Lanza couldn't identify his sex

Here's Lanza. He was really skinny, too...another symptom of Graves disease. My God, you'd think the medical experts would have all been talking about this possibliity...wouldn't you? Seems as clear as a bell to me.

Koosh, I think we are being intentionally mislead here. The question is why.

Adam Lanza clearly looks like untreated case of Graves - and it is not even a mental disease and is relatively easy to fix.

Personally, I don't think he was the main perpetrator. He certainly might be an accomplice and is a victim and a clear scapegoat.
The question is why.

I don't think there is any serious doubt that Lanza did it and acted alone....he is a victim of an untreated mental illness. That's it.

yes, there is. there is doubt on every possible level of it.

what we all are being told is clearly not what happened - and the ends do not meet even in the official reports.
And Vox has gone over to CRAZY land.

Just because the doctor at the mental ward lets you play with his stethascope doesn't make you a medical professional.

piss off, ignorant retard.

the gubmint spoonfed you the idea that a guy who spent his days in the basement playing video-games adn nobody saw him at a shooting range ever, without any knowledge of the topography of the school and the ability to get there unnoticed suddenly became a high-achiever Rambo executioner and you believe it religiously - so be it.
But not force your stupidity on everybody else.

Whereas you believe that Barack and the Brownshirts staged the whole thing in New Mexico.


dig your hole, mole. It's about time :lol:
Here's Lanza. He was really skinny, too...another symptom of Graves disease. My God, you'd think the medical experts would have all been talking about this possibliity...wouldn't you? Seems as clear as a bell to me.

Koosh, I think we are being intentionally mislead here. The question is why.

Adam Lanza clearly looks like untreated case of Graves - and it is not even a mental disease and is relatively easy to fix.

Personally, I don't think he was the main perpetrator. He certainly might be an accomplice and is a victim and a clear scapegoat.
The question is why.

There was a report and video showing two or three males running from the back of the school grounds into the woods.

I remember that. Then it disappeared from the reporting.

However, I, personally, think, the situation is much simpler. And the supposed victim is a perpetrator and the officially blamed perpetrator is a victim and a scapegoat.
Sounds like so many other deviant sex freaks. Trannys, cross dressers, homos and such nonsense.

Actually it sounds like you're not the world's deepest thinker.

That's exactly the same answer I use whenever a form asks for my race. It ain't because I don't know what it is.


I always leave it blank, haven't really thought about doing it for gender though.
Sounds like so many other deviant sex freaks. Trannys, cross dressers, homos and such nonsense.

College Records Reveal Bizarre New Details About Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza (Plus: An Odd New Photo) | Video |


Last night, CBS revealed documents it obtained divulging new information regarding the man who killed 26 people in December at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

In addition to a photo of Adam Lanza from a school I.D. that had not been publicly released since the shooting in Newtown, CBS showed records from Western Connecticut State University where Lanza attended while still a teenager.

The form, meant to gain information regarding the student’s background, asked Lanza, who killed himself after shooting others on Dec. 14, to identify his gender and describe himself. To both of these questions, he answered with “I choose not to answer.”

Actually, it sounds like he was one of those anti-Government nutters who doesn't give information to Census workers or such. Probably got that from him Mother, who was equally nuts, stocking up enough guns to prepare for the Zombie Apocolypse.

He was a left wing anarchist that thought that giving the government information enabled it?

Here's Lanza. He was really skinny, too...another symptom of Graves disease. My God, you'd think the medical experts would have all been talking about this possibliity...wouldn't you? Seems as clear as a bell to me.

Koosh, I think we are being intentionally mislead here. The question is why.

Adam Lanza clearly looks like untreated case of Graves - and it is not even a mental disease and is relatively easy to fix.

Personally, I don't think he was the main perpetrator. He certainly might be an accomplice and is a victim and a clear scapegoat.
The question is why.

I don't think there is any serious doubt that Lanza did it and acted alone....he is a victim of an untreated mental illness. That's it.

Yep......most people like to embrace the comfiness of the established tale. Its called "consensus reality". Its a lot easier to accept the "official reports" and go back to the cozy confines of the hobbit hole.

Funny though......anybody who takes a serious look at the dozens of unexplained events/information in this case, end up with their eyeballs exploding out of their heads!!!:eek::eek::eek::wtf::wtf:

Some things that have raised the eyebrows of many however.......

  • Ummmm......not one single parent was allowed to ID their own kid. Not one. Guess it happens all the time. ( non-parents wouldn't get this one)

  • The official report indicates "a shotgun was removed from the glovebox of the Honda Civic"

  • Oh......and not one single solitary EMS worker was allowed within 100 yards of the school. Hmmmm......sounds reasonable. In fact, helicopters were hovering overhead at the school when the first EMS units were contacted. I suppose that happens most everyday!!!

  • The interview of the CME by the MSM......clearly legit!!

  • One of the richest school districts in the United video whatsoever of this kid entering the school.

  • A 150 pound kid carries 3-4 weapons and at least 180 rounds of ammo ( see CME statement ) with him and carries this out with a kill rate that is 60% higher than any other mass shooting all within 5 minutes. A 150 pound autistic kid......with zero special military type training and nobody but nobody ever saw him at a gun range.

  • Victoria Soto has a FACEBOOK page 4 days before the day of the was a RIP page.

  • A neighbor who supposedly rescued about a dozen kids changes his story of the events not once, but three times!!!!

