, "Well, they supported it too!" when it bankrupts the country and the American people get pissed.
IMHO, our so-called leaders should start with the things they agree on. isty bitsy spider my ass, that is how it is done. The fact is that historically, legislation that was pushed through on a partisan vote gets undone in the nextcongressional session. Alexander was on TV this morning already talking about a 'repeal' campaign.
Real reform has to come from both sides to last. Look at history and see how many times congress declared Muir woods a national park, and how many times it was repealed before it stuck.
Take the civil rights legislation, Johnson worked hard to make sure the republicans were involved from the very start, because he knew if he didn't it would not stand.
We need the same with insurance reform.
The democrats need to stop their political posturing and drop the existing bill, the people just don't want it.
The republicans need to stop focusing on hurting Obama, and focus on insurance reform.

One way to start with things that both sides have agreed need to be changed;

Insurance fraud has been documented to be institutionalized, that could be fixed.

Insurance companies run roughshod over their customers, ie: pre-existing conditions, denying coverage when one gets sick, ect; this could be changed.

There is some small degree of merit to tort reform, no matter how small, this could be changed to bring the cost of doctor's liability insurance down, and would serve to limit the amount of 'defensive medicine' that is practiced.

I know that insurance companies need to make a profit, and their executives need to be fairly compensated, but it looks to me like there is some degree of cost savings to be had in this regard as well.

If we had real leaders, instead of these pretenders, we would see some progress on these issues that both sides have agreed need to be changed.
Instead, we have these petty little people, that have made no progress due to their partisan ideological bickering. the only thing that they have accomplished is further dividing the people.
Young Lefty, you passed the Bill in the House and had one republican vote with you (and that was because of a bribe for New Orleans). Then, in the Senate you had 60 votes...enough to stop a filibuster. You have the White House with a president eager to sign YOUR democrat "health care" bill. Yet, you didn't do had to bribe democrats just get them to vote with you. You did it...Nelson gets free Medicare for Nebraska and Mary Landrau (sp?) in Louisiana gets $100 make that $300 million for LA according to her. Obama even made sure that SEIU and other labor unions won't have to pay 40% for their Cadillac health care plans. Strange how all your liberal friends are wanting exemptions when it comes to the democrat health care bill. I thought ALL Americans wanted it?

Still you didn't have the balls to pass HC. Why?

Maybe in your heart you know, at least many of the democrats in Congress know, that Alexander is right. You will be on a kamikaze mission if you pass this via reconciliation.

They're afraid to pass it without any Republicans on board. If they do, then they can't say, "Well, they supported it too!" when it bankrupts the country and the American people get pissed.
Thankfully, the American people are way out ahead on this. We know it will bankrupt our Country, regardless of what our so-called "Progressives" here in America, the Germans and Canadians tell us differently.
Young Lefty, you passed the Bill in the House and had one republican vote with you (and that was because of a bribe for New Orleans). Then, in the Senate you had 60 votes...enough to stop a filibuster. You have the White House with a president eager to sign YOUR democrat "health care" bill. Yet, you didn't do had to bribe democrats just get them to vote with you. You did it...Nelson gets free Medicare for Nebraska and Mary Landrau (sp?) in Louisiana gets $100 make that $300 million for LA according to her. Obama even made sure that SEIU and other labor unions won't have to pay 40% for their Cadillac health care plans. Strange how all your liberal friends are wanting exemptions when it comes to the democrat health care bill. I thought ALL Americans wanted it?

Still you didn't have the balls to pass HC. Why?

Maybe in your heart you know, at least many of the democrats in Congress know, that Alexander is right. You will be on a kamikaze mission if you pass this via reconciliation.

young lefty is only 15 yrs old and mows lawns
Young Lefty, you passed the Bill in the House and had one republican vote with you (and that was because of a bribe for New Orleans). Then, in the Senate you had 60 votes...enough to stop a filibuster. You have the White House with a president eager to sign YOUR democrat "health care" bill. Yet, you didn't do had to bribe democrats just get them to vote with you. You did it...Nelson gets free Medicare for Nebraska and Mary Landrau (sp?) in Louisiana gets $100 make that $300 million for LA according to her. Obama even made sure that SEIU and other labor unions won't have to pay 40% for their Cadillac health care plans. Strange how all your liberal friends are wanting exemptions when it comes to the democrat health care bill. I thought ALL Americans wanted it?

Still you didn't have the balls to pass HC. Why?

Maybe in your heart you know, at least many of the democrats in Congress know, that Alexander is right. You will be on a kamikaze mission if you pass this via reconciliation.

young lefty is only 15 yrs old and mows lawns
Oh...I didn't know that. Well, once he's out from under his mommy and daddy's care and starts to make a living for himself, he'll grow weary of all the bullshit the Democrats try to push off on us and will become a Conservative. It happens all the time. :)
IMHO, our so-called leaders should start with the things they agree on. isty bitsy spider my ass, that is how it is done. The fact is that historically, legislation that was pushed through on a partisan vote gets undone in the nextcongressional session. Alexander was on TV this morning already talking about a 'repeal' campaign.
Real reform has to come from both sides to last. Look at history and see how many times congress declared Muir woods a national park, and how many times it was repealed before it stuck.
Take the civil rights legislation, Johnson worked hard to make sure the republicans were involved from the very start, because he knew if he didn't it would not stand.
We need the same with insurance reform.
The democrats need to stop their political posturing and drop the existing bill, the people just don't want it.
The republicans need to stop focusing on hurting Obama, and focus on insurance reform.

One way to start with things that both sides have agreed need to be changed;

Insurance fraud has been documented to be institutionalized, that could be fixed.

Insurance companies run roughshod over their customers, ie: pre-existing conditions, denying coverage when one gets sick, ect; this could be changed.

There is some small degree of merit to tort reform, no matter how small, this could be changed to bring the cost of doctor's liability insurance down, and would serve to limit the amount of 'defensive medicine' that is practiced.

I know that insurance companies need to make a profit, and their executives need to be fairly compensated, but it looks to me like there is some degree of cost savings to be had in this regard as well.

If we had real leaders, instead of these pretenders, we would see some progress on these issues that both sides have agreed need to be changed.
Instead, we have these petty little people, that have made no progress due to their partisan ideological bickering. the only thing that they have accomplished is further dividing the people.

What the hell have you done with Slackjawed??

Insurance companies deny claims largely because people lied on their applications, claiming never having had whatever only to discover after their claim that this is their third bout of whatever.
Insurance companies make about 2% profit. That is your cost savings. Limiting exec pay is a good way to guarantee getting third rate executives in charge, the good ones going to companies that aren't capped like that. Additionally, what authority exists for the Feds telling anyone how much they can pay someone?
Alexander's hysterical statement is how Democrats should know they're on the right track. When your enemy is trying to scare you out of doing something with bluff and bluster, how could you sensibly conclude anything other than that he is trying to do anything other than get you to make the wrong decision?
Alexander's hysterical statement is how Democrats should know they're on the right track. When your enemy is trying to scare you out of doing something with bluff and bluster, how could you sensibly conclude anything other than that he is trying to do anything other than get you to make the wrong decision?

Amen! Do it!
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said on Sunday that if Democrats push health care through under the majority only process known as reconciliation, it will be a “political kamikaze mission.”

Though the individual parts of the bill are popular, he conceded, Republicans believe that opposition to it is strong enough that the party can run on a platform of repeal.

“For the rest of the year we’re going to be involved in a campaign to repeal it,” Alexander said on ABC’s “This Week,” adding that campaign would begin “the day it passes.”
Read more

Alex, YOUR AN IDIOT! Americans want and need Healthcare reform. If you RETHUGLICANS can’t support it, Get outta the way and let US help the struggling American people. It’s not a ‘Political Kamikaze Mission,’ it’s just the opposite. If Democrats pass HCR and it works, You Idiots will be the minority for years to come and may never get the Majority back.

Now is the time for Republicans to come forward and show they want real HCR and not just some ‘Buying Insurance across state lines!’ crap. Or ‘TORT REFORM, TORT REFORM, TORT REFORM. Let’s look at how that’s worked in individual states!

Stop making this about Politics.

Democrats, IMO, Republicans have shown since we started this thing (with a blank sheet of paper I might add), they have nothing to offer for a HCR bill. They have had no intrest in a Bi-Partisan Bill, They just want to keep a bill from passing any way they can. I say if they don’t offer a better solution (and fast), re-conciliation awaits them– Within a month. Use it.

Oh---better not watch--this may HURT--alot---:lol::lol::lol:

[ame=]YouTube - Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending[/ame]
Lots of Democrats don't like the bill. I think the only people who do like are:

1. Progressives
2. Stupid
3. Obamatrons
4. All of the above

That's obvious. Otherwise they would have passed something.
In the end Democrats will defeat this bill, not Republicans.

There is a 5.... people who haven't read it, don't understand it and just think 'hey, Obama wouldn't fuck me over'... But then, I guess they could be '2'.

DITTO-- Democrats declaring war against Democrats---:lol::lol: Pelosi telling democrats they may "have" to sacrifice their political careers. Fat chance of that happening--:lol::lol:

Obama now writing a "smaller" plan---hmmm--couldn't be because of the health care summit & finally realising that no matter how much he wants to twist democrat arms--no one wants to become the "sacrificial democrat lamb."

Lamar Alexander was all for reconciliation on several occasions, including when republicans used it to pass Bush tax cuts for the very rich.
I loved how Obama put Lamar in his place at the Blair House meeting.
Why aren't we seeing news reports and sound bites from the Health Care summit 24/7 on the liberal news media? It wouldn't be because Obama failed to make the Republicans look unreasonable would it?
I loved how Obama put Lamar in his place at the Blair House meeting.
Why aren't we seeing news reports and sound bites from the Health Care summit 24/7 on the liberal news media? It wouldn't be because Obama failed to make the Republicans look unreasonable would it?
There have been many reports on MSNBC, and Obama came across much better than the republicans did. It's right there on tape.
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If Democrats pass HCR and it works, .

Yeah, when pigs fly.
For starters, the taxes to pay for this shitpile begin right away but the actual benefits don't start for 5 years. That was the only way to get the bill to score as it did.
No, Alexander is right. And he is pretty moderate. When you get a moderate like Alexander saying this, you'd better listen.

Has there been an estimation done regarding what this "shitpile" will cost the 2nd 10yrs when we don't pay for 10 yrs but only get 6yrs of service?
I loved how Obama put Lamar in his place at the Blair House meeting.
Why aren't we seeing news reports and sound bites from the Health Care summit 24/7 on the liberal news media? It wouldn't be because Obama failed to make the Republicans look unreasonable would it?
There have been many reports on MSNBC, and Obama came across much better than the republicans did. It's right there on tape.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: MSNBC..... :lol::lol::lol: Ok.

Personally, I think Obama came across well - if you're an Obamatron. To the vast majority of independents - nope.

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