  • School nurse is interviewed by a reporter and says Lanza looked her right in the eyes and walked away.......but several days later, is interviewed on TV and says she see's Lanza's lower legs from under her desk

  • No video of Lanza trying to purchase a weapon in a Ct. gun store the Tuesday before the shooting.( video surveillance of gun stores mandatory )

  • An autistic kid destroys a hard drive on his computer but not a page of any kind of manifesto.

  • 600 students in the school.......not a single interview of any other parents in the school to see how this tragedy effected them.

  • Dozens of people marching in a circle at the fire the front door........out the back the front door.........out the back door. OK

  • Zero real photos of the crimes aftermath.( none that prove anything)

  • Zero photographic evidence of 600 children being evacuated from the school. OK

  • Official report states that the school administrators ran TOWARDS the shooter to investigate when they were gunned down!!! OK

  • The single released photo of the Parker family shows the 6 year old little blonde girl on the fathers lap.......but one problem. She has no legs

Consensus reality is gay.
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Ummmm......not one single parent was allowed to ID their own kid. Not one. Guess it happens all the time.

this is actually, a RULE. In the real life the parents do not identify their children's bodies. The law enforcement does.
Ummmm......not one single parent was allowed to ID their own kid. Not one. Guess it happens all the time.
this is actually, a RULE. In the real life the parents do not identify their children's bodies. The law enforcement does.

I am pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Rule of thumb, the guy you are answering being a nut does not excuse you from dealing with reality.
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Ummmm......not one single parent was allowed to ID their own kid. Not one. Guess it happens all the time.

this is actually, a RULE. In the real life the parents do not identify their children's bodies. The law enforcement does.

Wow. A correct statement from Vox. Will wonders never cease.


There was very little of those children left to ID.
Ummmm......not one single parent was allowed to ID their own kid. Not one. Guess it happens all the time.
this is actually, a RULE. In the real life the parents do not identify their children's bodies. The law enforcement does.

I am pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Rule of thumb, the guy you are answering being a nut does not excuse you from dealing with reality.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I just read this recently. The parent's are secondary to LE identification. Especially where there is little left of the child's body to ID.
Ummmm......not one single parent was allowed to ID their own kid. Not one. Guess it happens all the time.
this is actually, a RULE. In the real life the parents do not identify their children's bodies. The law enforcement does.

Wow. A correct statement from Vox. Will wonders never cease.


There was very little of those children left to ID.

How would you know? Were you there? Also, there is no way any parent would take a random cops word over seeing with their own eyes if someone told them their child was dead. Human nature wouldn't let them, and even stupid cops know that.
this is actually, a RULE. In the real life the parents do not identify their children's bodies. The law enforcement does.

I am pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Rule of thumb, the guy you are answering being a nut does not excuse you from dealing with reality.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I just read this recently. The parent's are secondary to LE identification. Especially where there is little left of the child's body to ID.

Not true.

If there is a reason to question the ID the government will go to the expense of DNA testing. Most states run a backlog on DNA that goes back months, or even years, because of the expense, and the fact that it doesn't work like you see on CSI. In fact, the only jurisdiction I know of that is not way behind on DNA testing for sex crimes is New York City.
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Ummmm......not one single parent was allowed to ID their own kid. Not one. Guess it happens all the time.
this is actually, a RULE. In the real life the parents do not identify their children's bodies. The law enforcement does.

I am pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Rule of thumb, the guy you are answering being a nut does not excuse you from dealing with reality.

Yes, it does.

the guy I was answering has made some valid points, but this particular one is wrong.
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still zero proof anybody died there.

By your bases I've got zero proof World War II happened.

Everything we've read in any book or seen on TV has been written and computer-generated by the Ministry of Information.

Even this post. Because I do not exist, and neither do you.


Gullible's Travels... there's one born every minute.
this is actually, a RULE. In the real life the parents do not identify their children's bodies. The law enforcement does.

I am pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Rule of thumb, the guy you are answering being a nut does not excuse you from dealing with reality.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I just read this recently. The parent's are secondary to LE identification. Especially where there is little left of the child's body to ID.

What a fucking dummy.

This is exactly what I am talking about........speculation based upon pure naïve. No reports of kids being killed by incendiary weapons. The were shot ( reportedly) with .223.......fucking bozo.
this is actually, a RULE. In the real life the parents do not identify their children's bodies. The law enforcement does.

Wow. A correct statement from Vox. Will wonders never cease.


There was very little of those children left to ID.

How would you know? Were you there? Also, there is no way any parent would take a random cops word over seeing with their own eyes if someone told them their child was dead. Human nature wouldn't let them, and even stupid cops know that.

you weren't there either.

But in real life nobody let the parents identify the bodies of their children.
I am not talking about such high profile situation, like here.
In other instances as well.
They don't do it movie-style.
Wouldn't is not equivalent to Couldn't.

Just sayin'.

I know, right? That was my immediate thought upon reading the title. By the OP's logic, he must not know when his own birthday is -- after all, it's not listed in his profile.
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I am pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Rule of thumb, the guy you are answering being a nut does not excuse you from dealing with reality.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I just read this recently. The parent's are secondary to LE identification. Especially where there is little left of the child's body to ID.

What a fucking dummy.

This is exactly what I am talking about........speculation based upon pure naïve. No reports of kids being killed by incendiary weapons. The were shot ( reportedly) with .223.......fucking bozo.

still it is not the parents who identify the bodies.
As a matter of fact, parents, most probably, were never even on school grounds - inside, I mean, and saw their little ones in the funeral homes the first time after the tragedy.
Thy don't call you to the medical examiners offices to uncover the body on a gurney like you watch on TV.

I don't think anybody was let to the tragedy scenes from outside world at all - ever.

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